Chapter 854 Legendary outfit!Queen of Pain visage! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Wang Xiaorong's face was pale.

What is she capable of?
Besides charming other adventurers, making them willing to use for her, and playing tricks, what can she do?
But Wang Xiaorong was about to play tricks, when she protested with fangs and claws, she saw Michelle's cold gaze head-on.

This woman will not have any sympathy for her pretending to be pitiful.

Wang Xiaorong's complexion was pale, so she had no choice but to retreat, willing to be a pawn.

Mai Shela said to Du Yu: "This kind of thing stays in the team, only bad things happen. Get rid of her?"

Du Yu glanced at Wang Xiaorong, smiled contemptuously and said, "For this kind of woman, the biggest punishment is not to kill her but to make her work hard. We are interested in the fourth act, just let her be cannon fodder."

Michelle nodded in satisfaction.In the cruel task, a woman who only knows how to brush her lips should not die too quickly as cannon fodder.

To deal with villains, the biggest punishment is not to kill, but to put her on the bridle honestly and act like an old ox pulling a cart.Squeeze out the remaining value.

Michelle slapped Du Yu happily: "You are really bad to the bone. I will take good care of this woman."

Not long after, a scout from the wolf pupil team finally discovered Sharda's tomb.

Everyone enters.

At this time, the number of wolf pupils has reached more than 140 people, accounting for half of the adventurers.

Du Yu disrupted the organization of the more than 30 adventurers who surrendered, and included them in the formation of the wolf pupil team.But it also stipulates a strict output and contribution statistics system.On the battle panel of the team, you can see everyone's output and statistics just like the adventurer's battle record.

If you keep paddling, the statistics will be ugly, and you will fill up the numbers indiscriminately. Don't blame the captain for not giving points when the points are allocated.

This cuts off the delusions of lazy paddling parties like Wang Xiaorong.

So, after entering the Sharda Mausoleum, more than 30 recruited newcomers quickly entered their roles.Under the unified command of the wolf pupil team, the firepower was fully fired, and the monsters that were rushing madly were blasted one by one.

As the number of adventurers increases, the difficulty actually decreases.

The wolf pupil team advances faster.

Tang Lin and the veterans looked at each other.

Under Dongfang Invincible, they have never had any teamwork.It was Dongfang Bubai who made an assault all the way, and they followed behind and chased after them.

Although Dongfang Invincible did not give up on them, nor did they give them a platform to use force.

But the wolf pupil team is not.

There is a clear division of labor here.The long-range group, the melee group, the scout group, and the response group have clear responsibilities. When fighting, everyone has their own command, and they understand what they should do, how to increase their contribution, and earn points.

After a team is cohesively formed, its strength is terrifying.

There is a solid line of defense in front to block the monsters that are as fast as the wind. What these Datang San people have to do is to output continuously and output crazily.

Even Wang Xiaorong, a woman who had never participated in a battle, couldn't help but took out that high-grade but rarely used firearm, opened fire violently, and killed several monsters.

Scattered people quickly found out.

This wolf pupil team seems to be a good mix.

As long as the group leader gives an order, everyone will move forward in neat formation.

Open fire when encountering enemies.There are many defenses in front of the monsters, all they have to do is to release skills.

From this point of view, this team battle is not much different from online games.

But why does my own team, which has so many masters, not feel like a team?

It seemed easy, but it took a lot of mental effort to really condense the scattered adventurers into this one.

Du Yu has such means!
Therefore, under his command, the adventurers of Datang, Parliament, and Shinra, who were originally not affiliated to each other, could fight together.

What made these scattered people even more dumbfounded was the adventure that followed.

Soon, this high-morale team broke through the siege of monsters and rushed to the end of Sharda's tomb, in front of which was the lever of the treasure house door.

"Go up to the thief and pull the lever." Michelle ordered.

The scattered people feel that this drudgery will definitely be pushed back and forth.

In the ordinary team, who is willing to go up and be a mine-stealer?
But unexpectedly, the scouts of the wolf pupil team stepped forward one after another to grab the job.

The fastest thief snatched the lever with a complacent expression on his face.

Tang Lin was shocked.

But someone behind murmured: "This time the lever is worth 20 points or equivalent equipment. If I am a thief, I will go too."

"I'm not a thief and I want to go."

It turned out to be the case.

The magic of the system.

Tang Lin sighed.He is such a treacherous and cunning veteran who doesn't believe in team spirit.Only interests can unite the team.

After the lever was pulled, there was only a rattling sound.

Suddenly, a majestic golden boss strode out of the mausoleum and rushed towards the MT of the wolf pupil team.Behind him are a large number of pink strengthened monsters.

"Kill!" Du Yu waved his hand.

More than 140 adventurers beat the monster boss in an instant.

"With such power, the general trend has come." Tang Lin was also working hard to output.Although he has only one arm, he can continue to attack.

The golden monster only persisted for 40 seconds before falling to the ground amidst the surging offensive of the wolf pupil team.

Crack, a treasure burst out.

What gems, equipment, just one piece of green equipment.

What made Tang Lin and Wang Xiaorong even more dumbfounded was that there was no looting.This is commonplace in the Eastern Undefeated Team.

What's even weirder is that it seems that everyone is looking out, looking around, waiting for someone.

"What are they waiting for?" Wang Xiaorong looked at the treasures on the ground, almost drooling.

"Is it really not?"

Du Yu sighed.

Obviously the weather compass said that goblin scavengers would jump out and steal the treasure.

Could it be that this guy also knows the danger and plans to let go of the opportunity this time?
Just when everyone's confidence was shaken, a flash of green lightning suddenly flashed, and a wretched goblin man who was only one meter tall, carrying a big bag, rushed towards Liu Xiang at the speed of Liu Xiang.

Its target is the boss treasure that exploded all over the place.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the goblin scavenger packed the green suit and a handful of gems into his bag, then bowed his head and fled.

This speed is comparable to a mouse, PK Xiaoqiang.

The crowd could barely react, and they were about to be escaped by the goblin scavenger.

But Du Yu smiled slightly, and appeared in front of the goblin scavengers in a flash.

As soon as he grabbed the goblin scavenger's bag, he was about to throw it back.

That's killing the goblin scavenger.

If Du Yu attacks itself, it will even choose to resist.

Anyway, the speed is extremely fast, even if Du Yu attacks, how much damage can he cause?

Don't look at Goblin Scavenger's short and poor body, but in fact its HP is very high, even if Diablo bombards it, it may not be able to kill it instantly.

Relying on the body of this migrant worker, scavengers went into and out of various battlefields to collect equipment from various bosses and demon gods, and the success rate was not low.

But it also has an Achilles' heel.

It's the package.

Love money.

The wages of avarice is death.

The goblin scavenger screamed, turned and ran back in despair, to catch the package.

What it saw was Michela's smiling eyes and the black sniper muzzle.

Michelle shoved the sniper rifle into the goblin scavenger's mouth and pulled the trigger.

The goblin scavenger screamed, his brain opening.

It's really brain-opening.

No matter how the sniper rifle was weakened, it was shot in the mouth after all.

Fatal attack.

Scavengers lost blood.

Then Yang Guo's big sleeve fluttered, and he was ecstasy.

Goblins were sent high into the sky.

No matter how fast the speed was, the goblin would not fly away without wings.

When it fell again, it had already been bombarded by hundreds of skills.

BoSs with high health and thick blood can't afford it, let alone just a scavenger?
As a result, the unlucky goblin scavenger died tragically on the spot, utterly devastated, practicing the motto that people make money and dead birds eat and die with their lives.

Its package burst open immediately.

All kinds of jewels and jewels blinded Tang Lin and Wang Xiaorong's eyes!
"That's okay!" The two exclaimed in surprise.

No wonder the wolf pupil team is so strong, it turns out that they all play like this.

Swipe a BOSS, enjoy yourself, get 700 points, break out a lot of equipment, and then go fishing.

The hanging goblin scavenger just ate a piece of green equipment and was raped again.

More equipment exploded again.

What stunned the two of them the most was that there were blood bottles and blue bottles all over the floor!
The vast number of blood bottles and blue bottles are almost spread all over the floor.There are also more than 30 bottles by visual inspection.

It seems that this blood bottle and blue bottle, Du Yu, a profiteer, once sold it to them at a sky-high price of 5 gems, right?
Now, it seems that no one wants Chinese cabbage, just throw it on the ground.

Tang Lin and Wang Xiaorong were petrified.

What broke them down even more was that Du Yu seemed to have known all this a long time ago, and nodded dismissively: "Let's make do with it. Pick it up."

Mai Shela, who was in charge of the logistics, went up so casually, packed more than 30 blood bottles and blue bottles, and took them away.

All kinds of equipment that exploded at that place were also picked up by the wolf pupil team.

The most enviable thing is an orange rare equipment!
The goblin scavenger did nothing to steal the chicken, and not only exploded the green suit, but also exploded such a precious thing.

Tang Lin and Wang Xiaorong had never seen rare equipment.

Michela swaggered and asked Liya to appraise this piece of equipment in front of Wang Xiaorong.

[The face of Andariel], head, legendary helmet, defense 300 (adventurer data), armor.

Main attributes:
Poison skills deal 20% increased damage
+50 points of agility (converted into adventurer data)
7% increased attack speed
5% increased Fire Damage taken
+50 poison resistance priority (converted to adventurer data)
When hitting an enemy, there is a chance to spray poisonous water, dealing poison damage equal to 10% weapon damage to enemies within 130 yards.
Weaken enemy poison resistance priority by 20 points.

[Restriction] This mask cannot be triggered on modern gunpowder weapons with a rate of fire exceeding one shot per second.

(End of this chapter)

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