Chapter 831 Send points secretly, beat the teams! -Ask for a monthly pass at the fifth watch

The black adventurer hadn't died for a while, and his upper body was still crawling tenaciously, trying to avoid the spider queen's attack range.

But the Spider Queen is ruthless.

As soon as Ireni sprayed, a yellow net enveloped the young man.

Then, it strode forward.

The heroic young man was pierced through the skull by Erini's sharp claws, half of his body convulsed and died.

Another black adventurer threw the spear in his hand with all his strength.

This throwing spear is truly a formidable weapon.It turned into a bolt of lightning in the air, piercing Ireni right away!

Moreover, the power of lightning is even more continuous, shuttles back and forth on Ireni's body, weaving into a grid.

Irene's huge body convulsed, and was hit by the adventurer's vengeful spear, roaring again and again.

"The name of this spear is Kilimanjaro Lightning!" The silent black adventurer spit out the only sentence.

He rolled over on the spot, picked up the throwing spear that had lost its energy and fell to the ground, and prepared to repeat the old trick and surprise Irene again.

But Irene had already shown her power, and it screamed angrily.

Waves of mental power fluctuations immediately controlled this powerful black youth.

"No! Mari!" Zulu yelled, "Wake up quickly."

Leah's arrow pierced one of Erini's spider legs, but it was of no avail.

The ferocious Ireni cut off the head of the black adventurer with Kilimanjaro lightning, stuffed his body into its bloody mouth, and ate it in front of everyone.

"Bastard!" Zulu burst into tears.

Du Yu observed the terrain and shouted: "The area in the middle of the battlefield is a square rock. Once she jumps on the rock, the Spider Queen will temporarily be unable to attack the adventurer with hand-to-hand combat and spray, and can shoot at will!"

The adventurers in the parliamentary country were reminded, and they all jumped up and opened fire violently.

In order to fight for points and survive, they no longer cared about the risk of fighting the spider queen, and fought extraordinarily wildly and proactively.Although he paid the price of 2 lives, he still worked tirelessly.

Although the Spider Queen Ireni was protected by many powerful spider minions, under the risky attack of the adventurers from the Parliamentary Kingdom, she was surrounded by enemies, bullets shot from all sides, and she continued to howl.Although her skin has additional enhancements, African adventurers who advocate offense still have a lot of means to break through defenses and cause damage.

Even Zulu, who was poisoned in his body, was not timid, roaring and firing in the spider web.The spider web can only poison and paralyze him, but it can't stop the wild warrior from fighting for his brothers.

Irene, the Spider Queen, was beaten back steadily.

Michelle couldn't help but glanced at Du Yu.

In her heart, she admired Du Yu's judgment.

If it were Shinra, the Sultanate, or the Eastern Undefeated team, it would be impossible for any team to be as powerful as the adventurers of the parliamentary country.

The reason is simple, they have collected enough points, they are equivalent to a full-fledged lion, they must consider risks in everything, and shrink back.

But parliamentary states are different.

Most of them have not broken away from the point obliteration line. With only 2 missions left, they are willing to use their lives to gain even a little hope.

That's why I fought so hard.

Even Irene couldn't stop this crazy group of lunatics. It killed two too aggressive adventurers standing in front one after another, and blood dripped slowly from its sickle-like spider legs.But the spider queen's compound eyes revealed endless madness, locked on Zulu in the spider web.

Others beat me from a high place, and I couldn't touch it. You Zulu, a mere prey caught by me, still shot?
This is too arrogant!
Ireni let out a wild roar, and quickly moved her splayed legs to kill Zulu.

Its sharp claws had already killed two adventurers, blood dripping on the ground, but the speed was still astonishingly fast.

Zulu never stopped firing, but anyone could see the despair in his eyes.

His time of death is coming.

Du Yu weighed it.

He flashed suddenly and appeared in front of Irene.

Ireni smirked and stabbed at Du Yu.

Du Yu calmly grabbed Ireni's sharp weapon, and with a palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Ireni flew into the air.

Ireni's poison has no effect on him.

Because he has the heart of Garuda, he can resist all toxins, and his priority is higher than that of Irene.

Many adventurers were stunned.

This Ireni was extremely ferocious, killed two people, and acted like a heavy tank driving into the infantry group.

But this is more domineering.

Only one hand blocked such a terrifying monster.

Who is this?
Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms made Erini retreat a few steps. On the surface, he looked unscathed, but in fact he had already been bombarded in all directions.

"Why are you still standing there? Kill!" Du Yu shouted.

Many adventurers from the parliamentary country were taken aback for a moment before they realized that Du Yu had intentionally knocked Ireni unconscious and let them kill him.

Tears welled up in the eyes of these little blacks, Latins, and Ah Sans.

What a great spirit of internationalism this is.

They quickly turned their guns and opened fire.

Even Zulu, who was trapped and gradually paralyzed, squeezed the trigger, and shot the last bullet in the gun chamber into Ireni's body.

Ireni just woke up and roared angrily, trying to use mental power to control and get rid of Du Yu.

This evil spider queen has terrifying mind control skills, if she doesn't have enough resistance, she may be misled by it and become its captive puppet.

But Du Yu retaliated and gave it a Ghost Prison Yinfeng Roar. As a result, Irene's face was full of cows, and it could not compete with Du Yu's Ghost Prison Yinfeng Roar as a priority, and knelt down again, entering a dizziness.

Du Yu grabbed the Ireni and threw it high into the sky.

All kinds of crazy firepower will finally tear it apart.

Yellow bodily fluids, green fragments, mixed with the corpses of black adventurers swallowed by Irene, fell from the sky, and some female adventurers of the wolf pupil team couldn't help but groaned and vomited all over the ground.

Zulu received a prompt: "You have completed the task of rescuing the witch and killed the spider queen Irene, and you have gained a total of 1100 points. The current score is 3870 points."

Although the points are still at the bottom, this point is enough for everyone in the team to get out of the 50-point elimination zone.With Zulu's swollen face, he reluctantly smiled at Du Yu as a thank you.

Du Yu picked up the poison gland left by the spider queen and gave it to Xie Wa, who would rescue the witch Karina.

The reason why he wants to give sweets to the adventurers of the parliamentary country is not because of any conspiracy, but to reduce the number of people who will be wiped out.

Although it seems to be fourth, 20% of the adventurers will inevitably be obliterated, but at least there will be no more unlucky ones who will be obliterated due to less than 50 points.

The total number of adventurers is a number that Du Yu is very concerned about.

This number is too low, and it will make the fourth act, the impact on the high heaven, impossible.

Although the adventurers in the parliamentary country are known for their rebelliousness, Du Yu is not sure that he can persuade them to follow him, but there is always a possibility that the living people are not?The dead will never join forces with themselves.

Du Yu is good at taking advantage of the situation, the more people there are, the more likely they will become his help and pawns.

This can be regarded as an advance salary, right?A black-hearted guy, looking at Zulu's smiling face swollen like a pig, has a dark belly in his heart.

The team quickly packed up all kinds of treasures dropped by the Spider Queen, and then embarked on the journey.

After a series of battles, the wolf pupil team has reduced its staff by 2 to 63 people, and there are 56 adventurers left in the parliamentary country.

In general, although there were some casualties in the first act, except for the massacre of the parliamentary country in the jar of souls, adventurers from all over the world basically kept their institutional systems intact.

"Is this the Southern Highlands?"

Drilling out of the spider's cave, Myshea looked far and wide.

"Be careful!" Leah warned: "According to Uncle's records, these monsters in the highlands are quite difficult. Most of them are a mixed force of moon warriors and moon mages who are more difficult to deal with and have high blood volume. Here Pay more attention to your terrain and position, don't be surrounded by a few monsters. Try to choose as many open areas as possible to fight."

"There should be a lot of random missions here, right?" Zulu trembled, his legs still weak.

"Well, our friend has arrived one step ahead of schedule." Du Yu pointed to the front.

Sure enough, on the highland path in the distance, it was the Eastern Invincible Team who were doing the task of [Restore Reputation].

Qiu Haijun became the actual leader of this team, commanding everyone, and constantly besieging two powerful enemies.That was Dagon and his master, sworn enemies of the legendary weaponsmith.

"Accelerate through" Du Yu didn't want to have any intersection with Dongfang Bubai, so he immediately accelerated forward.

Dongfang Bubai looked over coldly, but didn't immediately pursue and kill Du Yu.

Another long and arduous battle and march followed.

The Eastern Invincible Team and the Shinra Team have completed two random tasks of [The Last Battle of the Ancestors] and [Recovering Honor].

On the way, Du Yu once again helped the adventurers from the Parliamentary Country, and completed the task of [Apothecary's Brother], which was worth 4000 points. However, he cleverly calculated the points of the adventurers from the Parliamentary Country and gave them 3500 points. Points, only 500 points are left for themselves, and they are stuck on the threshold that is exactly 1000 points away from the Sultanate.

This trick is so fucking insidious!
When he offered to give 3500 points to adventurers from the parliamentary country, Zulu, a big, dark and thick guy, almost burst into tears.

Even Toledo, who was well established in the city, hugged Du Yu tightly, with exaggerated tears on his face, interpreting the third world country's gratitude to the generous gifts of the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty.

The enthusiastic Xie Wa even rushed forward to give Du Yu a hug.If it weren't for Du Yu's lack of love for dark chocolate, maybe the two of them could develop some intimacy.

Indra and others are also very grateful.

This is 3500 points!
Incomparably precious 3500 points.

These points, plus Du Yu's intentional release of water, gave them the spider queen, and within a few days of following Du Yu, the points of the adventurers in the parliament country soared by 4600 points!
This is a terrifying statistic.

After adding these 4600 points, the parliamentary state is only 3 points away from the No.200 Sultanate!
Raise your hand to overturn.

Who will kill the deer is unknown!
(End of this chapter)

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