Chapter 837 Deadly scythe, flames of hell! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
But because Du Yu came quickly and threw out the still dizzy knights one by one, the sweeping effect this time was particularly bad.

His small dark eyes stared at Du Yu.

Du Yu was not afraid, and faced the terrifying boss in the first scene.

At the Shenluo Royal Court at this time, the four people who watched the battle sighed at the same time when they saw the soldiers of the Shenluo brigade being crushed and slaughtered by the butcher.

These are the elite forces of Shinra.

"I didn't expect the butcher in the first act to be so powerful. I don't know how powerful the boss in the next three acts will be." Concubine Sisi's expression was not good.

Richelieu sighed, "It's a matter of command."

He said with a gloomy face: "If Lampard followed Leah's prompt and abandoned the original defensive tactics as soon as he came up, he would definitely not allow the butcher to charge and slaughter like this. Although the butcher is powerful, he should be easier to fight than the Skeleton King Many, although the health value is very thick. But the butcher will not recruit mobs at all, and there are two healing wells in this area that automatically increase blood. If used well, it should be used to lure the enemy in melee combat and wipe out the enemy from a long distance. It should not be such a heavy loss .”

Empress Dowager Tracy supported Richelieu's opinion: "The bishop is right. The command was wrong this time, which caused a huge loss to Shinra. It seems that a collision has killed 7 melee fighters, which exceeds the risk of the previous loss. total number of people."

Queen Catherine said with beautiful eyes, "If it wasn't for our ally Du Yu who came to the rescue in time, more people would have died."

The other three posted it, but they had to admit that Catherine was right.

Du Yu's birth out of nowhere reduced Shinra's losses a lot.

Catherine smiled very happily. The better Du Yu behaved, the more he helped Shinra, and the more she showed her foresight.

"The butcher is at it again!"

The field is changing.

The butcher roared suddenly, and turned the sickle gun in his hand, creating a bloody wind, and released a regional attack spear to kill the adventurer.

Although the adventurers had already suffered a great loss and knew that the butcher was not easy to mess with, they all pushed away a certain distance, but the 10-meter-long sickle hook gun of the butcher was too domineering in attack distance, and with his long arms, Enough to block a distance of 12, 3 meters radius.

An assassin who was standing a little further away was about to roll and jump away, but was a step too slow, and was cut so that he spurted blood and flew up.

The butcher laughed slyly, as soon as he saw blood, he became even more excited.

The sickle gun in his hand flashed, hooked the hapless assassin again in mid-air, and threw it to the brazier in the execution room.

The assassin's life value was not high, and after the butcher's two combo strikes were completed, he died tragically. His body was thrown into the brazier, and the smell of burnt air immediately permeated.

"Remote fire!"

Almost all the captains gave the same order to their teams at the same time.

Everyone could see that fighting this butcher in close combat would only result in a tragic death.

No matter how high your defense is, how high your agility is, and how good your consciousness is, you can't resist butchers with melee stun, area blockade, and group attack stunts.

"Visual inspection of the butcher has three attack modes, the first is to evoke the adventurer's charge, the second is a directional charge, with a splash stun, there will be a certain period of time after the charge, and the third is to release a regional attack spear to kill Adventurer." Leah concluded while shooting.

Du Yu pondered for a while. At this time, the butcher had once again swept into the camp of adventurers from the Sultanate.Although the Sultanate attaches great importance to scattered escape, but the tall butcher can walk 4 meters in one step, and this is his home field. Where can everyone escape?
"Scatter the teams!" Du Yu roared angrily, "Let's move around, maintain long-range firepower, and besiege the butcher all the time. Teams that are targeted by the butcher should quickly flee around. Don't love to fight."

Although the other teams dismissed Du Yu's command, what he said made sense. After all, they had to follow Du Yu's plan and make tactical arrangements.

Thus, a bloody battle with the butcher began.

Although in theory, it is very simple to fight the butcher, as long as you keep a long distance and attack from a long distance, or attack after he is stunned by the collision, the problem with the butcher is that he has a solid defense and a huge amount of health.Armed by Shan Wanjing, the adventurers' attacks were sharp enough, but it was still difficult to break through the butcher's defense.

Fortunately, each team has its own way.

Shinra was beaten the worst. Neither the Crusaders nor the Crusaders could withstand the butcher's charge, so they could only be reassigned as unqualified priests, using divine grace to help the team heal.And long-range magicians and shooters began to play the main role.Fortunately, Shinra has strong talents in all aspects, and the long-distance will not be unable to pose a threat.

The Sudanese gave full play to their speed advantage, constantly organized the cavalry to charge around the butcher's 12-meter attack range, and hit and ran, making the butcher howl again and again, but there was nothing he could do.

The adventurers in the parliamentary country are the bravest. This butcher depends on whether they can break away from the 20% obliteration quota. Naturally, they charge and walk fearlessly, using their powerful personal firepower to continuously inflict wounds on the butcher.

Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang, however, are bold and skilled, and insist on entanglement with the butcher, lingering around the butcher like butterflies wearing flowers, embroidery needles and hell magic sword, constantly creating wounds on the butcher.

The long-range firepower of the wolf pupil team is played by the demon hunter Maishela, the magic archer Ai Ning, and Leah wearing the Kane suit, constantly pouring out firepower.Cormac, who had an overabundant sense of justice, roared several times and wanted to charge forward, but was stopped by Du Yu.Du Yu, Yang Guo, and Zhang Sanfeng also rushed into the butcher's side from time to time, using their peerless martial arts, they walked around and beat the butcher, distracting the butcher's attention, delaying time, and creating conditions for long-distance fighters from all over the world to attack.

"Good!" Richelieu was relieved to see the adventurers from the four countries besieging the butcher in such an orderly manner.

He Shinra is about to lock in the first place, so he naturally hopes that everyone can win the butcher with the lowest loss.

"But the question is, will the boss in the first act be so simple, with only three axes in close combat?" Catherine asked a sharp question.

Sure enough, with the concerted efforts of adventurers from all over the world, the butcher's health value continued to decline, and he soon showed signs of fatigue.

After all, no fierce boss can stop 300 besiegers.

Even if the damage caused to the butcher is not enough for each attack, everyone can't help but fire.

And every time the butcher roared, he was predicted in advance by more and more experienced adventurers, and he avoided it early. Every time he failed, but because of the dizziness after the collision, the adventurers seized the opportunity and beat the dog in the water.

But when the butcher's health dropped to a certain level, the butcher suddenly became furious.

He jumped like a thunder, constantly jumping from the ground, shaking the entire battlefield with his weight like a mountain of meat.

"The magma in the ground seems to be about to erupt!" Someone exclaimed.

As soon as the words fell, a burst of fire burst out from the magma under the grid!
The entire area is shrouded in magma fire!
"Ah!" A witch doctor from the parliamentary state was chanting vicious spells and cursing the butcher, but was burned into a man of fire by the magma spewing out from the ground, and fled around in despair until his life bottomed out and he died tragically on the spot.

A priest who was treating the knight in front was also burned by the ejected magma, and was cut in half by the furious butcher.

This obviously disrupted the plans of the teams to besiege the butcher.

"Bastard!" All the captains looked at each other.

There was a large area of ​​fire in this area, and the damage was so high that the previous steady siege could not be maintained.

In order to avoid the ground fire area, adventurers from the four countries must move in a large area, causing chaos.

The devil butcher from hell is not affected by the fire. His hideous meat mountain moves in the flames, bringing blood and blood to more adventurers.

"Hurry up!" The adventurers from the four countries were driven away by the flames and the butcher, and fled in all directions in a mess.

With the madness of the butcher, the scope of the fire increased, even reaching two-thirds of the entire area.The adventurers suffered heavy casualties, many of them did not die tragically under the butcher's knife, but died in an inexplicable sudden fire.

"Asshole! I can't help it anymore." Sai Yiwu witnessed a confidant adventurer of his Yashan Brotherhood die tragically in the ground fire, and gave an order: "Exit this damn grid area quickly. Go back!"

"Are you going to flee the battle?" Lampard roared.

If the number of adventurers is too small, the battle will be more difficult, because the butcher does not need to face multi-directional attacks, and can slaughter attacking adventurers without restraint.

Sai Yiwu snorted coldly: "This time we have insufficient intelligence and preparation, everyone will go back to regroup and make a comeback."

It cannot be said that this is not a solution, but an assassin who was going to the door replied helplessly: "Captain, no. As soon as the butcher appeared, he blocked the door. We can't rush out."


Sai Yiwu slammed the weapon on the ground.

If the butcher hadn't put too much pressure on the adventurers, he wouldn't have lost his composure like this.

The butcher was still blazing wildly in the flames, constantly killing and wounding the fleeing crowd.

The adventurers no longer had the momentum and formation to kill everything before, they fought on their own, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

It's not that they don't know the power of the butcher, but every time they just form a formation and prepare to besiege the butcher, they will be strongly interrupted by the ground fire erupting from the ground.

The area of ​​fire has reached two-thirds, how to fight this battle?
At this time, Du Yu's wolf pupil team was born out of nowhere!
He led the wolf pupil team, fiercely pressed the butcher, and launched a wave of crazy offensive.

Du Yu, Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, and Shen Diao charged forward and became sharp.

And the long-distance adventurers, regardless of everything, poured all the most powerful skills on the butcher.

The excited butcher's face darkened as he picked up the corpse of a female magician. He hated this kind of adventurer who despised him the most.

"Roar!" The butcher slashed in a gust of wind.

With an attack range of 12 meters, four people were swept away.

But the four of them were happy and unafraid, and the blow didn't hit anyone at all.

(End of this chapter)

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