Chapter 818 With Du Yu's secret assistance, Shenluo is number one! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Due to a large number of crusaders who could bear it, they were sent in front of the Saiyiwu team by themselves to block others from grabbing food, but in front of the Skeleton King, they exposed the soft underbelly of the team!

Crowds of priests, long-distance occupations, being approached by the Skeleton King!

This Skeleton King is also too much. In front of Du Yu, there is no lower limit of morality. Brother is very rigid and hardcore fan!
With a wave of the two-handed sword, there was a gust of wind!
Crowds of priests, messengers of the word, thieves, archers and other adventurers were hacked, breathing and flying, and some people even had their hands cut off, blood and stumps flew together, screaming and calling for help.

Lampard was so angry that he was going to explode!

Paralysis, do you want to be so weak?
I finally had a chance to perform in front of the Archbishop, Empress Dowager, Holy Maiden, Queen, and other great gods, so you just show me my incompetence?

With a roar, he rushed up suddenly, trying to use his super personal ability to hold back the invincible Skeleton King.

With his super strength, in fact, this is not a difficult task.What's more, behind him is Anakin and a group of confidantes of the Supreme Referee team?
But the problem is, just like the treatment Du Yu encountered before, Mu Xiuyu Lin Feng will definitely destroy him.

At this time, it is not only Sai Yiwu who is secretly plotting against the Skeleton King, but also the desperadoes from the parliamentary country who are poor and crazy!
Groups of black and Latin adventurers, shadowy, leaped into the sky, jumped between the pillars, and spewed a large number of fire dragons to the ground.

There are even witch doctors and blowers from Amazon and African tribes, shooting cold arrows and witchcraft in the shadows, cursing the Shinra adventurers who are about to grab monsters!

Lampard hates that!
He also understands.

Now the adventurers of the four countries are trying to grab the biggest point contribution of killing the Skeleton King. No matter who gets the Skeleton King, they will become the target of public criticism.

It was Du Yu before, but Du Yu cleverly kicked the ball to his feet at a high price, and the bricks followed.

His speed was originally faster than lightning, and he was even more mighty when riding on a war horse. He was going to show the high-ranking members of Shinra his heroic appearance of defeating the Skeleton King, showing his ability and courage.

But it's a pity that these blacks and Latinos are so unscrupulous.

The heroic war horse under his crotch is the mount of Gandalf obtained in "The Lord of the Rings", and Bai Feng, the consort of Gray Shadow, the king of wild horses.

Don't look at Bai Feng as just Huiying's spouse, but a mare that can be favored by the king of wild horses is also mighty, otherwise it can't bear the weight of the king of wild horses

Bai Feng was originally heroic, carrying Lampard on his back, and galloped towards the Skeleton King who was shaking his prestige and killing all directions, but was suddenly shrouded in a black mist, turning from a horse into a short-legged black pig!
Lampard's mighty and majestic white horse knight Fan was also quickly downgraded to a black pig knight.

Due to the short legs of the black pig, one horse stumbled and the other staggered, throwing him off abruptly!

Lampard is flashing the halo of chivalry, preparing to launch the strongest move of the knight - Gale Charge, and the orange light flashes on the lance, like an arrow that leaves the string, ready to give the Skeleton King a fatal blow!
For a moment, he was like a blazing angel in heaven, ready to dedicate the head of a monster to God, bringing infinite glory!

But I can't prevent being bullied!
I fell and ate shit!

He rode the tip of the gun, the orange light flickered for a while, and finally ran out of power, and fell silent.

The well-prepared blow was abruptly turned into a farce under the Amazon witch doctor's transformation curse, which made Lampard furious.

Fortunately, Anakin and the others still didn't stop, and the dense rain of fire kept weakening the Skeleton King's life.

But the blacks and Latin American gangsters still sneered, cutting in from the outside, desperate, trying to snatch the Skeleton King from the Shenluo people.

They had the least points, and they were so thirsty for the Skeleton King. It was as if a prison inmate in Brazil who had been imprisoned for ten years suddenly saw a beautiful girl with a big butt on the beach in Brazil!

Regardless of the attack of the Shinra adventurer, he just screamed and attacked the Skeleton King frantically.

The Skeleton King's body was being beaten to pieces at a speed visible to the naked eye.It is conceivable that his last moment may come at any time.

Richelieu, Tracy and the others saw that Shinra, with the cooperation of Tang Duyu, had firmly gained the upper hand in killing the Skeleton King boss, so it was possible to transfer the rich points rewards to After arriving at the account, unexpectedly, the adventurers around him created such a chaotic appearance.

Lampard's heart was filled with rage.

He was originally a knight adventurer with outstanding qualities, otherwise it would be impossible to bring a strong team like the Supreme Judge Team.

He rushed towards the Skeleton King suddenly, slashed with a big sword in both hands, knocked back the Skeleton King steadily, and rushed forward again.The two-handed sword that flashed with holy light continued to create wounds on the Skeleton King.

It's a pity that in such a chaotic situation, even Lampard is not sure whether he can grab the final blow of the Skeleton King.

"Du Yu!" Lampard glanced at Du Yu who was leaning on the pillar at this moment, as if nothing happened.

This guy is leisurely and content, looking left and right, and has no intention of intervening in this battle at all.

"Help me!" Lampard kept yelling, his hands kept slashing and killing the Skeleton King.Completely disregarding the Skeleton King's terrifying sword to fight back.

He finally found a way, which was to win over Du Yu again.

Du Yu has a way to control the Skeleton King, and no one can touch a hair.

Du Yu grinned and said, "I have already delivered the Skeleton King to you as promised. It's not in our agreement that you can't hold back or protect you."

Lampard lamented, and said weakly: "Another 500 million. Let's finish the kill."

Du Yu smiled and nodded: "Don't forget the dragon horn."

Lampard smiled wryly after being troubled by adventurers from all over the world and almost being ashamed of himself.

He really couldn't do without Du Yu's help.

With a powerful move of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Du Yu rushed towards the Skeleton King like a ghost, and was sent flying with one move!

The huge body of the Skeleton King couldn't even stabilize his figure under his strong Golden Core Stage cultivation.

With one move after another, Du Yu sent the Skeleton King like flowing clouds and flowing water, pushing him towards the Shenluo people.

Lampard is really happy.

Although the Sudanese broke through the obstruction of the crusaders at the same time, they made an assault all the way, trying to grab the Skeleton King.

They only got a mere 900 points in the first round, which was not enough at all. They finally got the chance to get the Skeleton King mission, but they were betrayed by Kane, who was biased towards Shinra. Shinra also had a lot of opportunities to complete the strong kill!

How does this make it?
But beside Du Yu, there are equally powerful Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng.

The three inner-city level masters flew high and low all the way, constantly cooperating, and escorted the Skeleton King who changed his body again to meet the red aunt, and flew towards the Shenluo like a juggler.

This time, Lampard will never make a mistake again.

He gathered a large number of masters, and waited for the Skeleton King to be sent by Du Yu, and immediately surrounded him and began to kill him.

In waves of offensives, Lampard charged forward, fully demonstrating his demeanor as the number one outer city powerhouse in Shinra.

【Knight Charge】【Shield Bash】【Holy Halo】【Divine Grace】【Divine Punishment】

All kinds of stunts, in his hands, coordinated alternately, performed without money, smashing the Skeleton King dizzy.

Anakin and the others also cooperated desperately, ignoring the troubles of the Sudanese and the parliamentary state, and crazily poured bullets and skills.

Finally, under Lampard's triumphant knight's charge, the white wind on the horse's body was restored, and an iron hoof finally trampled on the Skeleton King's head!
The Skeleton King was shot in the head by Lampard!
"I've completed the kill! God's grace will surely bathe the earth!" Lampard stood on horseback, picked the BOSS with his gun, and trampled majestically on the skeleton of the Skeleton King.

The Skeleton King's eyes, which were provoked by the gun, finally gradually lost their magic light, and with a wail, he was sent to the west.

The space prompt sounded: "Shinra adventurer Lampard Knight has completed the great cause of killing King Leoric! Completed the [Dark King's Reign] main mission!"

"According to statistics, Shinra, Sultan, Datang, and Parliament all participated in this mission. Each has contributed."

"According to the contribution of each country, the points are calculated."

"[The Reign of the Dark King], the total points are 5625 points."

"Points are being distributed!"

"The final distribution results are as follows:"

"Contribution No. 2700: Shinra! Kill King Leoric, destroy a green pillar, and reward [-] points"

"Second contribution: Datang wolf pupil team! Injure King Leoric, destroy a green pillar, reward points 1200 points"

"The third contribution: Sultan! Destroy one green pillar and get 1000 bonus points."

"Fourth contribution, parliamentary country! Destroy one green pillar, reward points 725 points"

Undoubtedly, the biggest winner is the Shinra team.

Their total points at this time have reached an enviable 6930 points!
After this battle, the points of the five teams are as follows (the following is the hidden data of the system for readers to see, adventurers can only see the ranking and total points, not how to get the points):
First, Shinra people: 7130 points ([The Mystery of Kane’s Life and Death] 3630+[Captain No. 800] 2700+[Dark King’s Reign] [-])


Third, Parliamentary State: 2165 points ([Jar of Soul] 1440+[Dark King’s Reign] 725)

Fourth, the Sudanese: 1900 points. ([Broken Crown] 900+[Dark King's Reign] 1000)

Fifth, the Eastern Undefeated Team: 1125 points. ([Meteor])
When the system prompted Du Yu whether to remove the shielding status and participate in the leaderboard ranking, Du Yu finally chose yes.

(End of this chapter)

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