Chapter 871 Boss, forcefully pull you into the pit! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
"Let's go!" Du Yu was overjoyed.

"It's still a pretty military master with supernatural powers of war." Du Yu smiled and hugged Shen Luoyan.

Shen Luoyan smiled wryly and shook his head: "We only defeated one trebuchet, and we got double points of 6000 points due to the difficulty of hell, and there are the other two."

Du Yu glanced at the battlefield and said regretfully, "There is no chance."

As they attracted the attention of a large number of monsters, the Sultan on the left and the Shinra on the right flew together with both wings. They completed the task of destroying the trebuchet one after another with a powerful offensive and the momentum of the last blow. According to the difficulty of the plot, they respectively got 1500 points and 3000 points.

"They have a lot of points." Shen Luoyan secretly said to Du Yu: "That's the problem, the more points there are, the less demand we have. The harder it is for us to control them, return after the third act."

Du Yu nodded: "So we want to stimulate them. Let's try to grab the remaining points."

The next main task, [Siege Destroyer] 8000 points.Adventurers from various teams came to the entrance of the dark abyss one after another to fight the decisive battle with the siege destroyer.

The siege destroyer is Azmodan's trump card. It is this guy who is constantly digging underground like an excavator, opening up the tunnel leading to the Arreat Fortress, so that the Sin King's army continues to pour out from the underground of the Fortress. The inside should be combined with the outside.Without getting rid of this monster, the barbarian army of Arreat will not be able to defend their homeland.

This siege buster is located in a spacious underground cavern.Although it is powerful, it is actually easy to fight, and the terrain is too open; and there are many pillars in the entire area that can be used as obstacles to resist the impact of monsters, or to avoid his charge sideways.

But Saiwu and Lampard didn't show much frustration on their faces.

Du Yu looked at the performance of these two heroes with cold eyes, secretly calculating in his heart.

It seemed that the two of them really didn't intend to fight anymore.

In the bloody city, no matter how tempting it is, no one will do anything that is life-threatening.

But Du Yu just wanted to lure them.

If they can't do it themselves, then tempt the boss behind them!

The bosses will never be indifferent to temptation, right?
So, in this round of dealing with the siege destroyer, Du Yushi took out the dark soul stone.

When the treasure surrounded by black mist appeared on the video screen, the four big bosses of Shinra breathed heavily at the same time.

Catherine stared at the dark soul stone in Du Yu's hand, and the black phoenix in her body seemed to be out of control, ready to rush out of her body at any time.

This dark soul stone has already gathered the dark souls of 6 demon gods. If you absorb it, your strength will skyrocket.

It's not that Catherine doesn't understand the danger.But helpless, her situation at this time seems to be pampered and powerful, but the political enemies in the dark council have pushed her to a dead end. If she has the power of absolute darkness, it will be easy to control the dark council.

Power is a double-edged sword, like a battle formation, you can decide when to start, but you can't stop if you want to.

Tracy's gaze was even deeper.

As the supreme ruler of Shinra, what she thinks in her heart is how to push the Shinra Empire created by the Habsburg family to the future generations.

Although in the bloody city that is changing extremely fast, it seems impossible to create a thousand-year-old dynasty.But Tracy, who is extremely confident in herself, believes that she has absolute strength and can do this step.

She stroked her lower abdomen secretly.There, there is new hope for the Habsburg family.

Even if the emperor dies, she can temporarily regent through the fake hand prince, and finally wait for the second child to grow up, kick the wolf-ambitious guy away, and succeed to the throne as the new emperor or empress of Shinra.

But the gradual degeneration of the space can't be hidden from Tracy's sharp eyes.

As the most intelligent politician in this space, she is always thinking about how to break the situation.

This can increase the stability of a plane's "heaven-replenishing stone"-the fragment of the world stone, which became Tracy's must-have item.It's a pity that this opportunity only happens once every 60 years, and it is limited to adventurers in the outer city.

Seeing Du Yu take out the dark soul stone and keep dangling in front of her eyes, Tracy wished she could kick the queen's lover to death and snatch the soul stone.

If this thing falls into Shinra's hands, Shinra will take the lead when the four conferences discuss how to deal with space changes in the next step, right?
Perhaps, it is time to consider allowing Datang, Sudan and the Parliament to give up a few inner city districts.

Expansion of territory will always be the main theme of the empire.

Richelieu's eyelids also twitched.

This treasure of space is enough to attract the attention of many people.

He is the most direct guide and organizer of the Shinra United team, so of course it's not just because of Shinra's reputation.In fact, at this time, the bloody city gate in the inner city is being closed, and the scene of Shinra is so good that Richelieu is not even interested in taking a look.

What he wants is the interests of the Holy See.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this dark soul stone is the treasure of the burning hell.

If it falls into the hands of the Holy See, how much stronger will the Holy See be?

The Pope is the most famous.

If he can make great contributions again and again, shouldn't it be time to mention the ranking of the archbishop in red in the next round of Pope election?

However, Richelieu's gaze focused on Lampard again.

Lampard is his confidant, and his strength is unquestionable, but it seems that in front of Du Yu, no matter whether he fights wits or courage, he is at a disadvantage.

At this time, their number was only over 50, and there was an obvious gap in strength between them and the Datang team, which was over 90.

Although Richelieu was full of confidence in the Vatican team, he was still seeking truth from facts, otherwise he would not be able to sit in the position of the cardinal.

What should we do now?
It's hard to ride a tiger.

Lampard also seemed a little discouraged, and his performance at this time can only be described as mediocre.

Richelieu's eyes focused on the dark soul stone, and finally became firm.

"Talents are hard to come by, but the opportunity of this 60-year cycle is even more rare!" Cardinal made up his mind.

As long as you follow Du Yu and enter the highest heaven, you will have a chance!

What's more, the supreme heaven is basically the base camp of the adventurers of the Holy See?
The angel of courage Imprius, the angel of justice Tyrael, the angel of destiny Israel, the angel of hope Olier, the angel of wisdom Masail, the angels of heaven, if they don’t help the adventurers of the Holy See, will there be others?
With the assistance of these powerful angels, will Shinra lose to the Wolves in the final battle?
The only problem is that Shinra has been at the bottom of the list, and Diablo, who seems unable to meet the difficulty of hell, got the dark soul stone with 7 demon souls.

But on this question, the old and cunning Richelieu already had a draft.

The answer is the wolf pupil team.

According to the rules, although the difficulty varies from high to low, when the difficulty is different, the difficulty of the alliance that is united is from high to high.This is to prevent someone from playing soy sauce, finding loopholes, deliberately joining a low-difficulty team, and completing high-difficulty tasks.

In other words, as long as Shinra follows the Datang team and continues to take risks, he can break into the highest heaven on the difficulty of hell!
At that time, it is still unknown who will win the deer!

Richelieu's eyes burst into a bright light, and he looked at Sisi, the holy concubine of the light.

She also controls some of the Holy See adventurers.

The two looked at each other, and found the same fit as themselves in each other's eyes.

Think of it together.

After Du Yu deliberately took out the Dark Soul Stone, the four bosses of Shinra, due to various reasons, have secretly promised Shinra that they must rush into the fourth act.

No matter how sensible and clear Lampard is, snatching the Dark Soul Stone from Diablo and Du Yu is a story of One Thousand and One Nights—Arabic mythology, but helplessly, the unanimous opinion of the four big brothers is enough It was decided that they must follow Du Yu to hell.

Although Du Yu didn't know the effect of taking out the soul stone, he could only keep trying various possibilities according to his own guesses.

But luckily, it looks like he's betting right this time.

Under the joint attack of the adventurers from the four countries, the War Destroyer quickly fell into absolute passiveness.

In fact, due to the joining of the Sultanate, the difficulty of this unlucky siege destroyer quickly dropped to normal difficulty, allowing the other three countries to benefit from it.

But even so, the siege beast still shocked the adventurers of the four countries into a cold sweat.

Under the joint strong attack of Du Yu's three masters, the siege destroyer finally escaped death, and was killed by Yang Guo's ecstasy palm.

This main task was snatched by the Wolf pupil team and the parliament country. The double points of 16000 allowed the wolf pupil team and the parliament country to join hands again, leading the other two teams.

After destroying the siege engines, Azmodan's phantom reappeared.

"You think you can rest easy after killing my siege beast?" Azmodan's expression was still full of disdain: "I will wait for you in the depths of Arreat's giant pit."

Du Yu and other adventurers from the four countries teleported back to the fortress to rest.

Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop was upgraded to level 8 with a flash of golden light after Du Yu and adventurers from the Four Kingdoms smashed countless forging books together! Her blacksmith skill was also upgraded to level 15.

The skills of life professions may not be capped at level 10. Of course, the higher the skill level, the more exquisite the things created and the better the additional attributes.

Du Yu believed that after being baptized in this dark world, Shan Wanjing, who returned to the space, was among the top blacksmiths even in the bloody city.

Seeing Du Yu coming back, she raised the blacksmith's hammer in her hand, smiled slightly, and buried her head in the blacksmith's shop again, continuing to sweat profusely.

Maishela smiled softly: "I asked Wanjing. She has secretly memorized all the adventurer equipment of each team that has passed through her hands, and organized it into an equipment map. At this time, she can create space equipment, which has been upgraded. For BB grade!
You know, when she entered this world, her ability was only to create C-level equipment. After this, she has been promoted to two levels in a row, and she can directly create top-level equipment in the inner city.

(End of this chapter)

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