Chapter 823 Points Shopping!Wanjing is invincible! - Ask for a monthly pass

The remaining three teams shared 1800 points.Shinra had the most points, sharing 1200 points, Dongfang Invincible scored 400 points, and the sad parliamentary country, playing soy sauce again, only got a negligible 200 points.

The latest standings for each team are as follows:
1. Shinra United: 8330 points

2. Wolf pupil team: 7120 points

3. The Sultanate: 5900 points

4. Eastern Undefeated Team: 5650 points

5. Parliamentary National Team: 2365 points.

After a series of high-scoring missions, the only remaining main missions are [The Havoc of Wortham], [The Pursuit of the True God] and [The Imprisoned Angel].Competition will be more intense.

The parliamentary state is basically doomed to be at the bottom, and there is no hope in sight. The sword of Damocles, which kills 20% of adventurers, weighs heavily on their heads.

However, the penultimate position was contested between the Sultanate and Dongfang Bubai, to see who was more unlucky.

The leading Shinra United team has already established an advantage and expanded it step by step.In the following tasks, even if the Sudanese perform well, as long as the Shinra people do not make mistakes, it will be difficult to catch up.

With the completion of the mission, the halos of the portals flickered one after another, and the adventurers with dusty clothes, broken armor and bloody faces returned from the mission world one after another.Whether it was the triumphant Sudanese team, or the gloomy Shinra team, the Parliamentary National team, or the Eastern Invincible team, the adventurers couldn't hide their exhaustion.

Sai Yiwu proudly handed another fragment that shone with divine light to Kane.It seems that the Prophet Aijieke was killed by the Sudanese, and the treasures and points were also taken by him.

Shenluo Anakin said coldly: "It's such a hidden card, but it's really despicable and indecent, and it took advantage of our danger to sneak attack!"

Yakun sneered and said, "How can you imagine the glory of my prophet Salah al-Din? You are missing a trick. Haha"

Kane talked eloquently: "We have found two fragments, only the hilt of this sword has not been found yet. Everyone must continue to work hard. Well, I am also checking the classics of the Horadric sect, hoping to find a repair the way it is."

The stranger that Tyrael turned into thoughtfully said: "Well, looking at the collected fragments, I gradually remembered my past. But it's still close. If it can be repaired successfully, I should be completely fine."

Lampard was not discouraged by the momentary miss, and with an upright face, he assured Tyrell: "Great angel, I will go all out to fight for the glory of heaven and the survival of mankind! Please give the next task to me."

Sai Yiwu sneered and said, "What? Seeing our efforts in the later stage, I started to feel frightened? Hehe, it's a pity, it's already too late. I will definitely surpass your points for this mission!"

Among the next three missions, [Wortham's Havoc] has the highest score, with 4950 points. The two most difficult tasks of [Searching for the True God Sect] and [The Imprisoned Angel] only had 1350 points and 1575 points respectively.However, it is not clear whether there will be additional rewards for killing the butcher boss in the first level.That's all the mainline quests left.It can be seen that [Wortham's Catastrophe] is the battle of Tianwang Mountain. Winning this task will determine the order of points in the first act.

Du Yu didn't dare to be careless.

If it was the last moment, it would be embarrassing to be turned over by others, but fortunately, he and the Eastern Invincible Team calculated the total points at the same time as Datang's results.It seems that this result is currently in the highest position of the total points, even Shinra is not as good.

Everyone was preparing for a new round, Shan Wanjing became the busiest person, and Hydrick burst into tears again.

With the help of everyone, this time they managed to piece together two [Books of Forging] in one breath, and they were both free.

But with Shan Wanjing's upgrade, the two [Books of Forging] are actually just right, enough for her to advance to the next level.

"Your beauty, Shan Wanjing, has raised her blacksmith skill to level 10!"

"Blacksmith shop, upgrade again"

The upgraded blacksmith shop has changed from a shop to a shop.Miss Shan Wanjing finally didn't have to work hard to build it outside on a rainy night, but entered the house.

And the most obvious change is that Shan Wanjing has mastered the key technology of equipment disassembly!
Equipment decomposition is an extremely critical change in Diablo.After high-level equipment is no longer needed, it can be broken down into precious materials for the manufacture of other precious equipment.

The materials that can be decomposed must be at least blue magic equipment or above. The more advanced the equipment, the more precious materials can be decomposed.

Each team has thousands of unused or obsolete equipment, but the value of selling them to the system is extremely low. Even if Du Yu offered Shan Wanjing a slightly higher purchase price, it would be limited.Besides, the wolf pupil team is not rich enough to swallow all the equipment from the adventure team.

The equipment of each team, except for exchange, can only be limited to deposits in the hands.

But with decomposition technology, these equipment can be recycled.

After Shan Wanjing upgrades again, the level of equipment that can be crafted is also upgraded from 1-2 pieces of blue equipment with magic attributes to 3-4 pieces of blue magic equipment.

This progress made all adventurers very excited.

If things continue like this, at the next level, after Shan Wanjing upgrades again, and the blacksmith shop reaches level 5, it should be able to forge golden equipment!
After the smithy is upgraded to level 6, you can accept the blueprints of suits and equipment from adventurers, follow the pictures, add enough rare materials, and start building green suits!
And after the blacksmith shop is upgraded to level 7, it can accept rare equipment blueprints, add enough rare materials, and create legendary rare equipment!
After the blacksmith shop is upgraded to level 8, you can accept the blueprint of the legendary artifact, add enough rare materials, and produce the artifact!
A level 8 blacksmith shop is already the limit of Diablo III.

Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop has reached level 4, and is getting closer and closer to this goal.

And equipment decomposition, of course, is not free.

Du Yu's price for Shan Wanjing was 25% of the handling fee.

That is to say, a quarter of the proceeds from a piece of equipment will be handed over to the wolf pupil team.

Although this pricing makes many people distressed.But it's fair, Du Yu didn't charge a lot.Much better than the unscrupulous Sudanese.

Lampard, Zulu, Indra, Qiu Haijun and others scrambled to gather around Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop. They didn't equip themselves. To be honest, the blue equipment was not in the eyes of the team captains.However, the gold equipment that exploded individually can only arm the team's high-end force. It is the 99% blue equipment that determines the overall strength of the team.

Sai Yiwu looked expressionlessly at the ever-upgrading and glittering Shan Wanjing blacksmith's shop, gritted his teeth, and walked towards Shan Wanjing.

Yakun paled in shock, stopped Sai Yiwu and said, "Captain, what are you doing?"

Sai Yiwu sighed: "Haven't you discovered it yet? The blacksmith shop of the wolf pupil team already has the ability to disassemble and create equipment. I see that other three countries are popularizing blue magic equipment. Moreover, there are at least 4 magic attributes, and they are definitely attached to it." It meets the needs of adventurers and has no useless attributes!"

Yakun said unconvinced: "So what? Our round of adventure has won a big victory, and we have gathered a forging book. Hydrick can be upgraded to level 2."

Sai Yiwu said bitterly: "The further you go, the more forging books you need to level up. To the end, even 10 forging books are needed to advance to one level. Do you think we can gather so many with just one team? "

Yakun hung down like a deflated rubber ball.

Shan Wanjing has been promoted to the fourth-level blacksmith shop, and the blacksmith shop looks golden, with a high-end atmosphere and high-grade appearance.Hydrick was still the little iron felt at the beginning, and he had no popularity at all.

Sai Yiwu said with a blank expression: "We should admit defeat, and go to the blacksmith shop of the wolf pupil team to spend! Remember to tell Du Yu that if others provide the training page for free, we will also provide it!"

Yakun was shocked and said: "Hydrick can also provide repairs. Why do you want to turn to the wolf pupil team to raise blacksmiths for others? Send a lot of money there?"

Sai Yiwu said helplessly: "The most important thing is the equipment competition! Didn't you find that even the blacks in the parliamentary country have started to equip high-quality blue equipment? Our people have fallen behind in equipment. Let alone after a while , when people upgrade to level five, they will be able to produce golden equipment. At that time, all the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms will be shining with gold, and we will be all gray? What do you think brothers? The difficulty of monsters is getting higher and higher, so we will let brothers To fight with scrap metal? To compete?"

Yakun was completely discouraged and remained silent.

Sai Yiwu said with emotion: "Thousands of mistakes are all my fault. I misread the situation and shouldn't drive up the price, but Du Yu seized the opportunity and opened up the market with almost free and no money. , Let the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms consume, and then use the training page to quickly increase the level of the blacksmith shop. The more refined they are, the bigger they are, the harder it is for us. Until now, under the pressure of competition, even owning a blacksmith shop We all have to go to them to disassemble and build equipment!"

He sighed deeply, walked up to Du Yu, and said with a wry smile: "Can we join? The conditions are all from Shinra and them?"

He originally thought that Du Yu would either refuse outright, or ask for an exorbitant price, but who knows, Du Yu grinned and readily agreed: "Okay. The only condition is that you give us all the printed training pages and buy them for you." It will be all right."

"No need." Sai Yiwu shook his head helplessly: "Others are giving it as a gift, and we are giving it away for free. In addition, as compensation for the previous competition, I am willing to pay 10% more than others in exchange for your service."

He still has nothing to say.

That is, don't listen to Shinra and shut us out.If Duyu refuses to serve, their Sultanate will be finished!

What is Diablo playing?
Play is equipment!

As the difficulty becomes higher and higher, low-level equipment can hardly be mixed.

The role of the blacksmith is actually becoming more and more important.

(End of this chapter)

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