Chapter 824 Green dress for beauty, Liya transforms! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Sai Yiwu was about to kneel down to Du Yu at this time, for fear that Du Yu would not take them to play, and the equipment advantages of the adventurers from the Three Kingdoms would be enough to crush the Sultanate.

Sai Yiwu expressed his sincerity, which made Du Yu generous and directly gave him a guarantee.

For Du Yu, the more customers in Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop, the greater the profit.Especially in the later stage, golden equipment and green equipment are often disassembled, and then assembled to create new equipment. Once they come and go, 50% of the materials are taken away by the wolf pupil team!
This is a rare material.

All are priceless,
50% of the materials were taken away by Shan Wanjing, and she could manufacture various high-level equipment for the team later.Maybe in one world, it wouldn't be a problem to get a few green suits.

The joining of Sai Yiwu marks that Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop has finally dominated the Jianghu. The strong spending power of nearly 340 adventurers is enough to ensure Shan Wanjing's rapid upgrade.

Kane walked slowly, saw the third suit in Du Yu's hand, and happily patted Du Yu on the shoulder: "Hero, your ability to find magic items is really outstanding. If you get all the equipment together, it can help you to the maximum extent. "

Du Yu got straight to the point: "I have fought Adria before."

Kane froze for a moment, his face darkened: "Has she changed? Has she become the spokesperson of Diablo?"

"You have foreseen it? Do you know where I met her?"

Du Yu pouted at his travel shoes.

Kane pondered: "Could it be that this woman, knowing that this suit is a sacred object of my Horadric sect, can greatly resist the erosion of Diablo's will, and deliberately destroyed it because she was afraid that Leah would not be controlled?" ?”

Du Yu frowned and said: "Although Adelia is very suspicious, I always feel that there seems to be a deeper reason for this woman's depravity. The object of her service seems to be someone else besides Diablo. "

Kane nodded: "I have known Adria for a long time, and I know that she is an ambitious woman, and she is never willing to be used by anyone. But I still need time for what purpose."

He looked worried and said: "In addition, during this mission of the sword of the other world, the adventurers reported to me that the cult sect with Margot as the leader is becoming more and more rampant and stronger. I am worried that they will I carry out the assassination."

Du Yu nodded and said: "This is what I need to remind you. The assassination of the cult will definitely come. And I always think that there seems to be some connection between Margot, the leader of the cult, and Adria."

Kane hammered the ground and said fiercely: "Let me see, are these monsters really capable of killing me?"

"By the way, where is the fourth suit?" Du Yu couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." Kane smiled bitterly: "The only suggestion I can give you is to search my dormitory. Since I didn't find my tiara, the only explanation is that someone took it away. And in Andrea Before."

Du Yu smiled wryly and remained silent.

Although the three-piece suit is assembled, the [Kane's Destiny] set can already play a powerful attribute of 100% extra chance of magic items and 50% extra chance of experience points, but without the final [Kane's Vision] crown, it will not be able to play against it after all. The role of Diablo.

"Let me put it on for Liya first." Du Yu sighed, "It can speed up her growth and drop of magic items. It seems pretty good."

When Liya knew that Du Yu was going to give her three [Kane's Destiny] suits to wear, she couldn't help jumping up.

This set of suits is a sacred object of the Horadric sect, and only the best scholars can own it.

This shows that Uncle and Du Yu have recognized her strength as a Horadric scholar.

This suit, when worn on Leah's body, will naturally change its appearance to a certain extent, making it more suitable for women's figures.

The [Kane's Taoist robe] turned into a pair of tight leather pants, tightly outlining Leah's long buttocks and legs, making it more ape-like and attractive.

And [Kane's travel shoes] turned into a pair of moccasin boots, wrapped around Leah's long legs and feet, exuding a seductive luster.

[Kane's Writing Gloves] Become an archer's gauntlet, attached to Leah's hand, making her bow and arrow more deadly.

"The three-piece suit has fully increased my basic attribute value by 1800 points!" Leah was stunned: "There is also an amazing set effect that increases attack speed by 8%, magic item drop rate by 100% and experience by 50%! I love this suit!"

Du Yu smiled wryly.

Sure enough, this holy relic of the Horadric school's suit can only exert the strongest effect when worn on the real Horadric.

After Leah put on this [Kane's Destiny], her whole temperament changed greatly.

She seemed to have transformed from a childish girl into a heroic female warrior in an instant.

With 1800 basic attributes, Liya, who was already very active, became a real pillar.If she had to give up her other four teams because of her inevitable transformation into Diablo, knowing Leah's sky-defying attributes at this time, she would definitely regret her choice.

After Du Yu comforted Liya, he turned his gaze to the team.

This is the second time the flower demon has made a shot at a critical moment. If counting the number of times he tried to make a shot, he has already threatened the safety of the wolf pupil team and himself three times.

Nothing but three.

The flower demon must be eradicated immediately.

Mai Laxue walked to Du Yu's side: "Although I have gained a lot from the Stone of the Secret Realm, after three rounds of continuous battles, my teammates are very tired. Can you take a day off?"

Du Yu whispered, "When will the [Wortham's Havoc] mission come out?"

Leah said: "Uncle Kane saw that everyone was working hard. Regardless of the four adventurer captains' invitation to fight, he forced everyone to rest for a day, rest their equipment, and replenish their status before going on the road again to find the last piece of the holy sword."

Du Yu nodded: "Then we will also disband. You can do whatever you want, but you can't leave the town."

Michelle nodded.The reason why they were not allowed to leave the town was because they were afraid of sneak attacks by other teams, and the second was for the convenience of gathering to deal with unexpected events.

In the town, the attack skills cannot be used, and the adventurers are safe and sound.

Give an order, and the adventurers of the wolf pupil team, like the other teams, immediately cheered and scattered.

They were in twos and threes, and some of them went straight to Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop, looking for more suitable weapons and armor on the shelves.Some people rushed to the gambling field, hoping to use the gold coins obtained in a life-and-death fight to win rare equipment with a small fortune.Some people simply opened a street stall, bartered with the adventurers of each team, and formed a prosperous and noisy flea market.Although the buyers and sellers often quarreled over the value of a gemstone, the use of force was not allowed in this city anyway, and everyone could only live their mouths and not fight.

Compared with the comfortable and undisciplined players, the captains have a lot more responsibilities.Sai Yiwu, Yakun, Lampard, Anakin, Zulu, Indra, Dongfang Bubai, Qiu Haijun and others frowned, constantly dealing with the various plot characters, even Du Yu found out at the beginning Leah's diary was also dug out by them, looking for hidden tasks that can improve the team's combat power and points.

Although the captains were very anxious, they still understood the truth of the end of the battle.After three consecutive rounds of high-intensity missions, the adventurers were exhausted physically and mentally, and they couldn't afford to be injured.Even a guy like Dongfang Bubai who never thinks about others, under Qiu Haijun's persuasion, reluctantly agreed to let the team take a day off.

Shan Wanjing became the busiest person, and many adventurers from the wolf pupil team went to help, but they were still busy and sweating profusely.Because even adventurers from the Sultanate came here especially to choose goods or designate equipment.Michelle has already taken the opportunity to increase the price twice, but she is still unstoppable as a passionate adventurer who has accumulated a lot of money in three adventures.

It is conservatively estimated that Shan Wanjing can create a wealth of more than 5 gold coins for the wolf pupil team and Du Yu on this day.This is still the most conservative estimate.

What use are gold coins to adventurers?

It's not a survival point, and you can't bring it back to the bloody city. The smartest way is to replace it with good equipment that can increase the chance of survival and bring it back to the city as soon as possible!

But Du Yu took a look at the bustling town, but led Liya to the dark outside of the town without making a sound.

Liya asked strangely: "Where are we going? It seems that everyone is in the town, which is very lively. Liya likes to be lively."

Du Yu smiled: "May I take you to Adria's hut? Didn't you say you wanted to find some of her things?"

Liya nodded: "Although I just met her, but she doesn't know anything about her, so it's better to look for her."

That's what she said, but the little beauty's face is full of Xiafei's cheeks.

Du Yu looked amused in his heart.Probably the beautiful girl was mistaken, thinking that her lover was going to leave everyone behind and date herself alone, so she came up with such an excuse.

Of course he wouldn't be so stupid as to expose himself.I just gave Liya a green suit, and this little beauty seems to have a lot of affection for her.

The two walked hand in hand to Adria's cottage in the ruins of the old town.

Along the way, although some monsters came out to act as light bulbs, they were blown up before they showed up in front of Leah's powerful bow and arrow.Even the very powerful Moon Shadow Clan back then couldn't stop Leah, who was dressed in a [Kane's Destiny] green suit and transformed into a powerful one.

The small wooden house surrounded by vines was far away, and Du Yu suddenly stopped.

Leah asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Just as Du Yu was about to speak, suddenly a lightning-like light stabbed from behind him!
flower demon!

When everyone was busy in the town, Du Yu took the little beauty Liya and came out alone, just to lure the flower demon out!
This is tantamount to a heads-up!
Du Yu's provocation against the flower demon!

If this powerful inner-city adventurer had been hiding under the water and dealt with Du Yu all the time, Du Yu would be overwhelmed.There is only one who can be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no one who can guard against a thief for a thousand days.

(End of this chapter)

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