Chapter 856 Migrant workers?Is food and accommodation included? -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu only needs a bait and extremely old-fashioned tactics to make the potential Sudan-Shira alliance aborted.

This is Yang Conspiracy.

Old fashioned, but it works.

The two powerhouses of the Shattered Alliance are competing more fiercely than usual.It can be seen that once the allies tear their faces, they will be more ruthless than the enemies.

Lampard broke his heart: "What do you want? Say it!"

When Sai Yiwu heard it, damn it, the jade body is lying on the floor, let you pick it up, are you planning to kneel and lick it?

Although he, Sudan, was in urgent need of supplies, he was not in such a state of embarrassment and shamelessness.As far as the thickness of his skin is concerned, his cultivation skills are obviously far worse than Lampard's.

Lampard can't help it either, who let him have four bosses behind him, watching the battle?I really can't afford to lose.

Now, don't say Du Yu wants to trade something secretly, even if he is really asked to kneel and lick, as long as the bosses can't see it, Lampard will fight it.

This opportunity to show his face is related to his future future and life in the Holy See.

When did the top leaders of the Holy See fall in the mission world?
almost none.Every time a plot mission has to be done, the Holy See has done the preparations properly, not to mention that the Holy See's high-level officials take risks once every three months.Compared with the top management, even if he is the captain of the supreme referee team, he has to go to the front line every month and go through life and death.

Once promoted, the chances of surviving in the bloody city will be greatly increased.

Who wouldn't want to live two more years in the bloody city?

Lampard gambled his future on this berth, and it was all about this vote.

Du Yu pondered.

After a long time, he said leisurely: "I have seen your open team warehouse. But unfortunately, there is really nothing we can take a fancy to."

When Lampard heard this, his eyes were filled with fierceness.

If you can't buy it, you have to grab it, anyway, I can't stay here!

Du Yu naturally took in the fierce light from the corner of his eyes, and smiled slightly: "But it's not absolutely impossible to exchange."

Lampard took a long breath, as long as he could change it: "What?"

"What else do you have?" Du Yu said bluntly.

Lampard was speechless for a while.

It seems that after a round of plucking, their gems, gold coins, and equipment were all squeezed out by Du Yu's beautiful blacksmith and potions?
There seems to be not much left in the team space.

Is it

He was frightened and angry: "You want us to be thugs for free?"

"Wrong!" Du Yu snapped his fingers neatly: "You are not free thugs, but mercenaries! Because I hired you, there is a reward."

Bounty your sister, Lampard complained in his heart, this mere 30 bottles of medicine, is enough for us to be cannon fodder for you?

But still the same.

I'm not afraid that a beauty will force her to be tall, but I'm afraid that my heart will be higher than the sky, and my life will be thinner than paper!

What way can Shinra go?

Due to the pursuit of high points in the first scene, there is no food and no supplies, and he is almost trapped to death in this secret camp.

Time is money, no, it's points and benefits.

This is also an iron rule among adventurers.

The wolf pupil team is in the mission world, desperately grabbing points, and the Shinra United team is just idly watching the sky in this secret camp?

Even if you go out to work as a mercenary for someone else, and you can get enough potions for a single main quest, that's better than being idle.

But Lampard was not willing to give in so easily, and asked Du Yu to take away collectively at the price of cabbage to become a migrant worker. He also wanted to try to struggle: "As the plot becomes more and more difficult, you need more and more manpower. , Our employment standards are not so cheap. We are the champions of the first act, remember?"

But Du Yu burst out laughing.

He pointed to behind him, the valiant, energetic, and yelling for more than 140 men from the wolf pupil unit to go out to kill monsters, and Lampard burst into tears.

That's right, the Tang Dynasty has been unified by Du Yu, and the parliamentary country has also become his vassal. To be honest, he is not so short of manpower. More than 140 men, is an extremely terrifying number.

Du Yu smiled and said: "Boss Ruo Lampard, I feel that the extra price I offered is a bit insulting to Shinra, so forget it. To be honest, I also want to try to cooperate with the Sudanese. Their cavalry is also very good. Features. I don’t know if they can complete a main task and overtake you after getting sufficient supplies?”

Lampard burst into tears.

Paralysis, come to this trick again?
Do you need to remind me that we are only 1000 points away from Sudan?

Seeing that there was no choice, Lampard gritted his teeth and finally shouted: "Then this mission must include food and shelter, right?"

"Food and lodging included?" Du Yu was stunned. Has Lampard really entered the role of a migrant worker?

Lampard didn't care about the embarrassment, and hurriedly shouted: "Yes. We will serve as mercenaries for you, and we can't let us produce any more potions. You must provide additional healing and blue bottles for the battle. "

At this moment, he really felt that he was too witty.

Although I have to condescend to be a thug for the wolf pupil team, but this thug can kill 30 bottles of blood, isn't it also a good business?
This is commonly known as food and housing.

Du Yu was speechless for a while.

He didn't expect Lampard to be so thorough, to lower the style to such a low level all at once.

It can be seen that Lampard is also working hard for points.

"Okay!" Du Yu was not entangled in the small details.

When the wolf pupil team was about to step into the collective portal again, the members of the wolf pupil team, the parliamentary national team, the No. , more than 80 tall and burly European and American men and girls from the Shinra United team also stood up with gloomy faces, as if they were going to go back with them.

Soon, the bewildered captains figured out the whole story and were stunned.

The No.1 Shenluo team in the first act has agreed to become the thugs of the wolf pupil team for free. They are also commonly known as cannon fodder migrant workers. ?
Many captains and adventurers were petrified.

Those new members of the parliamentary country, the Eastern Invincible Team, and a small group of people expressed their dissatisfaction with their situation.Damn, why does your wolf pupil team get the big head every time, we can only listen and drink, and get the small head with dividends?

But looking back and comparing it, the treatment of the newly joined Shinra team, damn it, it seems that we are still officially established anyway.Not only has a stable salary, three insurances and one housing fund, it seems that there are some points and dividends.And these hard-working newcomers are just migrant workers with food and shelter, and they don't have any points.

They can only rejoice, how dare they have the slightest complaint?

Are you wronged?

Leave at any time!

Didn't you see that there are more than 80 substitute players at the back of the team?We say hello at any time, a lot of people are willing to join.

The person who is most excited about this situation is the No. [-] captain.

Back then, when the six of them defected to the boss under pressure and abuse, they felt uneasy.

What now?
The 6 of them have already been allocated 1200 points, which is enough for each of them to kill 100 points, more than enough.

And the poor Shinra companion, who only got 30-40 points, has no supplies, and has become a cannon fodder for thugs who don't need points.

The difference in being a human being should not be too big.

For a moment, the jumping Captain No. [-] laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

Du Yu didn't care about the triumphant wolf pupil team and the disappointed Shinra team. After he incorporated the Shinra people, he had completely shattered all possible resistance.

A surprise attack by the Sudanese?

The problem is that now the three countries are all united under Du Yu's banner, and even the old rival Shinra is kneeling and licking, and there are three quarters of the world.If Du Yu didn't come and destroy them immediately, it was already kind and generous, and God blesses him, how dare he provoke the wolf pupil team?
There is a limit to the open mind.

Du Yu went through the secret camp and soon found Adria.

Adria formed a small tent in the secret camp as promised, and lived there, it seemed that she really had no ambitions.

Liya is bidding farewell to Adria and is about to embark on a journey.

Seeing Du Yu's arrival, Adelia smiled charmingly and sent Liya away.

Leah didn't doubt that he was there, so she happily went to Shan Wanjing's place to see if the green suit she commissioned had been punched out?
The green suit can also be punched.After adding gems, it will be more powerful.

At this time, the wolf pupil team has all the gems of the four major teams in their pockets, and when Shen Laotao is rescued, the team's equipment level can be greatly improved again.Although their equipment level has already become the strongest among the four countries with sufficient financial resources, materials and Shan Wanjing's level 6 blacksmith shop.

Adelia hooked her fingers towards Du Yu, twisted her buttocks, and entered the tent with a rolled-up curtain.

Her witch costume is as seductive as a Persian dancer, revealing a section of perfectly curvy hips and legs, and a snake waist as thin as a willow branch.While the snake waist twists and turns, there is also a gold chain, which rubs against the snow-white skin charmingly, adding to the mysterious temptation.

Du Yu also went in.

He sat down and Adria poured him tea.

It's just that this charming witch mother-in-law has a special tea-pouring posture.

She pouted her fat buttocks high, a pair of natural breasts hanging low in front of Du Yu, under the purple bustier, she seemed to be wearing no underwear.

Du Yu smiled lightly.

"Don't you want some tea?" Adria smiled softly.

Du Yu looked directly at the mother-in-law who was staring at Meixing, and said in a deep voice: "I don't care what evil ideas you have, but I warn you, don't use them on Liya. Otherwise, I will make you regret your life!"

Hearing these threatening words, Adria didn't get angry, she giggled and said, "In you, I seem to see that Aiden (Adelia's husband, the first generation of dark protagonist, temporarily Sealed the shadow of Diablo). Back then, he was also like a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, and he was full of momentum. Alas”

"The reason you approach Aiden is to obey Diablo's will. On the one hand, it will be convenient for Diablo to seduce him, and on the other hand, it will give birth to Diablo's next generation." Du Yu said coldly: "Ai Deng Aden is the backbone of the Horadric sect. Before you knew Aiden, you were already a loyal follower of the dark forces. Am I wrong?"

The blood on Adria's face faded in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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