Chapter 859 Migrant Workers From Shinra?Sudanese Contract Workers!Thank you Mind Control
This is absolutely confidential.

If it were me, I wouldn't tell the other three families even if I was killed.

This Du Yu is still young.


You actually asked an old fox like me to work as a migrant worker, don't you know that after I got the secret recipe, I would beat goblin greenskins all over the map, wouldn't it be solved?

Although it may be inefficient, as long as you understand that green-skinned goblins can burst out a lot of supplies, wouldn't it be good to spend more time looking for them?

Lampard comforted the captains a few words, and muttered a few more words.Shinra's lost captains regained their vitality.

"We have completed this unlucky task, so we will take the potion and leave, and also go out to expose the green dwarf." Lampard sneered slightly.

"But there is another problem. The green dwarf appears randomly. How do we know when it will arrive?" Still Americans have multiple eyes, Stephen asked.

"According to my observation, it seems that Du Yu blew up a BOSS, deliberately left the equipment on the ground, and attracted goblins to come to pick up the waste, and took the opportunity to blow it up." Lampard Zhizhu in his hand, full of confidence: "Yes These thirty bottles of potions can also complete the act of blasting the golden boss with the power of more than 80 people in Shinra. Don't forget, we also have a great guy with foresight, Jack Field, who can quickly find the green dwarf, right?"

Jack the Ripper from Oliver Twist smiled smugly.Jackfield contributes to the team, and he can take the opportunity to ask for a price.

Jack Field, a psychic from London, was pale, the result of using the costly foreseeing ability many times.

But how could he say no now?

With this plan in mind, the Shinra people immediately restrained themselves and stopped working hard on output. Anyway, don't add more bricks and tiles to Du Yu.

Finally came to the desolate sand.This is the largest place in the entire Oriental Urban Adventure World.There are various monsters everywhere, basically all the monsters encountered by the adventurers so far appear locally, and what's worse, a large number of enhanced pink monsters fill it, making this adventure trip even more dangerous.

But in front of the 220 adventurers, with good organization, these more powerful and crazy monsters are just a little difficult to deal with.

The wolf pupil team has sufficient supplies, so naturally they are not afraid of the enemy. After a fierce battle, they defeated the two densely defended monster armies, the Betrayer's Cave and the Assassin's Basement, and finally took the two blood bottles of the Betrayer Kuller. arrive.

All adventurers received a space prompt: "Wolf pupil team, Shinra team, and Parliament National Alliance team have completed the main mission [Blood-stained yellow sand], and received a total of 9375 points and 1075 gold coins as rewards."

Hearing this reminder, Lampard and Anakin were determined to die.

The rewards for this mission are really generous.

What breaks their hearts the most is that behind this generous reward, there is actually a huge contribution from their crazy output!
If they hadn't used their skills like crazy to fight monsters all the way, in order to consume the surplus food of the old wealthy landlord Du Shan, how could Du Yu finally pocket more than 9000 points without moving a finger?

It's simply not fair.

They were even more heartbroken to see that Du Yu generously took out 3000 points and gave them to the adventurers of the parliamentary country. Seeing the expressions of Zulu, Toledo, and Indra, the three were grateful, I'm afraid that with just one look from Du Yu, they will kneel and lick together.

What is even more infuriating is that even Captain No. 1000, the six ordinary adventurers, happily got [-] points from this rich cake.

The current points of the Shinra team, the six of them, seem to occupy a quarter.

But this is Shinra's only source of points. If it can shorten the distance from the Sultanate, they really don't know whether to be grateful or hostile.

Then it's their turn to pay their commission.

They are different from the Parliamentary State, Captain No. [-] and others.

They are migrant workers who are provided with food and housing, and have no right to dividends.

Anakin and Lampard were full of enthusiasm. At this moment, they were really impulsive, and they knelt down to ask Du Yu for points.

With so many points, it can probably break through the obliteration line, right?

But the truth is relentless.

Du Yu took out 30 bottles of potions with a smile, gave them to them, and asked, "We have had a good time working together. Do you want to continue with us to complete the next task?"

The anger in Lampard's heart.

Although Du Yu also proposed that for the next mission, they can change the contract from full board and lodging to a bonus contract at their discretion.Cancel fixed income and change it to risk sharing, but Lampard, who thinks he has seen through Du Yu's tricks, flatly refuses.

Just kidding, since I know the source of supplies, why would I follow you?

How about being your own boss?
Lampard resolutely said no.

He originally thought that Du Yu would definitely lower his figure and beg him to "cooperate to benefit from two parties and lose to two", but Du Yu just said "oh", smiled even brighter, and sent them out respectfully.

Lampard snorted coldly, and didn't plan to go back to the city. The main task in the future is to start grabbing directly!
He left with the Shinra people.

Du Yu didn't respond.

Mai Shela blamed Du Yu and said, "You shouldn't let them see the scavenger who killed the goblins, so that our secrets will be leaked out. You have a weather compass, others may not have super powers or props, and can lock the goblins." Scavengers."

Du Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry. He can't fly solo. Besides, are goblin scavengers so easy to catch? Just don't worry. The Sudanese can get in touch."

He released the jade flying pigeon.

Sure enough, Sai Yiwu, who rejected Du Yu's cooperation proposal in the last main mission, is feeling annoyed.

The reason for his annoyance was the change in the standings.

After receiving the reminder from Du Yu that he had completed the main task of blood-stained yellow sand, the points of the Three Kingdoms jumped up at the same time!
Sai Yiwu's face turned green.

The Wolf Eyes team is on top, so there is no need to worry.Whether they get [-] points or [-] points makes no difference to the Sultanate.

But the crux of the problem is that the points of both the parliamentary country and the Shenluo country have increased!

And it went up a lot.

The parliamentary country has increased by more than 3000 points, and Shinra has less, but it has also increased by more than 1000 points.

This makes Sai Yiwu like an ant on a hot pot, so anxious.

Could it be that this second act, after the 10% obliteration in the first act, will go a step further and be obliterated by 20%?

Sai Yiwu couldn't imagine how he would explain to Hussein and Saladin after returning home?

A miss in the first scene can be said to be a moment of carelessness. If he is obliterated all the way, even if the space does not obliterate him, he will be obliterated by the emperor when he goes back, right?
Now that things have happened, I don't want any face.

After receiving Du Yu's letter from Flying Pigeon, saying that the Shinra people had chosen to leave and that they could give the Sudanese a regular salary + bonus points, Sai Yiwu, who was at a loss, agreed almost immediately.

Ya Kun also lost his temper.

Although impulsively, he rushed out of the MF with his teammates, but after fighting for a long time, the remaining potions were used up, but not a bottle of supplies burst out.

In desperation, he returned to the secret camp in desperation.

Sitting in a sad city, the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

This is a true portrayal of the situation of the Sudanese.

I had no choice but to work for Du Yu temporarily.

Although I don't know why Shinra retreated after getting 1000 points, but since the job was given up, we must seize it.

Fortunately, the difference in points is not that big, and if you perform well, you may be able to overtake them!
Shinra, let me be the last one.

They hurried on and rushed to the portal opened by Du Yu, and were taken to the desolate sandy land again.

Du Yu used the search function of the weather compass to find the goblin scavenger again.This unlucky boy, who was blasted by Du Yu three times in a row, has already learned how to behave, and ran away when he saw Du Yu, but what a pity he met the mighty Du Yu.He did not hesitate to use the gate of the fairy world, trapped it tightly, and was blasted for supplies.

Therefore, when Sai Yiwu and Yakun arrived, Du Yu generously presented 10 bottles of medicine as a gift.

Sai Yiwu Yakun was so moved that he almost shed tears.

Just short of such supplies, I have to work for others.

But it is definitely better than the treatment of migrant workers in Shinra, which includes food and housing.

Seeing the plight of the Sudanese brothers, Myshela couldn't help shedding tears of sympathy.

Du Yu once again formed a strong team of 220 people, and began to rampage and wreak havoc on the desolate sandy land.

Although there is no strong shield wall of the Shinra people this time, the Sudanese, who are almost full of cavalry and have strong assault capabilities, are the most suitable allies on the open and vast desolate sandy land.

After receiving sufficient supplies from Du Yu, the Sudanese displayed fierce tactical combat capabilities, frequently charged collectively, entered the back of the monsters, and fought against the enemy with the wolf pupil team.

The wolf pupil team boosted speed and became even more powerful once again.

At the same time, on the desolate sandy ground, the Shenluo people who competed with the wolf pupil team for the next main mission [Black Soul Stone] were in a bad situation.

Follow Du Yu to sweep across the desolate sandy land, and when he slapped various bosses, it seems that the enemy is not so strong.

Why do we seem so lonely when there are more than 80 of us?
The Shinra man gritted his teeth, output crazily, and once again showed the mental outlook of working hard as a migrant worker in the wolf pupil team.

But it is so difficult.

When they looked from a distance, they saw that the people of Shenluo responded to Du Yu's call, took the initiative to fill their gaps, and started to follow Du Yu as thugs.

But the two teams set off at the same time, and within an hour, the people of Shenluo could no longer see the wolf pupil team.

The wolf pupil team was far ahead, throwing them dozens of blocks away.

The people of Shenluo are not convinced.

Relying on their best performance, everyone did their best, and finally stuck out their tongues and saw the mission location, Zolton Kulmiku.

They stopped.

Because no matter how economical it is, the 30 bottles of medicine will soon bottom out under high-intensity battles.

There was no power again.

But Lampard is confident this time around.

He led the crowd, and in the end, desperately, he defeated a golden monster boss.

Then, start Jackfield's super power, predict when the green short will come?
Under the intimidation of Jack the Ripper, Jack Field really tried his best and scanned with super power for a long time. He was so tired that he almost collapsed, but what he brought was a bad news.

(End of this chapter)

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