Chapter 825 Fate Yue Buqun!Single out the flower demon! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Du Yu also had a deep grasp of the flower demon's thoughts.

Although he failed to catch the flower demon in the three attempts, but on the other hand, the flower demon failed to kill Du Yu in the three actions, and vented his lust on Du Yu's beauties!
With such an arrogant and arrogant inner-city expert like him, such a record, no matter what, cannot satisfy him.

Du Yu asked Liya out alone, which gave the flower demon a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.In the team, even if he is a master in the inner city, he is afraid of being beaten into a pig's head by a group of more than 60 wolf pupils.

Although with the cunning of the flower demon, he can probably guess that Du Yu's entrustment is tantamount to open provocation, but since he is sure that the wolf pupil team will not come, his arrogance and arrogance are enough to make him desperate to assassinate Du Yu and defile him. Leah.

A strange phantom stabbed at Du Yu. Thunderbolt is not enough to describe his speed, and ghosts and monsters are not enough to describe his evil!

With a calm expression on his face, Du Yu pushed Liya away who was stunned, and rolled on the spot by himself, dodging the fatal blow.

Although Du Yu's speed had already surpassed [-] in agility, and Ling Bo's microsteps were unimaginably fast, but looking at him coldly, a line was still pierced in his trouser leg, and his flesh was not injured.

Under the moonlight, a strange figure stood in the sky.

Du Yu glanced at it, but heaved a sigh of relief, "Why are you?"

That person was not the flower demon Du Yu expected, but Yue Buqun!

Yue Buqun was standing in the air with his hands folded like a peerless master, pretending to look up at the bright moon, ready to strike a vendetta with a sword, throwing away the green hat and the head of the enemy together, even after becoming a eunuch , A long beard pasted with Space 505 super glue, all in the air automatically without wind, elegant and free and easy, but Du Yu complained so dissatisfiedly, and immediately pulled his face down.

What is "how am I"?
This is like Ximen Chuuxue, dressed in white like snow, standing awe-inspiring on the top of the Forbidden City, waiting for another peerless master, Ye Gucheng, to have a decisive battle at the peak.It turned out that it wasn't Ye Gucheng who came, but a disgusting Huagumian Zhanghai Dafu who clamored to disrupt the situation, and immediately lowered the grand scene and the desolate visual sense of the fateful confrontation to the level of a funny martial arts drama by Aunt Yu of Mango TV.

Paralysis, why am I so unworthy to be your opponent?

Yue Buqun couldn't maintain the image of a flying fairy and an expert outside the world, and couldn't help but cursed: "Fuck, who do you think you are? I'm here to kill you today! And that bitch is here!" Where? Come out for me!"

Before he finished speaking, Du Yu had already let out a oh and waved his hand.

Ning Zhong walked out of the void and walked towards Yue Buqun with a cold face.

"You should have a fight with Ning Jie first." Du Yufeng said lightly, "Come find me after you win the fight. I'm a bit busy now."

Yue Buqun was completely blown away.

Du Yu didn't pay attention to him at all.

Sending out Ning Zhongze casually is like sending me away?

Am I a beggar?

Furious in his heart, he stabbed Du Yu with his sword: "You little bastard! How dare I teach you to become a eunuch!"

Who knows, Ning Zhong smiled grandly: "Eunuch? Isn't that your patent? He is different from your predecessor. I can confirm every night that he is not only not an eunuch, but also a macho."

Such bold words made Yue Buqun so angry that he almost exploded on the spot.

The relationship between the ex and the present.It is always a pain in a man's heart, especially when it comes to whether he is a eunuch or not, Ning Zhongze has the most say.

People said, you are an eunuch and Du Yu is a hunk, this is too shocking to Yue Buqun.

Yue Buqun roared wildly: "You stinky shameless, watch the sword!"

Can make such a thick-skinned Yue Buqun roar shamelessly, Ning Zhong is also considered a strange woman.

But Sister Ning had already honed her mind to become extremely strong after some accidents. She blocked Yue Buqun's lightning sword with a sharp blow, and shouted: "You old thief, what have you done to Lingshan?"

Yue Buqun yelled wildly: "That's my daughter, I can do whatever I want! It's you whore, who ran away with a wild man like this, shameless, you should kill yourself on the spot."

Ning Zhong made a sharp move, forcing Yue Buqun away, and said confidently: "You old thief, you still follow me three times and four virtues, right? Even if you are an eunuch, I don't have any resentment. Who knows, what you do So despicable? I have already made up my mind to break with you, and today we will have a battle!"

With a scream, Yue Buqun rushed towards Ning Zhongze.

His evil swordsmanship has been practiced to the extreme, and he can block himself alone if he doesn't believe in Ningzhong.After Ning Zhongze is captured, he will cut this woman into pieces!

Ning Zhong has been following Du Yu for a long time. He has already practiced the Five Sacred Swordsmanship one by one in the Shishui Pavilion, and his strength has also greatly improved.Although Yue Buqun's evil swordsmanship is as fast as ghosts, Ningzhong is not at a disadvantage. Dai Zonghe, Wanhua Swordsmanship, Hengshan Five Gods Sword, Wushuang Wushuang, Wanyue Chaozong and other Five Mountain Sword Schools Moves, one move after another, finally formed a terrifying combo effect!

Five Sacred Sword.

When the final sword Wanyue Chaozong is hit, Ning Zhongze's damage will be increased by 200%, and it will come with a powerful special effect of removing the sword!
Yue Buqun was not prepared for his wife's growth to such an extent. Although he had encountered many adventures and acquired strong skills in the evil sword technique, it seems that Ning Zhongze's sword technique has also made great progress. At least 10 strokes have passed, and he has not yet It is a trick to conquer Ningzhong.

Ning Zhongze's aura was accumulated to the extreme, and he shouted sharply, one move is unparalleled, Ning's sword!
This extremely powerful sword stabbed in the air can cause serious damage to the enemy, and can break the defense and block.

Yue Buqun saw how powerful this sword was, so he didn't dare to neglect it. He used all his strength to dodge the mighty and useless sword.

He and Ningzhong fought continuously, and the tiger's mouth was shocked, and his heart was even more horrified.

Ning Zhong immediately turned around.In her early years, her shortcomings of being more than fierce and lacking in toughness have long been made up for by Du Yu's hard training.

The momentum is ferocious, and there is no exhaustion at all.

This Wanjian Zhaozong has a very strong counterattack effect and the effect of removing the sword (dropping the sword). This move finally made Yue Buqun unable to counterattack, and he was shocked to take a few steps back, his blood surging.

His speed was strange and his footsteps were weird before, but he didn't really reach the point where Dongfang Invincible was alone in the world, otherwise he should have entered the inner city directly instead of being divided into the outer city.

Ning Zhong fought Yue Buqun, but Du Yu stood with his hands behind his back as if nothing had happened, waiting for the flower demon to come.

This time, he must kill the flower demon and clear the obstacles for the team to move forward.

Ning Zhong fought fiercely with Yue Buqun again. Although she became more courageous and aggressive as she fought more and more, but in terms of sword moves, the evil sword technique was still superior to her Huashan sword technique.

The monster Yue Buqun was even more like a ghost, completely gaining the upper hand.

"Tear!" Ning Zhongze's shoulder was pierced by Yue Buqun's long sword, and then he floated away like a ghost.

Liya couldn't stand it anymore, and rushed with a lightning-like bow and arrow!
She had already heard the story of Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze, and she felt very resentful towards this transgressive husband.Yue Buqun, who shot immediately with this blow, backed up again and again, and the blade knocked back the arrow, but Leah, who was wearing the [Kane's Destiny] suit and transformed into a Horadric scholar, this blow was really powerful.

Ning Zhong seized the opportunity to seize the upper hand again, and with another three blows, Yue Buqun was forced to scream.

Du Yu said calmly: "Old Yue, you are so incapable, you can't even beat my woman, how can you take revenge on me?"

Yue Buqun was so depressed that he just wanted to hit the mountain.

His ability is so great, but he can't help but choose Ning Zhongze, this is a miscalculation.

Du Yu said coldly: "However, since you dare to seek my misfortune, no matter what, you can't leave this place alive today!"

With a flash, he rushed towards Yue Buqun like lightning.

Yue Buqun looked horrified!
Because he suddenly discovered at this time that Du Yu's skill is so good!
Compared with the rookie who let him hack and kill in the previous novice plot, they are completely different!

At the critical moment, Yue Buqun managed to narrowly escape Du Yu's first blow, stabbed out with a sword like a ghost, trying to fight back.

Ningzhong had no pedantic thoughts, and directly attacked.

Yue Buqun was so angry that he yelled, "Abusive adulterer, do you two still have any sense of shame? Stop it!"

Before he finished speaking, Du Yu suddenly threw a life and death talisman at him!

The life and death talisman, the most terrifying and stupid move.

Various moves with no lower limit came out incessantly from the hands of Du Yu and Ning Zhongze.

Yue Buqun finally understood.

A gentleman deceives him, but with Du Yu, a wretched fellow, Ning Zhong is no longer the woman who can be easily deceived.

Now, he was beaten and fled all over the place by the two people who didn't hold back.

No, not just two, but a third.

Leah's bow and arrow kept on aiming and shooting.

Her attribute points are extremely strong, every blow can make Yue Buqun break out in a cold sweat.

Only then did he realize that he still underestimated Du Yu.

I don't know what kind of magical power Du Yu has, he can bring such powerful women to his side and use them for him.

Du Yu's palm was like a knife, and he slashed fiercely. He already had the intent to kill Yue Buqun.It's better to get rid of this guy as soon as possible.

Yue Buqun's sword could no longer threaten Ning Zhongze, and he could only defend himself in Du Yu's stormy attack. This made him deeply annoyed. He was still too impulsive, so he should be called Dongfang Bubai We came together.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he was about to break out.

"Where are you going!" Du Yu yelled sharply, and with a move of Kanglong Yougui, he hit Yue Buqun on the shoulder.

At this moment, the situation suddenly changed!
A pink phantom suddenly attacked Leah who was standing on a high place and kept shooting!
It is the flower demon!

He had already arrived, but because of Du Yu's prestige, he didn't dare to directly challenge him. He didn't become the oriole until Yue Buqun mobilized him.The target chose Liya, who was far away from Du Yu.

This flower demon is dressed like a fan in "Legend of the Frontier Desolation", but it is full of sword energy, and countless beauties have died tragically in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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