Chapter 851 Compass Search, Ambush in the East! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Everyone was amazed.

It's all too possible.

Once the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms find that they cannot compete with the wolf pupil team through normal competition, they will really join hands.

I don't have potions, but you do!

Hit you to the service!
You can't even save your life, so naturally hand over the medicine obediently.

But Du Yu sold part of the potion to the third team at a killing price through this method of competitive pricing.

Although the three teams were heartbroken and even dissatisfied with Du Yu, Du Yu gave them a ready-made way after all.Although I feel sorry for these gems, given the more than 100 strong adventurers in the wolf pupil team, it seems that the result of the robbery may be even worse.

Besides, even if the gemstone is given to the wolf pupil team and suffers immediate losses, the gemstone will not disappear.Even if it is inlaid on the equipment, it can also be removed by the jeweler.We have suffered a loss in front of us. When we recover and buy enough potions, we can ask you to come back, right?

Du Yu used only 25 bottles of medicine to completely disintegrate the potential alliance of the three countries.

Although the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms may still join forces in the future, if they can delay for a moment, it is a moment.The strength of the wolf pupil team is constantly increasing, and it is obvious that the passage of time is very beneficial to Du Yu.

"You gave them the potion, how can we solve it?" Myshea asked looking at the few potions left.

Du Yu smiled and said, "Didn't the peddler give you an important reminder? It's a goblin scavenger."

"You have a way to find the goblin scavenger?" Myshea frowned.That's really against the sky.

Du Yu shook the weather compass in his hand.

Michelle felt weak.

The weather compass can be used to find plot characters.

But it never occurred to Meshera that this goblin scavenger is also a plot character.

But if you think about it carefully, yes, it is not a plot character, what is it?

Du Yu smiled and entered the obscene image of a goblin scavenger into the weather compass, which was immediately accepted.

The weather compass starts to turn.

When he finally stopped, Du Yu smiled and said: "From the location, it is the location of Sharda's treasure. This is also in line with the character of goblin scavengers looking for treasure. This treasure is located in the ancient oasis of Daer, Sharda Inside the mausoleum. It is a random mission [Sharda's Treasure] worth 700 points."

"That's better, kill two birds with one stone." Liya was full of energy at this time, and when she heard the random mission, she immediately unsheathed her sword, drew her bow, and was ready to fight.

"That is to say, if we continue to complete the main task along the way, we can get supplies in the Daergu Oasis along the way?" Myshela frowned. This seems to be going too smoothly, right?Sounds fanciful enough.

Du Yu laughed loudly: "As long as there is accurate information, everything is as simple as that."

He led the wolf pupil team to Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop and began to repair the equipment.

Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop has become a big cash cow for Du Yu, making money every day, attracting countless gold coins, tens of thousands of gold coins in the team.

This is the hard-working money of the other four teams, all of which were sucked by Shan Wanjing with various equipment.

"We can try to create better green suits and rare equipment." Myshela was full of ambition. She began to imagine that before the end of the darkness, it would be best to change the equipment of her teammates with a shotgun.A group of powerful heroes in green suits, going to the highest heaven to brush Diablo together, what a cool thing.

The teammates were very excited, and Du Yu smiled wryly: "Even if we have a lot of money and materials, it's not easy to get the green suit drawings."

A set of [Monkey King's Tricks] is worth 2000 points.Even if the team has points, they can't spend it like this. I really can't buy a few sets of suits.

However, in terms of item rank, the green suit is already at the absolute high end of Diablo.If the dozens of green suits envisioned by Michelle are realized, how will other teams live?
Du Yu's thinking was obviously longer than that of Mai Shela. He looked at the back of the Eastern Invincibles and said calmly: "It's time to recruit new players."

The alliance of adventurers from the Three Kingdoms almost succeeded.The easiest way to break a possible powerful alliance once and for all is to annex it in advance!
Get another team.

Du Yu has a strong army and a good hand at this time, but the arrogant great powers in the first act have declined one after another, and they can't even complete a main task.

Although the Eastern Undefeated Team has a small number of people, the pressure on Du Yu is greater than that of Shinra and Sultan.

The flower demon is dead at this time, so Du Yu can rest assured to deal with Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang.

If the 40 adventurers of the Eastern Invincible Team can be included, Du Yu will have the strength to compete with Shinra and Sultan at the same time.No matter how the latter two combine, they are not as strong as Du Yu's control over Datang and the parliamentary state.As a result of the competition between the two sides, Du Yu did not fear the two.

At this point in the game of chess, Du Yu finally revealed his grandeur and ambition.

He wants to be alone.

From the perspective of the overall situation, the only possibility to pass the supreme heaven of hell difficulty is that the adventurers from the four countries are completely integrated to form a truly super strong team.All kinds of internal strife will only weaken the strength of adventurers, making killing Diablo an impossible task.

Among other things, the adventurers couldn't even get past the second act, which fully demonstrated the difficulty of the plot.

Of course, this integration process will encounter numerous resistances.Adventurers from all over the world are not willing to be controlled by others, not to mention their strength wants to be strong.

Du Yu relied on patience and the situation.

The so-called situation is stronger than people.

At the end of the day, you can't help but refuse to bow your head.

Didn't the rebellious desperadoes of the parliamentary country just get discouraged after being hit hard, and stay obediently in Du Yu's team, willing to become the absolute main force of output?
As for how to clean up the Eastern Invincibles, Du Yu also roughly has a plan.

"Let's go! Go and find the traitor Kule of the Horadim."

Du Yu's team appeared in Daergu Oasis.

In this oasis, there is a random mission [Shardar's Treasure].

"But it's so big here, where can I find Sharda's tomb?" Liya was also worried: "Although uncle's diary also mentioned Sharda's treasure, but the words are vague, and it is difficult to find the specific location."

"Can we divide our troops with so many people?" Zulu suggested: "Isn't it good to expand the search area and improve the search efficiency?"

Du Yu smiled and said nothing.

The team moves forward all the way, attacking monsters from all walks of life.Ahead is a canyon.

When Du Yu came here, he stopped suddenly.

Leah asked curiously, "Why didn't you leave?"

Du Yu said indifferently: "Because of our old buddy, he is lying in ambush around. Looking forward to our divided Dongfang Bubai!"

The figure of Dongfang Bubai shot out from behind a rock, Ling Ran stood on top of the boulder, proudly looking down on the wolf pupil team.

"Your vigilance is good. You can actually find my ambush." ​​He waved his hand.

A black smoke flashed past, and Tian Yulang's figure appeared behind everyone.

Qiu Haijun, Tang Lin, Wang Xiaorong and other backbones, with more than 30 adventurers, appeared on both sides of the canyon, and slowly approached the wolf pupil team trapped in the center.

"You killed Yue Buqun!" Dongfang Bubai said proudly, "You should have thought of today."

Du Yu glanced at the enemies on both sides, laughed and said: "You only have more than 30 people, dare to challenge me? Are you impatient?"

Dongfang Bubai said sternly: "Are you finished with your arrogance? What a pity that you can only live until today!"

Wang Xiaorong said sharply: "We gave you gems in exchange for potions, just to underestimate the enemy. In fact, we didn't want you to live at all. Instead of buying them, it's better to grab them. If we kill you, the potions and gems are ours."

Du Yu chuckled: "So that's how it is. Use the potion I sold to you, turn it against me, and then grab the gems back, isn't it?"

Zuo Lengchan said loudly: "It's not a crime for a man to conceive a jade. The only thing to blame is that you are holding more than 200 gems and running around all over the place."

Greedy eyes flourished in his eyes: "You're still so weak. Don't blame us."

Du Yu sneered: "I really don't know where your arrogant self-confidence comes from! Just relying on Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang, you want to defeat us? Are you going to do it?"

He looked at the adventurers from the Parliamentary Country.

Zulu, Toledo, Indra, and others from the parliamentary country looked at each other with fierce expressions in their eyes.

"We managed to score points and gain momentum, whoever dares to make trouble will die!" Zulu said word by word.

Toledo coldly picked up a violent repeating gun and pulled the trigger to the end.Sudden gunshots resounded through the canyon.

He laughed and said, "I've been selling goods on Amazon for so many years, and this is the first time I've been robbed by someone. Interesting, interesting."

When everyone heard it, Toledo was a man with a story.The so-called selling goods, everyone knows that it is the most profitable business of the South American gangsters.

Indra calmly said to Dongfang Bubai: "You better retreat. If Du Yu takes the initiative to attack you, we can do nothing, but if you take the initiative to attack, you are our common enemy."

This Indra is obviously clear headed.

Although he surrendered to Du Yu, in addition to completing missions and looting points, Du Yu wanted to take the initiative to annihilate other gangs, and they were unwilling to participate in the war.

But if other gangs take the initiative to provoke them, the parliament will never sit idly by.After all, Du Yu gave them the best way to score.This is the first time I have enjoyed such a comfortable profit.

Michelle sneered and said, "You guys are really overthinking your capabilities."

Holding an embroidery needle in his hand, Dongfang Bubai glanced at Du Yu with his beautiful eyes, his eyes flashed coldly: "Are you unwilling to surrender? It's a pity."

Before she finished speaking, she had already arrived in front of Du Yu.

The cold glow of the embroidery needle, against the backdrop of Du Yu's pupils, was only 1 millimeter away from piercing.

It's too fast!

The distance of more than 100 meters seemed to not exist in front of Dongfang Bubai.

She said hit and hit, without warning.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng roared in unison, one left and one right, attacking.

But the fastest response was Du Yu.

He had the foresight to add all the free attribute points to agility.

170 points of agility, although it is not as good as Dongfang Bubai who has been trained extremely deeply in "Sunflower Treasure", but it is almost the same!

Increasing agility is the best way Du Yu can think of to deal with Dongfang Bubai.

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(End of this chapter)

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