Chapter 827 Slaughtering Yue Buqun!Final suit! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu coughed, spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, and said with a wry smile, "Master Qiao, why do you say I deliberately keep my hands?"

Shen Luoyan posted: "You can fool others, but you can't fool me! There is not a big gap between you and the flower demon in speed. Although the flower demon's speed is amazing, you are also a speed fighter."

Du Yu smiled bitterly and said, "It's almost impossible to catch up."

Shen Luoyan smiled and said: "You still have 68 attribute points that have not been allocated. As the final hole card, don't you think I don't know? If you add agility to these attribute values, the flower demon will not be able to escape at all!"

Du Yu nodded: "That makes sense, let's go on."

Shen Luoyan continued: "You still have a large number of villain points, you can use a certain light skill to the extreme in an instant, and the increased transfer speed can even surprise the flower demon, and you can't escape, and you chased him down. What's more, last time you It's still inside the flower demon, leaving behind a time bomb."

Du Yu finally laughed: "That's right, Luoyan is the one who knows me. Last time I intentionally left the internal power of the life-death talisman in the flower demon's body, just to identify who is the flower demon in the team. Although the flower demon is very cunning, I tried my best to use all kinds of internal strength to dissolve most of the internal energy of the Life and Death Talisman, which made it difficult for me to judge for a while, but after this battle, I already know the identity of the Flower Demon like the back of my hand!"

Shen Luoyan breathed a sigh of relief: "It turns out that you are afraid of the flower monster and the beast will fight, and plan to capture and kill it on the spot with the help of the team?"

Du Yu sneered and said, "No! I will give the Flower Demon an even more terrifying ending! Our team is limited. How can a powerful inner-city expert like the Flower Demon not make the best of his resources and work hard for the team? I don't know his identity, so I must lock him, since he is exposed, the threat will be greatly reduced, and he can live a few more days instead!"

Shen Luoyan pouted and said, "Where's that? You took over the wife, and the husband didn't hesitate to give up his dignity as a man, and came to settle accounts with you."

Du Yu snorted coldly: "The flower demon can still use its residual heat, so there is no need to kill him, but Yue Buqun is different."

He rushed out in one breath.

Yue Buqun had just gained the upper hand and forced Ningzhong into a panic, but Du Yu suddenly greeted Du Yu like an angry lion, and jumped down in the air.

He screamed, and stabbed Du Yu with his ghostly long sword.

Du Yu swung his sword away suddenly, and then kicked Yue Buqun hard on the breastbone.

Yue Buqun spat out a mouthful of blood.Unbelievable to fly back upside down.

It is true that he is the top powerhouse in the outer city, but Du Yu's strength has actually entered the inner city, and the only difference is a bloody city gate test!

Such a mighty kick broke Yue Buqun's breastbone.

Yue Buqun screamed and fell backwards.

Ning Zhongze's long sword struck Yue Buqun with anger, piercing Yue Buqun to death!
Yue Buqun suddenly spat out a big mouthful of blood, and stared back at Ning Zhongze in disbelief.

Ning Zhong looked at the person he once loved coldly.

This man is not only his childhood sweetheart, but also his first love and the father of his child.

But for the sake of power and martial arts, he has come to today step by step.

Lost status, lost dignity, gave up personality.

Finally, he died tragically by his own sword.

Ning Zhong tremblingly said: "Tell me the truth, how is Lingshan?"

Yue Buqun spat out a mouthful of blood, Ning Zhongze's sword energy had already smashed his internal organs into pieces, and he grinned grimly, "I'll kill him!"

"What?" Ning Zhong almost fainted.

With a roar, Du Yu stepped forward, kicked Yue Buqun's leg bones to pieces, and hugged Ning Zhongze!

"Why did you kill our daughter?" Ning Zhong fell into Du Yu's arms and trembled.

"You bitch, I wish I could kill you!" Yue Buqun gradually lowered his head.

Ning Zhong fainted from crying.

Du Yu comforted Ning Zhongze for a while.

The continuation of the novice plot just came to an end.

But Du Yu knew that after Yue Buqun was killed, the conflict with Dongfang Bubai, which was supposed to be peaceful for the time being, became acute immediately.

Dongfang Bubai is by no means a character of swallowing her anger, she will definitely report and retaliate.

In this way, Datang's wolf pupil team and the Eastern Invincible team will inevitably have a head-on conflict.

Du Yu didn't want to see this scene, but under Yue Buqun's provocation, he would never bear it!

Kill is kill!
After Yue Buqun died, a copy of the evil sword manual fell down.

Du Yu picked up the sword manual, glanced at Ning Zhongze, rubbed it lightly, and the sword manual immediately turned into fragments and disappeared in the wind.

When Du Yu brought Liya, Ning Zhongze and others back to the town, Dongfang Bubai walked up to him.

"You killed Yue Buqun?" Dongfang Bubai stood with his hands behind his back, his face stern.

Du Yu smiled: "Your news is fast. That's true."

"Those who kill me must be prepared to pay in blood." Dongfang Bubai was not as hysterical as before, but his words were as unquestionable as ever.

Du Yu didn't explain, just walked over.

He didn't want to explain.

Dongfang Bubai is such a smart person, how could he not think that it was Yue Buqun who took the initiative to provoke?
It is nothing more than a question of whether he is willing to accept it or not.

He was willing to accept it without any further explanation.

He was unwilling, and it was useless for Du Yu to explain.

Kane walked slowly: "Go! Heroes, go and fight for justice. I want all the components of the Archangel Sword."

Spatial reminder: "Kane released the task of [Wortham's Havoc], 4950 points. This task is a shared task for all teams, and you can strive to complete it."

As soon as Kane's words fell, the Sultanate, Shinra, Parliament, Eastern Undefeated Team and other teams that had already prepared their horses and horses rushed out impatiently.

Their goal is the pier in the west of New Tristram, where they can take a boat to Wortham.Wortham is the domain of the Dark Terran cult.It is said that the third fragment of the Angel Sword has already fallen into the hands of the cult.

With the deepening of the battle, the Cult of Truth has become the great enemy of the adventurers and the righteous side, constantly emerging to deal with the adventurers.

The strength of this dark cult is extremely powerful, but in the eyes of fully armed adventurers from the four countries, it is nothing more than a dish.

Everyone is powerful and aggressive, slaughtering all the cultists in Wortham along the way.Although there are many powerful dark chanters among these cultists who can summon more dark cultists, the adventurers from the Four Kingdoms have rich experience and have experienced hundreds of battles. After being crushed all the way, they broke into the church without much effort around.

The guards around the church are very strict, guarded by two guys, Uzel and the Dark Berserker, and there are many dark enemies beyond imagination, heavily guarded.

Even if the adventurers from the four countries are driven by their interests, they are very brave, fearless of death, and launch fierce attacks one after another, these guys are not easy to deal with.

In the end, relying on the sharpness of Shan Wanjing's full set of equipment, and Du Yu's willingness to give up the task, the Shenluo United team did their best this time, overwhelmed the Sultanate, and took the lead in killing Uzel and Dark Berserker.During the battle, the handsome blonde Stephen of the Trail Blazers and Urum of the Chicago Brotherhood were eye-catching, but it was the powerful paladin Lampard who completed the kill.

As soon as the backbone of these two cults died, the other resistance forces were quickly disintegrated by the adventurers from the Four Kingdoms.

"Rush in!" Lampard said in high spirits.

"Found it!" A thief found the hilt of the holy sword before the adventurers of the Assassin's Creed team and dedicated it to Lampard.

A portal opens, and Kane and Tyrael appear in the burning Wortham.After a commendation, the adventurers received a reminder.

"You have completed [Wortham's catastrophe]."

"The points for this mission are 4950 points, and the distribution is: Shinra United: 3400 points. The Sudanese team has 500 points, the Eastern Invincibles team has 100 points, the Wolves team has 500 points, and the Parliamentary National Team has 425 points."

"The latest rankings are as follows:
1. Shinra United: 11730 points

2. Wolf pupil team: 7620 points

3. The Sultanate: 6400 points

4. Eastern Undefeated Team: 5750 points

5. Parliamentary National Team: 2770 points. "

The task of the first act is done here, it can be said that the overall situation has been settled.For the remaining two tasks, the reward points are not high.

Among the five teams, except for the parliamentary country team, the other teams have broken the 5-point eradication line, at least in terms of the lowest points, they will not suffer.As for the Shinra United and Datang teams, the points are all the way, and the Sultanate and the Parliamentary State are left far behind. The only suspense is if the remaining two tasks are completed and random tasks are added, will there be subversive changes? .

Kane was very excited when he saw the third fragment of the Archangel Sword he had obtained, and opened the portal to take everyone back to Tristram.

Lampard suddenly took a step forward, protecting Kane and said: "Kane! You have to be careful. We are so targeting the Shinrikyo, constantly launching attacks and snatching their holy objects. They may hold a grudge and go back to assassinate you."

As an adventurer who is familiar with the plot, Lampard naturally knows that the truth cult with Magtan as the leader has already decided to assassinate Kane.As long as Kane returns, he will be doomed to die.

As a lifesaver, the relationship between Shinra United and Kane has always been excellent, and they have received a lot of practical benefits. Lampard is really reluctant to let Kane die.

The little beauty Liya also became nervous when she heard this: "Uncle, Du Yu and I will swear to protect you to the death."

Kane stared at Leah, lovingly stroked the beauty's head and said, "Son, what's wrong with uncle? I have personally defeated Diablo twice, and even the strong winds and waves have come. A mere Shinrikyo, who can take my Life? Don't worry, haha."

He looked at Du Yu, and said softly: "After this period of time, after checking the information, I think the last missing suit should be in the hands of the butcher."

Others couldn't make up their minds after hearing this nonsense, but Du Yu understood it very well.

This is Kane explaining his funeral.

The last thing he did was to find out that [Kane's Destiny] set, the last piece [Kane's Vision], was in the hands of the BOSS butcher in the first act.

(End of this chapter)

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