Chapter 839 Using it to death, the flower demon blows her lungs! ——Four more ask for a monthly pass!

So, in the next second, each team took out the most terrifying area-of-effect weapons.What kind of grenades, traps, and chain lightning were all thrown into the corner where the flower demon and the butcher were fighting fiercely.Worst of all, the adventurers from the Sultanate actually picked up the RPG and rushed over!
Since Du Yu has spoken big words, we can't be polite.

How can I let down this selfless brother who yelled to shoot at me?

You know, this is not an online game, the weapons and skills of adventurers cannot be exempted from each other.Throw out a range weapon, no matter whether you are a boss or an adventurer, you will be blown to pieces!
Du Yu himself was not polite, and threw all kinds of trump cards at the place where the two were fighting.

"Du Yu, I'll wipe you." Before the hard-pressed flower demon could explain, she didn't even start a group of ridicule, shouted the oath to shoot me, and was enveloped by various skills.

That's hundreds of skills and weapons, let's bomb together!

With tears in their eyes and various skills, hundreds of adventurers rushed towards the internationalist fighter full of fearless sacrifice.

flower demon!

In the eyes of everyone, this is contemporary ***, contemporary ***.

Under such a dense bombardment of various RPGs, anti-tank guns, grenades, fire rain, and chain lightning, and hundreds of adventurers smashing pots and selling iron and moving out of their homes, the flower demon cried.

He is indeed an adventurer in the inner city, and his cultivation beyond the golden core stage is also full of fineness.

But that doesn't mean he's invincible.

In front of him was the Nightmare Boss Butcher, stuck in the corner like a mountain of meat, and outside there were hundreds of adventurers attacking with all their strength, even if he had three heads and six arms, he would not be able to escape!
The flower demon cursed loudly, flashed into the air, was first hit by a chain lightning, and her body was paralyzed, and then hit by an RPG that missed, and flew back with a bang, her hair was blown up on end!

His An Hong disguise was finally blown away, revealing his true face.

This is a strange young man, just like Du Yu has seen, with pale complexion and crazy eyes, but he has shocking and world-class martial arts.

Originally, the flower demon had imagined countless appearances.

For example, the women who assassinated and tortured Du Yu one by one, on the eve of killing Du Yu, appeared coldly on the stage, smiled charmingly at Du Yu and said, "Your woman tastes good, I accept it."

Or, turning back at a critical moment, wiped out Du Yu's team, and died tragically in front of Du Yu one by one, and then smiled charmingly at Du Yu: "I'm really sorry, I caused you so badly."

But Nima doesn't have any gods now!

As soon as Lao Tzu appeared on the stage, he was framed by Du Yu!Framed!Is it purely diving and being blown out?

At this time, he had eaten hundreds of skills and weapons from adventurers and butchers, his face was blackened, his clothes were ragged, and his head was bleeding. How could he have the charm of a flower demon?

Where is the Flower Fairy here?

What made the flower demon most angry was that a female adventurer exclaimed in the distance: "It turns out that she is not a woman, but a shemale!"

Another woman said: "What's wrong with the ladyboy? At least he's a sacrificed ladyboy. It's worth remembering."

Sacrifice your sister!Miss you and your family!
The flower demon was simply mad.

He jumped up again, trying to get past the extremely annoying butcher and get rid of the embarrassing situation of a hundred people watching, he would rather die than contribute to killing the butcher.

But what greeted him was a pair of thick soles!
Du Yu!

Du Yu's speed at this moment was as fast as a ghost, and he kicked back the flower demon who was about to break through the butcher's defense line.

The flower demon screamed: "Impossible! How could your speed be faster than mine?"

Du Yu smiled coldly: "You should watch the butcher's nirvana first!"

The flower demon was stunned, and the butcher seemed to be extremely displeased by his five times of jailbreaking, and roared and launched a crazy attack!
how?Fighting with my butcher, you lose face?

I kill you.

This slashing move with the sickle hook spear has a huge range and powerful power. Even the masters in the inner city of the flower demon dare not rely on it, so they had to block the butcher with their swords.

He really deserves to be a master in the inner city, this move was successfully blocked and blocked.

Du Yu was satisfied and withdrew.

The flower demon couldn't figure it out.

Why is the speed of this intervention soaring, it's almost not the same person as before?
But he also has no time to care.

The butcher is still crazy, and the adventurers are still bombarding with various map weapons.

At every moment, he has to dance in the explosion of blades, trying to avoid every damage, or minimize the area damage.

But every effort to break through was blocked head-on by Du Yu, whose speed increased greatly.

His performance attracted a lot of hatred from the butcher.The Butcher made him the strongest of the challengers, unleashing a constant onslaught of attacks.This hatred is well-placed.

And what Du Yu wanted to do was like playing whack-a-mole. Every time the flower demon tried to break through, Du Yu took the lead and bombarded him fiercely.

The flower demon finally couldn't help screaming: "Why are you so fast?"

Du Yu laughed and said, "The Tao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet high. If you can be fast, how can I not have a second hand?"

Du Yu's back-up is the 68 unallocated free attribute points!

He put all his attribute points on agility, and his agility soared so much in an instant. Naturally, in terms of speed, he was on par with the flower demon.

In fact, the flower demon still has a little advantage in terms of speed. After all, he is a strong person in the inner city, and he is also higher than Du Yu in the realm of cultivating immortals.But Du Yu had the advantage of the location at this time, the flower demon was squeezed into a small space, and was attacked by the butcher, there was not much space to move around.As long as he jumped out of those few choices, he would be hit head-on by Du Yu and hit back.

The hard-working flower demon was almost blown out of anger.

At every moment, he was besieged by the butcher and more than 300 adventurers. Although the adventurers did not mainly attack him, the splash and area damage were enough to make the flower demon miserable.

Even more sinister and vicious, Du Yu made troubles for him from time to time, as if he wanted to let out all the anger of being framed by the flower demon three times before.Every time it wasn't at a critical moment, he made a cold shot, or made sarcastic remarks behind him, blowing up the flower demon and affecting his judgment.

The flower demon was really blown away.

The butcher didn't have the tactical awareness to be the same villain as the flower demon and join hands together, and the hook and sickle slashed like lightning.If it wasn't for the flower demon always keeping her mission in mind, she really wished she could fight this mindless butcher.

But he can't fight.

He always remembered that he came to Yin Du Yu, and his goal was to torture and kill Du Yu's group of beautiful beauties, and then kill Du Yu!

What's the point of being used as cannon fodder by Du Yu?
The flower demon tried harder to dodge, trying to break out from here.

"Come on!" Du Yu laughed loudly: "Come on, team! Don't hide it. If you have any good things, throw them to the butcher. Our death squad warriors can hold on!"

Under this guy's blatant provocation, how can the teams not take advantage of it?All kinds of skills were as bright as fireworks on a summer night, and they smashed at the unlucky butcher and the even more unlucky flower demon.

The flower demon was covered in lightning, fire, and ice flakes, and there were so many abnormal states that it was bubbling. Its cool shape made it impossible to look directly at it.

"You, you, I can't spare you!" the flower demon yelled.

Du Yu coughed.

Suddenly, the flower demon took out a jade token!
As soon as the jade card was released, it immediately caused changes in the surrounding air!
"Extraordinary splendor! It is the extraordinary splendor of the magic weapon!" The adventurers who knew the goods shouted out one after another.Although everyone is an adventurer in the outer city and usually has no blessing to possess such treasures, but they have never eaten pork, have they seen pigs run away?

This splendor is clearly the brilliance of the Eastern Magic Treasure, which is the highest-ranking item in the bloody city.

Even Dongfang Bubai, Tian Yulang, and Du Yu have high vision, but they are also attracted by the brilliance of this magic weapon.

"Could this be the trump card of the flower demon?" Du Yu had already used the power of the flower demon to speculate that after he killed Yan Fei, he must have an extraordinary opportunity.This magic weapon should be the mystery why the flower demon can be ranked in the inner city.

Following the attack of this magic weapon, behind the flower demon, a door to the fairy world suddenly appeared!
In the gate of the fairy world, fairy sounds linger, and from time to time there are Nine Heavens Xuannv, flying gracefully from the sky.

This turned out to be a fairy thing.

The eyes of everyone present are hot!
The value of this thing is definitely more than the net worth of many people.
Du Yu said in a deep voice, "Do you know what that is?"

The people he asked, of course, were Shen Luoyan, who was in charge of collecting all kinds of information in the heart of the castle, and Wang Yuyan, who was proficient in all kinds of space data.

Wang Yuyan shook her head, indicating that she had never seen such a treasure.

However, Shen Luoyan murmured: "From the information of the flower demon, his things will soon come from the world of [Frontier Legend], and I think the most credible ones are the three jade pendants in the center of the earth that day!"

As soon as the words "Heaven and Earth Heart" came out, all the beauties in the heart of the castle were shocked.

"You mean, the supreme treasure in the legend over there, the three jade pendants of the heart of heaven and earth? When the three pendants are combined into one, it can shatter the void and reveal the ascension path of the gate of the fairy world?" Wang Yuyan obviously also thought about Bian Huang The legend has been studied.

Ever since Du Yu received Huang Laoxie's reminder that the opportunity to break through the golden elixir stage is in the frontier world, Wang Yuyan, Shi Feixuan, Shen Luoyan and other beauties who are in charge of this information and immortal cultivation affairs have spared no effort in collecting information from various sources. intelligence, trying to unlock the cheats of the wild legend here.

This time the flower demon took the initiative to send it to the door. It was really sleepy. Someone sent a pillow, so that Du Yu could get specific information without entering the frontier world.

But everyone never expected that this flower demon boy's shoe was so knowledgeable and interesting that it not only provided clues, but even took out the treasure itself!
As long as he was killed, the three jade pendants from the Heart of Heaven and Earth would fall into Du Yu's pocket.

The value of this thing is definitely higher than any income in this world!
Because this is not a treasure that ordinary adventurers in the outer city can touch at all, even a monster with eyes above the top like Dongfang Bubai will be able to see the gate of the fairy world, staring intently, with greed in his eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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