Chapter 857 Du Yu's core!Super League! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
She didn't expect that the young man in front of her knew her so well.

"My position." Adelia looked directly at Du Yu, and her voice seemed to sharpen: "Only I understand. I don't need to explain to anyone."

At that moment, Du Yu seemed to see the ferocious appearance of Andariel, the fallen Queen of Pain, from behind Adria.

Du Yu said in a deep voice: "You dedicated your husband Aiden and allowed him to degenerate into Diablo. Now you are trying to make your daughter Leah become Diablo. Diablo What can Polo give you? Is it worth your dedication?"

"Enough!" Adria stood up angrily.She really wanted to hold back her impulse and continue to play her role, but she really couldn't do it.

This man has a power that penetrates directly into the soul, and can see through any disguise at a glance.

Du Yu stood up coldly: "I'm just giving you a reminder, I hope you can turn around. Liya is innocent, she shouldn't have encountered such a cruel reality."

Adria's delicate body trembled slightly under the purple gauze.

As early as 20 years ago, she was already a senior priest of Shinrikyo, even more senior than Magtan.

When Magtan needed to seize the throne, Adelia teamed up with her to poison the senior leaders of the Truth Cult at that time and seize the teaching power.

Unexpectedly, such a secret matter would be exposed by Du Yu.

Clouds of black air suddenly floated in Adria's eyes.

"The benefits that Diablo gave me? You are far from knowing."

She said coldly in her heart, watching Du Yu leave.

When Du Yu walked out of the tent, Liya had already jumped into his arms happily.The pair of rippling little rabbits on the chest made Du Yu feel emotional.

This little beauty, Leia, is also growing up day by day?

Is it okay to eat?
But the expression on his face was still so solemn and sacred. He waved his hand: "Go! Continue to take risks!"

Leah nodded.

Mai Shela glanced at Du Yu mysteriously, and talked about something with Shan Wanjing with a smile, but when Du Yu came, she immediately stopped talking.

With the Shenluo people bowing their heads and making faces, Du Yu's team returned to the oasis again.

"The next main task is [Blood Stained Yellow Sand]. Enter the ancient waterway."

After taking the head of the traitor Kuller, Kuller has promised to obtain the Dark Soul Stone for Du Yu's team, but the premise is to help him resurrect.

Although he knew that after the bastard was resurrected, he would renege on his debts and make things difficult for him, but the plot was like this, and he would definitely not want to see the Dark Soul Stone if he was not resurrected.

Hearing the name of the Dark Soul Stone, everyone in the Parliament was fine, but Lampard's eyes jumped.

He has not forgotten the earnest instruction of Archbishop Richelieu.

"The dark soul stone is a treasure that the leaders of the four countries are eager to obtain. Whoever can possess it will be able to take the lead in the deepening space crisis." Richelieu said deeply: "This is our response to this time. World competitive team battles, the reason for so much concern.”

Dark soul stone?

Is it about to be temporarily taken by Du Yu?
Although he knew that what Du Yu got must be a plot item and could not be used normally, Lampard still took a deep look at Du Yu.

"Go!" Du Yu ordered.

Everyone entered the ancient waterway from the entrance in the north of the oasis.

The formation of the wolf pupil team has changed.

Since Du Yu hired the Shinra people, there was no reason to let them play soy sauce. He aggressively ordered Lampard to take the Shinra MT paladins, hold their shields high, and form a more powerful human wall with the wolf pupil team MTs.

The scolding in the heart of the Shinra people.

They don't have bonus points, so they are naturally very upset.

But what?

Du Yu provided them with blood bottles and blue bottles, including food and shelter, so they got this big ticket for free thugs.They can only listen to drink.

As a result, as many as 220 adventurers formed a super large formation and moved forward magnificently.

Along the way, although the monsters are still crazy, and in order to adapt to the expansion of the number of adventurers in the wolf pupil team, the number has increased.But the adventurers were surprised to find that the level of danger here seemed to be lower than before.

Even the Shinra people found out why these monsters are so weak, it seems that they can't help but fight.Before I had time to output, the group of monsters that rushed madly were overwhelmed by all kinds of brilliant skills.The strength of these monsters does not seem to be as challenging as when they completed the second main task.

Looking at the corpses crushed all the way, all kinds of tragedies that were blown up, and all kinds of treasures that were exploded along the way, the Shinra people, the Parliament, and the Eastern Undefeated Team looked at each other in blank dismay.

what is the problem?

But soon someone observed the real reason.

That's teamwork!
With a huge team of more than 220 people, there are a lot of supporters.

The wolf pupil team has super supporters such as Yilin, Li Mochou, and Rourou. Healing and blood boosting are only basic configurations. Various auxiliary medicines that enhance defense and attack make the adventure with a large number of people and a lot of courage. Those who are more aggressive.And the water panda's bonus to the two resistances of things and monsters is even more prominent.

Needless to say, Shinra, adventurer professions such as priest, guardian angel, fanatic, etc., can greatly improve various beneficial states, and can also provide expensive treatment after receiving sufficient supply of magic bottles.Even their paladins are equipped with various defense-enhancing auras, which can assist the group.

The support of the parliamentary state is slightly worse, and the treatment is less, but there are more witch doctors.The various gains and losses of various tribal witch doctors are enough to reduce the combat power of the rushing monsters by 2-3%, and the threat is greatly reduced.

As for the long-range firepower of the adventurers kneaded together, although the cooperation is still immature and a little jerky, everyone is at the professional level, and they can live on this, and they will soon run smoothly.All kinds of firepower covered each other to make up for each other, and the monsters that exploded either died tragically in the heavy artillery fire, or barely rushed over, their vitality was severely injured, they were scattered, and they were quickly killed.

Leaders such as Lampard and Anakin from Shinra, Zulu, Indra, and Toledo from the Parliament, and Tang Lin from the Eastern Invincible Team, seeing the amazing performance of the seemingly mob of adventurers, With such a crushing record, everyone fell silent.

If they had cooperated like this from the beginning, wouldn't they have fallen into the predicament they are in today?

The answer to this question is almost self-evident.

But the question is, even if someone, such as Du Yu, proposes this kind of integration plan from the beginning, will anyone agree?

no one.

Not to mention that everyone is an elite and arrogant, the mechanism of point competition and obliteration alone is enough to destroy any cooperation plan.

But today, when the teams were desperate, and under Du Yu's various tactics, everyone had to work together, and they saw such an amazing chemical reaction.

In the past, nightmare-like monsters came flooding in, more than usual, more elite monsters, and even golden monsters appeared at every turn.

But under the command of Du Yu, the wolf pupil team is the backbone, the Shenluo people are responsible for defense and treatment, the wolf pupil team is responsible for providing magic pets, connection, and long-range shooting, and the parliamentary state is responsible for long-range fire coverage and witch doctor weakening. The defeated team was responsible for making up the knife and making soy sauce. With such a clear division of labor and cooperation, these seemingly invincible monsters fell in front of the adventurers one after another.

with no doubt.

It was a massacre without any suspense.

Due to the adjustment of the number of adventurers, the monsters are completely unable to block the terrifying energy generated by the adventurers' mutual gain, cooperation, and superposition of firepower.

More than 220 adventurers, like a well-trained army, are advancing rapidly.

Soon, the water gate of the ancient waterway was closed.

Pieces of waterway poisonous insects and phantom monsters were blown up.

Jewelry maker Shen Laocoan was rescued.

The Crucible, a key item that Shen Laocoan added to adventurers, was found.

Shen Laotao joined

Under Du Yu's command, this series of extremely difficult tasks was like playing an online game, and it was so refreshing and clean.

Everyone has a feeling of unreality.

Is this the dark competitive team battle I am familiar with?
How do I remember that there are monsters everywhere, you need to fight desperately, keep fighting, desperately calculate blood bottles, blood volume and magic, treat yourself and your teammates harshly, and even fight with teammates tit for tat or even fight each other for equipment and position?
How can it be so relaxed and harmonious?
Along the way, I just saw the members of the wolf pupil team smiling happily and went to pick up all kinds of equipment and gems that exploded. None of the other three teams had permission to pick them up.

Du Yu chatted with Shen Laotao, and Shen Laotao immediately opened the portal and returned to the secret camp, responsible for forging powerful jewelry for adventurers.

The power of jewelry in this world is almost similar to that of equipment.If it weren't for the terrifying power of point obliteration, powerful jewelry would be the hard currency that passes smoothly in this world.

Lampard, Anakin, Jack the Ripper and the others almost gritted their teeth when they saw Shen Laotan's mouse beard that almost turned up into the sky with a smile.

Thinking about it with his ass, after successfully monopolizing the blacksmith market, the jeweler market will most likely be taken down by the rich and powerful wolf pupil team.

As his name suggests, Mr. Shen is a greedy guy who only cares about profit.If it was in the first scene, it is impossible to say that Lampard, Anakin and others will spend a lot of money to win this old greedy Shen and become their own cash cow.

but now?
Their pockets were cleaner than their faces, and the last gem was looted by Du Yu.They are now even Du Yu's migrant workers. They are paid the price of cabbage and serve as meat shields for the wolf pupil team. What are they going to do to please Mr. Shen?

This is like a boss, a poor guy, and a fancy investment project at the same time.Qiong Diao clearly knows that the project is very valuable, and it will be a huge profit, but if it is ten thousand, it has no money!

He could only watch helplessly as Du Yu brought Mr. Shen into the harem, no, he pulled him into his banner.

Anakin was so angry that he almost went crazy, but after a long time of rants, Lampard stopped him with one sentence: "We don't have to worry about jewelry anymore. Let's think about blood bottles and points."

Anakin immediately frosted the eggplant and wilted.


Poor people don't need to care about the tens of millions of Aston Martin sports cars. Are they offering [-]% or [-]% off the special offer for a century-old bargain?
(End of this chapter)

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