Chapter 830 Manipulating the situation, Du Yu's magic! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Everyone was surprised.

Everyone knows that Leah is Diablo's daughter, but they didn't expect her to enter Diablo's perspective again.

"I found that its army is growing exponentially. There are all kinds of monsters from hell, and they are constantly defecting to it. There are even huge monsters and giants over tens of meters that have become his subordinates. And it seems to be interested in I was very salivating and kept yelling at me: You are mine, you are meant to be mine. I was so scared that I woke up."

Leah's voice was full of frustration and exhaustion, and she could see that the loss and nightmare had tormented her a lot.

When she opened her beautiful eyes, Michelle took a closer look and was immediately taken aback.

Because of Liya's beautiful maroon eyes, a faint red color suddenly appeared, making her look extraordinarily weird and evil.

"She she already," stammered Michelle.

Du Yu nodded: "That's right. She has already been eroded by Diablo."

He walked up to Liya, and Liya jumped up and threw herself into Du Yu's arms: "Uncle, I'm so scared, will I be controlled by Diablo forever and become that terrible Diablo? No! I don't want it!"

Du Yu gently stroked Liya's chestnut hair, and whispered, "You won't. Because I swore to Kane to protect you forever and never allow Diablo to touch your body and soul." !"

He pinched Liya's chin and said in a deep voice, "Do you trust me? I will protect you forever!"

Liya burst into tears, and Lihua said with rain: "I know! I know! Uncle Kane has already told me. He wants me to listen to you after he leaves. Only with you here can I feel at ease."

Liya threw herself into Du Yu's arms.

Even though this western girl is relatively open, she dares to talk about love with her lover in front of people.

Du Yu comforted Liya, but Liya actually fell asleep, showing that her body and mind had reached the extreme of exhaustion after being tortured by the nightmare last night.

But in Du Yu's arms, she found a quiet haven for her soul, and fell into a peaceful dreamland.

Michela waited for Du Yu to settle Lia, nodded and said: "Indeed, if no action is taken, Diablo will gradually erode Leah's sanity, let her develop like a plot, and eventually be destroyed by her evil father." control."

Du Yu said in a deep voice: "Fortunately, we accidentally triggered the mysterious main mission and got three suits. I believe that if it weren't for this [Kane's Destiny] suit to protect Leah, the control and erosion she suffered last night would have been absolutely impossible. Not only the current level. It may even be hooked away overnight!"

Tina still asked the question: "I can understand your anxiety, but why don't you wait for everyone to get together and attack the butcher together? That way the losses will be greatly reduced."

"Because time is tight." Du Yu's voice was low.

"Time?" Tina smiled and said, "There is no time limit for this mission?"

Du Yu said solemnly: "It is precisely because there is no time limit that I am so anxious to organize an attack on the butcher immediately!"

He sighed: "Space will never make such a bug, let us have loopholes to exploit. Imagine, as long as we can't beat it, we can repeatedly MF in the plot world, build equipment, gems, arm and strengthen ourselves. In this way Come on, what difficulty is there in the world? Leah’s nightmare is actually a warning from space! We can waste time in the first act, but every moment, Diablo’s magic army and himself , is also constantly becoming stronger. The difficulty of our second and third acts is constantly increasing! I believe it will not be long before, if we do not attack the second act, Leah will even be directly hooked by Diablo. Although there will be other plot characters, such as Tyrael, who will come out to give us tasks, but after thinking about the second act, it will be even more difficult!"

"Why didn't you say this to Lampard, Sai Yiwu and the others?" Michelle asked, "It's better for us to discuss together than to fight alone."

"Groups are wise," Du Yu said with a smile, "but groups are also the most short-sighted. I mentioned this to Lampard, but he chose to refuse to believe it. Although I took the initiative to persuade him to leave just now, I believe even if I don't Said that he will also take Sai Yiwu's actions tit-for-tat to snatch points. I believe that even if the random mission is completed, they will not attack the first-act boss immediately."

"So you're going to force them into Act Two?" Michelle asked.

Du Yu nodded: "Enter the second act as soon as possible. Although our preparation time is limited, Diablo's time is even more limited. And I must get together the [Kane's Destiny] suit as soon as possible, so that Leah can resist Diablo. Corruption of Polo, before it's too late!"

Seeing Du Yu's resolute gaze, Mai Shela knew that his determination had been made.No matter what people like Saiwu and Lampard think, he will attack the butcher.

She also nodded heavily.

When it's time to be decisive, be decisive.

"But that flower demon, you don't plan to get rid of the butcher before?" Michelle said in a low voice, "What if he gets angry in front of the butcher?"

Du Yu smiled and said: "This is the bright spot. I probably know the identity of the flower demon. But to get rid of him, even with Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng besieging him, it is not easy. On the contrary, it is better to use the enemy well than to use your own people .”

He went straight to the front, and Michelle muttered, "What do you mean by using him?"

The team continued forward, from the north of Wortham Village, into the cave of Erini.

Liya was held in Du Yu's arms, and after resting for a while, she opened her beautiful eyes.

Although she was still a little pale because of sadness and nightmares, but seeing more and more enemies in front of her, she quickly jumped down and joined the battle.

Cormac's roar came: "This cave is full of poisonous giant spiders. Be careful!"

Liya gritted her teeth and shot an arrow.

Du Yu patted Liya's buttocks with a smile, and said, "That's right, don't let Diablo's will control you, for Kane, cheer up and take revenge!"

Liya nodded, and the bow and arrow shot continuously, killing the big spiders that fell from the sky in front of them, breaking their stomachs one by one, screaming again and again.

The wolf pupil team is like a moving wall. The strong men such as Cormac, Captain No. [-], Li Tang, etc. are fully armed, and there are a large number of water pandas in front of them. It is really thick and heavy.Those highly poisonous spiders kept falling from the sky, but in front of this solid defense, they could only make the shield creak.The spitting of venom was also relieved in time by Li Mochou and Rourou's antidote.

The adventurers from the parliamentary country were also very active. Many black adventurers showed their characteristics of strong firepower, agility, and audacity. Screaming, the intestines burst continuously, and a large amount of green juice flowed out.

It can be said that if they are not active, 20% of them are about to be wiped out. Even if they are not in the last 20% of adventurers, they will die and the fox will be sad, and things will hurt others.The first act suffered such a heavy blow, how about the second and third acts?
With the escort of these lawless and aggressive black buddies, the advancing speed of the wolf pupil team suddenly accelerated.

This is the power of cooperation.

"Be careful, the Spider Queen is ahead!" Du Yu roared, and he knocked off a vertically falling spider with his palm.

"The spider queen has the witch Karina. Only the spider queen's own venom can dissolve the spider web and release the witch." Liya directed the team's attack while flipping through Kane's diary.

"Don't worry!" Zulu roared, activating the body's weather power.

It was a black African orangutan.

After the orangutan weather was activated, Zulu's muscles swelled, and his strength, agility, movement speed, and defense were all greatly enhanced, and his momentum was terrifying.

Du Yu couldn't help being startled.

With Zulu's combat power at this time, it is not inferior to masters of the same rank as Master Wuxuan.

Holding a leather shield and throwing spear in his hand, Ulala charged forward, and the spiders sprayed out their poison one after another, but he jumped away, and fell lightly, and the spear pierced the skin on the back of the three spiders, picking them up. die.

Seeing how brave the boss is, the morale of the black buddies was also boosted, and they all showed their unique skills and launched attacks.

"Not good!" Du Yu suddenly felt his eardrums hissing: "The spider is coming! Zulu back down quickly!"

At this time, Zulu's meteorological power has reached its peak, and his combat power has greatly increased. He is rushing from left to right, and is unstoppable.Although he heard Du Yu's warning, he was unwilling to retreat, and the spear pierced the lower abdomen of two spiders like the wind.

So, in the next second, he was in tragedy.

A large green net descended from the sky, enveloping him tightly.No matter how he mobilized the power of weather, with the huge strength of the gorilla, he tore the spider web, and the spider web, which was as thin as a cicada's wing, just wouldn't break.Not only that, but the spider web was also highly poisonous, and when it was touched by the hand, it quickly became paralyzed and swollen, with a green poisonous luster.

"Captain!" The female adventurer, Xie Wa, desperately waved her silver pistol, hitting the spider queen back and forth, and wanted to reach out to uncover the spider web.

"Don't come over!" Zulu yelled sharply, "Be careful of the spider queen!"

Xie Wa rolled on the spot, as agile as a leopard, dodging the mouthpart attack of the dark green spider queen, and counterattacked randomly, hitting the big spider queen sullenly and howling.

"Be careful of the spider queen Irene!" Indra held up her shield and shouted: "Her toxin has a very high priority, and the spider webs she sprays are also highly poisonous, and she will spray a pile of liquid to slow down everyone's movement speed. Make good use of the terrain! "

As soon as the spider queen appeared on the stage, she was really extraordinary.

Its tactics are very varied.

An agile black young adventurer, under the cover of Captain No. [-]'s shield, bravely jumped out, fired his revolver in the air, and hit the Spider Queen Ireni trembling.

Before he could stop smiling, he saw a flash of lightning piercing the void from Irene's body.

"Not good!" The young adventurer could only flash this thought, and was ripped open from his chest by Irene's sickle-shaped claws, and cut in half!
Amid Xie Wa's screams, blood spattered like rain!
(End of this chapter)

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