Chapter 828 Kane Falls!Adria! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
It can be seen that Kane has a deep affection for his adoptive daughter Leah. Even though he knew that he would die, he found the whereabouts of the suit before he died.

Tyrell was dazed, looking as if he was contemplating who I am.

After Kane finished explaining, he took a deep look at Du Yu for the last time, and said in a low voice, "I will leave this world and Leah to you."

He took the first step and walked towards the portal.

Du Yu followed closely behind, followed by Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng and others, protecting Kane's left and right.

Lampard led the strong Shinra team, also held up the shield, and quickly grabbed Kane's side.Kane has given Shinra a lot of benefits, and they never want Kane to fall.

Sai Yiwu, Zulu and others stepped into the portal one after another.

The flames of Wortham burned more and more vigorously, almost lighting up the sky.

On a building surrounded by flames, a woman wearing a bicorne hat, a purple robe, and a pale face looked coldly at Kane and the adventurers returning one after another, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

"Kane, your end is coming."

Du Yu, Lampard and others, guarding Kane, walked out through the portal.

This is Kane's residence.

But no one dared to rest assured. This is the place where Kane was assassinated by the enraged Truth sect in the plot.

Cultists, maybe lurking around, wanting Kane's life.

But when a large number of adventurers came out, fully armed and on guard, they didn't see any movement.

"Did the plot change?" A trace of doubt flashed in the hearts of all the adventurers.

As a powerful character, Kane is of great help to adventurers. Even Sai Wu, who is relatively distant, does not want him to die early.

Kane laughed twice: "It seems that I, an old man, will not die so early. I have to hurry up and finish my work."

He took out two fragments of the holy sword and the hilt, opened a thick book, and according to the blueprints on it, he took out a lot of rare materials, recruited Hydrick and Shan Wanjing, and the three started Repair the holy sword.

Two highly skilled blacksmiths are busy, but Shan Wanjing is more skilled than Hydrick at first glance, and soon takes on the main role. Hydrick has no choice but to work for a beautiful woman.And Kane took on the important task of guiding, constantly pointing out what to do at this time, and how to repair there.

Kane was living in a large hall at this time, even if more than 300 adventurers crowded here, it would not be too stuffy.

"Strange," Lampard muttered to Du Yu, "What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of this Megatan? Why hasn't it appeared until now?"

The work of restoring the Holy Sword went very smoothly.Under Shan Wanjing's forging, the holy sword gradually took shape, recovering its full appearance from fragments.

Archangel Tyrell stared at the holy sword, his bewildered eyes gradually became sharper.It can be seen that the angel is recovering his memory step by step.

Suddenly, strange figures walked out from the void and rushed towards Kane and Tyrell who were close at hand!

"It's the truth cult!" Lampard roared: "Knights, build me a shield wall! Don't be chaotic, organize your formation, and protect Kane and Tyrell!"

He took the lead, stood in the first shield wall, and slashed at the cult member with strange movements.

Needless to say, the other four teams of adventurers also joined the battle.

Dongfang Bubai's red shadow pierced the throat of a high-ranking believer in a flash, and pierced the forehead of another in another flash.

Du Yu and Liya, protecting Kane from the innermost side, kept close to each other for personal protection.

There are more than 30 cult members who rushed out this time. They are very powerful and know strange magic. They can lock an adventurer and cannot move.But helplessly, the adventurers here are all experienced in many battles, and the number is enough to form an army. More than 30 Shinrikyo believers, like mud cows entering the sea, were killed by the furious adventurers without even making a sound. None can save them.

"Bah! Really!" Jack the Ripper hesitantly withdrew the scissors from the chest of a priestess, licked the hot blood on them, and spit on the face of the priestess who lost her spirit and fell slowly.

"Not good!" Du Yu suddenly felt a deadly danger coming!

He desperately pushed Kane and Leah away.

A ray of purple light came from the void behind him, but because of Du Yu's vigilance, his success fell short.

Magtan's figure gradually emerged, and a cold voice sounded: "You sinners, who killed so many of my believers, deserve death!"

Captain No. 172 of the Assassin's Creed team snorted coldly, and walked towards Magtan slowly and hurriedly. This kind of magician is the assassin's favorite.

And Leah rolled over, and the bow and arrow had already shot at Magtan like lightning.

After a series of battles accumulated, her bow and arrow are extremely powerful.

Purple halos emerged from Magtan's body, and neither bows nor assassin's blades could approach her body.But the leader of the cult emitted a purple light and quickly approached Kane.

"You sinner, accept the punishment of the God of truth!"

Du Yu suddenly let out a roar of the ghostly prison wind, and the powerful sound wave attack directly interrupted the madly pressing Magtan.

"What the hell are you? How dare you act aggressive in front of me?" Du Yu's roar made Magtan's body tremble, and he could not help but look at Du Yu.

"Someone can interrupt my spellcasting?" She couldn't believe it.

Du Yu was as imposing as a tiger, and punched Magtan, "Death to the cult!"

Magtan raised his head and roared angrily.

Following Du Yu's wonderful performance, everyone recalled it one after another, launched a counterattack, or joined Kane's protection ranks.It became even more difficult to kill this Horadric scholar.

"The God of truth, do not allow blasphemy!" Magtan roared angrily, and suddenly the night sky outside was illuminated as bright as day.

"Meteorite! It's actually a meteorite!" an adventurer shouted.

As expected of a strong plotter, this Magtan actually summoned a meteorite with a wave of his hand, trying to destroy this new Tristram.

Du Yu pulled Liya and Kane to flee.

At this moment, a more evil figure appeared beside Kane.

Red skinny leather suit, sexy breasts and wavy buttocks, giggling and charming smile

It turned out to be Leah's mother, Adria!
At this critical moment, she actually took action herself.

The cult leader Magtan bowed his head respectfully.

Adria suddenly appeared behind Kane, and stabbed Kane's back with the evil black and purple dagger in her hand!

Kane spit out a mouthful of black blood and fell to the ground.

"No!" Leah couldn't believe her eyes.

Why did the mother kill her adoptive father?
Adelia licked Kane's blood-stained magic knife indifferently, licked Du Yu's blood-stained lips seductively, hooked her hands, and disappeared into the void.

Magtan also giggled: "The God of Labor took action, the subordinates are ashamed of their duties, but"

She flickered to the side of Tyrell, who had lost his divine power and hadn't recovered yet, pulled Tyrell up, opened the portal, and wanted to go in.

"Stop going!" Liya went mad with anger, and shot an arrow.

A cultist jumped forward and blocked the bow and arrow with his chest.

More cultists came out of the void, launched a large-scale attack on the adventurers, and covered Adria and Magtan who were retreating.

The battle finally came to an end.

There was blood and corpses all over the place.

The cult members paid a heavy price, none of them could go back alive, leaving hundreds of corpses behind.There were no casualties among the adventurers.

But everyone's heart is extremely heavy.

Because Kane is dead.

He was assassinated and died as stipulated in the plot.

However, due to the enhanced protection of the adventurers, the leader of the cult, Magtan, failed to complete this task, and the bigger boss, Adria, took the initiative to get everything done.

The Archangel Tyrell was also taken away by the Truth Cult, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Lia hugged Kane's cooling body, crying like hell.

"Don't be sad." Du Yu packed up his luggage: "Our top priority is to inherit Kane's legacy and take revenge!"

Hearing the word revenge, Leah jumped up, her beautiful eyes flushed, "Okay! I'll go too!"

"If the enemy is your mother Adria, can you fight?" Du Yu picked up Kane's repaired Archangel Sword from the ground, staring at the edge of this peerless sword.

"Of course!" Liya didn't hesitate, and plucked the bowstring: "I want to ask her personally why she killed Uncle Kane."

Du Yu nodded, weighed the Archangel's sword, turned to Lampard and Sai Wu and said, "In that case, shall we continue to complete the task?"

"This sword of the Archangel must be kept by me," Lampard said expressionlessly.

Du Yu smiled: "No one can use a plot weapon. What do you want it for?"

Lampard said in a deep voice: "This is my angel's weapon. Is there anything wrong with my church keeping it?"

Sai Wu yelled: "Not good! I think it's best to keep it with Leah. She is Kane's heir, and no one has any objections."

Leah nodded, took the sword of the Archangel, and said softly: "Uncle Kane died tragically. I will inherit his will and carry forward the Horadric Sect. Next, we will find the whereabouts of the True God Sect. Uncle Kane Before he died, he said that there was truth in his diary. I looked through his diary. He found that there was a witch in the cave of Ireni in the north of Wortham village. The witch."

Before Du Yu could speak, Sai Yiwu took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry, forgive me for the Sudanese team. I still have important tasks to do, so I can't accompany you. Let's take a step first."

He led the Sudanese team straight to the blacksmith's shop. After some repairs, he rode on his horse and headed straight out of the town.

"What the hell is this bastard doing?" Lampard was furious.

Now that the task is getting more and more difficult, no matter which team, there is no certainty of victory.Together, we completed several main missions in a group. Although the points were unevenly distributed, we did it without much loss after all.As the vested interest holder who currently has the highest points, the Shinra people don't want to see the favorable situation broken.

(End of this chapter)

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