Chapter 872 Do you still want face? - Ask for a monthly pass!

In addition, Shan Wanjing has access to almost all the core equipment of the strong teams of the four countries in this world, and the equipment map she compiled covers the secrets of all the strong teams.Going back this time, it is foreseeable that the equipment level of the wolf pupil team will rise to a big level.

Of course, the ability is there, but what about the materials?
Spatial equipment cannot be completed with ordinary gold and iron, but is similar to the rare equipment in Diablo III, which requires rare materials from various monsters and rare ores from the ground.Whether it is Warcraft or ore, it is necessary to break through the natural danger of the wild bloodland and develop it.

In the final analysis, it still depends on strength to solve it.

Another item was added to Du Yu's task list.

Hunt and kill monsters, mine ores, and provide them to Shan Wanjing to create better weapons and armor and improve the team's strength.

He couldn't help sighing.

To be honest, the wolf pupil team can develop so smoothly, thanks to Hou Xiaobai's Datang military map.But as the team grows stronger and the map becomes more outdated, the growth of the team also needs other support points.

After all, if you use a map, you can easily create a strong team, why didn't Hou Xiaobai succeed?

After resting their equipment, the Wolves team encountered a dejected Lampard.

It seems that this guy's complexion is very bad.

Is it

Du Yu smiled slightly.

Showing off the dark soul stone by yourself is so stimulating to the upper layers of Shinra?

When Lampard saw Du Yu, he was as cold as water, and forced a smile: "I want to ask, do you intend to rush into the highest heaven in the fourth act?"

Du Yu made a look of embarrassment: "To be honest, I had this delusion at first, but after being tortured so painfully in the difficulty of hell in the third act, I have given up this plan."

Du Yu deserved to be a wretched character, and he could tell at a glance that Lampard intended to negotiate with him, so he simply retreated to advance.

Lampard cursed in his heart.

It is obvious that Du Yu is most eager to continue the alliance with Shinra, to face Diablo together, and to find someone to back him up, but now he puts on an expression of "Whoever wants to go, I won't make an appointment", and he wants to find him later. He used the excuse of continuing to participate in the war, and took the opportunity to ask for some benefits, but it was completely in vain.

He vomited blood from Du Yu's wretchedness.

If Richelieu hadn't summoned him with an extremely serious expression just now, and also conveyed an unquestionable order-to join forces with Du Yu, rush into the fourth act of the highest heaven, and use the unique relationship between the Holy See and heaven to complete the task, Get Diablo's Soul Stone.

Although the soul stone was held by Du Yu at this time, Richelieu and others knew that as a key plot item, they would return to Diablo sooner or later, otherwise how would this god of destruction transform?

If Diablo didn't change his body, there would be no fourth act.At this moment, what Du Yu had in his hand was nothing but a powerless plot item.

Lampard is in a heavy heart.

If he had a choice, he would not want to go to hell difficulty and kill Diablo.The army of the Azmodan demon king in front of them was terrified.

But there is no choice.

The four brothers ordered at the same time.

All of Shinra's teams must obey one of them.The only exception, Urum's Chicago fraternity, seems to have been wiped out.

This order was quickly carried out.

But Du Yu, this wretched guy, now has a face of reluctance, shouting "No appointment, I won't date", do you want face?

"At this time, the alliance is the alliance, but whether we want to break into the fourth act, I have to discuss with the team before I can answer you." Du Yu was even more wretched, playing the public opinion card.

Lampard knew that if he wanted to take the opportunity to ask for some benefits, it would be useless.This iron rooster has a tendency to pretend to be aggressive all the way and turn against customers, so it's not bad to not let himself bleed.

Lampard mourned in his heart.

In the fourth act, do you have the order to go in and come out?

If Richelieu hadn't told himself a great secret at the last moment, guaranteeing that after entering the fourth act of heaven, the Holy See would have a chance to fight back, Lampard would have violated the order and would return to the bloody city in the third act.

That secret, if true, would be a good chance to turn defeat into victory.

Seeing Du Yu's innocent and unwilling expressions, Lampard gritted his teeth and sneered in his heart, "Just pretend, you just pretend, after I enter heaven, it won't be too late to settle accounts with you."

The Sudanese were calm.

Through the reaction of the Shenluo people, Sai Yiwu had roughly guessed that the unlucky children were forced by the boss to participate in the bloody competition in the next scene.

They are very thankful that they don't have such a hard fate as Shinra.

But Sai Yiwu couldn't help feeling terrified when he saw the look in Du Yu's eyes.

Although there is no proof, Du Yu is indeed all right, showing off the Dark Soul Stone in his hand for fun.

Is there a direct relationship between Du Yu's deliberate show-off and the fact that Shinra's senior management clearly ordered the team to continue to take risks and compete for this thing?

He prayed to the true God in his heart, hurry up and order a thunderbolt to kill this monstrous Emperor Showcasing, and don't let Emperor Saladin or Captain Hussein see the dark soul stone in this guy's hand.

"Hurry up and finish the fight, hurry up!" This is Sai Yiwu's order to his teammates.

The Sudanese finished their rest in the fortress at the speed of a [-]-meter race, and rushed towards the giant pit of Arreat like a frightened rabbit.

If you don't count the fourth act, this is the last scene.

The hope of returning home is just around the corner.

The continuous obliteration has made the Sudanese lose their ambition to fight for hegemony.

Points and so on, equipment and so on, soul stones and so on, are all floating clouds.

They shouted in their hearts that the only way to go home alive is king.

Du Yu reincorporated the Shinra team into his own tactical system.Although he didn't know Lampard's hole cards and confidence in re-cooperating, he could guess that the Shinra people must have hidden backhands.

Otherwise, with the current strength and performance of Shinra, no one can have illusions anymore.

Shinra was pushed to the front line of cannon fodder by Du Yu very bitterly once, serving as the MT of the alliance, the wolf pupil team was connected and supported, and the adventurers of the parliamentary country supported remotely.

Although the number of adventurers in Du Yu's camp has dropped to just over 180 at this time, they are all elites who have experienced hundreds of battles and survived bloody battles!

The equipment on them has been upgraded to gold equipment and blue equipment mainly due to frequent battles, repeated boss explosions, and Shan Wanjing's upgrades!
Even on a few elite adventurers, such as Lampard, Sai Wu, Anakin, Yakun, etc., orange legendary equipment has appeared!
You know, they still have a lot of points, which can be exchanged for dark equipment.

This is the world team battle!
The difficulty is indeed high, but once you get out of here, you can immediately change your body and increase your strength by 2-3 steps.

Of course, with the development of the plot, under the leadership of Du Yu, the strong rise of the Datang team is the biggest beneficiary of the entire world.Who doesn't have a piece or two of golden equipment on the main force of the wolf pupil team?

An absolute main force like Michelle already has at least one piece of legendary equipment.

What makes the teams even more jealous is that the organization of the wolf pupil team at this time is still intact, and it seems that there are only 2 downsizing.

This is simply a myth for strong teams from various countries that often suffer more than half of their casualties, or even wipe out their teams!
The myth created by Du Yu.

That's why Du Yu had such confidence, and that's why Lampard had to condescend and ask Du Yu to discuss it again.

Because, the wolf pupil team is the only main team that can form the core of the fourth act!
Who else can I?

Du Yu looked up at the gloomy Arreat Pit.

This is the lair of the evil lord Azmodan.Kill him, and the siege of Arreat will be broken.

The Arreat Crater has two floors.The first floor can lead to the Tower of Condemnation; only through the Tower of Condemnation can you go to the second floor.

One of the biggest characteristics of the monsters here is that there are so many monsters, and groups of monsters rush up within a short walk.Moreover, the succubi and demon warriors who entered the two sin towers are quite difficult to deal with.The most frightening thing is that these monsters, under the accumulation of hell difficulty, have greatly increased in both attributes and numbers, and the threat to adventurers is even more deadly.

Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.There are always people who better than you.This is a pair of eternal contradictions.

After hundreds of battles, adventurers have greatly improved their equipment and skills. With good equipment and more experience, monsters have also become stronger, forcing adventurers to accelerate their evolution.

At this time, the Shinra adventurer also went all out.

The order of the four big brothers was conveyed to everyone.

The London Orphans in the Twist, the Western Trail Blazers, the Australian Kangaroos, and the Supreme Judge all bowed their heads.They were already inextricably linked with the big bosses.

What's more, the captain's phrase "Heaven is in our hands" added to their motivation.

As long as there is hope.

At this time, they gritted their teeth in various ways, and under the impact of the monster, they held on tightly.Fortunately, there are indeed more knights, crusaders, and priests in Shinra.The toughness of defense and tacit cooperation far surpass any team.

The wolf pupil team didn't hide their secrets either, they eliminated all the water pandas and others. The melee team including Li Tang, Captain No. [-], and Cormac also charged forward, desperately resisting, and took turns with the holy knights of Shinra.

Du Yu, Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, Shen Diao and other strong men didn't dare to let the demons attack the defense line. They kept attacking the most fierce monsters and the most precarious part of the defense line.From time to time, they will launch surprise attacks against the enemy's long-range legal system occupations such as demon summoners, and eliminate the demon's summoning system on a fixed-point basis.

Long-distance adventurers dare not slack off.Everyone took out the strongest firepower output, focusing on the demons in front of them non-stop, suppressing the monster's charge.

Throughout the battlefield, only the sound of clashing weapons and shields, the screams of monsters, the sound of bows and arrows piercing into flesh, the roar of knights, and the chants of priests, monks, and Taoist priests were heard. The battle was extremely fierce and cruel. .

The adventurer alliance, almost in inches, is advancing step by step.

I often encounter waves of crazy monsters, and I need to retreat tactically, fighting while walking, consuming the enemy's vital strength.After the monsters were killed all the way to death, they pushed back in a wave.

(End of this chapter)

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