Chapter 870 Lies and illusions, Wan Wan controls the field! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The Archangel Tyrell saw that the situation was not good, and swung the repaired Archangel Sword, slashing at the souls of these demon gods.

Du Yu even released the dragon wolf image and participated in the battle.

In the distance, a vaguely slim figure of a woman watched Du Yu's actions coldly.


Ever since Du Yu used brutal means to kill two birds with one stone, Adria's hatred for Du Yu has risen to the same level as her belief in Diablo.

Unfortunately, even if she was blinded by hatred, she could still see that Du Yu was powerful, and it was not easy to deal with this person.

Seeing the phantom of the Demon King Azmodan appearing in front of Du Yu himself and launching an attack, Adria was so excited, she wished she could jump out immediately, snatch the Soul Stone from Du Yu's hand, and offer it to the Demon King.

Du Yu is entangled by Azmodan, and Leah needs to face Diablo's aura.This beautiful girl who had just become Du Yu's woman screamed angrily, swung her bow and arrow, and shot directly at Diablo's devilish energy with a cloud piercing arrow.

The demonic energy eroded in front of Leah and turned into Diablo's golem, but it roared and dared not move forward.

Because Liya has the set of [Kane's Destiny] carefully assembled by Du Yu, which can greatly enhance Liya's ability to resist the erosion of darkness.

Archangel Tyrell roared furiously, and the Archangel's sword struck vertically and horizontally.

Azmodan's phantom is just a projection of his true self, naturally unable to resist the power of the archangel, it was shattered by a blow, and disappeared amid wild laughter.

Naturally, the energy of the six demon gods in the dark soul stone was not enough to see. After being surrounded by everyone, it disappeared.

Liya threw herself into Du Yu's arms: "It's great to have you here."

Adria, severely crushed the statue on the corner of the street.

This premonition, as long as he is there, it seems that the master's resurrection plan will be indefinitely.

The last time he took advantage of Liya's opportunity to sleep with him, he almost succeeded in secretly possessing his master.

For the current plan, this person must be separated from the Dark Soul Stone, Leah, and the suit.

Adria, the beautiful eyes under the burqa are full of sinister color.

Du Yu helped Liya and successfully controlled the movement of the dark soul stone.At this time, Shinra and Sultan have completed their respective tasks, and their points are also rising.

"It seems that the Sudanese's choice is very wise." Shen Luoyan said in the heart of the castle: "Although the task reward points are relatively small, the difficulty of completing the task is relatively low. Maybe this is also a way. "

Du Yu smiled wryly: "Unfortunately, our goal is the hell-level Diablo, and we cannot reduce the difficulty of the task."

Shen Luoyan smiled and said: "You still have a bigger challenge, that is, the Sultan and the Shinra people. Once this plot is completed, they will choose to leave. Although the parliamentary country admires you very much, it is impossible to give up your life to accompany a gentleman. You entered the difficulty of hell. Only relying on the adventurers of Tang Dynasty, Diablo is not enough to break through the difficulty of hell. What are you going to do now?"

Du Yu was silent for a while, then smiled in his heart: "No way, I have to play tricks."

Shen Luoyan chuckled and said, "Abducting these adventurers and forcing them to take risks together? Then we have to make a good calculation."

Du Yu glanced at the Sultan and Shinra adventurers who were rushing out of the city gate in the distance. They were for the next main task [Siege Equipment], for the 9075 points.

How to force the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms to follow him into the fourth act?
Du Yu waved his hand: "Let's go!"

He already has a draft, but to implement it, he still needs the cooperation of the right time, place and people.If his guess is correct, that temptation is enough to make any rational person lose his mind

Since you can't force people to enter the fourth act, then tempt them so that they can't hold back their desires

Du Yu is like a devil, in order to achieve his goal, he does not hesitate to seduce others endlessly.But unfortunately, all adventurers could not refuse this temptation.Because they are adventurers who survive in the endless adventure world, their desire for strength and their cherishment of life are almost on par.

Without strength, life is ultimately not guaranteed.

Du Yu started from here.

The next main mission is to enter the battlefield, destroy three siege engines and a catapult, and repel Azmodan's invading vanguard.

Du Yu led the wolf pupil team, rushed out of the gate of the fortress, entered the fierce battle everywhere, and headed north.

The Sultans were fighting fiercely around the foundry under the command of Seywu.The top platform of the Foundry will have a large number of Demon Batwings flying out.In high difficulty, the Demon Bat Wing scattered around + long-range attack will be fatal to long-range occupations.

The Shinra people also went hand in hand, storming the Coster Bridge on the right, which is the only way to invade the killing field.

It can be seen from the battle that both Shinra and Sultan regard this battle as the final decisive battle and will not hold back.Sai Yiwu, Yakun, Lampard, Anakin and other top masters showed the most terrifying real strength, charged and fought fiercely with monsters, and various high-level, high-difficulty, high-kill skills emerged one after another.In particular, Saiwu and Lampard, who were known as having the strength to enter the inner city early, showed their true terrorist combat power on the eve of their return.

These two guys behaved very humble in front of Du Yu when they were at the end of their ropes, it could even be said to be funny.But when the difficulty was lowered and the battle income could make up for the consumption, they fought extremely fiercely, and the monsters in front of them continued to fall under their strong attack.

However, where Du Yu's wolf pupil team passed by, the monster's blocking was extremely dangerous, and the hell-level difficulty was reflected in every detail.

Wan Wan couldn't help rushing out of Du Yu's castle heart. She learned [The Illusion of the King of Lies] immediately, and with the support of Du Yu's villain value, she raised this S-level skill to the fifth in one go. Level, has the first branch ability.To Du Yu's great surprise, the matching degree of the illusion skill of the king of lies with Wanhou reached an astonishing 5%, even surpassing Elizabeth's matching degree of the lying skill.

This is actually not surprising.Houhou's character is originally a witch who acts recklessly and unrestrainedly, and her physique is even more of a saint of the Sunflower sect. Belial, the king of lies, recognizes her camp and qualities without a doubt.

Houhou's Heavenly Demon Dafa is originally the best field control skill. After possessing this extremely well-suited skill, her field control ability has gone a step further.

In front of the wolf pupil team, the surging monster group, often as if drunk, rushed to the surrounding space, slashed and released their skills in the empty air.

This of course has no result.

The wolf pupil team and the parliamentary national team, which were waiting in full force, were confused by this scene, but no one would miss the opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

All kinds of crazy output are fully open.Especially the firepower of the desperadoes from the parliamentary state completely blew up these monsters with difficulty in hell.

Monsters with difficulty in hell need to be hit to be a threat.Beating around in the air, they are at best targets with thicker skin and higher blood.

Under the cover of Houhou, a powerful field controller, the wolf pupil team is also advancing faster.

Although in this fierce battlefield, Azmodan's demon army is not without monsters with high spiritual perception, and can detect Houhou's illusion formation, but it has to compete with Houhou who has the strength of a cultivator in terms of spiritual cultivation ?
Hell-level monsters can only sigh in awe.

The only problem for Houhou is whether the wolf pupils team has a lot of opportunities to advance, and whether they can have enough innate true energy to continue to support this huge consumption.

She persisted for 10 minutes before retreating. At this time, hundreds of monsters had died tragically in front of the wolf pupil team.

"Ahead is the killing field!" Mai Shela's bow and crossbow swished in unison, exerting the sputtering group damage of Andariel's toxin to the extreme.

"I've seen the siege equipment in the distance!" Captain No. [-], who was charging on the front line, roared through clenched teeth.Without the cover of Houhou's illusion, the intensive artillery fire and powerful offensive of the demons immediately put him under great pressure.

There are many powerful monsters in the killing field. Azmodan seems to have sent all the demons from all over the world to the summit of Arreat to besiege the barbarians.

What's even more disgusting is that there are a lot of devil traps in this battlefield. If you accidentally step on them, you will encounter various abnormal states, and then become the target of devil ambushes.

According to the reconnaissance results of Houhou flying in front, it seems that although the siege equipment is sophisticated and powerful, it is very fragile. If possible, you can directly rush to the front to kill all the siege equipment and run away. This is the most effective way to plunder points.

Of course, this is not a wise choice on the difficulty of hell. There are not so many monsters surrounding the siege engine. Yu's offensive almost killed her.

"It's too difficult." Shen Luoyan said with emotion: "Why don't I direct everyone?"

Du Yu has been trying to protect the secret of his summoning from other adventurers.If one or two beauties show up by chance, they won't attract too much attention on the battlefield where the battle is fierce, but if they mobilize an army of beauties, they will definitely attract the attention of interested people.

But at this time, the task of destroying the siege equipment was clear whether the wolf pupil team could complete it alone. The beauty wolf pupil team was summoned by him and placed in the distance.

Shen Luoyan took a visual inspection, and began to arrange the monsters guarding the first siege equipment: "First, go up from the parliament, use long-range firepower to attract the attention of the monsters, pull away the outermost 3% of the monsters, and then the beauty team Go up, use Molier and Li Qinglu's forcible attack ability, tear a gap in the flank, attract monster firepower. Finally, the wolf pupil team goes up, cover Du Yu, Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, and complete a lore. After the mission is completed, don't love to fight , and retreat immediately, understand?"

The plan was quickly carried out.

The parliamentary state's long-range support, the beauty team's flank attack, the wolf pupil team's final impact, the masters rush in, destroy the siege equipment at close range, and finally all retreat

Everything was done seamlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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