Chapter 863 Monkey King tricks!The golden monkey clone! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Only then did Du Yu and Liya know Tyrell's story.Leah burst into tears with excitement.

Tyrell said indifferently: "What I want to say is that after Du Yu you, I have finally confirmed my opinion again. Human beings are not weak poor creatures. Your willpower is even stronger than some fallen angels, such as Izual, be stronger! I will abandon all rules of heaven and help you unlock this dark soul stone!"

With Tyrell's guarantee, Du Yu smiled confidently and held up the Dark Soul Stone.

"To unlock the dark soul stone, what you have to do is to collect the souls of the seven great devils." Tyrell pointed to the soul stone: "When the souls of the seven great devils are all stored in it, the true power of the soul stone will be activated .Its strongest function is to be a sky-replenishing stone, supporting a plane."

Du Yu nodded.

In the bloody city, catastrophe is approaching step by step. If the dark soul stone in the strongest state can be brought back and used as the stone of the world, it should be able to greatly slow down the pace of disaster in the bloody city.

Of course, Du Yu was not so naive as to think that a single dark soul stone could solve all problems in space.

The problem of space, in the final analysis, is caused by adventurers.

Breaking the rules without order is the crux of the space becoming more and more dilapidated.

The ultimate solution is to have a powerful figure, like the first generation of rulers of the four kingdoms, turn out to truly unify the bloody city and restore order.

"So, to play its true role, you must defeat the King of Lies and the King of Sin, and gather the souls of the seven great demon gods."

Du Yu nodded.

Tyrell said firmly: "I see everything you do, and I believe you can complete this unprecedented task."

Du Yu nodded, turned his head and left: "Leah, let's start. Go meet the king of lies."

Mai Shela walked from Shan Wanjing with a smile, and said excitedly, "The gift we gave you is ready!"

Behind her were many adventurers from the wolf pupil team.

"This is?" Du Yu saw four big boxes.

Shan Wanjing smiled and said, "It's the materials that everyone has gathered together for you, as well as the blueprint of the suit that was purchased secretly. It's the best green suit [Monkey King's Trick] for monks."

Du Yu was startled.

This has never been leaked.

Michelle said proudly, "Unexpected?"

Du Yu smiled wryly, "I don't need any external reinforcement."

Mai Shela glared and said: "As the captain of the wolf pupil team, you always go through life and death, rushing into battle, shouldn't you strengthen your equipment? This equipment is better than almost, right? Let's try it. Although we have gathered all the materials and blueprints, but without Shan Wanjing's day and night experimentation and building, it would be impossible to make this suit."

[Monkey King's Trick] Green suit, a total of 4 pieces, including Monkey King's trick (talisman), Monkey King's spiritual palm (gloves), Monkey King's balance (shoulders), and Monkey King's hoop crown (helmet). The monk suit was tailor-made for Du Yu.

Du Yu put on the suit, and immediately felt a powerful force filling his body.

This green Sun Wukong Monkey King suit is indeed extraordinary. The key agility attribute of the monk alone has increased Du Yu by as much as 50 points, and his strength has also increased by 30 points.For a suit, it can increase the basic attributes by 80 points, which can be called an absolute boutique.

The strongest part of this set of Monkey King's tricks is that when using the monk's high-level skills (adventurer's skills exceed level B), 10% of Monkey King's golden-haired monkey clones will appear, taunting the surrounding enemies and attracting attacks , the existence time is 10 seconds, and an explosion with a range of 10 meters randomly occurs.The power of the explosion is equivalent to ten times the damage of the attack by the equipment owner, and the priority is the skill priority.After the explosion is complete, the golden monkey clone disappears, but in the next 3 seconds, the damage of this skill will increase to 5 times.

For example, Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, a B-level skill, can attack adventurers with a theoretical damage of 1000 points, so the explosion damage is 10000 points.In the next three seconds, the attack power of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms will be 5000 points.

What a perverted set skill this is.

Although the 10% chance of appearing limits the power of this set of skills, Du Yu's Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon itself is a high-speed, high-damage strong attack skill.No matter how many times he takes shots, the chance of the golden monkey appearing is definitely not small.And 10 times the explosion damage and 5 times the attack damage have reached a terrifying level.

Tens of thousands of injuries ah.

How much health can a mere adventurer have to fight like this?
Of course, this is theoretical damage, and the actual damage is much smaller than this.Because the defensive skills of adventurers are also the top priority for everyone to improve.In space, survival is still the first priority.The biggest restraint factor is priority.The priority can't match the defense level of others, and it can't even cause damage.Even if it passes, it still has to bear a huge defense damage reduction.Even if Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms were upgraded to the present, it is not a common phenomenon for him to instantly kill adventurers in the outer city.

Regarding the basic attribute bonus of the adventurer and the summoning beauty's green suit.Let me explain, Liya is Du Yu's summoning beauty, similar to a dark mercenary, wearing a green suit on her body, and her attributes are calculated according to the dark character, so it costs thousands, but Du Yu's 50 points of agility and 30 points of strength are risks attributes.To put it simply, the power of [Kane's Mandate] and [Monkey King's Trick] are basically on the same level.

Shan Wanjing smiled and said: "The rare materials that our wolf pupil team has accumulated for so long have all been wasted on this set of Monkey King's battle armor. The team space has been wiped out. Fortunately, this set of weapons is quite powerful.

"It's just time to fight against the king of lies. This green suit is even more powerful. It's a little gift from everyone."

Li Tang grinned.

Du Yu looked around the wolf pupil team.

Liya, Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, Shendiao, Maishela, Li Tang, Ai Ning, Le Qun and others all had firm faces and smiles.

With such a strong and united team, why is Du Yu afraid of the king of lies?

He laughed: "Okay, I accept this suit. Let us use the strongest lineup to enter the palace of Hakan the Great and meet the king of lies!"

At this moment, Lampard came with a gloomy face, leading the Shinra adventurers.

He tried to capture the goblin scavenger, but the attempt failed and he was devastated, again with no venture capital.

The super strong Three Kingdoms team with Du Yu as the core is about to hit the final main mission.If you don't come at this time, Shinra will be shut out of the last chance.

No way, Lampard had to bow his head again.

Fortunately, this captain is best at being thick-skinned, so he doesn't mind another slap in the face.

In this way, all the existing adventurers gathered around Du Yu again after experiencing a scene of division, and launched an attack on Belial, the king of lies.

Well, to say that everyone is a bit exaggerated, there are at least three adventurers who are outside this group.

Dongfang Bubai, Tian Yulang, and Qiu Haijun who didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

But Du Yu felt that with the skills of these three, it seemed that they had a great chance of completing the two unfinished random tasks.With the current ranking led by the Datang team, they only need 100 points to cross the obliteration line, and they can enter the third act safe and sound.

This is all for later.At least in the secret camp, where Shan Wanjing was, I never saw the three of them come back to repair props and weapons.

At this time, Du Yu was powerful and almost unified the four countries. No matter how powerful Tian Yulang and Dongfang Bubai were, they could only retreat.

On the video screen, seeing the Shinra adventurer had to follow Du Yu, Richelieu's face was ashen.Tracy couldn't help cursing even more.

Only Catherine was overjoyed.

These high-level Shenluo scolded, but with their city, if you think about it carefully, you know that it is impossible not to do this.

It's best to enter the goblin shop behind the scenes and turn around with salted fish.

But seeing the bottom score of Shinra Adventurer, the four of them smiled wryly.

This scene can guarantee that you will not be obliterated by 20% of your vitality. Even if you earn it, how dare you hope to enter the top two reward ranks?

The location of the king of lies is not far from the secret camp.

Du Yu led nearly 300 adventurers, like young and Dangerous boys, to hack people and grab territory, and entered the city of Caldeum aggressively.

This city was originally a city with fountains like forests and coconut trees, full of desert exoticism, and extremely rich.As an important commercial route connecting the East and the West, commodities from the entire continent are gathered here, and the camel team continues to transport goods, gold, silver and wealth through the desert trade route.

Entering the gate of Caldeum, everyone saw a scene of bloody massacre.

The prosperity of Caldeum in the past disappeared suddenly like a passing cloud. At this time, monsters emerged from the ground and sewers everywhere in the eastern city. The sky was bright and the sky was bright, and they blatantly massacred many residents.

Every adventurer received a reminder: "Randomly triggering the mission, Belie, the king of lies, is carrying out a brutal massacre of the residents of the eastern city of Kardim. You must rescue as many residents as possible as quickly as possible."

Then a quest statistics appeared, adventurers from all over the world looked at each other, and immediately rushed out without grace.

This random trigger task was encountered by chance, but with the style of space, since there is a reminder, the reward should have points.

For the old enemies of Shinra and Sultan, points are too important.

In an instant, the formation of the alliance collapsed, and countless adventurers frantically chased the monsters to save the residents.

Save a resident, that is points.

Naturally, the monsters would not be polite, so the melee was raging in this prosperous city full of exotic customs, burning to every corner.

The panic-stricken residents suddenly saw the savior coming, and flocked to the adventurers one after another.

"Not good!" Du Yu's eyes flashed.

(End of this chapter)

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