Chapter 855 Unify the Tang Dynasty, each team kneels and licks! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Wang Xiaorong was almost stunned.

This Andariel is the boss of the first act of Diablo 2.She is one of the Four Great Demon Generals, the Queen of Pain.Her toxin skills are astonishing.

This [Andariel's Face] mask is so powerful that it almost defies the sky!

Defense 300, dexterity 50 points, for an adventurer's equipment, it is already against the sky.But the most frightening thing is its toxin property.

When hitting an enemy, there is a chance to spray poisonous water, dealing poison damage equal to 10% weapon damage to enemies within 130 yards.
what is this?
This is splash damage!
An area of ​​splash damage.

If it is a long-range adventurer with a high rate of fire, if you get this thing, it will continuously explode 130% of the toxin splash group damage, increase the damage caused by the toxin skill by 20%, and weaken the priority of the enemy's toxin resistance by 20 points.It's downright scary.

Du Yu smiled: "Maxela, your bow and arrow shooting speed seems to be the strongest in the team, right?"

Michelle chuckled.

Du Yu nodded: "You can exchange this item with all team contribution points? Who has a higher bid?"

This is an intra-team auction.

But it is up to the captain to decide whether to take out the items for auction.

Du Yuken took out this precious legendary mask and bid for it, in fact, he intended to give it to Maishela.

Michelle was really surprised and delighted.

Wang Xiaorong was all kinds of angry.

Envy and jealousy.

She really wanted to jump out and shout: "You adulterers are so disgusting, my mother wants it!"

Unfortunately, her team contribution value is only 2 points.Michelle's seems to be more than 2, right?

Therefore, Michela happily put [The Face of Andariel] on her face at the price of clearing all contribution points.

This mask can change shape according to the adventurer's will, so the ferocious Queen of Pain mask immediately turns into a beautiful ball mask with two pairs of butterflies flying lightly.

However, the queen of the flying butterfly represents the vicious skill of the most powerful Queen of Pain in this world.

[The face of Andariel]!
Michelle jumped from an adventurer with a single point of damage to a cannon that can bombard him head-on.

The arrows she shoots can cause terrifying toxin damage.

This piece of legendary equipment is even enough to change an adventurer's skill tree selection.

For example, Meshera, it is bound to greatly enhance the poison-based skills or attack speed skills.

If it wasn't for [The Face of Andariel] that couldn't be triggered on modern gunpowder weapons, Myshela really wanted to change herself and buy an Uzi submachine gun, which could fire hundreds of bullets per second, so she wouldn't have to worry about not being able to trigger the group splash killing ability.

Wang Xiaorong, looking at the beautiful and mighty [Andariel's face], was so envious and jealous.

The green suit is exclusively for witch doctors, and was thrown to Rou Rou by Du Yu.

All distributions are over. The 700 points will also be credited.

The ranking on the standings has changed as follows.

1. The Datang team has 14750 points.

2. 8000 points for the parliamentary country.

3. The Shinra team has 1200 points.

4. Sultanate 0 points.

The current points of the wolf pupil team are close to reaching the total points of Shinra's first act.

This is only in the middle of the second act.

Except for the wolf pupil team, no one else has completed a main task yet.

Seeing this scene, Saiwu and Lampard were naturally envious and jealous.

But Datang also has its own problems.

That is the uneven distribution of points.

The more than 30 newly joined adventurers are still far from the obliteration line.

For example, Wang Xiaorong, she only scored 3 points.

This is because of her poor attack output ability, and she barely gives favor points.

Wang Xiaorong looked helpless.

She doesn't want to either, but what if she doesn't have weapons and skills?
Fortunately, the wolf pupil team has a very good momentum. If they persist like this, it seems that there is not much pressure to complete 100 points?
Not long after, when the wolf pupil team continued their efforts and made great strides all the way, they finally received reminders from Shinra and the Sultanate to complete the main missions one after another.

The two teams got 4400 and 4600 points respectively, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.Points ranking changes:
1. The Datang team has 14750 points.

2. 8000 points for the parliamentary country.

3. The Shinra team has 5800 points.

4. Sultanate 4400 points.

But what made Sai Wu and Lampard helpless was that the consumption of the main mission this time depleted the supplies they had finally accumulated.This made the two helpless again.

They get together.

"We don't have any extra gems and equipment to change potions." Yakun sighed helplessly as he checked the team warehouse.Although he completed the main task [Shadow of the Desert] this time, he also smashed all the jars and jars very carefully, wishing to squeeze oil out of the desert.But the helpless output is really not much.

"Even if there is, I won't change it again." Sai Yiwu's eagle eyes were cold, scanning the distance.

"Why don't we work together to kill the wolf pupil team?" Anakin's eyes were cold.

The wolf pupil team is so powerful that it is bound to push Shinra and Sudan into the abyss of eternal doom.

With the current momentum of Sultan and Shinra, it is an impossible task to rise up strongly and grab points from Datang and the Parliamentary State controlled by Du Yu.

"Well," Lampard nodded emphatically.

Now, Du Yu, don't blame me for being ruthless.

"You can't fight in the town, but you can follow them and fight in the wild." Anakin is still very confident in his own strength.

Just kidding, Shinra and Sultanate are the two strongest teams.If the two powers join hands, even if they face the split Datang and the Parliament, do they still need to hesitate?

"Let's join Dongfang Bubai again, let's join the wolf pupil team!" Anakin excitedly offered advice.

Before, he had already been unhappy with the alliance with the wolf pupil team in the first act.This time the wolf pupil team is at the fore, and they cannot let it go.

There are three strong teams joining forces, still worried about not being able to get rid of the wolf pupil team?

The two powerhouses reached a consensus, and a ruthless look flashed in the eyes of the four.

"Yo? Where's the meeting?" A blue light flashed, and Du Yu strode out of the void.

It was the wolf pupil team who returned to the secret camp for renovation.

The four of them looked at Du Yu coldly, and said with a half-hearted smile, "Yes, we are feeling that the second act is really difficult."

Du Yu giggled.

Lampard has sharp eyes, and at a glance, he saw that there seemed to be a lot of people in the lineup of the Wolves!

This is true, if more than 30 living people are ignored, Lampard is too incompetent to be the captain.

"Oh, you mean these brothers? None of them are outsiders." Du Yu said carelessly: "These are all members of the Dongfang Invincible Team. Dongfang Guliang went to find true love, so she entrusted the players to me. Oh, don't worry." Looking at my current situation, it is really hard to take care of so many people. Everyone entrusts their lives to me, so I can’t be ruthless, no matter whether it is right or not? There are more than 140 people, and it is difficult.”

Du Yu babbled like an old woman, and said a lot, Sai Yiwu, Lampard, Yakun, Anakin and others all turned green!
What to find true love?
It's clear that you killed the team, okay?

These are captives!

The hearts of the four of them felt as if they had been hit hard by a heavy hammer, causing cramping and pain!

Du Yu actually killed Dongfang Bubai without making a sound?Unified Datang?
With the pride and arrogance of the invincible East, it is absolutely impossible to voluntarily give up. Only this explanation makes sense.

The four of them looked around, but they didn't find Dongfang Bubai.

Was it killed?

Tian Yulang seemed to be unable to see it either.

Everyone else was there, but everyone looked at Du Yu with awe!

The four felt guilty.

Just now, we discussed that we should unite with Dongfang Bubai, kill Du Yu, defeat the wolf pupil team, and rob supplies. Unexpectedly, Du Yu, like a prophet, took a step ahead and defeated Dongfang Bubai!
While slapping the faces of the four people, it greatly shocked all those who harbored evil intentions.

Du Yu seemed unaware and said: "Ah, I still have some medicine here, but I don't know if anyone bought it?"

He casually produced 30 bottles of various potions.Blood bottle, blue bottle, purple bottle, everything that one expects to find.

Sai Wu and Lampard almost fainted when they saw it.

My team sits in a sad city, and when fighting, no matter how dangerous the situation is, even an ordinary bottle of red medicine is stingy and reluctant to give it to the main force, so that the main force will fight with their lives with the ordinary little monsters, and the bayonet is red.I didn't expect that Du Yu's supplies were so abundant, it was Chi Guoguo showing off his wealth and slapping his face.

But the situation is stronger than the people.

Seeing this supply that could bring the team back to life, the captains of the two teams once again unscrupulously abandoned the consensus they had just reached, and immediately knelt down to Du Yu.

"Hehe, Brother Du Yu is polite. We Shenluo are in need of this supply. The relationship is so good, who will you give it to me?"

"Bah! Don't be shameless. No matter how good the relationship is, this potion is so precious now, can it be given to you for free?"

"I still don't know your point? Let me hear what else you can come up with."

"It's a secret, you have nothing to do with it."

The two countries who had been discussing together in secret just now, and almost beheaded chicken heads and burnt yellow paper to make blood into an alliance, immediately blushed because of the 30 bottles of potions that they would never look down on, and they were about to shake their old fists.

Du Yu smiled lightly, and said to Lampard, "How much do you plan to pay?"

This is Chiguoguo's blackmail.

Lampard sighed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

In the second act, it seems hopeless to surpass Datang.

Fortunately, the final victory depends on the total points.

He got more than 2 points in the first act, and his foundation is very solid.It's not an unacceptable result for the second act to get second.As long as you don't get wiped out, it will be fine.

So here comes the problem, the wolf pupil team is a powerful bear at this time.The bear is coming, it is not necessary to outrun the bear, it is enough to run faster than you!

The first victim was the Sudanese.

Du Yu's 30 bottles of potion once again hit the vital point of the Sultan Shinra and Sultan's two families - both of them are weak in the bottom two at this time, and they have formed a direct competition relationship with each other.

This kind of life-and-death competitive competition, a ranking is a matter of life and death.How could Shinra Sultan completely trust each other?
(End of this chapter)

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