Chapter 834 The Ultimate Challenge, Torment Prison! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The shrewd Du Yu ordered Mai Shela to set up a temporary trading platform in front of Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop.The rare materials collected by Shan Wanjing are very comprehensive, basically everything that one expects to find.Based on this, Michelle used barter to exchange the ready-made magic equipment and rare materials in the hands of the captains of each team!

Of course, the exchange is not unconditional, and there is also a 10% handling fee.

This is equivalent to a double press.

The bosses and captains of each team are of course well aware of Du Yu's trick.But the problem is that none of them has so many rare materials, and they are even less willing to expose their equipment needs to potential enemies!

As for the wolf pupil team, Shan Wanjing already knew the attributes of the equipment they needed when they were building it anyway, so there was nothing to hide.

So, after layers of goose plucking, the teams have worked hard, and [-]% of the gold equipment produced can be used in new customized equipment, which is not bad.Half of them fell into Du Yu's pocket.

As pieces of magic equipment were disassembled, the rare materials in the space warehouse of the wolf pupil team gradually piled up like a mountain.

Not to mention the low-level materials mentioned earlier, precious materials such as demon essence and evil heart have also accumulated a lot.

Michelle is even more of a profiteer, and she even opened up a way to use high-value currencies such as gems to buy rare materials for emergencies.

These bigwigs have a time difference of one or two rare materials, so how can they be stingy with one or two gems, so they can make a quick decision and barter.

As a result, the number of gems in the team warehouse of the wolf pupil team also increased sharply.

In the team channel, Michelle proudly said: "I changed a lot of gems. These silly hats, there is a jeweler in the second act, who can synthesize high-level gems. The status of gems in Diablo III is much higher than that of Diablo II. Many. Wanjing said that the current accumulation of materials can already make six pieces of golden equipment. Do you want to make them for you now?"

Du Yu smiled slightly: "Tell her not to worry. This time, the materials are being hoarded first. When we will draw out the blueprints of rare equipment, follow the blueprints and let her directly buy rare equipment! Now, she is strong enough to deal with the butcher."

After a lot of hard work, Sai Yiwu, Lampard and other team leaders walked away satisfied with their bling.

The crowd who were onlookers could only drool as they watched the rich and powerful flaunt their wealth openly. To these low-level adventurers, this golden equipment is no different from luxury cars such as Maserati and Aston Martin. distance.

But life has to go on, so after the high-end users left, these ordinary repair and purchase consumers flocked to continue to practice Shan Wanjing's blacksmith skills.

After finishing the rest, the captains of the alliance and each team held a meeting to study how to attack the last butcher.

"This dark dungeon is really difficult." Anakin complained: "Otherwise, why don't we form an offensive and defensive alliance and prepare to rest for a while before attacking the butcher?"

Du Yu knew that this was simply because the Shinra team still didn't give up, and wanted to test whether everyone could MF, delaying the time to attack the butcher.

After Anakin finished speaking, he looked at the team captains expectantly, but was greeted with silence.

Ya Kun smiled and said: "We have no problem. But you have to ask"

He glanced at Zulu, and the meaning behind his words could not have been clearer.

Of course we would like to rest for a while longer, but this group of bottom-ranked desperadoes will not be polite.In case they rush in and snatch the last mission, we will have no choice but to take action and deal with the butcher together.

It is true that the Sultanate has never thought of killing the adventurers of the Parliamentary State, and it will be settled once and for all, but who knows if the bottom spot will fall to them because of this?

If you kill Lao Mo and become Lao Mo yourself, you are lifting a rock to shoot yourself in the foot.

Anakin looked at Du Yu.

Du Yu coughed, and looked at Dongfang Bubai with a half-smile, "I, Datang, have two teams. Even if my wolf pupil team doesn't fight for it, Senior Dongfang will definitely not be inferior to others."

Dongfang Bubai sneered and said: "I, Datang, lead by a thousand points at this time, how could I give up the victory?"

Sai Wu and Lampard looked at each other.

This offensive and defensive alliance, due to the tight points gap, is bound to fail to form.

Giving up this great opportunity to accumulate strength and spend time always makes these guys feel unwilling.

Although Du Yu reminded, Diablo's strength is constantly growing.But the other adventurer captains always sneered.

They don't believe it.

As a result of this meeting, it eventually broke up unhappy.

The offensive and defensive alliance can't be formed, and the undefeated East, which is expected to win the first place, and the parliamentary country, which is expected to make a comeback in the end, have made it clear that they will attack the dungeon of pain, rescue Tyrell, and kill the butcher to complete all the main quests.

The pressure of obliteration forced the four teams to embark on the journey again.

The difficulty of the dungeon of pain is getting bigger and bigger.

There are hordes of powerful monsters everywhere, the most powerful so far in terms of quantity and quality, and there are a lot of pink enhanced monsters.

A large number of dark believers, ordinary dark believers are very weak, but some dark summoners and dark prayers are very difficult to deal with.Dark Summoners often summon a bunch of hellhounds to attack adventurers, which is quite tricky.Dark prayers, on the other hand, would often be demonized in groups of several in the area; if the demonization was successful, they would become extremely fast and powerful filthy believers.When fighting, priority must be given to eliminating these summoners and prayers.

"Damn, is this really the nightmare difficulty of the first act?"

Anakin's face was covered in blood, which was caused by a mistake in the team's coordination. Shinra fought fiercely with the monsters, and 5 hellhounds suddenly appeared, broke through the knight's defense, and rushed forward with a devious roar.If it weren't for the two pieces of golden equipment on his body, the weapon presented by Richelieu in his hand, and his super-high agility and consciousness, he would have already become a food for the demon dog at this time.

"It seems that the journey ahead will be more difficult." Stephen was also a little timid.This dungeon of pain is really too difficult, pink strengthened monsters are everywhere, and reinforcements led by a group of golden monsters appear from time to time.

If it weren't for the gathering of adventurers from the four countries, they would have been swallowed by monsters long ago.

"I said, can we rest for a while before leaving?" The handsome blond Stephen was still trying.

"Hmph!" Dongfang Bubai floated out first, and he was still able to crush all kinds of monsters wherever he passed.

Several dark prayers who were in the process of demonizing the area were approached by Dongfang Bubai, and fell to the ground in an instant and turned into ashes.

"In my Eastern Undefeated dictionary, there is no undefeated opponent!" She screamed, and rushed out of the battle formation first.

Tian Yulang gave Du Yu a cold look.

On the issue of when to kill Du Yu, Tian Yulang had a disagreement with Dongfang Bubai.

Tian Yulang hoped to do it sooner.But Dongfang Bubai chuckled and said, "You don't understand. Anyway, the first three acts are compulsory, and you are not allowed to quit. Why kill him early to make him happy? Wouldn't it be good to give him some hope and finally do it in the third act?"

Tian Yulang's gaze was filled with cold hatred towards Du Yu.

The most evil side of his character became even crazier and hysterical after sinking into the Death Demon Realm.

Don't look at his normal way of dealing with monsters, but the evil plan in his heart is just constantly fermenting, waiting for the opportunity to explode.

In the eyes of Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang, although the butcher is fierce, he is still not in their eyes.

The strange thing is that Du Yu, knowing the malicious intentions of Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang, still let Rourou, Yilin and others vigorously support various healing potions, assist Dongfang Undefeated team, and maintain a strong attacking momentum.

Not to be outdone, the adventurers of the parliamentary country also rushed out of the battle.

With these two fearless people charging forward, even if the two great powers, Sultan and Shinra, were reluctant, they had no choice but to continue on the road and keep competing.

The first and second floors of the Torment Prison

Powerful monsters fell in front of the attack of more than 300 brave adventurers.

Under the strong pressure of survival, the adventurers of the four countries have never been so united as they are in front of them. The most powerful defensive team, Shinra and Wolf Eyes, can't help but feel that they are rushing forward, blocking the tide with powerful knights, barbarians, and magic pets. The monsters came rushing like a wave, and the sultanate with powerful cavalry continued to attack from both wings, and the flanks detoured to violently attack the monsters.The long-distance and powerful adventurers of the parliament country kept running up and down behind, shooting again and again, harvesting the lives of monsters.

But Dongfang Bubai, Tian Yulang and other super masters are outside the combat camp, and use their superb martial arts and light skills to continuously assassinate prayers, dark mages and other vulnerable and powerful professions among dark monsters.Disrupt the monster's defenses and plans.

This team, fighting bloody battles all the way, finally entered the darkest dungeon at the bottom.

Here is the location of the final boss butcher in the first act.

The ghost of a woman flashed out of the void.

This is King Leoric's dead queen.

She narrated her misfortune bitterly, and asked the adventurers to liberate the souls of the eight prisoners, so as to alert the warden and finally open the gate to the new world.She told the adventurers that four of the eight souls are in the area just entered the door, the remaining four are three in the west of the dungeon, and one is in the east of the dungeon.

"No, let's take a break."

This time it was Wang Xiaorong who proposed it.

The woman's complexion was already pale with exhaustion from the fierce battle all the way.

The difficulty at the end of the first act was too high, and the fighting intensity was too great. Even Wang Xiaorong, who was usually pampered, had to go to the battlefield under the strict order of Qiu Haijun to contribute a small amount of strength to the team.

She took off her high heels, rubbed her sprained feet from the battle, and rubbed her ultra-thin shreds of meat in a showy manner.

I thought that this kind of showing off would attract the men in the team to show off and flatter me, but I didn't expect that no one would pay any attention to her.

This intense battle almost exhausted everyone.

To be alive is to be lucky.

During the fierce battle, at least 7 adventurers remained in the dungeon of pain forever.

Although the coordination is efficient and the team fights, under the threat of super monsters, each team has attrition.

(End of this chapter)

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