Chapter 836 The Butcher Comes to the World, Killing People and Slaughtering Pigs! -A more guaranteed monthly pass!

Du Yu received a prompt from the space: "Because of your actions in rescuing the heroine of the plot and the last Horadric scholar Leah many times, Leah fell in love with you. She vowed to stay by your side forever. Are you willing to pay 10000 The villain's price, in exchange for Leah?"

"Risk warning: Leah has Diablo's bloodline (awakening) at this time. Even if she redeems it, she may still become Diablo, lose control and attack you."

"Do you want to exchange it?"

Du Wan didn't even think about it, so he directly chose to exchange!

Leah, who has the blood of Diablo and is the only descendant of the Horadric school, who combines the power of both good and evil, only sells for a mere [-] villain points, which is too worthwhile.

Leah's mastery of dark knowledge alone is very precious, not to mention that she also has [Kane's Destiny] and Diablo's bloodline?
Think about it, how pleasant and cool it is to be accompanied by a beautiful intellectual girl with the blood of a demon god.

In particular, Liya has the strengths of both Western and Eastern blood. She is a unique mixed-race beauty. The face of an oriental beauty and the hot figure of a Western beauty make her look extremely perfect.

The only problem is that Leah's Diablo bloodline is still awakening, and may be controlled by the resurgent Diablo at any time.

The last suit must be found quickly.

Let Leah inherit Kane's destiny and become the real Horadric, so that Diablo and Adria's conspiracy can be completely cut off.

After the near-miss drama ended, Leah became Du Yu's beauty, and the teams moved on.

The 8 ghosts told by the queen's wronged soul were released one by one.The time for the final battle is getting closer.

When all the souls were freed, there was a burst of manic laughter.

"The warden!"

Assassin's Creed Team No. 172, who had already done his homework, murmured.

With a creaking sound, a door opened slowly, and a huge, round, bloody blue giant, holding a sharp axe, appeared mighty and domineering in front of many adventurers.Behind it, as expected, a large number of various dungeon monsters followed, with a terrifying momentum.

"Don't fight recklessly! According to my uncle's records, this warden is best at setting fireballs and melee attacks. Based on the cross terrain at this time, everyone should keep a distance and use long-range attacks." Leah rallied and shot the first shot An arrow hit the warden's shoulder, causing the warden to roar in pain.

Everyone's spirits were shaken, and they retreated one after another, and the long-range firepower poured on the majestic warden one after another.

It's great to have a know-it-all like Leah.

At this moment, they forgot that they were the ones clamoring just now to kill the last scholar of the Horadric sect and cut off the troubles of Diablo's resurrection.

Du Yu smiled coldly: "Leah, you are the main attacker! Use your full strength!"

He was about to launch a big move, so he gave it a go.

Liya Chen Wen nodded, this was Du Yu's move to establish her prestige.Her strength at this time is also enough to take on the important task.

After a fierce battle, the warden, who was completely suppressed by Leah, finally wailed and fell helplessly in a pool of blood.

The firepower salvo of as many as 300 adventurers is enough to conquer any strong person.And under Leah's guidance, the warden's combat stunts were revealed one by one. Everyone was fighting the boss according to the strategy. They didn't pay the price of blood at all, and just relied on sports combat to knock him down.

Du Yu intentionally controlled the rhythm and constantly adjusted the formation, maintaining the strength of the wolf pupil team, basically unscathed.

The warden is just an hors d'oeuvres, and the final test of the first act will be ushered in next.


That's the big game.

After a pitched battle, the Warden unleashes a ton of good stuff.shining.

After distributing the equipment, the five teams immediately prepared to march into the torture chamber.

That's where the butcher is.

"Kill the butcher with one bang!" Several captains agreed, motivating the morale of the team.

Since this bloody battle is inevitable, it must be won.

"What the hell is this place?"

Anakin couldn't help complaining.

This place is indeed a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Really, there are human body remains everywhere, soaked in the boiling blood, the tragic scene, the rotten smell of the catastrophe, and the sweet and bloody smell are disgusting.

In addition, it is close to the ground, and boiling magma spews out from the cracks on the side from time to time, reflecting the blood-red pool of blood, making it even more red.

This place is called the Tribulation Chamber, but in fact it is the butcher, Diablo's loyal lackey, a slaughterhouse that slaughters and tortures the human race.

In front of it is a wide iron fence.There are countless wide grids on the iron plate. What is frightening is that there is hot magma under the feet, and fires are everywhere, as if the legendary hell is coming to the world.

"Everyone be careful!" Living Dictionary Leah warned again: "This is where the butcher is. This ground can catch fire in a large area according to his will. Anyone in the fire scene will suffer terrible fire damage. Everyone should pay attention to walking position, and protect professions such as priests."

"The butcher is coming!" Lampard roared as his shield sank.

"Wall!" Anakin called.

The Shinra adventurers moved quickly, forming a thick protective wall against each other.Although this human wall looks very frustrating, Shinra has strong defenses such as crusaders, crusaders, and meat shields, as well as powerful healing priests.It can completely block the impact of many powerful monsters.

They also used this effective tactic against the butcher.

Liya questioned: "It's best not to stand so densely. The butcher is very strong, and even the devil dare not underestimate his collision."

Anakin snorted coldly: "You haven't seen it before, the strength of our Shinra defensive wall."

Lampard also smiled without saying a word.

Out of the face of the heroine Leah and Du Yu, they didn't refute, but they were confident in the power of the defensive wall in their hearts.

There were waves of ground tremors, and a 5-meter-tall humanoid monster officially appeared on the stage amidst a sinister smile.

Act One Chief Boss—The Butcher!
The warden is also a strong man, but compared with the butcher, the chief boss in the first act, he pales in comparison.

The butcher was holding a 10-meter-long iron hook in his hand, with blood hooks on both sides, which looked very difficult to mess with.

When he saw the team of adventurers, he yelled furiously, but he couldn't hear what he was yelling, and then he rushed forward, stepping on the iron net like a shaking mountain.

As the densest crowd, Shinra's defensive wall naturally serves as a sharp weapon to attract hatred and becomes the primary target of the butcher's collision.

Seeing the butcher rushing towards him, the Shinra adventurer immediately changed expression.

Their defense walls were tried and tested before, and they were invincible and invincible, which made the Shinra adventurers feel proud, thinking that even if the butcher was difficult, that's all.

But before the butcher's impact arrived, the ground was already trembling crazily, like an earthquake of magnitude 8. Even Lampard, who was nailed to the front, felt the invisible coercion.

"Hold it!" Lampard roared.

"Roar!" The crusader knights roared in unison, cheering themselves up.

But the consequences of the collision are fatal.

This mountain of meat ruthlessly crushed the wall of people.

The human wall shield formation is like a dam made of paper. In the face of the torrential flood, it will be broken with a single stab, and it will be completely defeated.

At the center of the collision, dozens of crusader knights were sent flying into the air!

Even the melee fighters next to them didn't feel much better, and they all fell into dizziness after being hit!
This is the butcher's first move, fixed direction collision!
His move is extremely powerful.

The knights were hit in a mess and completely lost their sense of direction.

With such strong defensive and physical strength, Lampard also felt as if he was crushed by a 40-ton main battle tank at the center of the collision, and his body was no longer his own.

Adventurer fell to the ground.Some unfortunate melee fighters were hit by the butcher and stepped on, and turned into meat paste, their brains were cracked, and they died tragically on the spot.

Shinra was badly wounded.

This time, all the adventurers were shocked.

That is the formation with the strongest defense for adventurers.

There are dozens of knight crusaders.

The butcher broke up as soon as he hit it.

How terrifying is this guy's power?

"Fire!" Liya shouted loudly: "The butcher's major weakness is that he will be dizzy for a short time after the collision."

The adventurers really found out that after the butcher charged, he fell into a little dizziness and stopped attacking.

Where there is still politeness, all arrows and guns are fired at once.

Everyone was afraid that the butcher would wake up and target himself as the next victim.

But the truth is relentless.

Du Yu rushed out and threw out the knights who were stunned by the butcher one by one, preventing the butcher from killing the crowd after he woke up.

The butcher was stunned for only 2 seconds before regaining his senses. With a smirk, he swung the 10-meter sickle gun and swept away with one move!
A knight who was standing closest was stunned and had no time to dodge. He was cut into two pieces by the sweep of the sickle spear with a flash of blue light, his upper body screamed and flew up, and was immediately caught by the butcher's sickle spear , Just like a pig butcher, hang the upper half of the pig on the meat rack and let the seller pick and choose!
Many female adventurers screamed and almost passed out!
It's not that they haven't seen bloody scenes, but such bloody and cruel things are really unheard of.

The upper body of the knight was still alive, screaming and wailing on the butcher's sickle spear, and tried to take the potion to save himself from death.

But there was a flash of white light, and it seemed that the medicine he took hadn't been digested by the stomach at all.

His screams still resounded throughout the audience.

The lower body of the knight in heavy armor sprayed a fountain of blood and fell to the ground.

Blood gurgled out, flowed through the iron grid, and flowed into the magma below.

It was as if a pan of oil was poured into water, and the magma boiled for a while!
The flames soared into the sky!

The butcher laughed wildly.

But in fact, in his heart, he was very dissatisfied with the effect of this blow.

Because the sickle hook gun that attacked in a range should have killed at least ten people.

(End of this chapter)

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