Chapter 858 Desperately magnifying his moves, eating up Du Shanren! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Their greatest wish is blood bottles, points, and survival.Does such a tall thing as jewelry have anything to do with them?

Even if you think about it with your ass, you can see how much the temptation of the more than 200 gems in the hands of the wolf pupil team is to Shen Laoqian.He will definitely throw himself into Du Yu's arms.

Even if Du Yu followed the rules and generously stipulated a 10% minimum price, would Shinra have any spare jewels for Shen Lao to make?

Therefore, this worry is completely unnecessary.

Anakin burst into tears.

How did you get this far?

But Lampard still stared brightly, and snorted coldly: "Don't look at the wolf pupil team so glorious. But have you considered that there is really no supply point in this mission world. If there is, it is probably a one-off. Wolf pupil team Now it is beautiful, but each of these 220 people consumes a lot of mana and blood bottles. Even if the wolf pupil team has an excellent pharmacist, they can save a lot of medicines, but there must be blue bottles, right? Du Yu Bao Dalan, the magic bottle of blood bottle that pays so many of us will soon run out of stock, I want to see how he will be so awesome by then!"

Anakin's eyes lit up.yes!
Why is Du Yu hanging on like this?
It's nothing more than relying on his unique insight behind the first scene, and he has stored a wealth of supplies?
But only 25% of the points can be converted into supplies. He took such a large package and hired so many adventurers, and the cost was extremely astonishing.How long can it last?

"I don't think there are many of them?" Anakin sneered.

Lampard nodded and said: "So, tell our people, don't be passive in battle, don't spare your strength, use all kinds of high-end skills vigorously, consume fighting energy, and then ask the wolf pupil team for a blue bottle! Don't give them Save it! I want to see, where can the wolf pupil team conjure a magic bottle out of thin air?"

Anakin suddenly regained his spirits.

To be honest, although the Shinra people participated in the alliance before, their enthusiasm was indeed limited.Because this is a drawback brought about by the welfare system, there is no way, food and housing are included but there is no commission, the salary is fixed, no one will work so hard, and work hard for Du Yu.

But with Captain Lampard's words, the Shinra adventurers suddenly regained their spirits.

That's right, since we have all food and shelter, why don't we squander these stinky wolf pupil team magic bottles?
Which skill is the most powerful and consumes the most mana?use!
What skill is the most dazzling and coolest?use!
Don't save them.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Shinra adventurers, who had been sluggish all this time, and who were suspected of paddling soy sauce, suddenly had a collective convulsion and broke out violently!
No more pretending to be a younger brother, no more fooling around waiting for a dead brother, no more soy sauce parties.

Their knights became more brave, constantly using all kinds of powerful shield attack skills, hitting the mobs flying horizontally.

Their priests have become very aggressive, and various sanctuary, holy words, holy commandments, fanaticism, and devout skills emerge in endlessly.

Their cavalry became aggressive like fire, and the mounts of the crusaders charged and stabbed with spears like a fire, killing seven in and seven out of the monster group.

Even the usually low-key western long-range shooters showed off their power crazily, giving a course to show off their shooting skills to those wild black Latin Americans in the parliamentary country.Various high-power, high-mana consumption shooting skills come and go.

All of a sudden, the monsters swarming in became the targets of the Shenluo people's mad attack.

The other three teams looked dumbfounded.

It seems that the Shinra people didn't work so hard when they plundered points for themselves, did they?

It's just migrant workers who are provided with food and housing. Do you want to be so desperate?
However, Shinra's strong display has undoubtedly completely changed the situation of the battle.

This crazy blow greatly accelerated the advance speed of the wolf pupil team.

Maishela looked nervous, and leaned closer to Du Yu and said, "The Shinra people are proactive and hard-working, but they consume mana too fast, and our inventory is really running out. Once the inventory is exhausted , what should we do next?"

As the butler, Myshea couldn't help worrying.

Du Yu smiled: "This is intentional by the Shinra people. They just want to use up our magic bottles. Look at us laughing."

Michelle was furious: "Is this okay? See how I deal with them."

Du Yu smiled and said: "It's not considered a breach of contract. What's wrong with working hard for you? Shouldn't you use your magic bottle? Food and shelter are included, it's all agreed in the contract."

Michelle couldn't help but say, "Then what they're doing is a waste."

Du Yu sneered and said, "Since opening a restaurant, why are you still afraid of big-bellied men? Their violent outburst is exactly what I want. You just open the supply blue bottle and see what I do later!"

With Du Yu as the backbone, Maishela immediately regained her composure and continued to generously supply various blue bottles with a smile on her face.

Therefore, the performance of the Shinra people continued to work hard all the way.

The wolf pupil team made rapid progress, advancing crazily, crushing all the way to the golden monster guarding the end of the ancient waterway.

This powerful golden water demon is responsible for guarding the passage. After passing him, there is a vast and desolate sandy land.

"Go!" Although he was really tired, Lampard reckoned that the wolf pupil team had consumed at least 30 blue bottles along the way. In addition to the consumption of other teams, the wolf pupil team opened up to buy the inventory of the goblin shop. It's time to bottom out.

Let you laugh!
He sneered, saw the golden water demon, but as if he saw his father and enemy, he shouted: "Go up, blast him!"

Waiting to see if you can't come up with a reward of 30 bottles, what should you do!
When the time comes, don't blame me, the lion, for opening your mouth wide and emptying your precious stones.

The price of a bottle of remuneration, hey, let's set it as 10 gems per bottle at this time.Lampard thought happily in his heart, Du Yu's unscrupulous businessman started, don't blame me for being more tricky.

Under the crazy output, the Shinra people were so tired that everyone stuck their tongues out. A knight charged too much and was almost killed by the powerful water monster.No, it's still on the verge of death.

But it finally cost the wolf pupil team another 5 blue bottles.

The consumption of blue bottles is actually much slower than in the game. After all, adventurers rely on skills to survive, and if they are overly restrained by magic, grudges, Buddhism, and internal forces, their survivability will be affected.Everyone's full capacity can support high-intensity combat for a long time.

It is Shinra's limit to consume 40 blue bottles of the wolf pupil team all the way.

Even if he was as tired as a dog, Lampard, Anakin and every member of Shinra felt extremely refreshed when they thought of Du Yu's expression of wanting to cry but not tears!

After the golden nixie exploded, there were equipment all over the floor. Of course, 5 bottles of blood and blue bottles also exploded, but compared to the consumption, this benefit is a drop in the bucket.

Lampard walked up to Du Yu and said with a loyal smile: "Ally, are we doing well? Can we consider paying a little in advance?"

Du Yu suddenly nodded.

Lampard and Anakin were stunned.

Could it be that Du Yu really opened a shop?
It seems to be a large supermarket?
How come there are so many stocks?

Not scientific.

Just when the two were unwilling and absolutely unwilling to accept, Du Yu walked slowly to the monster's corpse, and suddenly shouted sharply: "Get ready!"

The wolf pupil team roared in unison, and all raised their weapons.

Lampard and Anakin were shocked.

Could it be that the wolf pupil team is simply planning to default on the wages of migrant workers and even kill people to silence them?

We have been working so hard all the way, and the mere 30 bottles of supplies will kill people?
Just when the two were very nervous and were about to order someone to fuck the guy, they saw a green-skinned dwarf suddenly jump out of the void.

It charged forward as if no one was there, picked up two pieces of golden equipment from the corpse of the golden water demon on the ground, and prepared to flee in a flash.

It's really fast.

But it's a pity that the wolf pupil team seems to have been prepared for a long time, all kinds of artillery fires are concentrated, and even the black buddies are excited, as if it is Santa Claus who came, roaring and firing wantonly.

Anakin and Lampard are all at a loss.

Naturally, they could see that the wolf pupil team was not targeting them, but the green-skinned dwarf.

How is this going?

The wolf pupil team seems to have practiced countless times, including interception, acceleration and deceleration, long-range burst shooting, deadly sniping, and all kinds of grappling and fighting.

This poor scavenger didn't even run 30 meters, and he was heroic again.

In the next second, both Lampard and Anakin's eyes popped out!
It actually gave birth!

No, it exploded.

If it bursts, it is called a vast number of blue bottles and red bottles.

The two petrified.

They looked at each other speechlessly, choked speechlessly, and burst into tears.

It turns out that this is how the wolf pupil team got their supplies.

Green dwarf!Goblin Scavenger!
Paralyzed, it's in vain that we worked so hard to advance Du Yu's progress, and made him hit here so smoothly. It turns out that people have long known that there are goblin scavenger here.

Fuck, it's better to be a soy sauce party.

It's so cheap after all the hard work.

No, Du Yu went up to pick up all kinds of equipment again.

What is that light? It seems that there is also a piece of legendary equipment?
The knight who was dying and seriously injured woke up from a coma. He probably had a brain injury. He forgot the occasion, and the first thing he said excitedly when he sat up was: "How is it? Has the wolf pupil team's supplies been wasted?"

Lampard's face turned green.

Damn, you will die if you understand the situation before you speak?
Anakin pointed blankly at the goblin's corpse in the distance.

The knight stared dazedly at the huge amount of blue and red bottles bursting out, and then fainted again.

I was born and died in love, just to provide MF supplies for others and make wedding dresses, right?
Although this time he was hit hard and burst into tears, Lampard is worthy of being the captain of a generation. After thinking about it, we still have something to gain, right?
We need positive energy and positive thinking.

At the very least, we have a channel where the wolf pupil team does not lack supplies!

(End of this chapter)

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