Chapter 861 Diablo!Chasing and biting all over the place! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Unexpectedly, the dark soul stone in Du Yu's hand suddenly burst into flames, burning the surrounding open space with black flames, and no one could pass through it.

"It's over!" Michela screamed in despair: "This Diablo knows that it is hopeless to invade your body, because Du Yu gave you the treasure set of the Horadric sect, which can resist the temptation of the demon god. So it shifted its target, I chose Du Yu and wanted to occupy his body."

Liya's face was pale, Du Yu's suffering this time was obviously because of herself, her small face was pale, she clenched her fists tightly, almost couldn't help rushing into the black flames to rescue Du Yu.

If she could sacrifice herself to save Du Yu, she would be very willing.

But it was all too late.

Adria's phantom, unknowingly, appeared in the shadows in the distance, looking coldly at Du Yu surrounded by black flames, inserting the dark soul stone into his forehead step by step.

"That's right" the corners of her mouth curled up into a dangerous arc, her exquisite and delicate body wriggled in the shadows, as if she was in some kind of supreme pleasure: "That's right, that's it. Dear little handsome guy, let Di Apollo can occupy your body. The first time I saw you, I was sure that you are the one I have been waiting for. Although Leah can't be occupied by the master, it is a pity, but your physique is more suitable for me Master Diablo! Serve my demon god. Young man, I will reward you generously. Even my body and soul are your playthings."

This seductive witch is simply addicted to the fantasy of the future and cannot extricate herself.

She had already dedicated her soul and body to Diablo.

Everything is Diablo's.

But just when Adelia fell into madness, a majestic emperor suddenly appeared beside her.

"You" Adelia woke up from the crazy joy, saw the person coming clearly, but did not dare to move lightly, her beautiful eyes said affectionately: "So it is the honorable Emperor Hakan. Maybe I should call you the king of lies Belial."

This Emperor Hakan was exactly Belial whom Du Yu and the others had met and fought against in the palace.

Belial, one of the seven dark demons, is a very elusive demon king. It is said that in the civil war in hell in the past, under his instigation, another dark demon Azmodan betrayed the three major demon kings.Now, Belial, the king of lies, is incarnated as Rakan the Great, mixed into the royal family of Kardem, and manipulates the entire palace with the phantom of Rakan the Great.Now Caldeum is full of the suffering of the people, and a large number of demons have mixed into this land, and the whole Caldeum is intertwined with falsehood and lies.

"Oh." Belial looked at Du Yu who was shrouded in black flames in the distance with admiration, and said calmly: "I saw that a fresh body and soul are about to be occupied by the King of Fear. What an exquisite trap, what a trap!" Beautiful lie. Even I'm going to applaud that lie."

Adria said softly: "The king of lies does not need to be humble, you are the master of tricks and deceit. Your "cognition is reality" technique can completely rewrite the other party's perception of manipulation and deception. "Truth". No one can match your lies and tricks."

These words revealed that Belial, far from being ashamed, was proud of it.For the demon gods and kings of the Burning Hell, praising them is not touting their virtues, but to bragging about their crimes and strength.

He looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Yes, the greatest joy of being the king of lies is the nakedness, helplessness, and betrayal when the victims find out that they have been deceived. I think, if I will In the human world, it is likely to be a master orator, or a person with great influence, or even a respected great leader. Just like I am playing Hakan the Great now. This kind of penetration into other countries, and It feels really good to be in control.”

Adria didn't answer.

The seven demon gods sound harmonious, but in fact, intrigue is the eternal theme of Burning Hell.Behind the mask of lies and deceit, Belial lurks, with a clear mind, quick thinking, and incomparable cunning, he is an artist of lies and a master of tricks.

Now, his master is still sleeping, will this Belial be black and white?

You know, the three brothers Diablo, Baal and Mephisto were instigated by the next-level demon general Belial, and Azmodan and others launched a rebellion and exiled the three brothers to the world. .

Lessons learned from the past, we have to guard against it.

Adria was wary in her heart, but her face was still enthusiastic.

Belial said indifferently: "I know you can't trust me. But at this time, the supreme heaven has not yet fallen. As a member of the burning hell, I naturally long to see the destructive flames that burn me in hell and burn to the supreme heaven. As for At that time, who will be the boss, everyone will fight based on their strength."

These words sound high-sounding.

Adria slandered, knowing that it was impossible for the king of lies to tell herself the truth.But at this time, although the demon gods are rising day by day, they have not defeated the angels of the highest heaven. It is indeed too early to talk about internal strife.

Belial giggled: "Do you know how the Black Soul Stone fell into the hands of Zolton Kule, and how it was obtained by this cute adventurer?"

Adria's heart moved, and she asked in surprise, "Could it be your fault?"

The king of lies sneered: "Exactly, if I hadn't used some tricks, how could this dark soul stone, which has sealed the seven great demon gods and is called a treasure, easily fall into the hands of adventurers? These adventurers are really stupid. In fact, what we demon gods are most afraid of is not the dark soul stone falling into human hands, but being completely buried! No, we have found a beautiful body."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a howl of a wolf from the side of the dark soul stone.

The king of lies and Adelia changed their expressions at the same time and looked at Du Yu.

Du Yu had already pressed the dark soul stone to his forehead, and a wave of Diablo's black energy was about to leap out from the soul stone to control Du Yu, but he didn't expect that his whole body exuded the aura of a real dragon. The dragon wolf jumped out of Du Yu's body, stood in the void, and kept roaring at Diablo's black energy.

The black mist of Diablo couldn't break through the barrier of the dragon and wolf aura, and was constantly attacked by the dragon and wolf aura, back, back, back!
"What's going on here?" Belial was surprised for the first time.

Even if Diablo was sealed in the soul stone, even if it was already weakened, how could an ordinary mortal look be able to stop this crazy demon god?
But the fact is so cruel, it completely shattered Belial and Adelia's disdain for such a dark superior.

The dragon wolf was as big as a bull, fiercer than a tiger, biting Diablo's black mist soul bit by bit. Diablo was bitten so painfully that he screamed, looking as if he couldn't beat him and turned around and ran away.

Belial and Adria were both dumbfounded.

The dragon and wolf aura on Du Yu's head is too mighty and domineering, right?

Hey, do you even dare to bite Diablo?

Is this a mad dog?
Even if Diablo is down and out, he won't be defeated by a wolf, right?
But that's what it is.

Although Du Yu's dragon-wolf aura, after devouring countless real dragons and other strange creatures, his power has greatly increased and his rank is not bad, but what makes Diablo, Belial and Adelia even more frightened is that the dragon-wolf aura Finally, the glorious aura of heaven and earth!
Space Treasure [He's Jade Seal]!
[Tianzi Zhengqi]: Suppress all demons and make all demons stay away from each other and dare not invade each other.

This Heshibi Jade Seal is the final treasure of the Scarlet City Gate.Although usually in battle, the effect is not too great, but when it comes to such lofty subjects as the soul and avoiding evil, it immediately becomes more lofty!

Because this is the real treasure that the Qi of the Son of Heaven has gathered for thousands of years in the Tang Dynasty!
You know, China has been inherited for 5000 years, so what evildoers haven't appeared?

Even if Diablo is a legendary monster and demon god, compared with those big monsters and trolls who destroyed the world at every turn in ancient China, he is not a remarkable existence!
Now, it is facing the terrifying Heshi Jade Seal, the powerful force of righteousness that suppresses evildoers.

The awe-inspiring righteousness is enough to stop any monsters from invading the body of the emperor.

With this Heshibi body protector, the emperors of all dynasties dare not say that there is no disease or disaster, that they are invulnerable to swords and guns, and they are so tall and tall, but they are usually ghosts and ghosts, so don't even think about possessing the emperor.That's not something you can covet at all.

Now, Diablo, who has been sealed for 20 years, with his weak black energy, met Du Yu's dragon-wolf breath + He's Jade Seal, which is such a tall combination, as if a big bird was being targeted by an anti-aircraft missile. Immediately, he was bombarded by five thunders, his body was mutilated and his vitality was seriously injured.

When it invaded Liya's body, Du Yu used the space ability to chop off an arm with lightning. This time it was even worse. Almost being eaten alive!
If it hadn't seen the bad situation and escaped quickly, the dragon wolf aura might directly evolve into the dragon wolf demon god aura.

With such a heaven-defying change, Adria's eyes almost fell out, and Belial, the king of lies, also petrified for a long time.

What is the origin of this mortal?

Why can't even a mortal be defeated by the mighty Diablo?
Could it be that the way he opened it was wrong?
Du Yu's eyes gradually regained clarity, and the black flame receded from the dark soul stone.

Du Yu stared at the dark soul stone, and the terrible scene just now echoed in his mind again and again.

"Want to control me?" Du Yu sneered and said, "But I admit that I underestimated the power of your demon gods, so I almost lost my mind."

But the corners of his mouth turned up even more.

With [Heshi Jade Seal], it seems that these dark demon gods have nothing to do with themselves.

Those temptations, intrusions, and possessions are all useless to me.

The soul of Diablo, who was severely injured, kept galloping and roaring in the dark soul stone.

(End of this chapter)

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