Chapter 832 Catfish Effect!Leah Crisis! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Is Du Yu's "selfless" assistance really so outrageous?
Sultanate adventurers have the deepest experience.

At this time, the adventurer of the Sultanate also completed the task of [Lei Shi's Family] and obtained 900 points, reaching 7300 points.

Sai Yiwu and Yakun were full of ambitions, but they heard the new world ranking!

1. Shinra United: 12930 points

2. Wolf pupil team: 7620 points

3. The Sultanate: 7300 points

4. Parliamentary National Team: 7100 points.

5. Eastern Undefeated Team: 6250 points

This achievement has inspired the Sudanese to count down!

"I clearly remember that the gang of desperadoes in the parliamentary country only had more than 2000 points? Why did they rush up like a rocket?" Yakun opened his mouth wide, unable to close it for a long time.

Thanks to the fact that we completed a random mission, otherwise we wouldn't have been overtaken!

Overtake, that is the last place.

20% of the quota will be wiped out, waiting for myself.

Sai Yiwu also jumped up and down in anger.

They didn't know that due to Du Yu's intervention, after a lot of hard work, instead of closing the distance, they were forced by the parliamentary country to a gap of less than 200 points.

So far, except for the last main quest [The Imprisoned Angel], all main quests and random quests have been completed.

This gap made the situation extremely delicate in an instant.

In terms of total points, the sum of the total points of the two teams of Datang still exceeds the Shinra United team, but the gap is small, less than a thousand points. There is still suspense in the No.1 battle.And the battle between the Sultanate and the parliamentary state for the bottom two is also a huge suspense, the gap is only 200!

This gap makes the last task [Irrelined Angel] very important!

Sai Yiwu said in a deep voice: "It is estimated that the people of the parliament have snatched the random task of 4000 points. No matter how they did it, we don't have time to worry about it. Now the top priority is to start preparing for the main task of [The Imprisoned Angel]. If you are not the first, you cannot be the last!"

The captains of the Sultanate nodded together.

Although the last mission [The Imprisoned Angel] only has 1575 points, but at this moment, it has enough magic power to change life and death!

This is the result of Du Yu's deliberate and precise calculations.

He deliberately gave 3500 points to the parliamentary country, and he had no good intentions at all!

In this way, everyone will not be able to pay attention to or delay the last main task.

What?You don't want to fight the final mission?OK.Whether it is the top two or the bottom two, there are a lot of teams coveting the final 1575 points.

If this thing falls into Shinra's pocket, Shinra is number one, if it falls into Langtong or Dongfang Invincible Team, Datang is number one, if it falls into Sudan, Sudan can keep the penultimate place, and if it falls into the parliamentary country, the parliamentary country 10% will be reduced to obliterate the quota!

Who dare not take the last task seriously?

This is the catfish effect.

Du Yu knew that it was absolutely impossible to impress the team captains with words and give up the seemingly reasonable but short-sighted MF plan.The only whip that can twitch them is obliteration.

Let the sultanate and the parliamentary state form a precarious competition and fight hand to hand!
Let Shenluo and Datang also form a battle for number one!

In this way, Du Yu didn't need to waste a word, he could see the scene of each team scrambling to besiege the final mission.

Seeing the final points ranking, Shen Luoyan almost couldn't straighten up laughing, and said to Du Yu, "You are really bad."

Du Yu smiled and said, "The only thing I can control is the allocation of the last 4000 points, but that's okay. The rest is up to everyone."

Lampard's jade flying pigeon message has arrived, and there is only one sentence on it: "Give us the last mission, keep the first place, and give you the dragon horn."

Du Yu laughed.

This is the most reliable guarantee issued by Lampard when he is desperate.

The dragon horn is what Du Yu is determined to obtain.

Indra, Zulu and Toledo from the parliamentary state hurried over to find Du Yu.They have already seen the hope of a comeback, the dawn of victory!
It is about to rise from the bottom one to the bottom two, reducing the obliteration by 10%!

This is 6 living human lives.

Although he still had to bear the obliteration of 5 people, it was better than 11 people.

"What are we waiting for? Hurry up!" Zulu shouted impatiently.

Du Yu smiled slightly: "Aren't you and the Sultanate allies? Why do you have to put them to death?"

Indra sighed: "When it comes to life and death, I don't have any sympathy with my son, let alone the same clan and religion? Besides, even if Zulu believes in the true God, there are still many people who don't believe in it, such as us and Latin America."

Du Yu smiled sinisterly: "You really don't want to save face for the Sudanese?"

Toledo said gloomyly: "Who dares to delay at a critical moment, I will kill him!"

His eyes went to Zulu.

Zulu grinned and said, "It's about our lives, we will never release water."

"Not good! The Sudanese went straight to the last dungeon after resting their equipment." Xie Wa came in to report.

"Let's set off immediately!" Zulu was in a panic, for fear that the Sudanese would snatch the last 1575 points and push the parliamentary state into the abyss.

Du Yu smiled calmly.

He just moved the points distribution, which caused the teams to be so nervous.No more hesitation before.

This is exactly the atmosphere that Du Yu deliberately created.

The original intention of the obliteration mechanism design is exactly the same.

Use coercive power to force adventurers to mobilize all their energy to complete tasks that were impossible before.

To deal with the butcher this time, it was a concerted effort. Everyone rushed together, and the overall loss was the smallest.

For Du Yu, who is determined to hit the fourth act, it is best to preserve the overall strength of the adventurer as much as possible.

Surrounded by the parliament and the others, he stood up and said, "Go, let's go to this mission too!"

Southern Highlands, Northern Territory, Tunnels of Pain

Difficult adventure areas were conquered one by one in front of the pressured and courageous teams.

Du Yu commanded the wolf pupil team and the parliamentary country's joint team, and the assault speed was extremely fast.

And Dongfang Invincible, Shinra, Sudan and other teams were not to be outdone, crushing them forcefully and striking hard all the way.

Adventurers cooperate with each other in a team to exert their greatest strength.

Moon Clan warriors, Moon Clan mages, elite bosses, although the monsters blocked from all walks of life are extremely powerful and numerous, they were killed one after another in front of the adventurers who were provoked by competition and survival. into a river.

The adventurers are like a rainbow.

Liya was surprised and excited: "What's wrong with them? I always feel that everyone is fully wound up, and there is no hesitation in moving forward. If this continues, the process of our revenge for Uncle Kane will be very slow." Much faster."

Du Yu smiled and said nothing.

Only Shen Luoyan knew.

The black hand behind all this is Du Yu.

He used various means and obliteration mechanisms to stimulate the enthusiasm of each team, making each team a pioneer for him to overcome obstacles and open up the way forward.

Shi Shiran, on the other hand, followed behind comfortably. If he encountered a strong enemy, he would attack together.

This guy is really good at controlling the overall situation.Shen Luoyan cursed in her heart.

It is said that although the conflicts between the teams were deep, under Du Yu's precise control, the adventurers from the four countries were not killed or injured, and they fought until the end of the first act.

This is actually Du Yu's credit.

Of course, except for the few people closest to Du Yu, the other people who were used and saved did not feel this trend.

"Come on." Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes looked at the blood-red sun in the distance: "Let me see, how you use your ingenuity all the way to drive this mob around, and finally rush into the highest heaven."

Under Du Yu's secret painstaking efforts, the adventurers from the four countries made great strides all the way. It could be seen that they were a group of adventurers who hated each other. Many times, their cooperation definitely surpassed the team level.

"It's painful and authentic ahead." Lampard was in high spirits, and the bloodstained knight armor on his body made him look more calm.

"The last scene?" Sai Yiwu sighed and said, "I wanted to stay in this scene for a few more days, everyone MF, the equipment level has gone up, and it won't be too late to enter the second scene."

"I think so too." Lampard smiled, and glanced at Dongfang Bubai.He believed that Du Yu would not covet the number one throne for the sake of the dragon's horn, but it was not necessarily the case for this ambitious guy.

Sai Yiwu's eagle eyes also gave Zulu, Indra and others a hard look.

If it weren't for you guys, who don't know how to live and die, and insist on clinging to the points, why would we be so hasty and insist on completing the final task?

Unexpectedly, Dongfang Bubai ignored them at all, and went straight to the outer hall door.

The others followed closely.

"Do you really think that these mobs can defeat that terrifying butcher?" Liya said with emotion.

Looking at the more than 300 adventurers who filed in, Du Yu said in a deep voice, "I don't know either."

"Huh?" Leah wondered.

Du Yu smiled wryly and said: "I can't predict the outcome of this battle, but I know that if we hesitate, the blood of the demon god in your body will awaken early. We will lose you forever, this young mentor. And the mainland , will be plunged into eternal darkness."

Leah's eyes dimmed: "I recently dreamed of Diablo again. It was a terrible nightmare. His strength is still growing."

Du Yu nodded: "I know, because your eyes are even redder."

Leah was taken aback and took out the small mirror to take a look.

Sure enough, the pupils, which were originally only light red, gradually turned dark red.

This speed is really shocking.

"This is still suppressed by the suit left by my uncle, otherwise my mutant awakening speed will be faster." Liya also sighed resignedly, took Du Yu's hand and said, "Promise me one thing?"

Du Yu looked directly at Lia.

Liya choked up and said: "If I really can't do it, you must kill me with your own hands. I will never let that evil god Diablo control my body and endanger the mainland. Never!"

(End of this chapter)

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