Chapter 860 Get the Soul Stone!Du Yu fell? -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
It looks like a green-skinned dwarf, but he is not within 50 kilometers of it at all.

Lampard's blood was frozen.

He gave up his status as a migrant worker with food and lodging, and brought his team to start a business resolutely.

These 30 bottles of start-up funds are gone. If the green-skinned dwarf can't be obtained, how can we make the next investment?
Desire to explode another golden BOSS, but the problem is that there is no supply.

Without supplies, there is no combat power.This truth is understood by human beings.

The army went ahead without moving food and grass.

Fortunately, this wave of shocks was not all fruitless, at least the golden boss burst out a green suit and two golden suits very powerfully.There are 6 bottles of medicine.

As the tasks get harder and the monsters get stronger, the things that pop out get better and better.There may even be a lot of supplies bursting out.

But Lampard's face remained gloomy.

At this time, he heard even worse news.

Ivanov, a Russian adventurer who was in charge of the investigation by the "captain", reported to him: "I saw the Sudanese followed Du Yu and others into the Jotun Kulmiku."

Lampard's mood was so bad that it couldn't be worse in an instant.

This is the rhythm of abandoning oneself and doing it alone, right?
Du Yu led the alliance to unlock the shadow shackles of the unknown depths and the shadow shackles of the Storm Corridor.Enter the realm of shadows through the final turning point, and finally find the body of Zolton Kule.

In this way, the villain Zorton Kuller can be resurrected.

Once he is resurrected, will he hand over the Dark Soul Stone to Du Yu and others as promised?
Leah picked up the head, body and two jars of blood of Zolton Kulle, preparing to revive the Horadric traitor.

After a period of complicated chanting and prayers, Jotun Kulle finally woke up from the eternal sleep of death.His empty soul rushed into his body impatiently.

Jodon Kuller opened his eyes.

"Haha, I'm finally resurrected." He had a typical Horadric style - bearded.

Think about several well-known powers of the Horadric sect, Tal Rasha and Kane all look like this.Is this beard standard?
Thinking about this mess, Du Yu watched Jotun Keller sit up slowly with a blank expression.

"Where's the Dark Soul Stone?" He asked coldly.

"Arrogant brat, do you want to take away the treasure of Horadric by bringing in the last descendant of Horadric? This is the treasure of Sanctuary, why would I give it to you? I just use you" Zorton Kuller proudly Yangyang is boasting about herself.

Du Yu said with a cold face: "Destroy him! Rob."

Before Jodon Kuller could finish his opening remarks, he was brutally attacked by the wolf pupil team!

220 adventurers poured their firepower on this traitor at all costs.

Zorton Kooler was completely taken aback.

Beside him, there are 10 big guards who were revived together, attacking the adventurers together with him.Originally there were only two guards, but in view of the large number of wolf pupils, the plot world also increased the difficulty as appropriate.

Zorton Kuller himself is a powerful mage, similar to Tal Rasha.He has three strongest attack spells, call area falling rocks to attack adventurers, release time slowing enchantment to attack adventurers with fireballs, and release whirlwind to attack adventurers.

Cooperating with a large number of powerful guards, this battle is the most difficult battle in the second act so far.

But under Du Yu's command, the wolf pupil team met them head-on without fear.

After a round of fierce fighting, Zolton Kule finally fell again and sank into eternal sleep.

As the strongest BOSS so far in the second act, Zolton Kuller has also posed a great threat to the wolf pupil team. There are a total of 5 adventurers who stay in the shadow realm forever.In particular, the three large-scale attack spells of Zolton Kuller Meteorite, Time Slowing Barrier, and Whirlwind are extremely fast and have no cooling time, making adventurers hard to guard against.

This is not a problem that tactics can solve.

When encountering such a powerful mage, the only way is to fight with your life and kill him in the shortest time, so as not to cause greater losses to the team.

In this battle, the water panda, which has magic immunity, has more obvious tactical advantages.The water pandas gathered together successfully avoided the meteorite area damage many times. If not, the loss of the wolf pupil team would increase exponentially.

And another great hero in this battle is Michelle.

After getting the legendary equipment of [The Face of Andariel], Myshela's bow and arrows have powerful toxins and splash group damage, which poses a great threat to Zolton Kule and the 10 guards.In the sputtering of poisonous arrows, let these powerful enemies die invisible.

And another hero is also the female archer Leah.After Liya got the [Kane's Destiny] suit, she became the main force of the wolf pupil team's output in every battle. With strong attributes, bows and arrows rained like rain, she was called a mighty Amazon female warrior.

At the end of the battle, Zorton Kuller raised his head to the sky and screamed loudly, unwilling to fall, but he could only accept the arrival of death helplessly.

On his body, a swarthy crystal stone fell down.

"This is the Dark Soul Stone?" Liya picked up the Soul Stone with quick hands and eyes, and was extremely pleasantly surprised.

"With this dark soul stone, we can seal the three great demon gods and four generals, a total of seven evildoers, to protect the peace of the world." Leah held the soul stone tightly with a firm expression: "At the same time, it is also for Fulfill Uncle Kane's last wish."

Du Yu looked down carefully.

There is nothing unusual about this soul stone at first glance, but when you look at it slowly, you can see the clues.

Inside the soul stone, it seems to have a world surrounded by black mist!
This cloud of black mist constantly transformed into Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, Baal, the Lord of Destruction, Diablo, the Lord of Terror, and Andariel, the Queen of Pain. ), Lord of Pain (Lord of Pain), Lord of Sin (Lord of Sin), Lord of Lies (Lord of Lies) the hideous faces of the seven demon gods, showing the dark soul stone , once sealed these seven demon gods!

This discovery surprised Du Yu very much.

Does this dark soul stone really possess such powerful power?Can seal the demon gods of the burning hell?
And he noticed that the images of the four demon gods Mephisto, Baal, Andariel, and Duriel among the seven demon gods were relatively clear, while the images of Diablo, Belial, and Azmodan , is more vague.

And these three are the bosses of the second act, the third act, and the fourth act.

"Is it necessary to seal these three demon gods in order to get all the seals of the seven demon gods?" Du Yu flashed a doubt.

Seeing the power of this dark soul stone and its brilliant record of constantly luring Aiden, Tarasha, Leah and others to fall, Du Yu has completely cut off the idea of ​​giving it to Catherine.


Catherine is his woman, mistress, a beauty who can be a queen in the hall, a slut in the bed, and a good wife in the kitchen.How can a stunner who needs to be pressed on the bed every day, pampered and trained to her heart's content, absorb such a dangerous thing as the Dark Soul Stone?
What if one of them fails, and her dark phoenix spirit is awakened, but she degenerates into a complete female devil, possessed by Diablo or something, then what should I do?
Therefore, Catherine was excluded by him first.

As for handing over to Datang, Du Yu also hesitated.

Can this dark soul stone really improve the stability of space?

Although it is true that it is a fragment of the World Stone, the World Stone can indeed improve the stability of the human plane.But there are 7 seals of demon gods inside, and each of them can seduce mortals to fall, so it is unscientific to use it as a sky-replenishing stone.

No matter what, Du Yu got this treasure into his hands first, and then studied how to use it.

The moment he touched this dark soul stone, a charming voice suddenly flashed in his mind.

The voice seemed to come from another plane, distant but clear.

"Hero, do you need strength? Do you have enemies? Do you hate enemies? Do you long to see the dead bodies of your enemies? Do you want to rule the world?" Du Yu was tempted by the bewitching questions.

In front of Du Yu's eyes, figures of Hou Shenjiang, Hou Xiaobai and others suddenly appeared.

They are all old enemies, their mortal enemies in space, they are high in position, powerful, and powerful, and there is nothing they can do about it.

But these bastards, the troubles and dangers they caused to themselves, left Du Yu with hatred in his heart every time.

Yes, it is hatred.

Du Yu hated Hou Shenjiang and Hou Xiaobai, and he was always thinking about how to kill these old enemies.

And in the bloody city, who doesn't desire to have absolute strength?

It would be best if even the emperor of the imperial court could be kicked away, grab the throne by himself, and become supreme.

But who can do it?
Now, Du Yu felt extremely certain.

With this dark soul stone, one can have the strongest power of the seven great demon gods. Once he has mastered the terrifying power of the burning hell, he will be invincible and become the supreme powerhouse of the space.

As long as he takes this dark soul stone into his body.

Swallow it, put it on your forehead, put it in your heart, whatever.

No one told him about Du Yu's feeling, but it was very real. It was like getting full after eating, sleeping when sleepy, and refreshing after having sex. It was almost at an instinctive stage, learned naturally.

Is he going to do it?
In the face of absolute strength, Du Yu seemed to have no self-control at all, so he picked up the dark soul stone in a daze.

He wants to eat it.

When Mai Shela and others saw Du Yu at first, they seemed to be normal, but after staring at the dark soul stone for a long time, he actually slowly raised the soul stone.

On the soul stone, a group of black hell flames suddenly burned!

Immediately, Du Yu wanted to insert the dark soul stone towards his forehead.

"This is..." Liya was very nervous: "Could it be that Brother Du was lured by Diablo?"

She grabbed Du Yu's hand and tried to hold Du Yu back.

The others also knew the result of being seduced by Diablo, and rushed forward to stop Du Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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