Chapter 842 The overlord bows his bow and kills the flower demon! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The aura of the flower demon is frightening, its aura locks on Du Yu tightly, and it is about to kill and injure Du Yu.

Du Yu had already disregarded life and death. Against an opponent of the flower demon level, if he was still timid and afraid of death, he would definitely die a miserable death.

He roared angrily, and used another move [Kanglong Yougui] to forcefully eat the flower demon.

Fight with the flower demon!

See who can't bear it, run away first!

The flower demon spat out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

His sword pierced Du Yu's chest again.

Du Yu's health had bottomed out, and he was on the verge of death.

Rourou's healing technique landed on Du Yu's body in an instant, pulling up Du Yu's health.

This is not an online game.

But the treatment still made Du Yu feel warm.

He went all out, roared fiercely again, and charged at the flower demon like an angry lion.

Even the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms, who were watching the excitement far away, could feel the tragic atmosphere.

"It seems that Du Yu and that shemale have a deep hatred," Anakin said with emotion.

Lampard looked at Du Yu's mighty Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and his fearless fighting spirit, and remained silent.

"However, this Du Yu is really useless, to be beaten so badly, tsk tsk." Anakin smiled disdainfully.

Lampard took a deep breath.

Maybe he really overestimated Du Yu, how can he feel how powerful Du Yu is unless he experiences it himself?
The four bigwigs of the Shenluo Kingdom all beamed with joy when they received the news that the Shenluo was number one.

"This is really good news. Shinra's ability overwhelmed the Sultanate and forced the Sultan to wipe out 10%. Our advantage is obvious." Tracy rarely praised it like this.

Richelieu smiled. The backbone of the Shenluo Kingdom is all church adventurers. Tracy's words are tantamount to acknowledging the strength of the church.

"We can achieve this kind of achievement because of the help of diplomacy." Richelieu glanced at Catherine: "Du Yu from the Tang Dynasty also helped us a lot."

The concubine said disdainfully: "Du Yu obviously got a lot of benefits from us. Looking at him now, it is so difficult to deal with a monster. Without us, how could he get second? Isn't it Your Highness the Queen?"

She glanced at the queen, only to find that Catherine didn't pay any attention to her words.

The queen watched the video screen nervously.

There is the decisive battle between Du Yu and the flower demon, and it is the last fight.

Du Yu was seriously injured and fought desperately with the flower demon.

Finally, the flower demon couldn't hold back Du Yu's overwhelming offensive. She screamed, lost her momentum, and tried to escape from the scene like a woman.

This is Du Yu's conspiracy.

He competed with the flower demon in terms of moves and realm, but he was no match for the flower demon.

The only thing that can beat the flower demon is the mentality of the flower demon!
The mentality of a master is sometimes very important, even surpassing skill.

Although the flower demon is powerful, the most common thing he does is sneak attack.

Killing Yan Fei was also a sneak attack.

In other words, the flower demon does not have the staunch nature of a man.This shortcoming is nothing if it is placed on an assassin.

But at this time, Du Yu is forcing the flower demon to risk his life with him!
Sure enough, although the flower demon has the upper hand in skill, she still cherishes her life and dare not give it a go.

When he chose to escape, Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang snorted coldly with disdain.

Both of them are first-class masters, so it is natural to see that Du Yu is fighting to the death.If the flower demon dared to fight Du Yu, 8% to 9% of the dead would be Du Yu.

But the flower demon gave up.

He dare not.

So he fled.

Regardless of the seriousness of the injury, Du Yu gritted his teeth and chased after him even though his intestines were exposed from the pierced belly.

The ladder is vertical!
Lingbo microsteps!

The flower demon looked back, and her soul flew away.
This Du Yu was so brave that he chased after him like a god-killing lion.

At this moment, Catherine who was far away in Shinra, Leah who was near the torture chamber, and all the beauties in the heart of the castle all exclaimed in unison.

Their beautiful eyes were all fixed on Du Yu's bloody and heavily injured body, and even more fixed on Du Yu's mighty, unyielding, fierce and resolute face!
Such a man, the world is magnificent!
"Flower demon, your life is gone!" Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms hit the flower demon's back for the third time.

The flower demon suddenly spat out a big mouthful of blood, and was shaken to the core, leaving their positions and being shattered.

He falls.

Dongfang Bubai snorted coldly: "Useless stuff!"

His red phantom rushed towards the falling flower demon in a flash.

Heaven and Earth Heart Three Jade Pendants!

For Dongfang Invincible, this thing is what he is determined to obtain.

He doesn't care whether the flower demon lives or dies.But the Heaven and Earth Heart Three Jade Pendant is a major event related to whether his skill can go further and achieve a positive result.No one can take this jade pendant away from her.

Yang Guo's sleeves were fluttering, and he attacked the east with a single roll and was undefeated.

Of course he knew that his eldest brother Du Yu had already beaten the flower demon to the brink of death, and he absolutely couldn't let Dongfang Bubai take advantage of it.

Tian Yulang was also tightly entangled by Zhang Sanfeng's Taiji sword.

Even though his magic power has improved greatly and his swordsmanship is monstrous, he can't break Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi sword. The two swords are so shadowy that they can't threaten each other.

The flower demon was really scared, and he screamed, "Du Yu, I'll give you the three jade pendants, and you let me go."

He threw out the three jade pendants suddenly, but flung them towards Dongfang Bubai in a sinister manner.

After all, masters are masters, and it was obvious at a glance that Dongfang Bubai was also a master of the same level.

The East is unbeaten and rejoiced.

He grabbed the three jade pendants in the heart of heaven and earth.

Du Yu suddenly activated the space ability.

His spatial ability has become stronger in the past 2 worlds.

In an instant, Du Yu appeared in front of Dongfang Bubai, and forcibly snatched the precious jade pendant from Dongfang Bubai's fingers!

Domineering snatch!
Dongfang Bubai screamed: "How courageous!"

She stabbed Du Yu with a needle.

Yang Guo charged like lightning, Dugu Qiubai's wooden sword suddenly picked up the embroidery needle, and fought Dongfang Bubai, he shouted: "Brother, kill the flower demon quickly."

Du Yu turned his head and saw that the flower demon really used the method of cutting off its tail to survive, threw out the jade pendant, and escaped by itself.

But how could Du Yu make him happy?
He waved.

The life and death talisman shot out immediately, heading straight for the flower demon.

The flower demon was in the air, unable to avoid it, and was pierced by the life and death talisman.

In fact, his lightness kung fu did not have to be so tragic.

But Du Yu's attack from behind was really too sharp.

This is what happens when you run away on the battlefield.

The flower demon was surrounded by the life-and-death talisman, and her body froze for a moment, then Du Yu slapped her heavily on her body, and finally flew out like a kite with a broken string, swallowing her last breath.

A blood-red key emerged from his body.

Du Yu grabbed the bloody key and threw himself into the team's camp like a big bird.

Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang looked at Du Yu's camp coldly, and the battle between the two sides was imminent.

The wolf pupil team was on alert, Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng gave Du Yu a thumbs up, and then stood on both sides, ready to fight at any time.

Although Du Yu was seriously injured and almost died, but holding the three jade pendants of the warm heart of heaven and earth and the bloody key of the flower demon in his hands, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

The flower demon who was lurking in the team and causing serious disasters was finally killed by him forcefully.

The following grams on!
As an adventurer in the outer city, he killed the master in the inner city.

The deer, Lan Lei and others in the void let out a sigh of relief when they saw Du Yu kill the flower demon.

Dongfang Bubai said coldly: "Hand over the jade pendant, and I will spare you."

Du Yu coughed up a mouthful of blood, and said with a chuckle, "How can it be possible for me to spit out the fat I swallowed? If you want to fight, fight, don't talk nonsense!"

He was so cold and hard, but it made Dongfang Bubai unable to come down to the stage, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Lampard smiled and said: "Okay. The first act is so difficult, haven't you fought enough? Everyone will inevitably have to cooperate and deal with each other in the future. There are enough fights and kills. Let's stop."

Dongfang Bubai snorted coldly: "Du Yu, your life will never last long."

Du Yu smiled, picked up the bloody key, and opened it directly.

He ordered Elizabeth to directly take out the directional object in the Bloody Key of the Flower Demon—Dan Jie!
Pill Jie is a pill that Yan Fei got unintentionally.After taking Danjie, as long as you can overcome the fire poison in it, you can successfully enter the golden elixir stage.

Under Du Yu's command, there are two daughters, Shi Fei Xuan and Wan Wan, who are both hovering on the edge of the Golden Core Stage.After taking this pill, there should be a breakthrough.

In that way, Du Yu's camp will have two Jindan stage masters, and they will be more calm in dealing with enemies from all walks of life.

A Danjie shining with immortal energy was successfully taken out by Elizabeth's true luck against the sky.

"Well, I also found another treasure." Elizabeth laughed.

In her hand, she held a sword with a scabbard.

Du Yu drew out his sword, which was engraved with the words Die Lian Hua.

"It's Yan Fei's famous sword Dielianhua!" Du Yu said pleasantly.

The most famous thing about this sword is that it can automatically detect the surrounding enemies and issue a warning to the owner.

Relying on the magic of this sword, Yan Fei killed many strong men.

Die Lianhua, Dan Jie, and the Three Jade Pendants of Heaven and Earth Heart, these treasures that can only be obtained in the legendary world of the frontier, are now accepted by Du Yu with the death of the flower demon.This flower demon has knowledge under the spring, and she will surely die with regret.

Du Yu carefully rubbed the three jade pendants of the heart of heaven and earth.Among the three jade pendants, the two jade pendants of heaven and earth formed a hollow circle, and the human jade pendant filled it, similar to the gold inlaid jade of the Olympic gold medal.Some inexplicable textures are embossed on it.

"Heaven and earth heart jade pendant: the magic weapon of the immortal family. According to the Taoist treasure book "Taiping Cave Extreme Classic", as long as the three pendants can be combined into one, the fairy gate will open, revealing the entrance to the blessed land of the cave. It is everyone who has achieved immortality, Infuse it with peerless celestial power, and guide the immortals of future generations to ascend to the celestial gate. The gate of chance on this jade pendant has only three chances, and it has been opened once by Huang Yaoshi and the flower demon, and the energy is only enough to open it again , it will permanently lose its effect. But it is also an immortal weapon with excellent offensive and defensive capabilities. The gate of the fairy world consumes a certain amount of innate true energy, and you can escape into this gate and appear in another space. The location is determined by the user, but It will consume a huge amount of innate essence."

After reading the reminder, Du Yu knew that he had found a huge treasure, so he put away the three pendants of heaven, earth and man, and turned his head to look.

(End of this chapter)

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