Chapter 862 Failed to start a business, strive to be Du Yu's dog leg! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Adria, as its most loyal servant, also felt the same way.

"This??? This bastard," Adria almost gritted her silver teeth, "actually hurt my master like this. Seriously injured it twice."

All kinds of regrets in her heart.

He thought that he was sure of everything, that he would definitely win Du Yu, so that his master could get a stable body, and he could be resurrected in the world, but he didn't expect that his success would fall short.

This man has thwarted her plot twice.

Who is this man?

Must get rid of him.

Listening to Diablo's painful roar in her mind, Adria made up her mind.

Du Yu coldly grabbed the dark soul stone.

Catherine, I must not take this thing.Without 【Heshi Jade Seal】, she would be controlled.

But in the future, can he use this dark soul stone that has sealed 7 demon gods?

Du Yu was scheming in his mind, and this possibility cannot be ruled out.

On this soul stone, the specific description is: "Dark soul stone, a space wonder, the only existence. Status: plot item, cannot be used until the seal is lifted. The only remaining fragment of the world stone has the powerful function of stabilizing a plane The seven demon gods of the burning hell are sealed inside (the souls of Belial and Azmodan have escaped). As long as you defeat the demon gods and put this soul stone on their foreheads, you can successfully seal the souls."

Du Yu sighed. As expected, this soul stone is a sealed plot item. It probably needs to be unlocked by the archangel Tyrael or Adria before it can be used by adventurers.

"Are you okay?" Mai Shela and others rushed forward, looking at Du Yu with concern.

Du Yu smiled indifferently: "I made everyone worry. I don't mind. Let's share the things that the boss broke first."

The things that the traitor Kule revealed were quickly divided up.Du Yu did not treat the Sultanate badly, and allocated a lot of equipment to them according to their output and contribution.

As for the astonishing 10150 points assigned to the main task of [Black Soul Stone], Du Yu also generously and generously won them in the wolf pupil team, the original Eastern Invincible team, the No. [-] captain team, the parliamentary team, and the Sudan team distributed among them.

Wolf pupil team undoubtedly occupies the top 5000.
The No. 150 captain team got a fraction of 200 points. They had already overfulfilled the points task, with an average of more than [-] points per person. Even if they were in the top ten in Shinra, there was no possibility of being wiped out.Less points this time.

The parliamentary national team won 2000 points.Now it has reached a height of 13000 points, which makes Xiao Hei, Latin American gangsters and Ah San extremely excited.When have they been so beautiful?
And the members of the original Eastern Undefeated Team all got an astonishing 1500 points.Although not out of the 100 kill zone yet, everyone scored 50 points and saw a glimmer of hope.

And the Sultanate adventurers got 1500 points!

This made Sai Yiwu and every Sudanese feel ecstatic!
A mere 1500 points is not a great reward, but the value of this number is that before this allocation, the Shinra team had 5800 points, and the Sultanate had 4400 points, a difference of 1400 points between the two sides.With these 1500 points, the Sultanate surpassed Shinra with a slight advantage of 100 points, ranking third!
This name is only bad, the world is different!

At least the lives of 8 or 9 adventurers!

Although the third party will inevitably be obliterated by 10%, but the Sultanate, which has already been obliterated once, has been reduced from a nightmare of 20% to 10%, and it immediately feels like it has made a lot of money.

But the Shinra people fell into hell in an instant!
Ice hell.

They gritted their teeth and saw that with the completion of the space [Black Soul Stone] mission, their ranking in the standings dropped to the last place in an instant!
The hearts of countless Shinra people were frozen.

It took a full minute for Lampard to spat out a sentence: "Damn it, you bastard Du Yu!"

Why didn't he know, Sai Yiwu went to pick up the job he dismissed, knelt down and licked Du Yu.

Then they got 1500 points.

Not much, but enough to overtake the equally weak Shinra.

Shinra fell from No.1 in the first act to the last in one breath, facing an extremely severe situation.

There is only the last main task [The King of Lies] left, which is only worth 2325 points.But from the experience of the first act, killing the final boss of this act will give you a one-time extra point reward.Butcher is 5000 points.

Belial, the king of lies, is enough to decide the final ranking!

At this time, due to Du Yu's precise calculations, Datang and his loyal little ally, the Parliament, are already far ahead. The next two, Shinra and the Sultanate, unless their character explodes and they snatch the king of lies, they will sit down and be punished. A cold bench for obliteration.

However, there is also a temperature difference between cold benches. There is still an essential difference between 10% and 20% of quotas.

When Lampard thought of this, his heart ached.

Damn, once there was a job opportunity in front of me, I didn't cherish it, and I didn't regret it until I lost it.

Although I was given food and accommodation at the time and no points, but when Du Yu tried to convert him into a regular bonus, didn't he get overwhelmed by his own brains and refused?

Lampard beat his chest and stamped his feet, wishing he could beat himself to death.

Sai Yiwu smiled happily.

Regarding the job position provided by Du Yu, Shinra's Lampard is very tall.But Sai Wu did not!

He got 1500 points and burst out a lot of equipment, gems and supplies, what a smile.

Although Yakun was dissatisfied, he had no choice but to accompany Du Yu with a smile on his face.

This is strength, there is no way.

The Sultanate, who had tasted the sweetness, completely gave up the so-called integrity and followed closely all the way, for fear that this hard-won job opportunity would be snatched back by Lampard.As long as he hugged Du Yu's thick legs tightly, Shinra would definitely be trampled under his feet. Even the Sudanese who scored more than 4000 points were only [-] points away. Theoretically speaking, there may not be no chance to surpass.

Everything depends on Du Yu's attitude. If Du Yu shakes his hand and gives the King of Lies points to Sudan, won't he be able to get out of the sea of ​​suffering?
Although the parliamentary state and Du Yu have been together for a little longer, is this relationship all based on wooing?

Seeing the Sudanese's green eyes and dog-legged expression, Toledo and Indra, the parliamentary state, immediately became alert.Zulu's brainless straight boobs don't feel it, but they have a sense of crisis.

The Sudanese and the parliamentary state have formed a positive competition situation.Along the way, they scrambled to flatter Du Yu.

Du Yu ignored these guys, opened the collective portal, and teleported back to the secret camp.

The sultans and parliamentary states have already rushed to Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop, offering the forging book in their arms to Shan Wanjing like a treasure.Everyone knew that this girl, who was as beautiful as a fairy, was the lover of Boss Du Yu.As long as Boss Du Yu stays in the secret camp, Shan Wanjing's passionate crooning and crackling sounds will be heard from the tent every night.

To please Shan Wanjing is to please Du Yu.

Then there are adventurers from all over the world, spending a lot of gold coins, equipment and materials into the hands of Shan Wanjing through domineering and mighty consumption.

Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop, under the support of the entire adventurer team, has grown to a level 6 blacksmith shop, and is heading towards the highest level 8 blacksmith shop.

Du Yu went straight to the Archangel Tyrell and took out the Dark Soul Stone.

The archangel picked up the stone, and his bronzed face showed infinite emotion: "I didn't expect to see this thing again. Sigh, when I destroyed the World Stone, what did I do right or wrong?"

Du Yu asked: "I hope to unlock the seal of this dark soul stone so that it can be used by me."

Archangel Tyrael looked directly at Du Yu with deep eyes: "Adventurer, I know you are extremely powerful, but no one can subdue this soul stone containing the souls of the seven great demon gods. Even Aiden back then , Tal Rasha, King Leoric and other powerful legendary existences were all seduced and fell into darkness one by one. I advise you??? "

His words came to an abrupt end.

Because the soft light of [Heshi Jade Seal] suddenly appeared on Du Yu's body.

This light is by no means as dazzling as the Western Holy Lance, Holy Grail, and Shroud. It appears extremely restrained and soft, but from the eyes of an archangel, of course, it can be seen how great power it is.

"The truth is," Du Yu said with a smile, "this dark soul stone has already tried to seduce me. As a result, Diablo's soul was severely injured by me again."

Archangel Tyrael was dumbfounded.

Liya on the side proudly puffed up her chest and said, "That's right. Angel Tyrell, I was once troubled by the Diablo blood in my body for a long time, and it was Brother Du Yu who helped me get rid of the demon's lingering. He has a kind A daunting quality, as if the devil would shy away from him."

Archangel Tyrell stared at Du Yu for a long time, and finally said: "Do you know why I was expelled from the highest heaven?"

This topic was completely out of line with just now, Du Yu and Liya shook their heads.

Tyrael smiled bitterly and said: "You know, there are many angels in heaven. Now the symbol of the highest heaven - the crystal arch is in charge of the punishment angel Imprius! He is also the angel in charge of the war against the burning hell. In addition, there are There are angels of wisdom and angels of prophecy. I am also an influential archangel in heaven, but I am incompatible with Imprius. The biggest difference between us is what is the role of human beings in the endless war between the high heaven and the burning hell Role? Prius believes that human beings are a hybrid of angels and demons. They are filthy and weak in soul. They will be easily seduced by demons and fall into darkness. Legendary human heroes such as Aiden, Tarasha, and Leoric His depravity has deepened his prejudice!"

"And I am convinced that angels alone cannot truly defeat demons. I suggest that heaven and humans join hands to deal with demons. Unfortunately, because Prius, a militant hardliner, is more influential among angels, he publicly Condemn my remarks, and declare that I will be imprisoned, and I will not be allowed to interfere with the invasion of the world by demons. In order to help mankind, I voluntarily gave up my identity as an angel and my wings, and fell from the highest heaven to the sanctuary of the human world."

(End of this chapter)

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