Chapter 875 The Great Sage's Trick! Infinite Power! - Ask for a monthly pass!

And Lampard's heavy shield assault is full of power, hitting the Sin King's knee hard every time.

Everyone knows that this evil king is definitely not easy to deal with, he is an existence on the same level as Diablo.

Once he frees his hand, what kind of cruel massacre will be carried out on the adventurers?No one dared to bet.

You must seize the opportunity to output.

Even the Sudanese arrived, and the long-range fierce firepower, coupled with the assault of the cavalry, unfolded randomly.

They cooperated with the Du Yu Datang team to destroy Azmodan, and they could only play from high difficulty to hell difficulty.

Azmodan only used three moves to deal with the Dragon Queen Morrell.

The first move was the destruction ray, which scorched Morrill's dragon scales that were originally resistant to magic.

Du Yu was stunned, the priority of Azmodan's skill probably exceeded 60!

Otherwise, with the anti-magic attribute of the Dragon Queen Morrill, how could Azmodan defeat her so easily?

Azmodan didn't even stop, and struck directly with a fierce fist, which actually caused the giant dragon Morrill to let out a high-pitched and mournful dragon cry, and a large amount of dragon's blood gushed out along the fractured and shattered wound.

"This guy is obviously a long-range magic boss, how can he be so brave in close combat?" Du Yu was a little dazed.

To be honest, before fighting against Azmodan, he had already imagined that the demon god was very powerful, but after fighting, he realized that the opponent's strength was simply beyond his best estimate.

You know, the giant dragon Moliel is the most defensive crystal dragon.

The defensive power of Crystal Dragon is one of the best in Heroes.

Being punched by a magic BOSS and causing blood flow is unscientific, no matter how you look at it?

But Azmodan is so domineering.

He was besieged by the adventurers, and he was very impatient, so he used the third trick.

A wave of black air surged, and a circle of black hell vortex similar to that of Belial appeared out of nowhere!
High damage!
Absolutely high damage!
Even Molly, who stood in front of the adventurer, was hit by this wave of circular offensive and fell to the ground with a groan.

The Queen of Dragons, who was recovered by Du Yu, couldn't stop the full three-axes of the King of Sin on the difficulty of hell.

Du Yu hurriedly put away Molier, fearing that Azmodan would kill him with one move, and it would be a big loss.

Adventurers from all walks of life fled and scattered under the 360-degree circular black hell vortex with no dead ends.

No one dared to block this Azmodan for a turn.

Even though they escaped so quickly, there were still some unlucky melee fighters who were sucked into the black hell vortex, and immediately screamed, before they could even be rescued, they died miserably on the spot.

Those screams made Du Yu very sad.

These are the elites who survived all battles.

Azmodan got rid of the dragon queen's harassment, laughed wildly, ignored the more than 200 adventurers who were madly attacking him, and threw two huge fists.

Around him, one after another summoned dead corpses, which suddenly fell and hurt the adventurer. Everyone had just escaped from the black hell vortex, and they were still in shock. They were attacked in a large area again, so they had to continue to scatter to avoid damage.

At this time, the battle formation, under the attack of Azmodan's group, has been defeated and completely lost its complete ability.

Azmodan didn't let go of this opportunity, seized the time again, and rushed and struck.

Another big move!
With a wave of his hand, a summoning hell portal appeared in the air, and a large number of hell monsters were summoned to attack the adventurer.

These monsters may not be very powerful, but as long as they get close to them, adventurers will have no time to worry about other things and have to deal with the immediate crisis.

Azmodan laughed wildly.After a series of group attacks, he has successfully cut off the formation and coordination of the adventurers. The adventurers are fighting on their own, and sooner or later he will kill them one by one.

But at this moment Du Yu stood up!

"I'll deal with it!" Du Yu dodged and rushed towards Azmodan, who was dozens of meters high and was like a demon god.

Azmodan instinctively felt threatened by Du Yu.

Du Yu was like a fired shell, rushing towards it.The green fluorescent glowing [Monkey King's Tricks] on Du Yu's body is even more dazzling. The four dazzling perfect gems make this set, even in the eyes of the burning hell demon god Azmodan, invaluable.

"Hit me!" Azmodan waved his fist angrily.

Exploding meteorites fell from the sky one after another, hitting Du Yu.

Du Yu dodged with his body, dodged the exploding meteorite like lightning, was as light as a swallow in the air, and continued to attack Azmodan.

This move was so beautiful that even Azmodan was taken aback.

Although Du Yu was known for his agility before, this Sun Wukong green suit added 140 points to his agility!

This is an astronomical figure, and with Du Yu's agility, he broke through the 300-point barrier in one go.

That's a margin beyond inner-city adventurers.

With this speed, coupled with Ti Yunzong's light work, Du Yu jumped onto Azmodan's shoulder in one breath, and punched the toad-like demon god's neck!

Azmodan roared wildly, but Du Yu's inner strength was strong, and this blow made him stagger and fall sideways.

Azmodan also didn't expect that this seemingly weak Du Yu could be so vicious with one blow.

But this is just the beginning!
Du Yu's combo attacks came like crazy.

Dragon fights in the wild—fish jumps in the abyss—two dragons come out of the water—antelope arrives in the domain—the dragon has regrets

The combo of blows made Azmodan so painful that he couldn't die.

But randomly, the powerful green top suit [Monkey King's Trick] suit attribute is activated!
A vivid little Monkey King, casually holding a golden cudgel, appeared on the other side of Azmodan's shoulder.

After it messed around, Azmodan couldn't help punching the mosquito-like but terribly disturbing Monkey King avatar!
There was only a scream from the monkey, and the clone was beaten to pieces.

Originally, Azmodan was very satisfied to hear the cracking sound, and beating the mosquitoes like this was really relieved.Next time it will be the turn of the swift and windy mosquito.

But what happened next was very unhappy.

The golden monkey clone exploded in the air.

Deals 10x damage.

Even Azmodan couldn't ignore the huge pain caused by the ten times the damage of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Immediately afterwards, Du Yu's continuous palm attacks broke out again.

It was another storm-like combo that left Azmodan ashamed.

Still haven't recovered from this set of combos, Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng have already joined hands, hitting Azmodan again with a combo of moves, and kept retreating.

The crazy praise of these three people made all the adventurers who watched from a distance feel ashamed.

"What is Du Yu's background?" Even Lampard, who is as proud as Lampard, couldn't help expressing such emotion.

As the Holy See of the Holy See, he deliberately stayed in the outer city's seed player, and took on the important task of cultivating and strengthening the outer city's supreme referee team. He had a very high vision, and ordinary geniuses did not catch his attention at all.

However, Du Yu, a genuine strongman in the outer city, was able to beat Azmodan head-on in a one-on-one challenge, which made him feel palpitations.

Such an opponent, even with that secret hole card, can he win?

In the dark, Adria, who had been observing carefully, gritted her teeth.

"This bastard!" Adria, who had been waiting to see how Du Yu died miserably, actually saw the opposite fact. Du Yu was holding down the mighty Azmodan, constantly bursting out with combos.The powerful attributes added by various suits kept bombarding the toad-like Azmodan's face, beating the evil king and howling endlessly.It sounds like a toad.

"How is this possible?" It's unscientific how Adria sees this guy with a hippie smile.How could such a person be so powerful?
But it's the truth.

No matter how upset she was, she still had to think about what to do if Du Yu defeated Azmodan?
In the previous calculation, the dark soul stone had to be inserted into the body of his daughter Leah.

But if this guy wins Azmodan and absorbs the soul of the seventh demon god, the dark soul stone has completely completed its morphological evolution and has the conditions to revive its master in the strongest state.

But if this person is not eliminated, why resurrect the master?

Adria is really anxious, she can't wait to go up in person and help Azmodan fight.

But Du Yu was still strong, his boxing skills were extremely tough, withstanding all kinds of magical damage given by Azmodan, punch after punch, palm after palm, made Azmodan miserable.

Hearing the screams of the toad-like demon god, and seeing the heroic performance of Du Yu's divine soldiers, the scattered adventurers gradually settled down.

They began to feel that this Azmodan didn't seem so invincible.

"This guy, it sounds really ugly."

"Captain Du Yu is so tough, dare to confront Azmodan like this."

"There are also Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, they are indeed legendary figures."

"Why are we still standing there? Fire up."

After a while of panic, the adventurers returned to their normal state, and the violent output started again.

There are surges of magic chants, bullet casings flying, swords and swords waving, and cavalry cavalry rushing forward.

Adventurers, once again resumed the normal attack order.

Azmodan became miserable.

It struck repeatedly, but Du Yu was like a Monkey King, wandering around and attacking his body, striking fiercely with each move, making Azmodan anxious.

At the same time, the adventurers cooperated inside and outside, and the salvo of artillery fire started again.

With a wave of its hand, it sent out a black hell vortex again.

But the adventurers who had calmed down took their positions one after another. After gaining experience once, they paid great attention to it. This skill is not unavoidable.

While launching a fierce attack, Du Yu paid close attention to the movement around him.

He has never forgotten that there is still an uninvited guest secretly spying on his every move.

Yes, it is Tian Yulang.

This guy has no points yet.

Dongfang Bubai and Du Yu cooperated with each other dignifiedly, each took what he needed, did not owe each other, and left with enough points.

But Tian Yulang was not so easy to dismiss.

Will he hide in the dark, waiting to attack him?

This is entirely possible given the deep hatred he has with himself.

There is also hatred, and Adria.

(End of this chapter)

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