Chapter 816 This is True Love!Tough guy moves! - Ask for a monthly pass!

The problem is, everyone knows that this is Senior Dongfang.

In the history of the Tang Dynasty, the most famous ladyboy, super avant-garde transsexual, GUY!

In fact, I can't say that he is abnormal, I can only say that he is so fucking ahead of his time!
An evildoer who is nearly a thousand years ahead of the world's history!

If he was born today, instead of being a monstrous evildoer, Dongfang Bubai would become very popular and become a domineering Internet celebrity!
Just with his manly body and national appearance, it is enough to amaze men all over the world and make women jealous!

Qiu Haijun didn't expect such a change, but since he was hard-nosed, he simply toughed it out and said coldly, "What are you hypocritical about? Let's do it quickly."

Dongfang Bubai happily said: "Do you know, what people love most is a tough man like you! Compared with you, Yang Lianting is a soft-hearted waste."

Hearing the name Yang Lianting, no matter how dull an adventurer is, he should understand what the Oriental girl is thinking.

Wang Xiaorong opened her mouth wide in surprise, a tea egg could be stuffed inside.

Tang Lin looked at Qiu Haijun with infinite complexity.

A second ago, he was still gloating, and Qiu Haijun was killed as a young bird.In the next second, he was given a loud slap in the face.

Why is Dongfang Undefeated, I actually love this tune!
Yang Lianting is such a man with weak martial arts but a strong personality!
Qiu Haijun contradicted Dongfang Bubai again and again, not only did not cause a murder, but he won true love.

This is so ironic.

To be honest, although Qiu Haijun looked disgusted, as a space veteran, Tang Lin did not reject Dongfang Bubai at all, and had a story that had to be told.

the reason is simple.

Power is hard currency in the space.

Hard currency that can buy everything.

Invincible in the East, self-admired, selfish, tyrannical and irritable??? But it is undeniable that she is indeed super powerful.

Tang Lin can be sure that Dongfang Undefeated is also considered to be an outstanding strength among adventurers in the inner city.

To be favored by such a boss, don't say that Dongfang Bubai is a charming beauty, even if he is an unshaven old man, a sophisticated old man like Tang Lin would still be happy???
This cannot be called lack of integrity, Tang Lin concluded, this is called a good bird chooses a tree to live on.

In space, how much is a chrysanthemum worth?

But Qiu Haijun, with a shocked expression on his face, avoided the cold and said: "You??? Get out of the way! I'm not interested in transvestites!"

Tang Lin finally couldn't help it anymore. In his opinion, it was Qiu Haijun himself who was being stupid.He jumped three feet high, and raised his hands enthusiastically: "Senior Dongfang, no, Miss Dongfang, do you think I can do it? Although I am a bit older, I am stronger than some young men who don't know how to style! Qiu Haijun It’s only because you’re blind in one eye that you don’t like you. You said he’s blind???”

With a smile, he approached Dongfang Bubai.

Dongfang Bubai said coldly: "Is he blind?"

She hit it hard!
Tang Lin's arm was broken at the root!

Tang Lin yelled in pain, clutching his broken arm, as if seeing a ghost.

Dongfang Bubai hehe said: "What are you? Qiu Lang who dares to talk about me, Qiu Lang, do you think I should kill him?"

Qiu Haijun looked at Tang Lin.

Although he was not ashamed of Tang Lin's behavior, everyone finally had an adventure, and with some enthusiasm, he said in a deep voice, "You must not kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

Dongfang Bubai Jiao Didi said: "I know it. It's because I was afraid that you would not be happy, so I didn't take his life!"

Qiu Haijun smiled wryly.

All eyes were on him.Including his teammates.

Everyone's eyes are complicated, but they also have expectations.

He smiled wryly.

If he was alone, he would never have sex with this handsome Dongfang Bubai, who is as beautiful as a flower and has a heart like a snake.

But at this time, everyone's life and death depended on themselves.If he resolutely refused, it would definitely arouse the fury of the moody Dongfang Bubai. At that time, it would be fine if he died.But what about the group of comrades behind us?
Qiu Haijun was extremely helpless, avoiding Dongfang Bubai's piercing eyes, coughed and said: "It's best if you know. Now everyone should unite and get through the difficulties slowly."

At this time, Tian Yulang, Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan and others also returned one after another.

Seeing that Dongfang Bubai would actually fall in love with that stupefied Qingqiu Haijun, Yue Buqun laughed dryly and said, "Unexpectedly, the majestic Dongfang Patriarch would also develop a heroic and short-tempered son-daughter relationship. Does such a thing have true love?"

He couldn't help thinking of Ning Zhongze who had betrayed him, a gloomy look flashed across his face, and the brows became more ruthless.

Yue Buqun would never consider that it was his half-human, half-ghost deed that almost killed Yue Lingshan, which made Ningzhong feel alienated, he was the one who never reflected on himself.

Zuo Lengchan also faced disdain. With his power-hungry beast nature, this kind of drama of true love in the world seems like a joke.

Perhaps because of a common experience, Tian Yulang, who lost Tianyanqiu, admired Dongfang Bubai's daring to love and hate, and said indifferently: "Whoever dares to say no, first taste my magic sword!"

The two masters in the inner city were so consistent that no one could challenge this decision, so Yue Buqun and Zuo Lengchan had no choice but to keep their mouths shut.

Dongfang Bubai's beautiful eyes seemed to be dripping water, wishing to pounce on Qiu Haijun's broad chest, but afraid of scaring his lover, he whispered: "Okay, everything is up to you. I made a lot of mistakes before. Wrong, I was wrong, okay?"

Wu Nong speaks softly, sings softly, and matches the peerless appearance of an oriental girl. If it were a man who didn't know it, his muscles would be weak. Unfortunately, the person involved, Qiu Haijun, didn't think it was a blessing at all.

He smiled wryly and said, "The first thing we need to do is to concentrate on completing the current task. You know, I only have 5 points, and I'm still far from the obliteration line."

Hearing that his lover was in danger of being wiped out, Dongfang Bubai really became anxious, and blamed himself: "It's all my selfish bastard's fault. You only have 5 points for taking the points to yourself. What can I do? What should I do? No What if I share with you???"

Seeing this quarter of an hour, Dongfang Bubai, who fell in love, even lost his IQ in an instant, and everyone was speechless for a while.Wang Xiaorong coughed and said, "Senior Dongfang, once the points are allocated, they cannot be given away. It is better for everyone to complete the main quest [Sword of Another World] as soon as possible. The reward points for that task are generous, as many as 5000+, so don't worry that everyone will not be able to get out of the obliteration line." .”

Dongfang Bubai nodded, and grabbed Qiu Haijun's hand: "Brother Qiu, what do you say? I'll listen to you."

As soon as Qiu Haijun turned his head, Tang Lin and Wang Xiaorong bowed their heads and listened to each other. Dongfang Bubai became the "mistress" of this stupid boy, so they couldn't help being unconvinced.

In an instant, Qiu Haijun was pushed from the lowest level of cannon fodder to the position of the highest decision maker of the team by Dongfang Bubai, and he couldn't help being stunned. There are only 40 people, but they are extraordinary elite masters. It is not impossible to complete this mission of the sword of the other world. But it takes a tacit cooperation to be able to fight."

He unfolded a map, and began to explain it in a logical manner. He kept spitting out various tactical terms from his mouth.

When Dongfang Bubai saw his man so confidently, his beautiful eyes were really dripping water.

Tian Yulang, Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan, Wang Xiaorong, Tang Lin and the others listened to Qiu Haijun's decomposition and arrangement, and couldn't help but secretly nodded.

In space, there are no real weaklings.

As a generation of special forces elite, Qiu Haijun has little experience in the world of adventure, but when it comes to tactical awareness and accomplishment, he is at the top level.It can also be seen that although he has been suppressed at the lower levels, he has never stopped collecting information and thinking about tactics. Such a clear tactical arrangement may indeed make Dongfang Invincible, the weakest team with the smallest number of people, possibly defeat the strong with the weak, and complete this alien world. Sword Quest.

"Okay!" After Qiu Haijun finished explaining, he said in a deep voice: "We will act according to the plan, everyone must not make mistakes, do you understand?"

A few people were still hesitating, but Dongfang Bubai looked at Qiu Haijun's admiring beautiful eyes, and swept them towards them, but with endless coldness: "Brother Qiu has already said it clearly. If you hear it, answer yes." ! If you can’t complete the task, I will cancel your tricks!”

Under the power of Dongfang Bubai, everyone had no choice but to claim yes and immediately went down to prepare.

Dongfang Bubai couldn't help but threw himself into Qiu Haijun's arms, and said in a tired voice, "Brother Qiu, you are so handsome. I don't know why I was blind before, but I didn't notice your heroic appearance????"

"Don't come here!" Qiu Haijun screamed.

As the only undefeated team from the East was advancing towards the mission of the Sword of Another World, Du Yu was facing a difficult choice at this time.

The Skeleton King in front of him was completely insane, with the big sword in his hands constantly turning into whirlwinds in his enlarged body, causing the surrounding adventurers to vomit blood continuously.And the "allies" around, staring at each other, let Du Yu know the serious consequences of eating alone.

And heroes such as Sai Wu, Lampard, Zulu, Indra, etc., saw that the Skeleton King lost the summoning weapon on which he became famous-the green pillar of soul, and turned into a toothless tiger and a sleepy dragon on land. He became extremely energetic and played extremely aggressively, constantly squeezing the space of the Wolves.

Du Yu smiled coldly.

Let me be cannon fodder, you come to pick up the bargain?

With a wild cry, Sai Yiwu rode on a war horse, slashed with a domineering Damascus steel knife, and slashed at the Skeleton King!
Du Yu watched with cold eyes.

Since the plan of acting low-key and aggressive in the first act has been decided, he certainly doesn't mind letting others kill the Skeleton King and become the target of public criticism, but it is definitely not Sai Yiwu!
The established goal in his heart is Lampard!
With a sneer, Du Yu suddenly swung a swallow and jumped over the Skeleton King's head. At the same time, the dragon elephant Ban Ruogong slammed into the Skeleton King's back heavily with a move.

The Skeleton King was bombarded with one move, lost his balance, staggered two steps, and rushed towards Yang Guo in front.

(End of this chapter)

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