Chapter 869 Doomsday fire rain, judge the devil! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Michelle wiped the sweat from her brow.

It was really dangerous just now, even the defense line of the wolf pupil team was almost directly breached by the monsters.

Fortunately, there was Du Yu's Beauty Wolf Eyes team in the distance, constantly responding, and launched a fierce attack from behind the monsters.Those unlucky demon summoners were beaten up by the beauties, and they couldn't play a role at all.

Even so, it took a lot of thought and energy for the wolf pupil team to be able to take the first small task.

The existence of the fog of war made the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty unaware of the existence of the Beauty Wolf Eyes team.Only a few confidantes like Michelle knew this.

Du Yu's secret hole card must be protected to the greatest extent.

"Don't relax, come on!" Du Yu led the team and rushed towards the second catapult.

At the same time, the Sudanese tried their best and finally completed the first main task [Siege of the Fortress].Due to the relatively simple task, they successfully ignited three beacon towers at the cost of 2 deaths, and scored 3720 points.Due to the adjustment of the difficulty coefficient, it became 2602 points.

Although the point rewards have become less, he can still complete the task and earn points, which is better than his opponent.The Shenluo people only grabbed one Beacon Tower, gained 1240 points, and fought fiercely in front of the second one.

Sai Yiwu glanced at the Shenluo people who were fighting fiercely among the demon group, and smiled coldly: "Let's go! Let's grab the last beacon tower."

All teams, only one goal.

Score points!

It is very strict to kill the points line this time.

Get enough points before making plans.

The Shinra people risked their lives, and after a fierce battle, they finally grabbed the second beacon tower.

They have scored 2480 points in total, which is not far behind the Sudanese.

But reducing the difficulty, whether it is good or bad, is not conclusive, and it depends on the long-term.

As the battle progressed, new developments emerged one after another.

The wolf pupil team contributed the second trebuchet and won the second 4500 points.Difficulty in hell, the rewards are really rich.

Looking at the other side of the city wall, the wolf pupil team and the IPU, Saiwu and Lampard, who were frantically fighting against the demon army, felt sore in their hearts.

Du Yu can stand up to the difficulty of hell and complete the main task crazily. Could it be that they are doing normal difficulty and nightmare difficulty, but they will fall behind in progress?

"Give it to me! Kill all the demons!"

At this time, Lampard showed his strongest state and swung his sword.

The great sword was radiant, and the sacred aura shrouded the surrounding warrior paladins.

"The advanced skill of the paladin—firm will, deals 250% damage to demon monsters, and increases the damage he takes from monsters by 50%," Maishela said to Du Yu.

"This Shenluo man is going all out." Du Yu looked at Lampard who took the lead and slashed and slashed among the monsters, and said with emotion.

Things are up to now, even if they die, they still have to rush out of the third act.

This is probably the thought in every adventurer's heart.

In front of the third act is the bloody city.

No matter how much they gain in the darkness, the adventurers don't want to stay in this ghost place anymore.

The difficulty is too high, and each scene is more difficult than the next.

If it's the fourth act, can you still live?

This kind of large-scale war theme is exactly the scene that adventurers fear most.Monsters attacked the city from all directions, and they kept coming up.Even the most defensive MT dare not say how long he can last in front of the sea of ​​monsters.

The role of the team is particularly valuable.

Datang, Shinra, and the Sudanese hugged each other tightly. At this time, no matter what enmity they usually have, they put them aside and hugged each other to survive.

"Shinra is going to do the task of [Gap in the Fortress]." Hou Hou gently landed beside Du Yu, and breathed Rulan in Du Yu's ear.

This is my favorite game to play.

Du Yu nodded.

They are conquering the third mission, the endless hordes of terrifying monsters are being continuously spewed up by the siege beasts.I don't understand why the monster swallowed by the siege beast can survive for so long.

"I can't hold on anymore," Myshela roared angrily.

The group of water pandas in the front had already been dispersed by the monsters, and two mature water pandas were killed alive.

This monster Demon Sea is really powerful.

Du Yu gritted his teeth.

He also didn't expect that the task of hell difficulty would be so difficult.

Seeing so many monsters from hell, he resolutely drew out the Doomsday Blade!
This hole card itself wanted to be used as a hidden hole card, but at this moment, for the survival of the team, it had to be used.

"Doomsday Judgment!" Du Yu's whole body's internal energy was spinning at high speed, supporting the Doomsday Blade to use this destructive move.

A world, an artifact that can only be used once, turns coldly in the air, and golden rays of destruction radiate from the blade of doom.

The gloomy sky was replaced by fiery red clouds.

The profuse snowflakes melted into red raindrops one after another.

The bloody raindrops fell on the walls of Arreat Fortress, making it even more desolate and bloody.

Then came the devastating rain of doomsday fire, which fell crazily.

The demon monsters that were as dense as the sea, under the rain of doomsday fire that destroyed everything, only persisted for more than ten seconds before completely collapsing.

How can Du Yu's trump card be underestimated?

Lampard and Sai Wu, who were fighting in the fortress, looked up at the doomsday fire and rain, and were completely stunned.

How could there be such a powerful range skill?
Anakin and Yakun naturally have seen this doomsday fire rain.

But at this time, Du Yu's skill has been greatly improved, and the power of Doomsday Fire Rain has also been greatly increased.Whether it is damage or range, it is enough to make people feel instinctive awe from the bottom of their hearts.

Seeing this doomsday fire and rain, the two defeated generals who were defeated by Du Yu's subordinates at the gate of the bloody city all recalled the unbearable past. It was a history of blood and tears.

There is no doubt that Du Yu's doomsday fire rain is extremely powerful.

In an instant, the sea of ​​hell-difficult monsters surrounding the wolf pupil team was wiped out, and the charred corpses of monsters were everywhere.

Doomsday Judgment, worthy of a god-level skill.

This move not only shocked the Shinra people and the Sudanese, but even the barbarians who were struggling with the demon army in the plot also cheered.

In the past few days, Azmodan's evil army has almost crushed Ariel Fortress.Everywhere are siege beasts, demons, and demon summoners who sow death and despair.

Now, a hero was born out of nowhere, using his peerless and powerful god-level skills to completely destroy this wave of enemy troops attacking the city.

There are more than tens of thousands of demons who died tragically in this terrifying doomsday fire rain?
This wave of intensive fatal shocks collapsed.

The demons were decimated.

And as Du Yu completed the last task of [Turning the Battle Situation], the three trebuchets had already stood high on the majestic city wall and started working.

Huge boulders, wrapped in a strong wind and with the hatred of barbarians, smashed towards the monsters attacking the city, spreading death and despair.

And the five burning beacon towers aroused the fighting spirit of the barbarian warriors. Roaring and using various skills, they rushed into the middle of the monsters and started killing them.

Du Yu received a prompt: "You have completed three branch tasks, and you will be rewarded with 4500 points again."

At this time, the points of the Datang team and the Parliament had jumped to 13500 points.This is an impressive number.

Although it is hell difficulty, the task is very difficult, but only you are strong enough to grab points and equipment, and the speed is just right.

After killing the monsters, there are really gems, equipment and materials all over the floor.

All over the city wall, everywhere.

The wolf pupil team hurriedly began to pick up the rich harvest.

Witnessing Du Yu's crazy performance, Zulu was speechless for a long time. Seeing the expressions of the black buddies, Du Yu almost knelt down and licked him.

Michelle naturally knew that Du Yu was a one-off explosion, and the follow-up was weak.But it's always good to be able to complete the task and everyone is unscathed.

"It seems that we have defended the Arreat Fortress, what should we do next?" Myshela asked.

At this moment, a huge phantom suddenly appeared in front of everyone in Arreat Fortress.

That figure exuded a desperate sinful aura, as if its whole body had been immersed in an ice cellar.

A head resembling a toad, with terrifying flames constantly spewing out from its eyes and mouth, and the strong blue muscles are full of strength.

"Is this Azmodan?" Myshea exclaimed.

Azmodan, the devil's commander in chief for this siege, why did he appear in the fortress?

Azmodan laughed wildly and said, "You guys have worked really hard. You lit the beacon tower and raised the trebuchet, but unfortunately, my excavator has already dug through the tunnel, and the army has already entered the city."

"Are you here to mock us?" Archangel Tyrell stepped forward with a calm expression, and the Archangel's sword radiated endless light.

The phantom of Azmodan also glanced at Tyrael fearfully, and said with a sinister smile, "I just came to say hello. Besides, I can see that some of my old buddies are sealed on you. Why don't I do it?" It's a good thing to let them out."

He grinned ferociously, and waved his huge fist.

Streams of black air emanated from Azmodan's body, gushing and roaring, rushing towards Du Yu.

Du Yu shouted angrily, the aura of a real dragon, full of righteousness, filled the heaven and the earth.

Azmodan also couldn't help but "huh", obviously shocked by Du Yu's righteousness of the emperor who didn't understand it.

However, as the evil king who can deter the barbarians of the Arreat Mountains with force, his strength is definitely above Du Yu's. This black energy of the demon god still invaded Du Yu's side.

Feeling this devilish energy that also came from the Burning Hell, the soul stone in Du Yu's arms trembled violently.Straits of black energy tried to escape from the soul stone and escape into the air, while Diablo's devilish energy went straight to Leah.

"I've dealt with you three times and don't you have a long memory? Diablo?" Du Yu was furious, and he was about to release the dragon and wolf to bite.

But this time the trembling was stronger than ever.On the dark soul stone, Diablo, Baal, Mephisto, Andariel, Belial, and Duriel, the six inhaled demon king souls, felt Azmodan's breath, all stood up and poured out in all directions.Diablo's target is surprisingly Leah.

(End of this chapter)

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