Chapter 840 The Treasure of Heaven and Earth!Kill the flower demon!Ask for a monthly pass!

The flower demon was also forced to be helpless, framed by Du Yu, trapped by the butcher, and constantly attacked by the butcher and adventurers, so she had to take out this treasure to save her life.

This Heavenly Heart Jade Pendant is indeed a rare treasure, it does not exist as a one-time opportunity to show the ascension to the fairy world in the original book, but a magic weapon with both offensive and defensive capabilities!

The flower demon escaped into the gate of the fairy world in an instant.

Du Yu and the adventurer's attack landed on the gate of the fairy world, but they didn't respond.

The figure of the flower demon appeared in the distance.

At this time, his body was bombarded by 300 adventurers, and he was bruised and bruised. At first glance, he was unlucky, but the hatred and evil towards Du Yu in his eyes were even more blazing, exuding a distorted light.

"You are dead!"

With a flash, the flower demon was about to disappear in place.

His goal, of course, is to escape first, heal his injuries, and find Du Budget soon.Anyway, Du Yu has to go through three acts, so he doesn't have to worry about him escaping.


The flower demon miscalculated one thing.

He took out the three jade pendants of the heart of heaven and earth, but successfully escaped from Du Yu's trap, but he also conceived a crime for it!
A red shadow appeared in front of the flower demon like a ghost, and an embroidery needle stabbed at the flower demon, "Leave this treasure!"

The flower demon only felt that the incoming person was not inferior to her own strength, and in shock, she blocked it with a sword, and the embroidery needle was dangerous and dangerous, and it was already close to the center of her eyebrows.

The flower demon was furious in her heart, Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, thinking that I am a majestic inner city master, how could I end up like this?To be coveted by others?
Seeing in front of him, it was Dongfang Bubai's smiling face.

Dongfang Bubai glanced at the flower demon, both of them were perverted, and both looked like women, but the difference was that Dongfang Bubai wanted to be a woman wholeheartedly, while the flower demon wanted to kill women wholeheartedly.

"Sister, this treasure of yours is not bad, how about giving it to sister?" Dongfang Bubai said softly.

The flower demon said coldly: "You pervert, don't even think about it!"

He got up.

The Heaven and Earth Heart Three Jade Pendants couldn't escape the shield of the suffering torture room set by the butcher, so the flower demon put away the magic weapon for escape and tried her best to deal with Dongfang Bubai.

Tian Yulang sneered and joined the battle group.

The teams were stunned.

Unexpectedly, a sudden change occurred.

Volunteering to be a martyr, the master of the wolf pupil team actually fought with the Dongfang Invincible team.

Having lost the target of hatred, the butcher quickly turned his hatred to the adventurer.

The adventurers managed to get a chance to breathe. They had a lot of fun killing the butcher just now, but the good times didn't last long, and they had to run away again. Under the double attack of the butcher and the ground fire, they kept running for their lives.

But this time Du Yu stood up.

His agility reached 170 points, and his body skills were weird. In the shadow of the butcher's sickle, hook, gun, sword, light and sword, he kept dodging and dodging, creating conditions for long-range adventurers.

The adventurers of each team were overjoyed and continued to work hard to output.

The so-called sows can climb the tree as long as the MT can hold it.

There is a flower demon in the front, and Du Yu in the back, holding the butcher for the adventurers of the Four Kingdoms, how can this good opportunity be wasted?
Especially the sultan and the adventurers of the parliamentary country, it is about who can be the last one. Everyone is fighting red-faced, lest the butcher will be snatched away by the other party.

While holding the butcher, Du Yu violently bombarded him, forcing the butcher's hatred on him.The butcher also hated this man to the bone, roaring continuously, launching charges, or picking hooks, or sweeping across, but with the extremely high agility of Du Yu, there was nothing he could do.

Lampard felt very anxious when he saw Sai Wu's hard-working appearance.

In the current team rankings, Shinra is number one, but in terms of the country's total score rankings, the Datang Wolves and the Eastern Invincibles are about 1000 points higher than him.

Did he know that Shinra's high-level officials were paying close attention to this battle.

The first place in the first act must be won!
At this time, the butcher was dragged away by the flower demon and Du Yu successively. Under the firepower of hundreds of adventurers, he was already on the verge of collapse, and he was about to die.

If you want to grab it, you must grab it now!
Lampard whispered in the channel: "Brother, give us this butcher, I'll give you the dragon horn."

Du Yu coughed, "Bring the dragon horn. I'll get you the butcher."

Lampard was cruel, and gave Du Yu the S-level material that had been lying quietly in his meteorological space—the horn of the real dragon!
At this moment of life and death, he no longer cared about face and dragon horns.

It didn't do him much good to keep the dragon's horn. Instead, he gave it to Du Yu, ensuring that the first thing is to get the appreciation of Shinra's senior management, which is the most important thing.

Anyway, Shinra's high-level officials agreed to give Du Yu the dragon's horn, it's just a question of when it was given.

Du Yu finally received the dragon horn that he had been looking forward to with great satisfaction, and now the treasure in the fairy jade letter has been found.

He smiled, and immediately pulled the butcher and rushed to the Shinra camp.

The butcher was the god of plague that everyone avoided when his health was full before, but now he is crumbling, but he has become a fat in the eyes of adventurers.

In the case of close points, his 1575 points are enough to determine the ranking of the four countries.

Lampard was overjoyed.

He was afraid that Du Yu would break the contract, but Du Yu had a good reputation and kept his word.

"Fire me!" Lampard roared, "We must take credit for this butcher."

The Shinra adventurers roared wildly, and some adventurers had tears in their eyes. Many of their friends and teammates died tragically at the hands of this butcher.

The butcher was besieged crazily, and he was also furious. The Sickle Hook Gun kept using crazy range slashing skills, trying to kill a bloody path.

Why is Sai Wu willing?

He rushed forward with the most elite adventurers, trying to snatch the butcher away.

As soon as Du Yu winked, Yang Guo's ecstasy palm immediately slapped the butcher dizzy.

Taking advantage of the situation, Du Yu picked up the butcher and threw him into the air.

Sai Yiwu's attempt to snatch monsters was foiled by Du Yu.

The adventurers of the parliamentary country also fought desperately, jumping into the air one after another, shooting fiercely at the butcher.

Everyone is trying to get the final blow from Butcher, grabbing hands.

The butcher was at the end of his rope and kept jumping violently. A large area of ​​ground fire continued to shoot up from the grid. The adventurers screamed again and again, but they still did not fear death and attacked fiercely.

The battle scene is extremely chaotic.

As soon as Du Yu winked, Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng followed him closely, abandoning the butcher and rushing towards the flower demon who was fighting Dongfang Bubai.

Who killed the butcher is no longer important to Du Yu.His points and drops are not very attractive to Du Yu.

Du Yu's attention was all on the flower demon.

The flower demon must die.

The Three Heaven and Earth Heart Jade Pendants on his body must fall into his own hands!
For a while, adventurers from the other Three Kingdoms slaughtered the butcher vigorously, and the civil war in the Tang Kingdom was also vigorous.

When Tian Yulang saw Zhang Sanfeng, he shouted angrily, and the blue light of the demon world suddenly shot out from his sword, intertwining with Zhang Sanfeng's sword light.

Enemies are very jealous when they meet each other.

But Dongfang Bubai met Yang Guo's powerful interception.

Du Yu killed the flower demon.

The strength of these six masters is much higher than that of ordinary adventurers, and they fought desperately around the life of the flower demon and the jade pendant of the heart of heaven and earth.

The flower demon was framed by Du Yu, and her life was seriously injured, but with a brave spirit, she fought Du Yu to the death.

Du Yu made a desperate move, and the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon unceremoniously greeted the flower demon.

Suddenly, the butcher who was brought into Shinra's team by Du Yu wailed, and was beheaded by Shinra's Lampard himself with a sword.

Lampard is truly mighty, like a legendary paladin who slays demons and demons, piercing the butcher's throat with a sword, nailing this mountain-like demon to the ground.

For a moment, the sky and the earth changed color.

Du Yu received a prompt: "Lampard, the adventurer from Shinra, killed the demon general butcher in the first act. He got 1575 points."

"In the process of killing the butcher, you fought bravely. The 5000 points hidden by the butcher were distributed as follows: 2500 points for Shinra, 1500 points for the Wolves, 500 points for the Sudan, 300 points for the Parliament, and 200 points for the Invincible East. "

"The ultimate ranking of the first act is as follows"
1. Shinra United: 17005 points

2. Datang team: 15570 (including wolf pupil team: 9120 points, Eastern Invincible team: 6450 points)
3. The Sultanate: 7800 points

4. Parliamentary National Team: 7400 points

"According to the ranking situation, start the summary and rewards and punishments of the first act."


Du Yu, who was fighting fiercely, turned his head and saw the gloomy expressions on the faces of Sai Wu, Zulu, Indra and others, which formed a sharp contrast with the excited and ecstatic faces of Lampard, Anakin and others .

In any case, the punishment of obliteration cannot be avoided.

"The national team with the highest total points will receive an additional 20% of the total points obtained in this act."

"The Shinra United team has obtained 3401 additional bonus points. The total points reached 20406 points!"

Hearing this generous reward, Team Shinra cheered for joy!
In the first scene, their total points reached more than 2 points. The faces of Lampard, Anakin, Perry, Jack, Steve, Urum and others all showed pride and looked around. pack of heroes.

These points, according to the rules at the beginning, will be exchanged for generous rewards at the end!

For each team, there are definitely not too many points.

"The country that ranks second will receive a 10% bonus point."

The prompt asked Du Yu: "The reward modes you can choose, there are point rewards and other reward modes, what is your choice?"

Du Yu glanced at Dongfang Bubai.

While fighting Yang Guo, Dongfang Bubai calmly chose to reward points.His team points, an additional 645 points, reached 7095 points.For a proud and conceited person like Dongfang Bubai, the mere reward model is not worth her extra effort.

Du Yu resolutely chose other reward modes besides points.

"Other reward modes include: 1. Additional secret realm: Your team will be sent to an additional secret realm. It is equivalent to getting an additional opportunity to explore the secret realm. The benefits of the secret realm may greatly exceed 10% points, or may not be as good. Risk conceited."

(End of this chapter)

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