Chapter 820 The Stone of the Secret Realm!Kane suit! - Ask for a monthly pass!

A green thick leather glove, because it has not been identified, the attributes on it cannot be seen clearly, but from the item level as high as level 71 and the powerful defense level of 500 points, it can be known that this gun-sized magic item, the hidden scary property.

An inscription engraved on the glove reads: "Covered with Horadric symbols and runes, the glove is the best companion to keep hands warm in the quest for hidden lore."

This is [Kane's writing gloves]!
No one knows why Kane's suit has been added to the reward list before he died, but Du Yu estimates that this is because the space has increased the attributes of the treasure dropped by the boss in order to meet the needs of up to 400 adventurers.

Compared with this powerful armor and gloves, the training page and the gold coins all over the floor are weak, and adventurers will not even notice them.

Another thing that attracted attention was a swarthy stone.

But no one dared to underestimate the value of this stone.

Because this is the precious treasure that only powerful bosses can drop.

The Stone of Secrets.

A treasure that can open a secret realm with rich rewards.

When Du Yu saw the stone of the secret realm, his eyes flashed.

Of course he has weighed the value of this secret stone.

For other people, this stone of secret realm may not be in their eyes, but for Du Yu, Elizabeth, who has invincible luck, this stone of secret realm is the best way to earn treasure!
He looked around at his opponents.

Seeing such a generous reward burst out, the eyes of Lampard, Saiwu, Zulu and others all straightened.

Everyone will not easily let go of this generous reward.

The dark world is very long, and so far it is only half of the first act of the past. The continuous injection of rich rewards and the support of battles are the only way to strengthen the strength of the team and go further in this cold world.

But everyone knows that as long as someone dares to take a step forward and try to monopolize the treasure, he will definitely offend the public, become a target, and be bombarded to death.

Sai Yiwu took a step forward, and said in a deep voice: "It's not the first day for everyone to come here. A few bosses came out to discuss the rules."

Lampard sneered: "The rules are ready-made. You can distribute them according to the proportion of completing the Dark King's mission."

He grabbed the last blow and got more than half of the points, so he naturally hoped to share them in this way.

Sai Yiwu snorted coldly: "It's absolutely impossible."

Zulu and Indra agreed.They also distribute less points, so they don't get much benefit.

Lampard looked at Du Yu.

Du Yu glanced at the stone of the secret realm, and was about to speak, but the little beauty Liya at the side leaned into her ear and whispered, "Can I exchange Uncle Kane's gloves for others? When we are being chased by monsters , accidentally left this thing behind. Unexpectedly, it was obtained by Skeleton King. Uncle will be very happy."

Du Yu got a headache.

Originally, in his allocation plan, he left this valuable green glove set aside, because in this adventure, the chance of getting all four sets is really low.Although the attributes of this set, Wang Yuyan had already posted it to him just now.

This is the [Kane's Destiny] set, which consists of Kane's writing gloves (gloves), Kane's travel shoes (boots), Kane's robe (armor), and Kane's insight (laurel crown). , the biggest feature is that while each piece comes with 6 magic attributes, getting together the suit will greatly increase the experience gained and the chance of finding magic items (MF) by 50%!
Sounds great right?
But the problem is, in this world, Du Yu and others can only travel once. If they don't get all the suits together, they won't get the advantage of that suit. Even if they get all the suits at the end of the world, what's the point?
What?Get a four-piece suit in one go?
That is the rhythm of fantasy novels!
This high-level item, if it wasn't for the high difficulty and killing the famous strong Skeleton King Leoric in the first act, otherwise, it would be impossible to get such a strong item.

That said, this success has been difficult to replicate.

Where did Du Yu get the other three?
That's why he didn't want the green suit.The book value is higher than the actual value, and if you want to share it, you will have to sacrifice a lot.

But he saw Leah's expectant eyes.

Those maroon beautiful eyes, as clear as water, are full of kindness, vitality and tenderness.

Du Yu suddenly remembered Liya's fate.

This girl is really poor.

Her fate was really bad. First, her parents were separated since childhood, and her father was possessed and controlled by Diablo. In the end, she turned into a terrifying demon god and was killed by a hero.

Her mother, Adria, never took good care of her, and has been erratic as a witch.

Only Kane can take care of her, but as a scholar wandering the mainland, what kind of life can he give Leah?
And this Kane will soon pass away.

In the end, the result of Leah's resistance to fate was that she herself became Diablo, her body was turned into ashes, and her consciousness was wiped out.

Such a tragic fate, but with such clear, kind and lovely eyes.

Can he change the girl's fate?
Sighing lightly, Du Yu stroked Liya's hair and said with a smile, "Don't worry. Since it's Kane's glove, I'll definitely get it for you."

At this time, the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms had already quarreled and almost started fighting.

No one is willing to give up a little bit of interest, and they will fight tit for tat, releasing all the aggrieved and pressure on the leaderboard.The atmosphere of working together to fight against the Skeleton King just now has long since disappeared.

Du Yu coughed.

Even Lampard and Sai Wu couldn't help but stop.

No one can ignore Du Yu's opinion.

No matter what other people guessed, no matter how low-key Du Yu was, Du Yu's performance of scoring points and killing the Skeleton King just now won him respect.

"Dear Du Yu, what do you say?" Sai Yiwu spoke first, but he was also prepared. Once Du Yu made a clause that was unfavorable to him, he would immediately win over the parliamentary country to fight.

"My point is," Du Yu said in a deep voice, "the time is limited, we should share the spoils immediately, and then go our separate ways. Don't forget that there are still so many tasks waiting for us. And the mighty Dongfang Bubai has already embarked on a different world." The Journey of the Sword."

Everyone was silent.

With Dongfang Undefeated being terrifying, it might not be impossible to win the task of the Sword of Another World.

It is really unwise for them to risk their lives here for vested interests.

"What good idea do you have?"

Du Yu smiled: "The points allocated by the system just now are actually fair enough."

Sai Yiwu glared, and Du Yu waved his hands and said with a smile: "But we must also consider that the weight of killing the Skeleton King is too high. It's better for Shinra to give up some benefits to everyone."

Lampard was unwilling, but knowing that the strength of a family could not swallow such a big benefit, he nodded in agreement.

The reward share of the four countries is distributed according to Shinra 50%, Du Yu 20%, Sudan 17%, and Parliament 13%.

The distribution of spoils went smoothly.

Du Xian got his wish and got the secret stone at a small price.

Although the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms were clamoring loudly, Du Yu only caught their fatal weakness and silenced all the opponents.

He smiled and said: "Dear gentlemen, since you have announced that this little thing is worth a lot, it can even open up a mysterious world, and the income may make people earn a lot of money! If you want to evaluate it at the highest potential value, then I agree! Question Except for me, who of you really wants it?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Really, although this secret stone is extremely powerful.It can open a secret world with monsters, bosses, and treasure boxes, and the drop rate is theoretically double that of the adventure world.Equivalent to a lucrative copy.It is very possible to get green suits and rare items from it.

But the problem is, now that everyone is jealous of the competition for points and rankings, who has the extra energy to engage in this secret realm?

The Sudanese and parliamentarians have not broken the 50-point obliteration line, and they are ranked in the bottom two. They are under heavy pressure to survive, and it is impossible to spend limited energy and manpower on additional exploration of the secret realm. It is a dead end.

The Shinra people are out of the line of survival, but the problem is that Lampard is the one who is determined to win the first place!

He maintained an advantage of more than 5000 points against Sai Yiwu, which sounds like a lot, but don't forget, starting from the sword of another world, every mission may reward 5000+ points!

As long as one is not careful, it will be overturned.

Lampard has just received a reward and appreciation from the upper echelon, how dare he devote his energy to exploring the painful secret realm?
That is to say, except for Du Yu Langtong, who had a high score and decided to give up the No. [-] team, the others had to either save their lives or fight for No. [-]. It was impossible for them to want this hot potato secret stone.

Supply and demand determine value.

As soon as Du Yu stated his position, you are driving up the price, I don't want it anymore!Whoever wants what they want will want it, but the price must follow the sky-high price, and no one said anything immediately.

In the end, Du Yu took away the only secret stone produced so far with 10% of the reward share.

His next target is Kane's glove.

Du Yu whispered to Lampard, asking him to buy the glove and give it to him.

Lampard asked why?

Du Yu said decisively: "Is 500 million survival points + 10% share enough?"

Lampard evaluates the green glove.

Everyone knows the painful setting of suits.

Set up a set, the value is priceless, not a complete set, the book value far exceeds the actual.

This green suit is not as powerful as in the legend. 500 million survival points + 10% share in Du Yu's hand, enough to take pictures of things.What he paid more attention to was Du Yu's cooperation, which meant a lot to him.

He couldn't say no.

After some bidding, Sai Wu raised the price of the green suit to a high price of 23%, and gave up with satisfaction. Lampard bought the Kane gloves and threw them to Du Yu.

Du Yu generously paid an additional 200 million survival points as a premium price.

He put [Kane's writing gloves] on for Leah with his own hands.

Li Ya's beautiful eyes were shining brightly, and she smiled sincerely: "This is the best gift Li Ya has ever received. You are such a good person."

After being issued a good person card, Du Yu was overwhelmed.

Anyway, this is a 23% reward share, okay?It is more than enough to exchange for 2 pieces of gold equipment.

He ran out of shares, and could only sit and watch the other three kingdoms quarrel with red faces and thick noses.

 Thanks to Heart Demon, Dongshao Qiankun, Jianzhi Guyu, etc. for their enthusiastic rewards!Thanks to Chaos Promise, Undulating Waves, Wuma Here, Lonely World, volt002, Feng Xing, So Cold Ice, Ning Ming Shang, Xinyu Baby, Little Taihu, Chaos Promise, Bookworm Traveling World, etc. reward!

(End of this chapter)

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