Chapter 850 Strong against Goblin Scavengers! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

This also confirmed Du Yu's guess.

In fact, it is impossible to design a desperate situation without a road in space, but you need to find it.

In addition to the goblin shop, there is also this kind of random wandering peddler.

The currency that this peddler can accept is still points.

The maximum consumption amount does not exceed 25% of the points in this act.Each team has only one purchasing opportunity.Then the peddler would disappear.

The peddler also provided an important piece of information.

In addition to these two sales methods, the space also arranges a special spree.

That's Goblin Scavenger.

The so-called scavenger means that after the adventurers finally killed the plot boss, a wretched Goblin with a burden on his back would randomly appear. He moved like the wind and was incredibly fast. A treasure that exploded, then turned around and ran away.

Of course, such behavior would be outraged.

But the rewards are also generous, as long as it is surrounded and killed in time, it will explode a lot of rewards, and there will inevitably be a large number of blood bottles and blue bottles as supplies for adventurers.

The space is really painstakingly arranged for various forms of replenishment.

In addition to these types, there should be others, such as alchemists, etc., but they are all hidden and need to be found by each team.

The luck and strength of Du Yu's team were good. They crushed all the way, and even reached the storm cellar where the hawker was first.

Du Yu generously earned 25% of the points for this act, a total of 5275 points, and bought all kinds of potions.

Life-saving is always the first priority.

The potions of the wolf pupil team had been exhausted just now, and they had received sufficient supplies.

So when everyone returned to the secret camp, they laughed so happily.

Lampard sighed.

From the faces of the wolf pupil team, he knew that these guys still had a lot of stamina.

They must have secrets that we don't know.

supply point.

Lampard said to Du Yu in a low voice: "My brother. You said that we have always been an alliance. Now you are making a fortune alone, but you don't tell my brother about the supply point. I am very dissatisfied."

Du Yu smiled: "I know what you said, and I can tell you that there are vendors in the storm cellar where you can buy supplies. But the question is, do you have points to spend now?"

An arrow hit the heart.

Lampard's face is full of bulls.

Damn, a vicious circle has formed.

If there are no supplies, if you can’t fight, you will not be able to complete the mission. If you don’t have points, you won’t be able to buy supplies.

Thinking of this, Lampard's intestines are full of regret.

Judging from the frequent efforts of the wolf pupil team all the way and the second act, they must have bought a large number of supplies in the goblin shop to be able to be so powerful.

If I had known earlier, I would have snapped up too.I have a lot of points in the first act.Why covet those more than 3000 bonus points and give up this buying opportunity?

His heart was bleeding.

Lampard has to admit that he is a farmer!

The wrong decision in the first act directly brought about the passiveness of the second act.

But it was too late to regret, so I could only humbly ask Du Yu for support.

What about joining forces with Sai Yiwu?
fuck his sister.

Only ghosts believe in Sai Yiwu.

He has been biting to death to complete the main mission [Shadow of the Desert], but Lampard can't believe this man's nonsense.

Just kidding, the last thing he can lose is the Sudanese heretics.

The wolf pupil team didn't pull such hatred.

"What should I do?" Lampard looked directly at Du Yu.

Du Yu coughed, "Want to supply?"

Lampard laughed, his expression was not much different from that of a hajib.

People under the low eaves have to bow their heads.

Du Yu casually took out 10 blood bottles and 10 blue bottles.

Lampard was overjoyed.

This kid is indeed a local tyrant!

So many supplies are enough to support two moderately intense battles.

With this, completing [Road to Okarnas] counts as wool?
The strength of our Shinra adventurers can be completed in minutes.

But Du Yu immediately took the bottle away and said with a smile, "What do you rely on to exchange?"

Lampard said helplessly, "What do you want?"

Du Yu showed an inscrutable smile: "I'm not afraid to tell you, my price is very expensive."

Lampard gritted his teeth and said, "How expensive?"

"5 broken gems, exchange for a bottle." Du Yushi opened his mouth.

Lampard turned into petrification, rushed forward like an angry lion, grabbed Du Yu by the collar and said, "You are robbing! Robbing!"

No wonder he's so pissed off, gems are one of Diablo III's most valuable assets.A broken gem can be exchanged for 1000 gold coins even if it is sold for a black-hearted space.This is still a jump price.No one would do that.

Du Yu dodged, took off Lampard's hands, and said with a smile: "Oh, I sold it at such a low price because of the good foundation of cooperation with you. In that city, there are unscrupulous alchemists who can sell you at such a low price. I sold it to you for [-] gold coins, and I sold it for half of the fee. Do you still have any dissatisfaction? Believe it or not, if I go to the other two to sell it now, they will snatch it up?"

Lampard's mouth was crooked with anger.

This nonsense is not what it says.

Fragmented gems, such a precious treasure, who can determine the price they sell to space?
Normally, even if 5000 gold coins were offered to buy his Broken Gem, he would not sell it.

But when Lampard turned his head, he saw two pairs of green eyes.

Dongfang Undefeated and Sai Yiwu.

Du Yu was right.

The three families are all wolves waiting to be fed. Seeing that these 20 bottles of potions are more than enough to complete a main mission, how can they not be moved?

With this drive up, the price went up to the sky.

Sure enough, Sai Yiwu came over resolutely and said to Du Yu, "What price do you offer? I want it all!"

For the domineering Sai Yiwu, it was calculated early in the morning, and there would be no output without input.

Points and lives are more important than broken gems.

Anyway, Du Yu was in the blacksmith's shop, and he was exploited to such an extent that he still cared about gems in order to survive?
Du Yu smiled and said, "I sell a potion for 6 gems. Hurry up. There is only one chance."

Without hesitation, Sai Yiwu threw a bag of gems over: "You can count how many bottles you can give."

Du Yu was not too polite, he poured out the bag, and suddenly there were handfuls of gems, shining brightly.

Michelle checked the gems skillfully: "There are 66 gems in total. I didn't expect there to be so many gems in the Sultanate!"

Du Yu's eyes fell on Sai Yiwu, a wealthy Persian businessman Yousuf with a heartache and pain on his face. This guy must have some special skills to increase the rate of gems, otherwise the Sultanate would be so rich?
He decisively took out 11 bottles of potions: "Buy ten and get one free, congratulations to Boss Sai Yiwu."

Sai Yiwu didn't care about the gems either.These blood bottles and blue bottles, plus a few bottles purchased from the alchemist, are barely enough to start a big offensive and complete the main task [Shadow of the Desert].He swept across the crowd with his eagle eyes, and hastily got on his horse and left.

If you can go out and raid, you will have a chance to get your money back.If you stay here, you can only wait for death.

Dongfang Bubai also came over.

The god Roland Pard saw it, damn it, if you don't do anything, you won't even be able to keep up with the hot shit.

He decisively took out the bag, threw it to Du Yu, grabbed the remaining 9 bottles of medicine in Du Yu's hand, and rode away.

Shinra also launched an offensive.

Dongfang Bubai gritted his teeth with a grim expression on his face.

No matter how cruel he is, he still can't give up Qiu Haijun.

And without potion, how could Qiu Haijun and others go into battle to kill the enemy and grab points?
Du Yu laughed, and took out another 10 bottles of medicine: "Boss Dongfang, can we exchange them?"

Dongfang Bubai nuzzled.

Wang Xiaorong screamed: "Don't! I don't want to be exploited by this person. This is a vampire! This is a black-hearted businessman!"

Zuo Lengchan walked over coldly, slapped Wang Xiaorong heavily on the face, and snorted coldly: "If you dare to babble, believe it or not, I will kill you?"

Wang Xiaorong lost her mind.A pocket fell out of the towering twin peaks that were about to tear apart.

Zuo Lengchan picked it up and threw it to Du Yu.

Du Yu persisted for a while, Dongfang Bubai gained a lot.There are also more than 30 gems.

He counted out 5 bottles of medicine and threw them to Zuo Lengchan.

Dongfang Bubai gave a cold look, turned his head and left: "Let's go, let's grab the main task."

Du Yu chuckled and put a total of 5 bags together.

All five bags were bulging and filled with all kinds of jewels.

"Damn it, you're so powerful and domineering now." Li Tang rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "We got all the gems from the entire adventure team. Their hard work was in vain, and they were all drained."

Du Yu smiled lightly.

Michelle worried: "Is it really good to do this? They will catch up with the points after they get the potion. And we don't seem to have much potion."

Du Yu smiled lightly and said, "I've already made up my mind about the potion. Just wait and see. Why should I sell the potion to the teams at a high price?"

Maishela laughed and said: "If you talk about the selling price, it's a sky-high price. Hehe, 5 or 6 gemstones for a bottle of potion is really a sky-high price for cabbage. And the second act will soon rescue the jeweler Shen Laoguan. He Fragmented gems can be synthesized to become higher-level gems. We have collected all the gems of 5 teams, at least 200, and can synthesize 6 or 7 fourth-level flawless gems. It is not a problem. The attributes of the equipment, will be greatly improved.”

Du Yu smiled lightly: "You're right about one aspect, but you're wrong about the more important aspect."

"More important?", Michelle wondered.

Du Yu smiled and said, "A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. This is a truth that everyone understands. You say, if we continue to make such great strides, they will see no hope at all, so what will we do if we think about it?"

Everyone pondered for a while.

Zulu was the first to shout and said, "Damn it, if it was me, if we really had nowhere to go and couldn't get any points, then we might as well join hands and make No.1 together!"

Du Yu laughed and said, "Oh! Shinra, Sultan, and Dongfang Bubai are three powerful enemies. The three teams have always had conflicts and distrust each other. There is little hope of joining forces. But if there is no hope at all, they must join forces. Come on, deal with us, try to force us to bow our heads and hand over the blood potion! Do you think it is impossible?"

(End of this chapter)

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