Chapter 838 The correct way to open the flower demon - ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
But in the next second, the palms of Desolate Ecstasy, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Tai Chi swordsmanship, and the bird's beak of the divine sculpture hit the butcher's vital points at the same time, hitting the butcher like a mountain of meat, and he was also shocked.

This is the joint siege of the four masters.

Even the boss of the first act of the Nightmare Level, the butcher, would not dare to beat him directly!
He jumped up furiously, sparking the ground fire again.

But the rest of the wolf pupil team stood far away and easily dispersed.

In the flames, the four of them also jumped away one after another to avoid the attack of the magic fire.

No matter what, the butcher managed to separate the four of them. With a small glance, he locked on to an adventurer who had attacked him the hardest before.

Du Yu!

The leader of the wolf pupil team.

Du Yu looked at the butcher fearlessly.

The butcher killed at least dozens of adventurers, his eyes full of viciousness and evil intent.

But Du Yu's momentum did not drop at all.

The butcher was furious.

The sickle gun locked on Du Yu's dodging space and swept wildly.

Du Yu kept smiling.

At this moment, he can only deal with the butcher alone.

But he had no fear at all, instead he took the butcher and fled backwards.

Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang stopped when they saw Du Yu making a move.

With their martial arts as two people, they are unwilling to cooperate with Du Yu, even if it is to kill the butcher.

Like a ghost, Du Yu kept throwing life and death talismans at the butcher all the way forward.

The butcher followed furiously, beheading frantically.

The wolf pupil team dispersed and continued to shoot.Leah, Maishela, and An Hong worried about Du Yu's safety, and followed Du Yu to attack.

The butcher finally came to Du Yu.

Maybe because he was in a daze, Du Yu fled to a dead corner without knowing what to say.Besides him, there were three other people hiding in this corner.

One is Michelle, one is An Hong, and one is Leah.

Du Yu had nowhere to hide, and stood in front of the three women.

Ahead is the dreaded Butcher.

On its sickle gun, blood dripped, and there were the flesh and blood of adventurers.

Seeing this desperate situation, Dongfang Bubai, Wang Xiaorong, Tian Yulang and others sneered and sneered, waiting to see Du Yu's laugh.Did this guy die tragically after the butcher, or did he abandon his teammates and flee?
And Sai Yiwu, Yakun and others also showed sarcasm.Du Yu had caused enough troubles for them along the way, and it would be great to make this guy deflated.

Even Lampard and other allies were unable to rescue them for a while.

Maishela, Leah, and An Hong are the backbone of long-range adventurers.

The three women looked at each other, took out their weapons at the same time, and shot fiercely at the butcher.

"Come on!" Du Yu roared angrily.

The butcher let out a rage, and rushed towards him under the intense firepower.

The four scattered to break through.

Suddenly, An Hong screamed and fell to the ground.

Michelle had already escaped from the butcher's attack range, but when she saw this, she immediately turned around and returned.

Back then, she had formed a relationship with An Hong as a best friend, and she couldn't watch An Hong being killed by the butcher.

Du Yu flew up, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Mai Shela rushed in front of An Hong, tied An Hong with a U.S. military field bandage, carried An Hong on her back and said, "Are you okay? Let's go!"

At this time, the butcher had rushed to 10 meters away from the two of them, and he slashed down with a frantic sickle hook spear.

Regardless of personal safety, Michelle rushed out.

Suddenly, she felt a numbness in her leg, and her speed dropped sharply!

"An Hong! You!"

An Hong giggled, jumped up from Maishela's back, and ran straight ahead.

"Thank you, Michelle. You are a good man. That's why I decided to let the butcher kill you."

Before she finished speaking, a roar was heard on her proud face.

"Flower demon suffers!"

She turned her head in shock, only to see Du Yu approaching like an angry lion!

An Hong, no, it should be called the Flower Demon, and her expression changed immediately.

In normal times, with his immortal body beyond the golden core stage, he would never take Du Yu seriously.

But at this moment, just as she was escaping from the butcher's killing range, she was blocked by Du Yu head-on!
Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms hit An Hong's shoulder hard!
An Hong screamed and flew back.

Like a ghost, Du Yu rushed to Michela's side with the speed of the wind, picked her up, and flew back.

An Hong's life was not so good, and was included in the attack range of the butcher, and the sickle gun shot down in an arc.

She hated secretly in her heart, but she could only stand up and fight the butcher.

Because the butcher's huge body has blocked this blind spot, if he doesn't attack the butcher, he can only sit and wait for death.

Although she is known as a master in the inner city and has the power to surpass Jindan, Butcher is also the pinnacle boss of nightmare difficulty.

Everyone knows that a boss must be stronger than an adventurer of the same level, even dozens of times stronger.Otherwise, why would the BOSS resist the adventurer team?
Although the flower demon is strong, it is strong in speed and weirdness. In terms of strength in melee combat, he must not be the opponent of the butcher.

"An Hong she..." Myshela was stunned by a series of sudden changes.

"Yeah." Du Yu picked her up, went to the safe area, and said with a smile, "She is the flower demon."

"Why?" Myshea couldn't accept this fact at all.An Hong, the lioness, is a very close acquaintance with her.The performance all the way is quite satisfactory, not too eye-catching but also contributes a lot to the team, how can he be a flower demon.

Du Yu smiled and said, "I knew it a long time ago. Because the life and death talisman I left in her body has not been completely dissipated, I can still feel a little clue. But I kept trying and eliminated it bit by bit, and I knew that she was An An." red."

"The real An Hong must have been tortured and killed by the flower demon?" Du Yu said calmly, "So, don't worry, just kill the flower demon."

Michelle's pink face finally turned pale.

The reason why Du Yu didn't tell her was because he was afraid that Maishela would get angry and be caught by the flower demon.

And he kept the flower demon until now, just to make full use of the flower demon once to deal with this butcher!
The flower demon was cornered by the butcher, frantically swinging the sickle and hook gun, slashing violently, but in desperation, the flower demon An Hong had no choice but to fight back.

With the flower demon being forced to be an MT and holding on to the hatred of the butcher, the other adventurers immediately got a gap, stabilized their positions, and poured out their firepower crazily.

Although the area is still bursting with fire from time to time, but without the massacre of the butcher, just the fire, can the adventurers still not be able to avoid it?
As a result, the attack situation was quickly transferred to the hands of the adventurers.

The most amazing thing is that the flower demon is so fast that even the boss butcher couldn't hit her steadily, only the pink smoke filled the air, and the butcher was hit by the flower demon again and again.

"Yes!" Du Yu laughed loudly: "Flower Demon, you have to work hard. Good job! Stabilize the hatred. We will kill the butcher and deal with you."

From nowhere, he picked up the sacred shotgun and kept bombarding the butcher.

The butcher beats the flower demon, the more he beats, the more angry he gets.How can this guy who is neither male nor female be so fast?It desperately stimulated the ground fire, constantly attacking the flower demon, and the sickle hook gun in its hand was even more deadly, trying to kill the flower demon in one fell swoop.

As for the flower demon, who also kills countless ruthless people, the butcher doesn't care.Whether it is good or bad, for it, they are all enemies, and they are all meat on the chopping board.

But the flower demon is depressed!

He originally wanted to take advantage of the fire, fish in troubled waters, kill Maishela, and then kill Liya, and kill Du Yu's women one by one. After seeing Du Yu's expression of pain, he finally killed Du Yu.

As for these bosses, they have never been placed in the eyes of the flower demon.

As a master in the inner city, if he breaks through the barriers in the outer city, isn't he just walking around?

But at this time, stealing chickens is not enough to lose money!

He was already identified by Du Yu, not only failed to kill Mai Shela, but became a free MT of Du Yu and the wolf pupil team, risking his life and death, here to kill the butcher.

Is this his original intention?
Of course, the flower demon is not willing to be reduced to cannon fodder, he saw his strange figure flashing, and a pink cover smoke rose, so he wanted to take advantage of the situation to break out.

Although the power and damage are much inferior to the butcher, but in terms of speed, he completely crushes the butcher.

Unexpectedly, just when he was about to succeed, bursts of severe pain suddenly broke out in his body!
Du Yu smiled and manipulated the life-death talisman in the opponent's body. He shot dozens of life-death talismans into the flower demon's body in two battles, and now it has exploded.

The flower demon convulsed for a while, then lost control, and was slashed on the shoulder by the butcher, bleeding profusely.If he hadn't killed Yan Fei, obtained Dan Jie from him, and even obtained the incomparably precious treasure of heaven and earth, and practiced it into an indestructible body of vajra.This blow can be cut in half.

How can an expert in the inner city die so easily?

The performance of the flower demon not only attracted the attention of Du Yu's wolf pupil team, but also fell into the eyes of everyone present.

"Lang Tong, there are so many talents." Lampard exclaimed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, a seemingly inconspicuous female adventurer of the wolf pupil team can fight Sanbaihe with the butcher.

Should he give the dragon horn to Du Yu earlier in exchange for Du Yu giving him the chance to kill the butcher?
Lampard began to struggle.

The flower demon hated Du Yu deeply.

If Du Yu hadn't detonated the Life and Death Talisman lurking in his body, he would have already broken out.

But after a failed breakout, the butcher's offensive became tighter.

He was furious in his heart, you brat, don't you know that our enemies are all Du Yu's sneering bastard?

You are so willing that our dog eats the dog, no, is it killing each other?

Bad guys, shouldn't they be cowardly?
Why let Du Yu, a bastard, sit back and enjoy his success?

He resolutely did not resist, and rolled over again, ready to break through again.

The butcher is being bombarded by the teams all the time, which means that he is fighting the butcher independently for all adventurers and making contributions to others.

What made the flower demon most angry was that Du Yu was still in the team channel suddenly, and the group taunted violently: "All teams! My people have controlled the butcher! Strengthen the output! Use large-scale output skills, don't be afraid of accidental injury. It's okay, we You are a fierce master, you are not afraid of your skills at all! Use your strength."

When the teams heard this group of ridicules, how could they be polite?

You're talking too much, I'm afraid we don't have large-scale killing skills?

Look down on people?

(End of this chapter)

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