Chapter 819 The scoreboard is now, slap the face and ridicule the crowd! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Because he finally lowered the points of the wolf pupil team to No.2, which is not so conspicuous, so he chose to unhide and release the ranking!Before, because he chose to hide, the leaderboard could not be announced.

A scoreboard suddenly appeared in front of every adventurer, which can be observed intuitively!
Great attention!

As soon as the ranking list came out, some families were happy and some were sad.

In terms of point distribution, on the leaderboard, plus the 800 points that Du Yu secretly gave to the No. No.10 team!
In terms of points, due to the generous total points of 7130, the Shinra knights finally took the lead in breaking away from the obliteration line as a whole, and the points of the lowest adventurers exceeded 50.

This excellent and dazzling result made the Shinra team as a whole feel elated, and it was too late to study how the points were obtained.Especially Captain Lampard, who just attacked and killed the Skeleton King, and got the good news of being the first in points.
This dazzling achievement definitely brought infinite glory to Lampard personally and the Shinra United team as a whole!

Under the halo of being number one, the Shinra people would even deliberately ignore No.2, the Wolves and Du Yu, who were just a short distance away from them.

10 points short?
It will be worse in the future!
"Hmph, I'm really sorry. Our points are slightly ahead. It seems that we are only ahead of you. Well, it's almost three times more, not much. Haha, looking at the rankings, you are very close to the obliteration line. Come on and work hard Oh." Lampard really laughed.

In the earphones, Archbishop Richelieu's deep voice of encouragement came at the same time: "Lampard, we have seen your results, No.1! Very good! This is what our Shinra should achieve. But this is just Temporary ranking. The No.2 wolf pupil team is not far from you, work harder!"

Lampard immediately said with a deep smile: "The archbishop congratulates me. It is only natural for Shinra to achieve such a result! You just wait for me to save this result until the end!"

Although he was excited that he could get the award, but he also gloated when he saw that the so-called number one sultanate had fallen to the bottom of the whole, struggling to survive.

There is nothing like seeing an enemy in pain.

As for the Tang wolf pupil team, they ranked second, which also made everyone's glasses drop.

Especially the adventurers of the Lost Sultanate, who thought that even though they couldn't beat Shinra, who was teamed up with the wolf pupil team, they could get the second Dangdang. Leave them far behind!
What's even more tragic, it seems that they are now going to compete with the poor buddies in the allied parliamentary country, and get rid of the miserable position of being the last one and being obliterated by 20%.

Even the parliamentary country is so taller than itself!

In Sai Yiwu's dark eagle's eyes, there was endless remorse.

He really underestimated Shinra's Lampard.

The power of Lampard and Du Yu's teaming up is simply beyond his imagination.

The main task of killing Leoric this time fully demonstrated the strength of the cooperation between the two.If it weren't for Du Yu's three masters controlling the field, how could it be Lampard's turn to complete that precious final blow?
With the last blow, Shinra actually got a huge amount of points and became the first!

His hateful eyes stared at Lampard and Du Yu, but in the end they fell on the sneering black brothers of the parliament!

It is unrealistic to aim too high.

At this point, you have to go step by step.

Let's get rid of the embarrassing hat of the last point first.

Although many of the black people in the parliamentary country believed in the true God with him, Sai Yiwu was keenly aware that since the last time he failed to kill Du Yu and lost half of the adventurers, the adventurers in the parliamentary country seemed to be dissatisfied with his orders. No matter what he said, he obeyed, but gradually widened the distance.

He secretly hated.

If it wasn't for the inadequacy of his allies, how could it be Lampard's turn to ridicule?
At this moment, when the first act is halfway through, and the points are pulled so far by Shinra + Datang, the most practical idea is how to kill the parliamentary country and raise the ranking by one first!
Indra, Zulu, and Toledo in the parliamentary state, on the one hand, are scoring points for their own country, and they can reach the overall middle position, and they are celebrating each other.

They knew that they were able to have this point position thanks to Du Yu's generous gift, and they saw a glimmer of hope that they would not be wiped out.

Due to the small number of people in the parliamentary country, the 2160 points at this time have actually allowed half of the adventurers to escape obliteration, but the problem of the parliamentary country is the inequality of wealth and lack of a strong team.The master score is very high, but it will not be distributed to other adventurers.Therefore, there are still a lot of outlaws who don't have enough points and are jealous.The whole remains bloody.

Zulu, Toledo, and Indra even tasted the sweetness from this cooperation mission, and are eager to continue to cooperate with Du Yu to maintain their competitive advantage over Sudan!

The last bloody 20% obliteration quota, like the sword of Damocles, hangs over the head of every adventurer. If the points are not enough, no one will show kindness to save you.

Of course, although it was partially covered by Shinra No. [-]'s brilliance, the wolf pupil team's high points still exceeded everyone's estimates.They ranked second, but the gap with the first was so small that everyone was jealous.

Fortunately, Du Yu was low-key enough to push Shenluo to the top by sending BOSS and secretly sending points to the second captain. Otherwise, he would have become the target of public criticism at this time, waiting to be shot openly and secretly by everyone.

Of course, the most lost must be the Eastern Invincible Team in the expedition.

When she found out that she could only be placed at the bottom against such powerful adventurers as Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang, Wang Xiaorong screamed, almost unbelievable!

The dazzling 7120 points of the Wolf pupil team, like a big golden plaque, slapped her face fiercely!
With such a huge amount of points, the wolf pupil team must have completed many main missions, and even hidden missions.

And no matter how badly they mix, this rich overall score, on average, is enough to get the worst adventurer out of the 50-point kill line!
She was painstakingly accomplished, with a glib tongue, and she led everyone to hug Dongfang Bubai's thigh, but she ended up in such a miserable situation.

The faces of Tang Lin and other adventurers turned green!
This is simply Chi Guoguo's slap in the face!

This score is enough to explain everything.

That is they are all idiots.

He did not hesitate to break with Du Yu and ran to hug Dongfang Bubai's thick legs, but only got single-digit points.

If I had known today, why did I have to do it at the beginning?

Dongfang Bubai fell in love with Qiu Haijun, a cool guy, but his personality remained the same when it came to other things. Seeing Du Yu taking the lead, he let out a cold cry, with a flash of murderous intent in his eyes.

Not only her, but Zuo Lengchan, Yue Buqun, Tian Yulang and others also hated Du Yu's crazy looting, and their eyes were filled with fury.

This intervention is simply mocking them.

His number is 65, his own number is 40, and two of them are masters in the inner city. The difference in book strength is not big.

But what about the results?

People are now ranked second, and I am at the bottom!
Looking at the expressions of many adventurers wishing to commit suicide, even Dongfang Bubai knew what they were thinking.

One inadvertent response, I'm afraid that this lonely overseas team will fall apart immediately, and the hard-working adventurers will go to Du Yu.

The first act of the race is just over halfway, and it's still too late.

Just as Dongfang Bubai's icy eyes glanced at everyone threateningly, and everyone secretly hated him, Qiu Haijun said in a deep voice: "I know everyone's thoughts, to be honest, I also want to go to Du Yu. But at this time "

He glanced at Dongfang Unbeaten.The latter returned a sweet smile.

"Let's keep our feet on the ground and complete the task of the Sword of the Other World first." He said in a deep voice, "According to my plan, we may complete the task of the Sword of the Other World with generous rewards, and leave the score line far behind. "

"Of course." Qiu Haijun turned to Dongfang Unbeaten: "The biggest key lies in the cooperation between you and a few masters and the rest of us. We cannot do without your breakthrough and peak ability, but you can't deal with such a difficult challenge alone." Quest. Regardless of whether your strength reaches the peak of the inner city or what, this is a competitive mission with 400 people after all. After all, it is a difficult challenge with 4000+ points."

Dongfang Bubai gave a rare nod.

She can not listen to anyone's advice, except Qiu Haijun.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Qiu Haijun pointed.

A group of Bull-headed Moon Shadow Clan in front of them charged frantically, brandishing machetes with both hands.

Dongfang Bubai snorted coldly, and a burst of red clouds passed by.

clap clap clap!
The three powerful bull men were headshot by the embroidery needle in the first time.

There is no doubt that Dongfang Invincible's individual combat power stands at the top of the food chain in the entire world!

Even in the face of this group of great people, without exception, wanton instant kills.

The difference is that behind her, 40 adventurers who took action formed a battle formation for the first time and launched a charge.

Although these Tang Dynasty adventurers are far inferior to Dongfang Bubai, it is undeniable that those who can enter the top 100 are very talented.After forming a formation, they fought fiercely, with meat shields, recovery, long-distance, and insidious tricks, plus the penetration of Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang and other masters to attract the hatred of monsters, and they immediately fought vigorously.

But after completing the task, the adventurers from the four countries who saw the points ranking were blinded by the equipment left by the Skeleton King.

Yes, this is by far the strongest BOSS, leaving behind an inexhaustible and rich legacy.

In an instant, the astonishing wealth beyond the imagination of everyone present almost exploded.

Those precious gems blinded everyone's eyes.

The pieces of blue equipment shone brightly.

Three terrifying pieces of golden equipment also fell and exploded.

The most eye-catching thing, this boss even broke out a piece of equipment that can be called a high-end and high-end suit!
(End of this chapter)

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