Chapter 841
"2. Treasure store: You have the opportunity to enter the legendary goblin store, and exchange 25% of the points earned in this act for equipment, gems and various props in time."

Du Yu pondered for a while, and decisively chose the second option.

Although only 25% of the points can be spent in the goblin store, there are still 2280 points, which should be able to restore the team's combat power.

No matter how high the points are accumulated, if there is not enough combat power, there is no life to spend.The difficulty of the first act has taught Du Yu a lot of lessons. The team's endurance is the key to conquering the second act.

He coldly glanced at the excited Shinra United team and smiled slightly.

Lampard's choice is undoubtedly the extra points reward. 20% extra points, more than 3400, sounds good.

But in order to hit the first place, Shinra's strength suffered a huge loss in the first act.

Especially the butcher here, from the very beginning let Shinra downsize a large area.

If he were Lampard, he would desperately choose the Goblin Shop to give the team a chance to breathe.It's a pity that Lampard, who was dazzled by the victory, did not.

After Du Yu made his selection, he immediately received a sealed bronzing invitation letter.On the back of the invitation was the location of the hidden goblin shop.Only the wolf pupil team can go to consume.

Du Yu put away the invitation letter and glanced at the place where the butcher had fallen.

The butcher really deserved to be the boss of the first act. When he died, he dropped a large number of treasures, and the light was so dazzling that it almost blinded everyone's eyes.

But Du Yu only paid attention to one.

"Where's [Kane's Vision] the green suit?"

But at this moment, the flower demon was eager to get away, and tried to get rid of Du Yu by shaking twice in a row.

Dongfang Bubai against Yang Guo, Tian Yulang against Zhang Sanfeng, Flower Demon against Du Yu, and three pairs of peerless masters.

And some are happy and some are sad.

Shinra and Datang were rewarded, and the adventurers of the Sultanate and the Parliamentary State looked ashen, as if they were criminals waiting for the death sentence.

Space calculated for a while, and announced ruthlessly.

"For the third-ranked country, the bottom 10% of adventurers will be obliterated. For the fourth-ranked country, the bottom 20% of adventurers will be obliterated. According to the ranking of the personal points account, the obliteration list is as follows: Sultanate 8, and 11 in the parliamentary state."

"The obliterated adventurer has 5 minutes to process the point heritage and equipment of this world. Execute the obliteration after 5 minutes."

The cold communication in the space is completely cold and ruthless.

The 20 adventurers who were about to be wiped out from the Sultanate and the Parliamentary State suddenly lost their composure.

A crazy black youth jumped out with an AK47 in his hand, and laughed wildly while shooting wildly: "Points? Equipment? How could I give it to you idiots? It's death anyway, let me kill a few to make up for it!" "

Before he could finish his sentence, Zulu drew back his bloody spear and kicked him to the ground.

"Trash" Zulu shows no mercy.

Although they are all adventurers from black Africa, they belong to hundreds of countries and nationalities, and the black adventurers are not united.Zulu has long predicted to this day.

But there is also a sad side.

Sheva cried tearfully, saying goodbye to an older adventurer.The latter stroked Xie Wa's head lovingly, and gifted her points and equipment.

Some adventurers in the Sultanate silently gave their points and equipment to their close friends, waiting for the arrival of death calmly.Some imam adventurers are doing their last prayers nervously: "You dedicate yourself to the true God, and the true God will take care of you. 49 virgins are waiting for you among the flowers"

With tears in his eagle eyes, Sai Yiwu suddenly turned his head and looked at the triumphant Lampard!
With a bang, he used his right hand to abruptly snap off a little finger of his left hand!Drenched in blood, he threw it in front of Lampard.

"I swear, in the next scene, we will not be the ones suffering the pain of losing a brother!" Sai Yiwu said in a deep voice.

Lampard looked at the bloody fingers on the ground, his eyelids twitched, and he sneered, "After nine of you have been wiped out, you have the same number of 9 as us. What else can you do to turn things around? Hmph!"

All the madness and tranquility can't stop the coming of death.

Suddenly, I heard a hint of coldness in the space: "The obliteration begins!"

The 9 Sudanese adventurers and 9 parliamentary country adventurers standing together have a white light flashing on their heads at the same time, the bloody head, the eyes of death, and the fountain of blood splattered in front of everyone.

"Ah!" A female adventurer couldn't bear the brutal massacre and passed out.

Du Yu couldn't care less about these things, the fierce battle between him and the Flower Demon had reached the most critical moment.

The flower demon was seriously injured, and Du Yu caught the weak point and used one move after another.

Du Yu has already become one of the top experts at this time, the flower demon can't escape, that's really the best thing, let him have a good time.

The flower demon finally couldn't help it, let out a strange cry, and then rushed to the exit again.

Once the butcher is dead, his seal should be lifted and he can come and go freely.

It's not that the flower demon's strength is not as good as Du Yu's at all, his realm is still ahead of Du Yu's.But helplessly, this flower demon is used to murdering secretly and colluding with despicable torture, so it is really not grand enough to fight head-on with the opponent's masters and fight vigorously.

In a word, this is not a matter of martial arts realm, but a matter of character and habits.

The flower demon was eager to get away and soared into the sky.

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Du Yu's eyes.

It was the first time for him to face-to-face and kill the adventurers in the inner city.

But there is a first time for everything!
Du Yu condensed his whole body's skill, jumped up again with the ladder cloud vertically at an absolutely impossible angle in the air, and volleyed hard!
"Flower demon suffers death!" Du Yu's overwhelming offensive, with an indomitable momentum, blasted towards the flower demon in the air.

There was a trace of surprise in the evil eyes of the flower demon, obviously not understanding why Du Yu was able to reach a higher level despite having nowhere to borrow strength in the air.

But when he died, he exploded with even stronger strength.

In the air, it seemed that all the auras were sweeping towards the flower demon, and the flower demon was constantly gathering strength, ready to give Du Yu a fatal blow.

"I wanted to torture and kill your woman, and then deal with you. Since you want to die, I will fulfill you."

The flower demon made a nasty sound, and stabbed Du Yu with a sword.

Du Yu's Longevity Art worked to the extreme, and he slammed it with his palm.

This is a confrontation between good and evil, and it is also a decisive battle between the methods of the immortal family.

The flower demon fully absorbed the energy of Yan Fei's Danjie and the three jade pendants of heaven and earth, and every move was in harmony with the way of heaven. When the sword stabbed at Du Yu, Du Yu couldn't see through the trajectory of the sword.

The realm of the flower demon is indeed stronger than herself.

But at this moment, Du Yu's heart was still.

It seems that success and failure, life and death, are not within the scope of his calculations.

All he considered was how to kill the flower demon.

The evil laughter of the flower demon kept coming to his ears, trying to interfere with Du Yu's judgment.

"It's a pity that you can no longer enjoy women. Several of your women will die tragically in my hands. Haha, I don't care about the challenges of this dark world. With my ability, even if it is tough, I can survive Act Three. Die!"

Du Yu's realm had reached its peak, but the flower demon's breakthrough in the golden core stage made him still unable to see where the real sword was pointing.The flower demon is like an evil demon flower from the demon world, shadowy and shadowy, the real murderous intention is hidden very deeply.

At this moment, a sharp arrow approached like lightning and shot into a void!
The flower demon changed color for a while!
There was only a sound of jumping, and a narrow sword with a cold light appeared in the empty space, and the tip of the sword was deflected to one side.

"Who?" The flower demon couldn't imagine that someone could see through her terrifying flower sword.

Du Yu glanced at it and smiled slightly.

It was Leah who shot this crucial arrow and interrupted the flower demon's phantom sword at a critical moment!
At this moment, on Leah's head was a crown of laurels that looked like a Greek scholar. That was the [Kane's vision] left by Kane!
With this suit, Leah is completely complete in a green suit.

"Why can you see through this guy's phantom sword? His realm is higher than mine, and I can't even see the trajectory from the void." Du Yu sincerely admired it.

Liya smiled and said: "In the set attributes, [Kane's Vision] comes with the ability to see through reality, and can see through all illusions. Unfortunately, the transformation of the flower demon is also among them."

Du Yu laughed loudly, and said proudly: "Did the flower demon hear you? Today is the day when you will be killed! Suffer your death!"

How can the flower demon not be shocked and angry when she sees her good situation and is seen through by Du Yu's beauty?A sword stabbed at Du Yu: "Even if your woman sees through my sword skills, you will never escape!"

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and the Flower Demon's sword brushed past each other, and slammed into each other's bodies!

Du Yu was pierced to the core, even if he had a soft armor, he couldn't stop the full blow of the masters in the inner city.

His blood gushed out crazily, and waves of weakness welled up in his heart.

This flower demon's swordsmanship is really amazing.

His personal character is completely rubbish, but his swordsmanship and lightness skills are beyond the world, no wonder Yan Fei is hated by his sword.

But Du Yu's sacrifice was not without results.

The flower demon received a fatal blow, and Du Yu's proud Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon caused more injuries. Blood spurted from the red lips, and pain and madness appeared in the evil pupils.

"You actually hurt me!" The flower demon flew high again.

An arrow roared towards the flower demon's thigh.

Can lock so accurately, besides Liya who is wearing a suit and has advanced martial arts, who else?
Du Yu was excited to see that after getting the suit, Liya seemed to be a different person. Whether it was attacking or fighting, she became proactive and resolute.The somewhat indecisive girl disappeared, and a beautiful Horadric warrior with a calm atmosphere was born out of nowhere.

The flower demon was hit consecutively. Don't forget, he was framed by Du Yu before, and he was seriously injured. The injuries continued to accumulate, and finally he became furious.

"Even if you try to get hurt, I will kill you!" The flower demon rushed towards Du Yu furiously.

In the heart of the castle, the beauties exclaimed together.

(End of this chapter)

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