Chapter 829 Leah's Illusion, Danger Lurks! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
But helplessly, first the fall of Kane, and then ushered in the division of the Sudanese, destined to make the following adventures more dangerous.

"The whereabouts of the Sudanese?" Du Yu smiled and said, "It should be a random task."

Lampard's pupils narrowed.

"Yes" Anakin rarely agreed with Du Yu's opinion: "The following main missions are long and arduous, but there are not many points to be gained. Currently, the Sultanate ranks third and is in the obliteration penalty area. They will fight no matter what." In the upper ranks, and we are more than 4000 points away from us, the only hope for a comeback is to fight for random missions."

"I didn't see him receive a random mission." Lampard doubted.

"There will be no prompts for random missions." Du Yu laughed and said, "He won't tell you when he accepts it."

Lampard spat.

Currently ranking first, he is most afraid of spoilers coming out.

This Sultan, Sai Yiwu, has not yet conceded defeat, but will fight to the death.

"There are still four random tasks that have not been completed yet. [Lei Shi's Family], 900 points. [The Last Battle of the Ancestors] 1200 points. [The Pharmacist's Brother] 4000 points. [Restore Fame] 1500 points." Du Yao leisurely said: "Together, it is enough to turn the tables. The remaining main missions [Searching for the True God] and [The Imprisoned Angel] only have 1350 points and 1575 points respectively. You can tell at a glance how the Sudanese choose."

"And I'm worried." Du Yu said with a gloomy expression, "Even if the points are robbed, the two losers, the Sudan and the Parliament, are not willing to be obliterated. A moment. But Lia has seen Diablo's power in many illusions, and it is getting stronger step by step with the passage of time. The LOSERs can afford it, but we can't!"

Michelle chuckled inwardly, Du Yu deliberately created tension for Lampard.

Because although Lampard won the first place in points, he has not fulfilled the promise of Longjiao so far.

What Du wanted was for Saiwu to confront Lampard again, forcing Lampard.

In this way, when the first position is threatened, Lampard can be willing to give up the dragon horn.

Enough pressure produces enough power.

Sure enough, Lampard was uncertain when he heard the generous rewards for these four random tasks.

"Damn it!" Urum yelled strangely: "I'm in a hurry, so let's grab the random mission too. With such a generous reward, it's hard to justify not doing it."

Lampard is in a dilemma.

Abandoning the main mission and going to grab a random mission from Sai Yiwu?
Although the random mission points are indeed much more attractive than the remaining two mainline missions.

The remaining two mainline tasks not only have a long cycle and many steps, but also pose a much greater threat than random tasks.

He gritted his teeth: "Okay! Let's also grab the random mission, but fortunately there is still time for the mission. If we grab one, they will lose one. The Sudanese will never allow the first to be snatched!"

He took a deep look at Du Yu.

Du Yu happily said: "Captain Lampard just go, I will take Lia and finish the main task slowly."

Lampard nodded deeply, patted Du Yu and said, "Brother, this is another forging book we found, and it's for you. You helped me a lot in this first scene, and I will give you a dragon horn as a gift. But the premise is to get the first place."

He rode his horse and headed straight for the Corrupted Forest, where there was a task of [The Last Battle of the Ancestors] to complete, but the search would take a lot of time.

A smile appeared on the corner of Du Yu's mouth.

Dongfang Bubai was also moved when he saw Shinra and Sultan leave one after another. He led the team with a cold face and went straight to the highland path. The goal was the random task [Restore reputation].

"Hey, why did you push Shinra to do random missions too?" Michelle asked strangely, "We're doing the main mission, can we get it?"

Du Yu glanced at the remaining parliamentary country adventurers who didn't know where to go, and said with a slight smile: "I naturally hope that everyone will unite and fight the enemy butcher. But I have made it clear that these guys, points first, have not completed all tasks, Sultan And the parliamentary country, how are you willing to complete the first act and be wiped out by the killer? Only when all the points are robbed will the final task attract their attention. Even, I suspect that the loser will deliberately delay the time, and can live for a moment. Since you can’t stop it, let’s push the boat along. I have my own way, beat them, and finish the first act as soon as possible.”

Michelle suddenly realized.

This is the human heart problem.

Shinra is now third, and the parliamentary country is fourth, and some people are destined to be obliterated.Before they have no way to go, they will desperately grab points and try to change their fate.At this time, it is absolutely impossible to unite them to beat the butcher and pass the level.

"But there is still a problem. Now that everyone is falling apart and fighting for points, what can we do?" Myshela questioned.

Du Yu smiled and pouted: "Have you heard of the catfish effect? ​​There are still catfish we can control, isn't there?"

Michelle looked at the parliamentary country.

"You want to help them grab points?"

Du Yu nodded and said with a smile: "The last task, the third and fourth are not unwilling to complete it? Are you delaying on purpose? I will create suspense for them! Let the points gap be very close, the butcher's 1575 points, become the third and fourth The winner! In this way, do they dare to rush to fight the butcher?"

She finally realized it suddenly, and she admired Du Yu so much.

As expected, Du Yu had already had a backhand, and he made every move with foresight.

At the beginning, he advocated giving 30% points to the parliamentary country, which won the favor of the parliamentary country. Now it is only natural for the two sides to cooperate again.

Sure enough, the parliamentary state Indra, Toledo and Zulu discussed and went to Du Yu.

"We plan to complete the main task with you." Indra said with a smile first: "We are all brothers, nothing to say."

Toledo smiled and said: "We would never trust anyone if we hadn't had a good time working together last time."

Zulu said coldly: "But the reward must not be less, otherwise I will not agree."

Du Yu, please listen, one red face, one black face, and one white face, are you here to sing?

He said indifferently: "Cooperate with me? Yes!"

The three of them looked happy, but Du Yu immediately smiled and said, "But I also have conditions!"

"What conditions?" Indra coughed.

At this time, their parliamentary country is the most worried group of people.

Because the points are seriously insufficient.

Judging from the standings, they are more than 3000 points away from the nearest Eastern Undefeated team, and they are more than 4000 points away from the Sudanese.

At the moment when there are only two main quests left, the gap is desperately large.It seems that the bloody 20% obliteration quota is stuck in the head.

In order to overtake the No.3 Sudanese United team, they must grab the high-scoring task [Pharmacist's Brother] worth 4000 points, and they must use all means to complete the main task.

The so-called ants still steal their lives, let alone these adventurers?
Never admit defeat until the last moment.

But judging from previous adventures, even the adventurers of the parliamentary country are very clear that they will never win the Sudanese.

Therefore, they could only join forces with Du Yu.

Du Yu's ability to obtain points, the parliamentary country had to be convinced, and many of their points were gifted by Du Yu.

Du Yu said solemnly: "I know what you're thinking. Because [The Pharmacist's Brother] is located on the north path of the plateau, which overlaps with the location of the main mission. But it's too difficult for you to go there by yourself, so you asked me to cooperate. Everyone Cooperation is fine. But I want absolute control!"

As soon as the absolute control was exported, Indra, Zulu and Toledo were a little unnatural.

Even if the parliamentary state is weak, it is still a prince!
You are a person from the Tang Dynasty, controlling adventurers in a country, what is going on?

"If you want to use us as cannon fodder to realize your own interests and deal with the butcher, I will never agree!" Zulu said bluntly: "Our fighters are brave and fearless, but not stupid."

Du Yu said coldly: "Very well, you don't have the courage to face the butcher, and you just want to complete your own points task. Then please go ahead. Let me tell you the truth, the one I'm going to deal with is the butcher!"

The faces of the three were pale.

Butcher is a topic that everyone dare not mention.

That is the main boss of the first act, a powerful strength that requires adventurers to pile up with their lives.

"I see, everyone, don't worry." Indra acted as the peacemaker: "The butcher must be killed, otherwise how would we pass the first act? But we only have two teams, and together they are in the early 100s. How can we kill the butcher? We should wait a little longer." Wait, it's better for everyone to get together and go up together."

Parliamentary states are only interested in one thing and that is points.

The cornered beasts are still fighting, and striving for No.3 is their only goal.

The heroic deeds of killing butchers should be reserved for the teams with the highest points.

Du Yu smiled coldly: "Since you don't want to kill the butcher, let's go our separate ways. Anyway, we have enough points. There is no need to spend time on random tasks."

He leads the team to go.

Indra hurriedly stopped her, and said with an ugly face: "According to our information, the butcher doesn't have more than 300 people to besiege, it is very dangerous. It is too powerful, why do you need to trouble yourself?"

Du Yu said coldly: "I only have two choices for you. One is to do it with me, and I will try my best to help you get points;

Indra had no choice but to discuss with Zulu, Toledo and others, and finally came up with a decision.

"Damn, it's done!"

"I understand your plan to drag these brawny outlaws from the Parliament to deal with the butcher, but why are you so anxious to fight the butcher to the death?" Ai Ning of the wolf pupil team suddenly asked Du Yu.

Everyone also looked at Du Yu.

To be honest, the pressure that the butcher boss puts on everyone is also extraordinarily great.

Du Yu was silent for a while, then pointed to Liya: "Liya, tell everyone about the dream you had last night."

Liya's beautiful eyes were red and swollen, and she seemed to have cried a lot last night: "Last night, I couldn't fall asleep for a long time because Uncle Kane left me forever. It wasn't until after 2 o'clock that I was groggy and found myself Enter Diablo's perspective!"

(End of this chapter)

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