Chapter 835 Leah Transforms!Ability seal! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Every surviving adventurer has a thrilling adventure of being fatally attacked by a monster. Everyone is still in shock. Who cares about this black fungus?
Seeing that no one paid attention to her, Wang Xiaorong simply couldn't sit up.

Anyway, she completed the points, and the Eastern Invincibles did not wipe out the pressure, so she was unwilling to take risks no matter what she thought.

Du Yu gave her a cold look.

The so-called one mouse droppings ruined a pot of soup.

Although Wang Xiaorong's fighting strength is not good, but she is discouraged enough to drive many adventurers not to want to move forward.

Sure enough, a large number of adventurers nearby fell aside like dead pigs, unwilling to leave no matter what.

This is the disadvantage of many people.

Many people are powerful, but many people also have mixed opinions.

Outstanding leaders with vision are, after all, a minority.Most people, neither see nor listen to the lurking crisis.

At this moment, Liya suddenly exclaimed, her eyes were red!

She is again controlled by Diablo.

Diablo also didn't want to see this challenger team break through the first act prematurely, destroying his overall plan one by one.

It chose to possess Leah.

Although Liya has three [Kane's Destiny] suits, but one is missing, the true strength of the suits has not yet been brought into play, and she was finally possessed successfully.

"Roar!" Liya's thin body gave off a shockingly huge aura, and the teammates of the wolf pupil team beside her were blown to one side.

Du Yu was startled and angry, but fortunately Liya didn't transform, otherwise she was doomed to die in this round of transformation.

"That ghost woman really transformed!" Wang Xiaorong screamed: "Hurry up and attack her. Kill her! Otherwise, after Diablo controls her, she might destroy us here."

This fear is not unique to Wang Xiaorong. Lampard, Sai Yiwu and others all cast their dark gazes on Liya, and all kinds of weapons and skills aimed at Liya one after another.

They are not stupid. Du Yu was able to win over Liya so smoothly and without any challenges, because the other teams knew that Liya was destined to transform into a big pineapple, and they didn't bother to win over.

"Roar!" Leah's eyes were red, emitting a breathtaking red light.

The adventurers were all shocked, this terrifying aura was clearly a precursor to Diablo's resurrection.

"No one is allowed to do anything!" Du Yu roared angrily, "Team Wolf Pupils defends!"

Following his order, the wolf pupil team carried out the order without hesitation.Michelle dispatched in the middle, and powerful MTs such as Li Tang, Captain No. [-], and Cormac formed an indestructible line of defense, protecting Leah at the core.Regardless of the danger that Leah might transform at any time.

If Liya's transformation is successful, the wolf pupil team will die the fastest.

But Du Yu has established the supreme prestige in the hearts of the Wolves for a long time. Even if they are asked to turn their backs on Diablo, they will do so without hesitation.

Du Yu strode forward and hugged Li Ya.

"Lia, wake up!" Du Yu suddenly noticed that there seemed to be endless blood and madness in Liya's eyes.In her head, two sharp horns are protruding from her forehead, and she is about to turn into Diablo.

Du Yu snorted coldly.

It seems that under his own layout, the adventurer's strength developed smoothly, and his attack speed was extremely fast, which greatly disrupted Diablo's calculations.So this guy is going to act desperately, start in advance, and control Leah!
But it's a pity, meeting Du Yu, a super martial arts master, how can this abacus come to fruition?

"Caesar, can you temporarily suppress the awakening of Diablo's bloodline?" Du Yu said in a deep voice.

After a series of reinforcements, the team of programmers he has has already expanded to dozens of people, and they are so powerful that they should be able to make certain seal regulations.

"We are working hard." Caesar's voice was also a little dignified: "Diablo is the strongest existence in this world, but fortunately he wakes up early, which will greatly change the plot. With the help of this core rule power, we can logically seal him The power. But I need to consume half of the energy. After all, this is Diablo!"

Du Yu hugged the trembling Liya.In Liya's red eyes, the maroon color representing human sanity is rapidly being taken over by the crazy red of the God of Destruction, and the only trace of clarity is pleading to Du Yu.

"Uncle, save me!"

Du Yu seemed to be able to hear Li Ya's inner voice.

Outside, Lampard, Sai Yiwu, Dongfang Bubai and others were on full alert, ready to attack.

Lampard sighed: "Brother Du Yu, let's give up on Leah. Even if Diablo wakes up, according to the plot, he will only return to Demon God Hell immediately to prepare for the attack on the highest heaven. We don't need to fight it head-on. Everyone retreat for the time being." Open, just give up Liya."

Sai Wu said in a deep voice: "My idea is more radical. We should kill this woman before Diablo has fully controlled Leah. Without a physical body, I want to see how Diablo awakens and resurrects?"

There are not many people who think so.

What a tempting idea to weaken Diablo's strength in advance in the first act, and even prevent it from being revived!
Although everyone knows that it is impossible for Diablo not to be resurrected, it is always beneficial to delay and weaken the Dark Soul Stone.

But Du Yu's gaze was firm, and under the gunpoint skills of many adventurers, he hugged Liya tightly, like a guardian angel.

He said coldly: "Don't try to touch Liya, or we will fight each other! There is no need to discuss."

Everyone looked at each other.

In the first scene, Du Yu has always shown others with gentleness. He is also a blacksmith and a baby daddy. He has never seen him so ruthless.For Liya today, he really went all out, facing all the adventurers?
Wang Xiaorong screamed: "This man is crazy! Get rid of him!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Michelle fired a gunshot, and she was shot in the shoulder, spattering with blood.

Michelle blew on the pistol coldly: "If you dare to provoke me again, I will kill you!"

Dongfang Bubai stepped forward coldly: "You are so breathless. Why don't we do it if we can kill Diablo's body?"

The atmosphere became more tense.

The adventurers and the wolf pupil team are facing each other, and a big battle may break out at any time.

Du Yu is happy and not afraid.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng stood beside him, ready to attack at any time.

Tears glistened in Liya's frail eyes.

"Give up on me!" Liya's voice sounded in Du Yu's mind.Perhaps a Horadric occult spell.

"I feel so cold, I can't do it anymore." Liya said bitterly: "Maybe Kane and your efforts are doomed to be ineffective. I feel that it is right in front of me, breathing heavily, waiting to swallow me in one bite. I will Into darkness. It's time for you to fulfill your promise."

"Do you still remember?" Liya said sadly, "If I am doomed to be hopeless, you will kill me."

Du Yu smiled slightly, hugged Liya, and said in a deep voice, "Look into my eyes! Let me tell you, what is Diablo? Just because he has no right to take you away from me!"

This domineering announcement completely shocked Leah.

"All right!"

Caesar cheered: "Our brother, successfully sealed Diablo's awakening bloodline. Haha, it suffered a big loss this time! I quoted the penalty rules for forcing changes in the plot, and severed an arm. Haha Haha, am I, Caesar, really invincible in the universe?"

Du Yu was shocked and looked at Liya.

Sure enough, the crimson in Liya's eyes gradually faded, and the maroon eyes returned to her body.

But red has inevitably occupied half of the country and cannot be dispelled.

"I seem to have seen a flash of lightning that cut off one of Diablo's arms. Its screams are still echoing in my mind." Liya was still weak, but her spirits became excited.

Du Yu chuckled and said, "I didn't lie to you, did I? What kind of thing is Diablo?"

Leah couldn't imagine that someone could seriously injure Diablo who was lurking in her body!
This is the king of horror.

In front of Diablo countless times, in order to fight for the control of her body, she tried her best to resist, but she could only do futile work. The invincible sense of powerlessness had already penetrated into the marrow of her bones.

But today, the man who hugged him, this uncle, not only repulsed Diablo, but also completely injured him.

Liya didn't want to believe it, but it was true. With Du Yu's sneer, Diablo did retreat and lost an arm.Presumably it will not be able to harass itself in a short time.

As soon as the nightmare was gone, Liya immediately regained her vitality.She jumped up, wrapped her arms around Du Yu's neck, and kissed him hard.

Du Yu was very embarrassed, and Liya's laughter resounded through the audience.

Michelle coughed, and said solemnly: "Okay, you all saw it. The heroine Leah has returned to normal, why don't you hurry up and leave! What are you watching?"

Sai Wu, Lampard, Anakin, Yakun

Countless people were petrified.

It seems that Du Yu has successfully hooked up with Liya?
That beauty started throwing herself into her arms?
Although there are still people who are unwilling and want to get rid of Diablo's physical body Leah, but firstly, the wolf pupil team is still fully armed and guarding Leah, and secondly, Leah has indeed regained her sanity. Are they going to attack the protagonist of the plot? massacre?
What are the bad consequences?
No one can imagine.

The mainstream view among adventurers is that as long as Leah doesn't transform, she can't be touched for the time being.

Wang Xiaorong resentfully turned her head and left, not wanting to see the scene of Liya making out with Du Yu.

Liya was like a free bird, chirping around Du Yu, and said happily: "You can't imagine how happy I am. This demon has tortured me for too long, how did you do it?"

Du Yu smiled and said, "I say I am a god, do you believe me?"

Leah said seriously: "I believe it!"

Her beautiful eyes stared at Du Yu: "In my most critical moment, you never left, guarded me, and even went against everyone. I can see it all. And you can use your inexplicable power to Diving into my sea of ​​consciousness and wounding Diablo, this is unprecedented in any Horadric classics! You are my hero, my guardian angel! I will always be by your side!"

(End of this chapter)

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