Chapter 815 Undefeated in the East, I really love tough guys! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Everyone knows that the Skeleton King is the most important point of points, and any skeleton doesn't have much weight if it is played for a long time.

"You can't hand over the Skeleton King to Du Yu!"

Lampard, Anakin, Jack the Ripper, Perry and others all had the same thought in their eyes.

Sai Wu is no exception.

The adventurer of the Sultanate, after destroying the Green Pillar, immediately returned to the army and stormed the boss.

Even the adventurers from the Parliamentary Country completed the task of destroying the Green Pillar and attacked Leoric.

For a moment, the main combat force that the Skeleton King was proud of—the Summoning Green Pillar, was blown up one after another.Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, from a high-ranking king who no one dared to beat him directly, to a rootless tree without a source of water, a polished commander, and a large gift bag worth more than 5000 points, becoming the leader of many villains. The coveted target of the wolves!
Richelieu looked at the imposing Shinra adventurer on the video screen, touched his cane with a smile, and said with a light smile, "It's time for the show. Hehe!"

His eyes flicked to Catherine.

Catherine looked leisurely and content, but she was secretly praying in her heart.Du Yuke must be careful.

She is used to the methods of the Shinra people.

If Du Yu dared to swallow the benefits of Leoric in one gulp, I'm afraid that Shinra's superficial "ally" would turn his face ruthlessly in an instant and join the siege with the Sudanese.

This is a ruthless battlefield, not a polite corridor salon drawing room.

What everyone is looking for is profit.

There is a BOSS in the front, and the Three Kingdoms in the back. Can Du Yu survive this level?

With a palm against the wind, Du Yu swept away the Skeleton King's great sword, and glanced coldly around.

The four summoning green pillars were destroyed, and the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms seemed to help themselves, but in fact, they surrounded themselves with some malicious intentions from both sides and behind, squeezing the space of the wolf pupil team, forcing them to BOSS.

This is a competitive team battle mode. Although the space does not encourage killing, there are no restraints and punishments for murderers.

That is to say, although Shinra and Sudan on the left and right have ulterior motives, the looming black adventurers behind are even more likely to take risks.

Don't forget the flower demon lurking in the dark.

Du Yu didn't believe that, with the flower demon's vengeance, he could give up the hatred of being attacked by him and the desire to torture and kill beauties.

There is an army of bosses in the front, hostile allies in the back, and flower demons lurking in the dark, what should I do?

Just when Du Yu was showing his skills and competing for the Skeleton King with everyone, Dongfang Bubai led more than 40 adventurers to search for the fragments of the Archangel's sword in the Field of Grief.

She moves like the wind, incredibly fast.

The Field of Grief is already a very difficult area. The monsters here are mainly the Moon Shadow clan tauren warriors, and there are tree demons in the distance.There are also a large number of powerful monsters that have been encountered before.

These monsters are stronger than the Weeping Wilderness before, and they are simply incomparable.But Dongfang Bubai is like a lady strolling in a garden, wearing a long skirt for nothing, wandering around the back garden of her house, flying up and down among the monsters, and there are dead bodies everywhere she passes.There were also a large number of monsters that she was impatient to deal with, but she threw them off and drifted past on their own.

Following her in the second echelon were Tian Yulang, Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan, Lin Pingzhi and other backbones of the transvestite team.These guys are also extremely fast and powerful, and they have the ability to deal with large groups of monsters.Tian Yulang's dress fluttered, and whenever he encountered a monster that provoked him, he would go over with his sword.His sword of the demon world, with one strike, is enough to finish a powerful bull-headed warrior.Although it is slightly inferior to Dongfang Bubai's Ru Feng Yi Yi, it is far from the level that adventurers in the outer city can reach.

But the people in front all passed by, but those who caught up behind suffered.

Wang Xiaorong, Qiu Haijun, and Tang Lin led more than 30 adventurers and followed Senior Dongfang with fear, stumbling along the way.

It would be nice to say that they stumbled, but in fact, due to insufficient numbers, this hard-working team from the outer city could only desperately squeeze into the bloody road opened by Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang, and rushed to the death.

The tragedy of the process can only be described as sacrificing one's life.

Wang Xiaorong exclaimed many times: "Senior Dongfang, Senior Tianyu, please slow down, our rear team can't keep up. The difficulty here is too high!"

But there is no way, Dongfang Bubai is the character of waiting for others?

What's more, he didn't care about the life and death of these adventurers at all.

This guy is obviously in the posture of "you can think about it but you can't die", can't you keep up?Then don't do the task.Anyway, I will not slow down.

The hardest thing was encountering the monsters that drifted past Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang.Their lightness skills are superb, they can float over, but mortals like Wang Xiaorong can't.So it was a hard fight.

"Damn it, this human monster team is really hateful!" Tang Lin, who was deep in the city, couldn't help cursing: "One of the biggest characteristics of the enemies of the Moon Shadow Clan is that they have extremely high blood volume, and they are both tauren and tree demons. , it is difficult to kill in seconds with group skills. And the long-range poisonous mist bomb of the dryad can instantly reduce the adventurer's blood volume by about half."

Qiu Haijun frightened a tauren with a fierce fighting fist, and then locked his throat to kill him. He said with a wry smile: "To deal with these monsters, we still have to fight and retreat based on the open location. To deal with the tree demon, we must fight and retreat." Dodge the poisonous fog bombs he released. Dongfang Bubai doesn’t care about our life or death at all. If we want to fly a kite, how can we have the time and space?”

Everyone looked at Wang Xiaorong again with hatred.

It's all this woman who insists on pulling our thighs!
If it weren't for this, we would have followed Du Yu a long time ago, step by step, and done the task steadily. Wouldn't it be better than eating a hundred times of dirt here now?
No matter how thick the thighs are, it's useless if they can't hold them.

Figured this out, several people exchanged looks.

If this continues, is it possible that Dongfang Bubai wandered all the way and crushed the boss butcher of the first level, and they would go through fire and water to follow?

With Dongfang Undefeated's distribution method, even if they can make it to the end, how many points can they get?
Qiu Haijun's face turned cold: "Wang Xiaorong! I'm quitting. Let's just leave now."

Tang Lin chuckled and waved his hands: "I'm leaving too. You coquettish fox, you can mess with Dongfang Bubai yourself."

The two of them had established a good prestige among the scattered people, so they raised their arms and shouted, and everyone responded immediately.Everyone can see that Dongfang Bubai is tyrannical and selfish, and following her will not end well.

Wang Xiaorong's complexion was pale.

The only reason why she can be favored by Dongfang Bubai, selected, and entrusted with important tasks is that she can instigate a large number of adventurers to follow her.

Even with the undefeated pride of the East, we know that we must have a team to go far.Some group battle missions are really not easy to pass without a team.

This is the purpose of her approaching Wang Xiaorong.

Wang Xiaorong knew that if these people who were cheated would leave in one go, she would immediately lose her use value to Dongfang Bubai.

Apart from her charm and eloquence, she is useless in battle.

What does Dongfang Invincible want her for?

Wang Xiaorong screamed: "Things have come to this point, are you going to give up halfway?"

Qiu Haijun turned around abruptly, grabbed Wang Xiaorong viciously, and said fiercely: "Show me clearly, why is my right eye missing? With such a leader, what good will we do if we follow to the end? Sao Fox , if you dare to confuse people, I will tear you apart!"

Tang Lin laughed fiercely, and when he turned around, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave!

In front of him, there is a pretty lady, smiling and standing against the wind, it's not Dongfang Bubai, who is it?

Tang Lin was immediately taken aback.

Dongfang Bubai's reputation for murder has shocked countless people.Otherwise, these people would have changed their doors long ago.

Dongfang Bubai glanced at Qiu Haijun who had grabbed Wang Xiaorong, and said with a half-smile: "What a majestic man. What a soldier who would rather die than surrender. Are you really going to betray me, Dongfang Bubai?"

Qiu Haijun broke his heart: "Since you're back, I'm not afraid of death, so I'll just say it! That's right. I'm going to take someone away, but it's not a betrayal. It's ridiculous, what good have you done to us? Let's go, How do you count as betrayal?"

Dongfang Bubai stared at his red nails, as if they were the only thing he cared about in the world, and said casually, "What do you want?"

"The request is not high!" Qiu Haijun was willing to go all out anyway: "Alive!"

"Points?" Dongfang Bubai smiled.

"Yes! Don't ask for more, as long as you don't kill it!" Qiu Haijun said firmly.

Dongfang Bubai giggled, and his smile was flamboyant.

Everyone's heart sank.

Everyone knows that before Dongfang Bubai killed someone, he liked to laugh the most.

The sweeter the smile, the hotter the killing.

Qiu Haijun, it's over.

Even Qiu Haijun himself knew that the end was approaching, but he had a stubborn personality, and he would speak up when he had something to say, and it was better to die in a hurry than to die aggrieved and miserable.

That Dongfang Bubai walked towards Qiu Haijun step by step: "Then according to you, what should we do at this time?"

Qiu Haijun snorted coldly: "Just because of your cruelty and selfishness, you only make us desperate, but you don't give us any hope. The devil wants to follow you! At least, you give us hope. Even if there is only a little hope, we are willing to follow you."

Dongfang Bubai walked up to Qiu Haijun, lifted Qiu Haijun's chin, and said with a sneer, "Why do you think that I can spare you after you said these words and disturbed people's hearts?"

Qiu Haijun roared angrily: "I just say what I like, I'll die! Can you still keep my mouth shut? You bastard!"

Everyone was shocked.


It's over!

This Qiu Haijun is considered dead.

Wang Xiaorong's smile bloomed.

She hated the disobedient Qiu Haijun the most, and it happened to be killed by Dongfang Bubai.

But in the next second, what happened, everyone was petrified.

Dongfang Bubai was extremely charming, pouted her mouth like a little girl in love, and acted coquettishly: "Why are you so fierce? People can't do it just by asking?"

If an uninformed person sees such a beauty and such soft words, his soul will fly away, and he will not be as envious of Qiu Haijun in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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