Chapter 873 Eastern Cooperation, Witch's Scheme! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
This is the tug of war.

Based on the cooperation experience in the first and second acts, in the third act, the teams of Shinra, the Assembly Kingdom, and Datang have cooperated quite tacitly. Although the number of people has decreased, the combat power has not decreased but increased.

Finally, the adventurers came to the Tower of Condemnation through the first floor. There are three floors here, and the terrain is not very complicated.That is, there are more monsters and demons, and they are stronger.

This simply forced the adventurers to go all out.

"I suddenly remembered, Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang, where are they now?" Michelle suddenly said, "They didn't show up in the second scene, could they be obliterated?"

Du Yu shook his head and said, "These two guys, shouldn't be able to hold back, right? There are many random tasks in the second act, which can be completed. But in the third act, the difficulty they face should be improved along with our Datang team." Reaching the hell level! Random missions with hell level difficulty cannot be eaten by two people. Even the masters in the inner city are the same."

Before he finished speaking, as if to verify Du Yu's foresight, a red figure appeared lonely on a high cliff in front of the wolf pupil team.

Next to her lay a man.

It was Dongfang Bubai and Qiu Haijun.

"Have you recovered yet?" Du Yu narrowed his eyes.

Dongfang Bubai's indifferent voice came from the upload: "I need points, for two people, 400 points."

This is a typical oriental undefeated style, direct, rough and simple.

400 points, [-] per person, life-saving, do you want one more point?

"Yes." Du Yu nodded.

"Enough points, leave," Dongfang Bubai continued indifferently.

"Aren't you afraid that we are at the bottom of the Tang Dynasty, and your points will be wiped out?" Du Yu smiled.

"Datang's score has already locked in the first place." Dongfang Bubai didn't mean to be fooled in the slightest. It seemed that even if he was far away, he could analyze the strength and ranking of the Datang team from the space reminder of the mission completion.

Du Yu nodded: "The next main task is to assassinate Azmodan, how about going after completing this main task?"

Dongfang Bubai glanced at Qiu Haijun who was still in a deep dying state, and finally nodded.

Bringing a cripple who can't fight at all, even if he is a powerhouse in the inner city, it is not easy for the wolf pupil team to accept.

After all, it is the difficulty of hell at this time, after all, their opponents are demon gods and generals.

But Du Yu still agreed to come down and take care of Qiu Haijun.

If Dongfang Bubai only has himself, he will not bow to Du Yu even if he dies.

She has this character, she can die, but she can't bow her head.

But for Qiu Haijun, she made a choice.

"How did you come here in the second scene?" Du Yu asked.

"Random task" Dongfang Bubai said: "That guy has completed another random task."

Du Yu nodded. The second act happened to leave two random missions, one for Dongfang Bubai and one for Tian Yulang.These two guys found themselves because of Qiu Haijun, who killed each other so hard, and it was impossible to cooperate.

But at the difficulty of hell at this time, isn't Tian Yulang ready to appear?
How did he pass the obliteration?
With Dongfang Bubai joining the team, it immediately changed again.

Perhaps it was to show that he and Qiu Haijun were not burdensome, Dongfang Bubai played extremely aggressively.Her red dress fluttered like a red cloud, raging on the battlefield. Wherever she passed, the fragile and troublesome demon summoners and spellcasters were pierced through their heads by embroidery needles and died tragically on the spot.The strong demons tried to intercept this hateful enemy, but they couldn't do it at all.

Dongfang Bubai, just like her name, is a completely invincible god of war in battle.Although her kung fu is feminine and looks like an embroidered girl, her fighting will is that of a pure man just now.Even the demons and monsters in the vast sea can't stop her from going forward bravely.

Qiu Haijun was taken care of by Rourou, trying to find a way to revive him as soon as possible.His comrades also looked back worriedly from time to time.

With the addition of Dongfang Bubai, Du Yu's team is full of masters. The five masters take turns to attack. Even the demon army on hell difficulty can't stand it.

Boost speed, speed up again.

After a fierce battle, everyone came to the last floor of the Tower of Condemnation to destroy the heart of sin.

Setia's daughter, a spider queen, appeared and yelled at the adventurers.

"Is this the daughter of the Lust Witch?" Li Tang dissatisfied: "It's clearly a title party. This big furry spider has nothing to do with the word porn no matter how you look at it. It's totally unscientific to call it a Lust Witch."

Many adventurers who were looking forward to seeing a coquettish witch also complained.

But this aura-filled female BOSS was obviously extremely dissatisfied with the many adventurers who questioned her appearance. After screaming, she began to attack frantically.

"After killing this monster, give me 400 points," Dongfang Bubai said coldly.

Michela said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, you are alone in a coma, and you still want to take our Rourou caretaker, what points do you need?"

Du Yu nodded, "If you want to be the main player, I'll give you 400 points."

Dongfang Bubai nodded, a red cloud, lightning drifted towards the lustful witch's daughter.

Before everyone could blink, they saw Setia's daughter screaming, and a stream of yellow juice had already spewed out from her potbellied lower abdomen.

The vital point in her lower abdomen was blown away by Dongfang Bubai with a single shot!
It really was a shot.

Dongfang Bubai is like a spinning shuttle, puncturing around Setia's daughter crazily.Hearing the sound of puff puff puff, Setia's daughter kept spitting out yellow body fluid, and her sharp hairy legs kept retreating.

"Is this a human?" Li Tang was dumbfounded.

Although everyone has been hostile for a long time, the last time Dongfang Bubai had no time to deal with Du Yu, he was interrupted by Qiu Haijun who besieged Wei and rescued Zhao. Only then did everyone know how terrifying this guy is.

Du Yu said leisurely and complacently: "Others, don't be idle. The situation opened by Dongfang girl, hurry up and kill this boss."

Setia's daughter was finally overthrown quickly.

The adventurers of Datang, Shinra, and the Parliamentary Kingdom completed the first step of the main task of [The Core of Evil]: Killing the Seductive Queen's Daughter and getting 13000 points.

This huge amount of points made the Wolf pupil team extremely excited.

Du Yu was generous and gave Dongfang Undefeated 3000 points.Everyone can see that without the help of this terrifying swordsman, the wolf pupil team would not be able to overthrow the seductive queen's daughter so easily. 3000 points, well deserved.

Who knew, Dongfang Bubai only accepted 400 points, and the remaining 2600 points were not taken.

She picked up Qiu Haijun who was still unconscious, walked towards the exit coldly, and said a word.

"You and I have the same grievances, the next time we meet, we will definitely kill you."

Du Yu smiled slightly.

He has never been afraid of Dongfang Invincible.

Even if you are afraid in your heart, you are not afraid with your mouth.

"Looking forward to meeting you next time"

Dongfang Bubai, this behavior shows that the relationship with Du Yu is just a cooperative relationship.

She had no other way out, so she came to cooperate with Du Yu, each took what they needed, and then broke up, each owed nothing, that's all.

The next time we meet, the relationship between the two parties as enemies will remain the same, no matter how we fight or kill, there will be no mercy at all.

"Actually, if it weren't for Dongfang Invincible, I would be willing to be friends with him against us," Du Yu said with emotion.

"Compared to a guy hiding in the dark, waiting to attack us, Dongfang Bubai is simply a gentleman," Myshea also said with emotion.

The so-called hidden guy naturally refers to Tian Yulang.

He has no base points and will definitely be wiped out.

But relying on personal strength, there is no way to break through the difficulty of a task and get points.

After defeating the Queen's daughter, in addition to earning points, she also got a large amount of equipment, but these are things that Du Yu no longer cares about.

He only cares about one thing.

How can the Sudanese be deceived and abducted?
After destroying Guilty Heart, go to the second floor of Arak's Crater.The second level of Arak's Crater is in much the same condition as the first level.The overall strength of the monsters is also relatively large, and the maps are relatively similar.By reaching the Tower of Curses for the second time, you will come to the third floor of the Tower of Curses to have a decisive battle with the BOSS, Sedia.

The seductive queen's main attack method is to release poisonous magic bullets to attack, and then summon some poisonous spider minions; occasionally release some spider webs to delay adventurers.This area is very open, and adventurers can slowly fight around it.

But it was Setia who still caused serious damage to the strong teams that formed the alliance.

The Sudanese don't know where they went.It seems that they completely ignored the fact that Du Yu deliberately allocated points to the Shinra people, so that the Shinra people kicked the Sudanese to the bottom of the standings.

Are you not afraid of obliteration?
Indeed, if even this is spared, the Sudanese are indeed overbearing.

But judging from the standings, they should be doing the random task of clearing the fort.It seems that it should be much easier to complete random tasks in the fortress.The Sudanese are not greedy, they can get as much as they can, and try to get as much benefit as possible.

To be honest, even Du Yu admired the precise judgment of the Sudanese.

This approach is the best way to protect the team.

Unfortunately, for the sake of the dark soul stone, Du Yu had to find a way to interrupt the Sudanese's shrinking tactics.

Accompanied by Setia's scream, the queen of lust could not escape her death in the end.

Although a considerable price was paid, four adventurers were killed by the witch spider, but Azmodan's most loyal follower was finally killed.

The way to attack the Demon King has been completely opened up.

The three-nation alliance scored an astonishing 17600 points.

At this time, the total points of each team has reached an outrageous height.

1. Datang team. 40000 points.

2. Parliamentary state. 22100 points.

3. Team Shinra. 10730 points.

4. Team Sudan. 8327 points.

Sure enough, it was the difficulty of hell, with double points. With one final boss still missing, the Datang people had already obtained a high score of over 40000, basically securing the first position.

The following is the ultimate decisive battle of the evil core.

The Sudanese also appeared on the battlefield. It seems that in this final battle, they will also risk being upgraded to the difficulty of hell by the Wolf Eyes team, fighting hard to see if they can overtake the Shinra team again and reduce casualties.

After all, killing the evil king Azmodan rewards 12350 points, and the Sudanese still have hope to overtake.

When returning to the city for supplies for the last time, Du Yu looked up and saw Adria.

The witch had recovered her cold face, standing at the highest point of the fortress, coldly watching the adventurers who kept returning in triumph.

In the third act, although faced with stronger opponents, the team of experienced adventurers minimized the death effort.Even on hell difficulty, only 20 adventurers were killed.

This is an unimaginable number in the past.

Judging from the current situation, the adventurers are very likely to use half of the main force to break through the obstruction of the third act and obtain the qualification to return to the bloody city.

Half of them survived, which is a very high proportion in the history of nearly a hundred years of world competitive team battles.

Of course, the fourth act is not counted.

Although the intrusion of some inner city masters made the strength of the adventurers much higher than the ordinary TOP400, but this achievement was directly related to Du Yu's advocacy organization, and the adventurers paid more attention to teamwork and collaboration.

From the first act, Du Yu deliberately guided, organized adventurers from all over the world, formed an alliance, and fought against the demons together. After the third act, most of the most difficult hurdles were tackled by adventurers from three countries and above.This greatly reduces losses.

Of course, this scene was also seen in Adria's eyes.

Seeing that the most hateful guy is expected to lead these adventurers to create miracles again and kill Azmodan, this Adria not only does not have much hatred, but the flaming red lips under the burqa are gradually revealing smiled.

Even Du Yu couldn't guess that what she wanted was actually this result.

"Take it. Put Azmodan into the soul stone, gather the souls of the seven great demon gods, and restore the original appearance of the strongest soul stone." The dark witch murmured, "This is the best ending."

She licked her red lips, and looked mercilessly at Liya, who was bouncing around beside Du Yu.

"When the dark soul stone returns to its strongest state, I will use it to liberate my master Diablo!" A trace of enthusiasm appeared in her beautiful eyes: "And this time my master will be in the most perfect state recovery. Du Yu, you will never survive this test!"

She crushed the battlements filled with wind and snow!
"Leah, what happened to Diablo's lineage in your body recently?" As the third act drew to a close, Du Yu began to care about this issue.

You know, in the plot, Leah transformed into Diablo and entered the high heaven after killing Azmodan in the third act.

However, due to Du Yu's intervention, this process was greatly deviated from the established direction.The Diablo bloodline in Leah had no power to resist at all. It was suppressed to death by [Kane's Destiny], and it was brutally abused by Du Yu four times in a row, which was continuously weakened to the extreme.

Du Yu looked up and saw the charming carcass covered by a purple magic robe on the snowy city wall, and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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