Chapter 865 King of Lies, Deadly Illusion! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Although in the world of cold weapons, the damage of gunpowder weapons is suppressed by 60%, but for Wang Xiaorong who has no other skills, this is the only way.

This batch of grenades was something she bought after spending two nights with a boss in the inner city.When she threw it out, Wang Xiaorong was heartbroken.

But the effect is also surprisingly good.

A wave of monsters that were besieging densely was killed by the explosion of the grenade, and turned into a lot of equipment and gems.

"I can't tell." Myshera said with a half-smile, "With such a good output method, why didn't you use it earlier?"

Wang Xiaorong was so distressed that she couldn't care less about arguing with Mai Sheila, so she simply threw another grenade.

Now that you've used it, let's just have a good time.

Wang Xiaorong watched the treasured hole cards disappear one by one, while the team contribution value jumped up, feeling pain and happiness, with complicated emotions.

I am Du Yuhei, how could I be forced to work so hard for Du Yu?
She couldn't help feeling that Du Yu's powerful integration ability, even her thorny head, was forced to sacrifice her life.

Under such desperate efforts, the adventurers passed through the palace and hall, and finally broke into the royal garden.

Then there is the decisive battle with Belial, the king of lies.

Belial, disguised as Hakan the Great, laughed wildly and jumped down.

The body of Hakan the Great began to tremble, and a purple sharp claw suddenly pierced out of the flesh, followed by a second sharp claw.

His head burst open, and four thick horns, like the four horns of a crown, slowly grew out.

Under the four corners is the real body of Belial, the king of lies.

It was a three-faced face with four eyes, looking from different sides, crying, smiling, and calm.This changeable expression vividly outlines the image of a cunning and changeable demon god who lives on lies and deceit.

"Here we come!" Du Yu roared angrily.

Behind Belial, dozens of shiny green tentacles gradually hung down. Those were the tools he used to create illusions.

"Welcome to my country - the illusion of lies!"

Belial laughed wildly and waved his hand.

An unbelievable kingdom appeared in the imperial garden of Hakan the Great, replacing the flowery imperial garden with the territory of Belial in the burning hell - the illusion of lies!

The territory of Belial is a territory ruled by illusions. It looks like a peaceful and peaceful paradise, full of attractive and sweet fruits, and in the exquisite palace corridors, there are sexy and hot maids everywhere, dressed in seductive clothes. She has a light gauze, an enchanting figure, a silver bell in her laughter, and her beautiful eyes are silently charming.

Even the adventurers who are used to seeing the beautiful scenery everywhere are temporarily distracted by Belial's fantasy kingdom.

"Don't be careless!" Du Yu said in a deep voice, "Who can break this illusion."

Speaking of which, as a TOP400 adventurer, how could there be no one with the spiritual power to see through illusions?
Datang has it, Tianyanqiu.

Her heavenly eyes can see through all illusions.

But unfortunately.

Tianyanqiu is dead.

Jackfield's specialty is mental power scanning, and he is not good at deciphering illusions.

Belial laughed triumphantly, echoing around.

"Everyone, welcome to my country. There are countless beautiful things here, maybe what you see is what you have longed for. So, stay! Stay and enjoy these forever."

"Ahhhhhhh!" The Assassin's Creed team strongman who once asked the captain of No. 172 to enter [Paradise Paradise], his eyes lit up, he laughed, and walked towards Belial's illusion: "I'm finally back, my paradise. A haunted place. Darshana, here I come."

He walks up to a choppy, dark-haired Persian beauty.

The Persian beauty giggled, turned and ran.

"Come back!" Captain No. 172 scolded angrily, "This is not our Assassin's Creed team's paradise! It's the enemy's illusion."

The strong man hesitated.

Intellectually, he knew that the captain would not harm him, but emotionally, he had to know that supporting the Assassin's Creed team, such a strong, fearless spiritual sustenance, was their incomparably mysterious paradise.

Every strong person who enters the Assassin's Creed team is extremely eager to return there again.

In the eyes of assassins, this is the legendary paradise.

He finally couldn't hold back anymore and walked forward again.

"Stupid!" The captain of No. 172 flitted towards the man with a flash of lightning, and was about to pull him back.

But it's too late.

Clouds of fog enveloped the figure of the man.

The man disappeared.

The captain of No. 172 missed the shot and had no choice but to return angrily.

But behind him, in fact, that person was walking towards Daishanna step by step.

Daishanna ran under a coconut tree and never left again. She proudly puffed up her breasts, her eyes fluttering, and let the assassin approach.

With trembling hands, the assassin tore off Daishana's purple veil.

Since the fairy-like 30 days in heaven, he has been thinking about this plump and enchanting woman all the time.

Although there are countless women in the space, and a strong man like him is easily available, there is only one Daishanna.

Who knew, the moment this seemingly sexy maid touched her chest, she immediately turned into a shriveled old woman!
At this moment, even the strong Assassin, who had been trained strictly and showed no signs of emotion or anger, could not help being shocked, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

"Hahaha!" Belial, the king of lies, laughed wildly.

What he likes to see most is the expression of astonishment, despair and frustration after being deceived.

Every time he sees these, his magic power will increase dramatically.

Just as fear is the source of Diablo's magic power, pain is the source of Andariel and Duriel's magic power, and destruction is the source of Baal's magic power, deceit and lies are the source of magic power of the Lord of Lies.

"Don't you want me?" The shriveled old woman moved extremely quickly, but a terrifying golden female corpse was transformed by Belial, and at this moment, she suddenly pounced on the assassin, biting the neck of the assassin.

The assassin struggled to resist, but how long could he live alone?

Not long after, his shriveled body, drained of blood, was thrown out of the mist in front of Captain 172.

Belial was extremely excited, and he felt that the magic power was increasing step by step.

Another black adventurer from the parliamentary country suddenly discovered that there were a lot of delicacies in front of him.

This adventurer from war-torn Somalia, whose hunger memories lingered in his childhood, couldn't help swallowing.

He clearly knew that this food should never be touched.

But in the heart, the potential desire for food has almost become instinct.He made up his mind, grabbed an attractive tropical fruit, and bit it down.

The fruit looks attractive, but it tastes completely rotten, and a lot of disgusting white worms can be bitten out in one bite!
Somali adventurer's stomach ache, rage and madness

Belial's wild laughter came louder.

Urum, the always impulsive American Chicago fraternity, led a group of people furiously, rushed into the fog, and shot wildly at the source of Belial's voice.

"Belial is there!" Urum was so excited that he led the team and chased forward.

"Don't be impulsive, come back!" Lampard roared.

But how could Urum obey orders?

As he walked, he found that the short corridor seemed to form a curved surface.

Urum's keen intuition told him that there were dangers everywhere.

He jumped up suddenly, trying to break through this illusion with height.

But after jumping, Urum really despaired.

He suddenly discovered that the corridors here existed like Inception.

The space here is completely chaotic.The corridors and stairs can be walked on both sides!
Or lead to the endless abyss, or a dead end.

He glanced back.

Brothers do not know where to go.

This is a trap!

Urum did not lose his composure.

He dared to chase after him, so he naturally had something to rely on.

That's the bestial instinct.

The Chicago Brotherhood is the largest gang in the eastern United States.Urum is a criminal genius.

Since he was six years old, he has been on the chaotic streets of Chicago, killing the drug dealer who assassinated his brother with a pistol.

In gang fights, his bestial intuition saved him more than once.

Urum closed his eyes and started walking.

He no longer relies on the six senses, but acts on intuition.

Instinctively, he felt a threat coming from the right, so he raised his gun.

A phantom monster who came out of the wall was caught fire before he could stand still, and was instantly reduced to a mass of ashes.

Urum walked forward step by step with a blank expression on his face.

He already knew that Belial's illusion of lies was actually a dungeon that utterly confused and ruined the mind and senses.The corridors and stairs may be reversible, or lead to an endless abyss, or a dead end; the moment a sexy maid touches them, she immediately turns into a shriveled old woman.On the contrary, meat that is covered with maggots and smells rotten tastes the most delicious.The many walls and bottomless pits may be illusions, but there is nothing in them.

Don't look, rely on perception.

Urum successfully walked out of the illusion.

But when he looked back, he saw not far away, the corpse of the black brother who had been completely sucked into a mummified corpse.

one, two, three

Urum was completely furious, he was not a person who was good at controlling his emotions.

"Follow me! I know where Belial is?"


Du Yu shouted.

Urum stopped and said with a sneer: "Weak Datang people, do you have a solution?"

Du Yu sneered: "It's more reliable than you ruining your own team."

Seeing that everyone was helpless, he knew that this was not the time to cherish himself, so he strode out and raised his hand.

Rays of breathtaking yellow light shot into the mist.

Du Yu was afraid that He Shibi would be recognized by the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty, so he deliberately put away the jade seal, but with the help of the power of the jade seal, he dispelled the illusion and strode towards Bilie.

His dragon and wolf aura has a keen intuition, and the [Supreme] in Heshi Jade Seal can greatly increase the priority, so this illusion carefully designed by Bilie is not Du Yu's opponent.

Belial was directly hit by Du Yu and the adventurers, and his face darkened instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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