Chapter 866 Part of Heaven, Part of Hell! - Dedicated to Hongchen!

Thanks to Hong Chen for his great support, Laozhu worked hard to break out in four more outbreaks today.I will work harder and harder to write wonderfully in the future.

This is the brilliance of Du Yu.

He has great strength, but has a clearer judgment on the situation.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to coerce and lure, and used various means to integrate adventurers from the four countries, and launched a concentrated fire attack on Belial to minimize the overall losses of the adventurers.

Give the simplest example.

The brainless and stupid woman Wang Xiaorong hated by the wolf pupil team had an attack output of more than 26000 in this battle and the previous battle to sweep the palace.

In other words, she alone dealt with the equivalent of 30 phantom monsters.

Such a waste wood without the ability to attack persistently was squeezed to such an extent under Du Yu's calculations, the contribution and cooperation of other people can be imagined.

The scattered people of the Tang Dynasty, the parliamentary country, the sultanate, and the adventurers of the Shenluo country all laid a solid foundation for the final victory in their respective fields of expertise.

Just imagine, if Du Yu is narrow-minded and kills all these former opponents, who will complete these kills at this time?

Don't underestimate these kill outputs.

If there is no artillery fire at the bottom, these monsters will attack the wolf pupil team. After a certain firepower is exceeded, the wolf pupil team is very likely to be blown up alive.

Without strength, even if Du Yu has a cultivation base in the inner city, what's the use?

The experience of Dongfang Bubai has already shown that without a team, no matter how strong the cultivation base is, it will not work in the dark world.

Therefore, Du Yu was not harsh on these adventurers in terms of points.

As expected, after the final [Lord of Lies] main quest was completed, in addition to the normal point rewards, Belial gave out as many as 7500 points.In this way, the overall income is 9825 points.

Almost all the surviving adventurers were given points by Du Yu to at least pass the kill line.

This ensures that no adventurer will be killed by the space because of missing points.

Du Yu is also looking to the future.

After tasting the sweetness, he pointed at Diablo in the fourth act!

If you want to go far, the overall strength of the adventurer cannot receive too much loss.

Currently, the total number of adventurers has dropped to more than 250.

In the two-act adventure, three-eighths of the adventurers have died tragically.

There is also the cruel obliteration, which will take the lives of at least 15 adventurers.

If possible, Du Yu really wanted to cancel this obliteration setting.

But that's the rule.

Bloody rules.

In the final ranking, the wolf pupil team scored 27887 points.Point smile proudly the first.This point record, and the space multiplied by 20% bonus points, is destined to surpass the Shinra team in the first act and become No.1 in total points.

The parliamentary team that first took refuge in Du Yu, this time proudly turned around, and with a lineup of only 50 people, they snatched the No.2 result!
No.3 is Sudan. No.4 is Shinra.

Because the two teams are entangled in points, they are all looking forward to Du Yu.Du Yu did not decide by himself on the issue of points distribution.No matter which party gives more points, will it offend the other party?He decisively called the two captains over.

Sai Wu and Lampard looked at each other like a cockfight, and lightning flashed in the air.

"Listen." Du Yu was quite bossy at this time: "We use the most fair method to allocate points to you. The total amount of reward points is to ensure that each of you passes the 100 obliteration line as the bottom line."

The two nodded.

At least on this point, Du Yu's generosity won him great favor.

No one was obliterated due to insufficient points, greatly reducing the number of casualties.

"Let's look at the contribution value." Du Yu sighed, "Everything is done according to the rules."

Saiwu and Lampard became tense.

But there is no reason to reject Du Yu's proposal.

Whoever contributed more to killing the king of lies will get more points cake. This is only right and proper, there is no problem at all.

The veins of the two of them burst out nervously, and their hands trembled slightly.

One part heaven, one part hell.

As a result, the Shenluo Kingdom overwhelmed the Sudanese with a slight advantage.

Anakin, Stephen and others cheered.

This means that they got more points than the Sudanese in the final main mission!

But that doesn't mean they can overtake.

The Sudanese had a slight advantage in the total score before, and they also performed well in the random task of rescuing residents. Everything depends on the final score.

As a result, it was such a coincidence.

The total score came out.

1. The Datang team has 27887 points.

2. 14000 points for the parliamentary country.

3. Sultanate 8450 points.

4. The Shinra team has 8325 points.

The Sudanese, with a total score of 8450 points, led Shinra with a slight advantage of 125 points!

The Shinra people were silent.

No one could accept such a cruel result.

The No.1 in the first act, in the second act, unexpectedly fell to the bottom, and 20% of the team members will be obliterated!

"No!" Anakin's eyes were red, and he rushed up to shake Du Yu: "You must still give us some points, right? How could we have so many people killed because of these points?"

Anakin's madness was not due to his compassion, because the strength of this team was closely related to his fate.

There is at least one more scene in the dark world competitive team battle!
After being obliterated by 20% of the number of people this time, Shinra will lose another 10 companions.

The number of people will be almost the same as that of the parliamentary country, with more than 50 people.

How about the third act?
In this world competitive team battle, the stronger you are, the stronger you are, and the weaker you are, the weaker you are.

The current situation is clear.

The Tang adventurers led by Du Yu have lost no more than 10 people so far. With the advantage of more than 90 people and the superiority of Du Yu, Yang Guo, and Zhang Sanfeng, they have an absolute advantage in both number and quality.

If there is no accident, the Datang team reunited in the third act will become the undisputed No.1.

It's not that Anakin is discouraged, it's because everyone thinks so.

The second scene is the scene of the strong rise of Datang and Du Yu.

Then the remaining three teams will brutally compete for the only second seat that is not obliterated.

Shinra was originally promising, but after being wiped out by 20%, it will be weaker than the Sudanese who only wiped out 10%.

Lampard also thought of this, and he said to the team members with deep sorrow: "It's all my fault! If Du Yu proposes to continue to join forces and I agree, how can the Sudanese come from behind? The next scene is the key to our success, On Du Yu."

Everyone understood what the captain meant.

Just want to hug the thigh tightly as soon as you come up, hug Du Yu's thigh.

Only in this way can we hope to win the second place.

But it's not just Shinra who thinks so?

So far, who is a fool in the parliamentary country or the Sudanese?

Both sides looked at Du Yu with green eyes.

The following is the obliteration and reward link.Although everyone resents this regulation, they are powerless to change it.

It's just that this time, Shinra and Sultan are at the bottom of the list, and the adventurers who are destined to be obliterated have already been mentally prepared, and they are not as gaffes as they were in the first scene.

Obliteration, like dying in a mission, every adventurer will have such a day.

From the Shinra camp, 12 adventurers came out, and they were the unlucky 20%.

In the Sudanese camp, 6 out of helpless.

Most of these adventurers gave their points and inheritance to their friends and familiar adventurers with a calm expression, and they greeted them from time to time.

"Hey, it's a pity, but you don't need to endure this dark and ghostly life anymore." Some adventurers who received points said goodbye to their comrades helplessly.

"I thought I lost a game and closed my eyes." The obliterated person shrugged, his expression seemed calm.

The imam of Sudan and the priest of Shinra stepped out one after another, offering prayers and last-minute comfort to the obliterated adventurer.

There were also those who collapsed on the spot, yelled and rushed out.

At the moment of life and death, there are all kinds of states in the world.

Liya curled up tightly in Du Yu's arms. She couldn't understand why the gods that Du Yu and others believed in would make such cruel sacrifices.

"If you lose, you will be killed? These people are working hard against the devil. They are heroes and they shouldn't die." Liya couldn't bear it.

The same is true of Du Yu.

But who can change the will of space?

The competitive team battle of these four countries is undoubtedly bloody.

But what it gives to adventurers is extremely generous.

Take the "Monkey King's Tricks" worn by Du Yu as an example, such a powerful set of equipment, under normal circumstances, only one or two pieces will be produced if it is difficult for the inner city.How is it like now?There is Shan Wanjing's level 7 blacksmith shop, and there are a lot of rare materials that have exploded. As long as you get the relevant green suit blueprints, you can arm yourself.

There is also [The Face of Andariel] this legendary equipment, every time you kill a famous demon god and general, there is a high chance that one will explode.If an adventurer is lucky enough to get one, it will even change his personal skill tree and skills, making him a strong player.Michelle's personal combat power has been strengthened by a higher level.

Although group after group of adventurer companions were sent away, those who survived were much stronger.

Even if you don't have enough contribution points, it will never be a problem to exchange for one or two pieces of rare equipment in the goblin shop and the final reward exchange shop based on the increasingly rich points in everyone's hands.Even the players who are wiped out can designate beneficiaries of the inheritance so that the points will not be wasted.

After this world competitive team battle, there will be a large number of strong players from various countries, right?

Thousands of sails passed by the side of the sinking boat, Wan Muchun in front of the diseased tree.

The strength of the bloody city is made up of blood and corpses.

Du Yu sighed.

Following the screams, whether they were calm or fleeing, they all turned into flying ash following the cruel will of the space.

It was as if they had never been here, never existed.

This indifferent sense of unreality is what adventurers fear most.

After I die, will it also become a key, or an inheritance?
In the last erasure, there were also the tears of the female adventurer, but this time, there was only dullness and indifference.

Du Yu sighed.

Another 18 people are missing.

The total number of adventurers is only over 230.

A little more than half.

The third act, must pass, and then the fourth act.

In the end, how many can go out alive?
(End of this chapter)

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