Chapter 826 The Mystery of the Flower Demon, Du Yu's Future Move! - Ask for a monthly pass at the fifth watch!
Although Liya's strength has improved greatly, it is difficult to survive in front of inner city masters like the flower demon.

Du Yu threw out the Life and Death Talisman.

In fact, he already knew that if he and Ning Zhong then besieged Yue Buqun, that would be the inevitable result.

But the most terrifying thing about the Flower Demon is that he lurks in the dark. Once he surfaces, no matter how strong the enemy is, they cannot escape Du Yu's hunt.


Du Yu waved his hand.

The beauties appeared densely around Li Ya's back, left, and right, killing the flower demon fiercely!
The biggest problem of the flower demon is that she doesn't know Du Yu's trick to summon beautiful women!
Wan Wan was the first to appear, giggling coquettishly, and had already performed the Heavenly Demon Dafa.

The sound of cracking brocade sealed off all the surrounding space, and the flower demon couldn't break through even if it wanted to.

Even if he is an inner city master!
Although the flower demon's strength seems to be a matter of an instant to break through the blockade of the Houhou, but it was this second that made him lose the only way to escape!

How could Du Yu make the mistake of underestimating the enemy?
By letting Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng stay in the village, he was certain that his own strength would be enough to kill this flower demon!

Get rid of the flower demon!

Although Liya was terrified, in the face of life and death, she resolutely showed the calmness of a Horadric scholar, quickly turned the arrow, and suddenly shot at the flower demon who was close at hand!
The mighty Leah, between life and death, the bloodline of Diablo, suddenly awakened!

This is the blood of the latent demon god, which blooms ferociously for a moment for the survival of the host.

But how could Diablo's bloodline be easily resisted?

The flower demon only felt that he was suddenly stared at by a huge demon god from hell, and those blood-red ferocious eyes shocked him who had experienced countless battles and killed countless times!
The flower demon had just walked out of Houhou's Heavenly Demon Dafa, and was shocked by Liya's demon bloodline.

He couldn't dodge Liya's angry blow, a long arrow ruthlessly pierced his shoulder blade, and the flower demon he brought flew backwards suddenly.

He never dreamed that this delicate maroon girl was so terrifying.

He hurt himself with one arrow.

But his nightmare had only just begun.

Du Yuhou came first, and suddenly rushed in front of the flower demon, and slammed his palm at the flower demon's chest.

The flower demon screamed, counterattacked with all her strength, and met Du Yu's palm!

He is convinced of his own strength, even if Du Yu is a half-immortal body, he can't stop his strange skills!
In fact, Du Yu did suffer a lot in front of the flower demon's evil technique. His chest was heavy and he couldn't help vomiting blood.

But Du Yu knew that although the beauties surrounded the flower demon, no one but himself could stop the flower demon from killing it.This person is really terrible.

The previous painstaking efforts were all to create the best atmosphere for besieging and killing the flower demons.

The flower demon was finally fooled and fell into the trap.

He laughed sharply: "Are you so confident to keep me? It's a pity that Yue Buqun made trouble, and I, who is an inner-city expert. You beauties, will all be my targets!"

As he spoke, his movement didn't stop for a moment, and he twitched suddenly.

When Du Yu saw the movement of the flower demon, and once again drew countless silhouettes in the air, he was so annoyed that he couldn't add more.

Why have I encountered so many inhuman and ghostly things recently?

All of them are extremely fast and strange existences.

He also suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the flower demon!

The flower demon's speed was fast, and with one palm, he beat the nearest Shang Xiuxun until he vomited blood and flew back in the air. He intended to kill him, but was held back by Shi Feixuan, who was shouting angrily, with his Sekong sword.

The flower demon sneered and said, "I will be like Ling Chi, killing your women one by one, hehe. Just watch slowly."

Du Yu roared angrily, caught up with the flower demon, and bombarded him with one move.

The flower demon shattered at the sound.

But Du Yu immediately recognized that it was a fake.

Not only that, but at the same time that the flower demon's avatar was shattered, a large cloud of red smoke unexpectedly rose.

In "Legend of the Borderlands", this is the best show of the flower demon.

Stealth, lightness skills and disguise techniques are the reasons why the flower demon can commit crimes in Chang'an repeatedly, and is wanted by the world's overlord Fu Jian, even if he personally supervises the battle.

The flower demon's treacherous laughter came from the other side of the pink smoke, and Li Xiuning's scream came at the same time.

Du Yu was furious and finally calmed down.

With a wave of his hand, only six beauties remained, including Shi Feixuan, Wan Hou, Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou, Selina, and Li Qinglu, and the other beauties were included in the heart of the castle.

To deal with flower demons, siege is useless.A large number of beauties with insufficient skills are not as useful as the remaining six strong players.

The flower demon giggled and said, "You seem to be able to transport beauties to another world. After I kill you, I will naturally get this secret. They can't escape!"

He stabbed Li Mochou with a sword.

Xiao Longnu grabbed the blade of the sword with a thousand-year-old gold silk glove, and stabbed at the flower demon with a swipe of the Jade Bee Venom Needle.

Du Yu flew over in the air, swept over, and the powerful coercion suddenly came down.

The flower demon was locked by Du Yu and had to fight. The two fought against each other!
Du Yu was sent back again.

Of course, the flower demon was also severely injured and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Du Yu was very puzzled.

According to the division of strength in "Legend of the Borderlands", in fact, the strength of the flower demon should not be so heaven-defying, reaching the strength of the inner city.With his ability to be directly beheaded by Yan Fei, who hadn't yet comprehended the Golden Core Stage, it seems that he should be included in the outer city.

But the no-frills fight just now made Du Yu truly understand the frightening strength of this flower demon.

In the palm strength of the flower demon, there was the aura of a master of the Jindan Stage Dacheng level, and the most yin and pure palm strength directly invaded Du Yu's meridians.If Du Yu's meridians hadn't been modified several times, and he encountered many adventures, this move would have caused him serious injuries.

Du Yu couldn't figure it out.

Flower demon, why are you so against the sky?

The flower demon laughed fiercely: "You must be wondering why I am so powerful?"

Du Yu raised his eyebrows: "Strong? You are just a pervert, no matter how strong you are, you will die in my hands."

The flower demon laughed loudly: "Maybe, if it wasn't for me in the plot, I happened to meet an adventurer who happened to be in front of me and talked about how Yan Fei used Dielianhua's automatic warning to deal with me in the inn, I would still A silly plot character who knows nothing about you adventurers!"

Du Yu was shocked.

This flower demon, it seems, has undergone a shocking reversal in the plot, not only was not killed by Yan Fei, but

"You killed Yan Fei?" Du Yu said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The flower demon said in an unspeakably evil way: "During the plot, I overheard the adventurers chatting, and even revealed the following plot. Naturally, I was on guard, and then in the Bianhuangji Inn, I deliberately showed it Weak, not only escaped from Yan Fei's chase, but also lured the enemy into deep, and killed Yan Fei~~~, tsk tsk tsk, guess what I found on Yan Fei's body?"

Du Yu's mind was taken away, and he cried out: "You actually took the golden pill from Yan Fei's body?"

"Yes!" The flower demon smiled coldly: "I turned against the guest, and as a small villain BOSS, I forcibly killed the protagonist Yan Fei and took the pill robbery from him! You know, this is a precious treasure. Let people have a chance to get a glimpse of the way of the heavens, and that's how I got my Golden Core Stage Dacheng cultivation base."

Great success in Golden Core Stage!
Du Yu's heart was full of monstrous waves.

He once received a message from Huang Laoxie, knowing that Dan Jie is the only shortcut that Huang Laoxie knows to quickly break through the golden alchemy stage.I also imagined entering the world of legends in the frontier, but I didn't expect that the flower demon actually found out the plot, changed the plot drastically, killed Yan Fei, and got Dan Jie!

The so-called Dan Jie is actually a collective name for Yan Fei's series of adventures.Yan Feixian Yan Feiqiao obtained a elixir "Dan Jie" from Taiyi Jiaorong Zhi. After being accidentally abolished by Xiaoyao Jiao Ren Qingti, he accidentally took Dan Jie and reached the realm of a hundred days of fetal rest. , And formed a golden pill, in the end not only the martial arts recovered, but also better than before.

But at this time, Du Yu also has such a cultivation level, so he should be even better than Yan Fei.

Besides, there is only one Pill Tribulation, and it was eaten by Yan Fei. Even if the flower demon kills Yan Fei, how can he obtain Yan Fei's skill and be more victorious?
There must be deeper reasons for this.

Du Yu didn't have time to think too much, he made one move after another, making sure to kill the flower demon.

The flower demon also tried her best, fighting Du Yu to the death every time.

Although Du Yu was surprised, how could the flower demon not be frightened?
After he got that adventure, he has become a half-celestial body, and has stepped into the power of the inner city. How come this kid from the outer city has fought against him so many times, and he is still alive and well, as if nothing happened?
If he had known that this power division was so unreliable, he would not have been careless about the fourth surprise attack on Du Yu.

But the flower demon still has absolute confidence in herself.

Because of the previous three fights, Du Yu failed to gain the upper hand.

Even if he can't beat him, can't he escape?
Following the battle between the two, beauties such as Shi Feixuan, Houhou, and Longnu attacked one after another to besiege the flower demon, but the flower demon took the opportunity to injure her.

He himself went all out to deal with the flower demon.

I saw the two people in the field coming and going, fighting extremely fiercely.

Du Yu was wounded many times by the sword energy of the master flower demon in the inner city, but he recklessly fought back and also hit the flower demon with two palms.

With these two palms, the flower demon vomited blood again and again and flew upside down.

The flower demon is not an ordinary person, he saw that his sneak attack failed, and Du Yu went all out to fight against the enemy. This kind of charge was obviously not his strong point, so he wanted to retreat.

Follow the reckless husband and the reckless man, don't care about winning or losing for a while, anyway, I am lurking in your team, so it will be easy to do anything, and I will kill you sooner or later.

At the last moment, Du Yu seemed to be running out of strength. He was clearly one step away from catching up with the flower demon, and he ran away.

All the girls sighed unwillingly, all kinds of dark chess chased the flower demon, and they were shot down by him one after another.

The evil voice of the flower demon came: "This time, I will let you live for two more days, to see if you can defend against thieves for a thousand days! Hahaha."

Concubine Shi Xuan was so angry that her chest rose and fell sharply.

However, Shen Luoyan smiled slightly in the heart of Du Yu's castle: "You scoundrel, you obviously still have your hand in the end, and you are sure to kill the flower demon, why let him go?"

(End of this chapter)

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