Chapter 876 Turning enemies into friends, angrily killing powerful enemies! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
If I fucked this vicious woman so hard, this guy will definitely take revenge at the right time.

This decisive battle of Azmodan is the last chance.

While Du Yu was fighting Azmodan, he kept an eye on the movements of all sides, but his combo of attacks against Azmodan never stopped.

Azmodan changed dozens of skills, but failed to break through Du Yu's crazy attack, and couldn't help bursting into rage.

The big move is opened continuously, it is the dark vortex of hell, and the corpses are descending, sometimes the demon summons the door, sometimes explodes the magma ball, and various skills emerge in endlessly.

But Du Yu played even more boldly, grasping Azmodan's shortcoming of melee combat, he punched and rushed, 10 times the golden monkey clone exploded, and 5 times the three-second critical strike, he used it superbly.

The monk used to rely on the agility attribute to increase his combat power. Du Yu's agility now exceeded 300 points, and every blow had earth-shattering power.He usually hides his strength and doesn't show much, but this time he grabbed Azmodan and beat him up crazily, finally letting the adventurers of the four countries see his majestic face clearly, and he was very grateful.

This bastard is really good at disguising.

Richelieu cursed in his heart.

But to take the Soul Stone from Diablo's hands, he needs a fierce man like Du Yu to open the way, so he can bear it.

Seeing Du Yu's almost crazy one-on-one attack, Tracy was gasping for breath.No matter how you look at it, this bastard is not pleasing to the eye.Turn back and give Sir Mordel a chance to kill him.

Catherine's beautiful watery eyes stared at Du Yu's vigorous figure like a dragon, walking on the body of the demon god Azmodan, causing serious injuries and explosions everywhere, and she was fascinated by it.

How could I be fascinated by ghosts for a while, and be tempted by the rose knight Mordel who has a good skin in the sky?
Now it seems that it is simply stupid.

Du Yu's act of a pure man, who has been singled out with the demon god many times, is more comfortable than Model, who lacks yang and has more than femininity.

She clenched her teeth tightly.

If Du Yu can give himself a chance, he must seize it.

A person can make a mistake once, but if he steps into the same river over and over again, it is hopeless.

Catherine's beautiful eyes were full of affection.

With a lover as strong as Du Yu, why would he be afraid of the Dark Council?
After realizing that Du Yu is strong, Catherine can't help but start to re-examine her relationship with Du Yu.

Maybe, the Dark Parliament can really rely on Du Yu?

Fight side by side with Du Yu and eradicate them!

Catherine made up her mind.

Du Yu didn't know the opinions of outsiders, he just concentrated on fighting fiercely with the demon god Azmodan.

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!
Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong!
Lingbo microsteps!

Move the stars!

Under the urging of Du Yu's Secret of Longevity, the skills acquired from previous adventures burst out with unprecedented power and bombarded Azmodan's body heavily.

The demon god was beaten by Du Yu and screamed miserably.

The development of the battle situation began with Du Yu's strong fight, and now the three Du Yu brothers are firmly controlling the rhythm of the battle.

Azmodan could no longer be arrogant.

Just when the demon god was about to be overthrown by Du Yu, Du Yu suddenly felt palpitations.

Danger strikes!

He desperately pushed away Yang Guo, who was bombarding Azmodan, and jumped.

A icy and piercing sword pierced Azmodan's neck coldly!

Rubbed Du Yu's neck.

Du Yu's pupils shrank.

This thunderous momentum is none other than Tian Yulang!
The powerful enemy he had always feared.

In the decisive battle of Azmodan, he was born out of nowhere, adding countless variables to the battle.

Du Yu let out an angry roar, and threw out a life-death talisman.

Although the life and death talisman is not very lethal, it is perfect for controlling the field.

Tian Yulang's eyes were cold, and he pulled out the rapier from Azmodan's neck.

He had been biding his time.

Du Yu fought psychological warfare with him.

Azmodan is the guardian of the third act, and his fall means that the third act will be closed immediately and the points will be counted.

According to the prompt of the main task, Du Yu was sure that this Tian Yulang had no chance to complete any task and get a point.

The points are zero, and once Azmodan falls, he will be immediately wiped out by the space.

This is an iron law that cannot be violated.This means that Tian Yulang must come out!

And must grab Azmodan's first kill.

Holding such obsession, Tian Yulang pierced Azmodan's neck with a sword.

This toad-like demon king was completely furious.

A Du Yu, a Yang Guo, and a Zhang Sanfeng had already beaten him into a rage, so why did another master come out?
Do you really treat yourself as a soft persimmon?

How can I say it is also the demon god of the burning hell?
In Azmodan's rage, a dark hell vortex crazily launched.

Tenyuro's body was covered with a layer of black mist similar to Amakusa Shiro, which was the dark air from Abi Hell.

Two strands of dark air, one large and one small, collided together.

Who can win?
Victory or defeat.

Tian Yulang was sucked into Azmodan's evil spirit, but he was as cunning as a ghost, and immediately made a big move.

Moon Fanghua. Ghost!

After the flash, Tian Yulang dodged immediately, and didn't meet Du Yu and the others at all, so he dodged and hid in the surrounding darkness.

For him, hiding was always more threatening than showing up and fighting.

A sword in the shadows can make Du Yu and others restless, and deter Du Yu and Azmodan to the greatest extent.

Every time Du Yu makes a move, he has to think about two things, one is whether he will encounter a sneak attack, and the other is whether Azmodan will be snatched away by Tian Yulang for the final blow?
It is a great burden on Du Yu to look forward and backward like this.Maybe in front of the seven great demon kings Azmodan, if one is not careful, one mistake will cause eternal hatred, and the halberd will fall into the sand.

This is exactly Tian Yulang's wishful thinking.

But Du Yu is so smart, how can he let him get his wish?
He jumped up, the ladder cloud vertical, suddenly accelerated in the air, and rushed towards the extremely fast Tian Yulang.

"Go away!"

People count as tigers, and tigers count as people.

Du Yu would never let Tian Yulang go easily, leaving this inner city rival in the dark to fight against the wolf pupil team.

Or keep him, fight Azmodan decisively, two-phase consumption, how much better to take advantage of yourself?
Adelia was overjoyed watching Du Yu and Tian Yulang fight fiercely.

Let's fight, let's fight, it's better to fight with both sides, let Azmodan clean up you, and then I will jump out and kill the evil king, take away the soul stone in perfect condition, and revive Diablo!

In order to add fuel and vinegar, she did not hesitate to create a wave of portals.

From the portal, gusts of dark energy burst out, and a large number of high-level monsters from the Burning Hell roared out of the portal, attacking the adventurer who was defeated by Azmodan's group attack skills. those.

die!Come to a feast of death and terror to welcome my master back!
Adria laughed wildly in her heart.

At this moment, the battlefield was in chaos.

Tian Yulang was haunted by black energy and haunted by ghosts. He was fighting fiercely with Du Yu in the sky.

Azmodan roared wildly, constantly launching powerful group attack skills, another lava explosion ball, another dark vortex, another corpse swarm airborne, and a group of demons dancing wildly to call. , deal with him.

Adventurers such as the wolf pupil team must avoid Azmodan's crazy attack while stepping up their output to focus on the demon king. At the same time, they must be careful to deal with a large number of demon monsters rushing behind them, as well as those who shoot from nowhere. The magic cold arrow is also very embarrassing to deal with.

Adria continued to sabotage secretly, trying her best to kill and injure the adventurers.

The battle is getting more and more intense.

Lia was dressed in military uniform, tossing and turning, bow and arrow in her hand without stopping, piercing Azmodan's heart with arrows.Her powerful suit and proficient combat skills made Azmodan feel very painful and kept roaring.

Du Yu saw the demons killing him in the distance, and looked over there with a half-smile.

This glance made Adria's heart palpitate.

Did Du Yu see through his plot?

so what?With this peerless master and Azmodan, even if I want to cause trouble for you later, what can you do to me?
Adria sneered.

Who knows, Du Yu immediately took action!

He grabbed a Nine Yin Acupuncture Technique close to him, restraining Tian Yulang's movements, and then the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu turned over and kicked Tian Yulang towards the mad Azmodan.

The evil king was completely insane, and various powerful skills emerged one after another.The adventurers could no longer suppress the crazy evil king, and retreated into the distance one after another.

Tian Yulang was 1 reluctant, but Du Yu kicked him to the Demon King's side.In a rage, Azmodan, whoever you are, grabbed Tian Yulang.

Tian Yulang snorted coldly, and pierced Azmodan's wrist with a sword.With his inner-city powerhouse skills, even Azmodan on hell difficulty can't stop the magic sword in his hand.

The sword is full of air.

It has to be said that Tian Yulang, who fell into the gilded circle of hell and was resurrected by his lover with his life, is many times stronger than the genius before. No wonder he has the confidence to be alone. The gigantic Sin King fights without losing the slightest bit.

Azmodan's wrist was pierced, and Tian Yulang immediately fell down. The sharp sword of the demon world cut open the belly of the fat Azmodan demon king, and all kinds of black blood gushed out. out.

"Good job!" Du Yu laughed loudly, and turned around to fight back, but instead of attacking Tian Yulang, he slammed his palm on Azmodan's neck.

Team up to siege!

How could Azmodan expect that a pair of enemies who had just been beaten to death turned their guns and aimed at himself at the same time.

And Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, and Shendiao also rushed forward, each showing their magical powers, and forcibly killed Azmodan.

Five strong men who are equivalent to masters in the inner city (can the divine sculpture be counted?) besieged Azmodan together.No matter how strong this guy is, he is only one person. With his strength as the devil king of hell, he still can't stop the joint attack of these five peerless masters.

Tian Yulang's eyes were cold, and he stabbed fiercely into Azmodan's body with every move, but his eyes looked at Du Yu with endless hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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