Chapter 849 Riding Juechen, the big powers are red-eyed! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Du Yu received a reminder: "You have completed the main task [Royal Family Meeting] and obtained 1875 points."

"You have completed the main task [Unexpected Allies] and got 5200 points."

This adventure, the wolf pupil team has scored 7075 points!
In terms of internal distribution, it is naturally a happy result for all.

The wolf pupil team scored 5000 points themselves, and the total number of points in the second act reached 8800 points, ranking undisputedly the first among the four countries, successfully crossing the eradication line of 100 points per person.The total adventure points reached 11680 points.

The No. 600 captain team has accumulated [-] points, and they are also Shinra's only source of points.

The parliamentary country also had a good harvest, with the second act reaching 4275 points, which is almost reaching the obliteration line of 100 points per person.

The ranking on the standings is very obvious.

First, the Datang team has 8800 points.

Second, the parliamentary country has 4275 points.

Third, the Shinra team has 600 points.

Fourth, 0 points for the Sultanate.

Hearing this series of broadcasts, the faces of Lampard, Sai Wu, and Dongfang Bubai seemed to have been slapped a dozen times in a row, and they were really red and swollen.I can no longer be slapped in the face, and my face is so swollen that it can no longer be swollen.

The wolf pupil team has completed the three main missions of [Blood City], [Royal Family Meeting], and [Unexpected Allies] in a row. They are leading the pack and going straight to all the main missions behind Baoyuan. .

And what about them?

The three major teams are still guarding the secret camp, frantically looking for potions and supplies.

Every time the sleep passed, the team regained their energy and mana, but helplessly, the strength and number of monsters in the second act were too strong, and the team full of energy could not go far at all, and would be exhausted in the intense battle , and there was no blood bottle or blue bottle, so he had to return to the town in disgrace.

"It won't work like this!" Lampard exchanged glances with Sai Wu and Dongfang Bubai.

In front of the wolf pupil team, which is rising strongly and shooting like a rocket, even the traditional three strong teams have to discuss countermeasures.

"Na Du Yu, you must have bought something amazing in the goblin store." Sai Yiwu gritted his teeth.

Lampard is deeply concerned.

Although he led the team in the first act and performed outstandingly, he can't rely on the first act alone to conquer the world, right?The bosses of Shinra are still staring at him.

How to do?
"The only way is to unite!" Sai Yiwu seems to have already figured out a countermeasure: "We must join hands. Once the number of people increases, the strength of the monsters will decrease. We have Shinra's MT and our Sudan's cavalry With the impact, coupled with the invincibility of Dongfang Bubai, it is still very sure to break through the blockade of the monsters outside the city."

"Yes!" Lampard said in a deep voice: "You know, the Parliament has already joined the Wolf Eyes team. They must have taken advantage of the joint efforts to break through the three main missions so quickly. Otherwise, such a difficult monster, relying on the wolf team Team Hitomi can't do it by themselves."

Anakin and the others nodded.

Those present here are all people who have suffered a great loss from Du Yu, and they are all powerful captains. Who will really be convinced?


No one really convinced Du Yu.

Therefore, after hearing the frequent news of Du Yu's success and seeing the wolf pupil team riding the dust, everyone would rather believe that it was the chemical reaction produced by the combination of the two swords of the wolf pupil team and the parliament country.

If you can join forces, create a trust, and monopolize the main task, why can't we confront each other?
Dongfang Bubai also nodded rarely.

The rule of this game is to shoot the first bird.

Whoever takes the lead in the standings will ridicule the crowd, spread hatred, and become the target of public criticism.

In the first act, Du Yu pushed Shenluo to the front, and Shenluo was hit with black bricks and black punches for a long time, and suffered a lot.

In the second act, Du Yu gave up his low profile and rose strongly all the way, which immediately aroused the common hatred of the great powers towards Du Yu.

But the target of the same enemy has been selected, and how to unite in the next step has become a problem.

A wing always has command and decision-making, so the question arises, who will be the boss?

Sai Wu?
East is undefeated?

Whoever dares to call himself the boss will be despised and rejected by the other two parties.

As a result, there was no longer a stalemate.

Finally, under the pressure of Du Yu's triumphant progress all the way, the three big bosses reluctantly agreed to form a top three-person group to make decisions together.

But the next problem came again.

Which main quest should I complete first?

You know, according to the rules, only one team can receive the main task, and the points will be received by this team as soon as possible.Even if the Three Kingdoms Adventure Team unites and completes a certain task, the points will immediately go to the team that receives the task.The only way for other teams to get paid is to rely on the captain of the team to be honest and talk about his character, and transfer money to pay points as promised. If he breaks the contract, the others will have nothing to do.

The wolf pupil team-the parliamentary state can perfectly solve all problems, because there is an absolutely strong prevention!

He said one thing, and no one dared to question him.

Du Yu has also won their trust by relying on the credibility he has established in the parliamentary country and the Bladeless Team for a long time.Not to mention Du Yu assigning points afterwards, even if he chooses not to give points for the time being, the adventurers of the two teams have no objections.

But the three teams are different!

They are all strong people, and they were able to bear the humiliation and form a team entirely because of Du Yu's pressure.

But if the Sudanese’s [Shadow of the Desert] is completed first, what if Sai Yiwu gets 4400 points but chooses to renege?
In the same way, if the Shinra people's "Road to Okanas" is completed first, and Lampard blacks out 4600 points, what can others do?
Points can only be transferred between teams and adventurers at the time of distribution. Even if he is killed later, the points will not be released unless he voluntarily leaves an inheritance.

The trust between the three teams is far from reaching the point where points can be shared.

As a result, the three stared at each other again and fell into endless quarrels.

Until the bad news came.

"The wolf pupil team and the parliamentary national team found and retrieved the head of the Horadric sect traitor Zorton Kulle in the forgotten ruins located in the Daergu oasis! Completed the main task The Betrayer of Horadrim! Got 7425 points and 810 gold coins reward!"

The three petrified.

"So fast? Impossible?" Anakin exclaimed.

In Sai Yiwu's eagle eyes, there was infinite shock.

"Even if Du Yu had hoarded a lot of medicines at the end of the first act, it was impossible to support the teams of the two countries in such a high-intensity battle. How did he get the supplies?"

Lampard looked grim.

In fact, just now Archbishop Richelieu couldn't sit still and communicated with him.

This prevents the four mainline tasks from being so aggressive, and No. 1 is about to be locked in advance.

As long as he completes two more main missions, the remaining main missions and random missions, even if they are all obtained by a certain team, it will be difficult to return, unable to catch up with the wolf pupil team.What's more, there are Sudan and Dongfang Bubai, two hungry and impatient wolves, who are ready to fight to the death?
"You must ask Du Yu!" Lampard was shocked and furious.

Du Yu talked and laughed with Maishela, Liya and others, and walked out of the portal.

Behind him are the respectful Zulu, Toledo, and Indra.

They were considered to have thoroughly seen Du Yu's methods.

A large number of medicines were thrown out of Du Yu's space one by one, as if they didn't need money.

The legal professions and auxiliary professions of adventurers in the two countries can get sufficient mana support, and they can output as much as they want without any scruples.

And the wolf pupil team's extravagant and shocking lineup of magic pets not only allows the wolf pupil team to have a luxurious configuration of all mounts, but also greatly limits the troublesome monsters with high magic damage like phantoms, corpses, and dark mages. .Whether the enemy is close combat, long-range or magic bombardment, for the shooters and magicians inside the wolf pupil team, they are all at ease and can't hurt them at all.

Adventurers in the parliamentary country have never had such a comfortable output environment!

Sufficient mana, sufficient elixirs, and a safe environment!

The only thing they have to do is to put the monster's head firmly into the center of the scope like playing a video game, pull the trigger, and then look forward to the refreshing scene of the monster's headshot, as well as the explosions all over the ground. All kinds of equipment, gold coins, gems and scrolls, as well as reminders of crediting points that sound like heaven in the reminder.

What is it for adventurers in war-torn countries like Somalia, Iraq, and Syria?
This is heaven!
What environment are they usually in?
Fight on their own, whether it is output, shooting or tactical advance, they must be completed alone under the enemy's artillery fire and siege.

A careless failure is a dead end!
Aim and shoot?Fixed-point shooting?shoot with great precision?A ten-year-old child in Somalia can already do it!
The Latin American gang led by Toledo grew up in a bloody and cruel environment, with intrigues and black guns, which are commonplace.

Being able to show off their killing skills and output ability in such a superior environment of the wolf pupil team has become the joy of the desperadoes of the parliamentary country.They like to see the Wolverines, witnessing the fuss after accurate headshots.Zulu and the others even secretly thought that if they had such a superior environment as the Wolves, they would have already ranked first in points.

Unfortunately, everything is not if.

They are now vassals, mercenaries.

Although the output is sharp, the bulk of the points belongs to the wolf pupil team.

On this point, the parliamentary country dare not have any opinions.

In the first act, they had more people, stronger strength, and fiercer firepower. What happened?

They couldn't even complete a main quest without Duo's help.

That's the power of a team.

Du Yu is in a good mood.

Because in the storm cellar, after destroying the monsters inside, the wolf pupil team rescued a plot character hawker who can be repaired and sells items.

This peddler can actually buy precious blood bottles and blue bottles in the form of points!

This is obviously a way of survival given to adventurers by space.It also knows that only the top two can buy items from the goblin store, and there are no regular plot characters to replenish supplies. I am afraid that the adventurers will not be able to support them, so they gave a supply point here.

(End of this chapter)

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