Chapter 881 There is no lower limit to cheating and abducting! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Just as it was making a mess here, two figures, one east and one west, appeared from a high place, with uncontrollable anger on their faces.

Invincible in the East, Tian Yulang!

The two enemies of the wolf pupil team stared fiercely at Du Yu with angry expressions on their faces.

Dongfang Bubai roared, and stabbed Du Yu with his sword.

Tian Yulang's Demon World Sword also attacked Du Yu unceremoniously.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng raised their eyebrows, they met the enemy one by one, and fought fiercely.

Du Yu waved his hand: "Second brother and third brother, let him come here."

Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang broke through the defense of Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, and rushed forward immediately.

Du Yu just yelled: "Check the rules! If you kill me, you will die!"

Dongfang Bubai's embroidery needle and Tian Yulang's magic sword stayed on Du Yu's eyebrows and vest, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Du Yu's most lethal sentence is naturally that if I die, you will die too.Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang were afraid that what this kid said was true, they had already been scared by Du Budget, so they began to inquire about the rules of space.

The result is that there is no such thing at all.

The two were furious and wanted to kill Du Yu.

Du Yu smiled and said, "Everyone calm down. Calm down. Listen to me."

Dongfang Bubai said coldly: "You are going to challenge Diablo, even if you go by yourself, why drag me?"

Tian Yulang said angrily: "Kill this kid, don't listen to him bewitching people's hearts."

Du Yu shrugged: "If you want to kill, just do it. I will never resist. But I asked you to check the rules."

"There is no record of you in the rules." Wang Xiaorong had sharp teeth, wishing to bite off a piece of Du Yu's flesh.

Du Yu laughed: "Look clearly, the rules say that although it is a reward hidden level, once you choose to enter, you will not be able to leave this level unless you kill Diablo or Marcel. Do you understand what this means? "

"I don't understand." Dongfang Bubai gritted his teeth and said, "I only care about killing you."

Du Yu pouted: "Where's your Qiu Lang? Don't want to go back to the space to save him?"

Dongfang Bubai said angrily: "If you hadn't chosen for me, I would have already returned to space!"

Du Yu said coldly: "I've said it before, the matter has come to an end, it's useless to say anything else!"

He growled: "I have chosen to enter the fourth act for you! It is an unchangeable fact that the Datang team enters the fourth act. You can only go back unless you kill Diablo. This is a fact, understand? You think Kill me? Yes, what about after killing? Who of you is sure that you can kill Diablo who is the incarnation of Adria? Dongfang Invincible? Tian Yulang? Or you Bladeless Team?"

He pointed to them one by one.

Dongfang Bubai, Tian Yulang, Tina, Wang Xiaorong and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's not that they haven't won the command, but the disastrous defeat in the first act has proved that they are absolutely impossible to defeat Diablo.

"But after you did such a hateful thing, do you want to fool around?" Tian Yulang said angrily, and the fierce sword of the demon world forced Du Yu's neck: "I don't care so much, kill you, let's get angry first , let’s talk about how to clean up the mess!”

Du Yu said calmly, "Kill me? Think about your strength first!"

Maishela calmly announced: "My wolf pupil team will all follow Captain Du Yu, enter the supreme heaven of hell difficulty, and hunt down Diablo."

Tina was shocked and said, "I know you have a lot of feelings for Du Yu, but you must know that this is a matter of life and death. Your wolf pupil team blindly obeys him to this extent?"

Michelle shrugged, and glanced at the backbone of the wolf pupil team around her.

Li Tang of the wolf pupil team laughed loudly, and took out the rare shield [Wall of Corpse] that had been replaced with a shotgun.This is a huge shield carved like a crying face.Inscribed on it are the following words: "Named in honor of the Battle of Josquella. The battle was long and brutal, and enough soldiers fell that their bones were used to build fortifications."

This [Wall of Corpse] is a legendary shield. In addition to the outrageous 400 defense value, it also provides a block rate of up to 75%, increases stamina by 100 points, and also comes with an extremely stupid MT attribute: [Bone Shield] : When hit, there will be a 30% chance to be protected by a bone shield, offsetting all damage.This [bone shield] attribute echoes the history of corpses used to build fortifications in the Battle of Josquella.

Li Tang stroked the [Wall of Corpse] with satisfaction, as if stroking the tender body of a beloved woman, and said with a sneer, "You think this is death. But look, how many of your companions have died after three consecutive adventures?" ?”

This question left everyone speechless.

Really, after three acts of adventure, the Datang team only lost 15 adventurers.Among them, the loss at the hands of Dongfang Bubai must also be counted.

Looking at other countries, only one-half, or even one-third of the adventurer teams are sparse, and they have witnessed three bloody scenes of being obliterated. The Datang team brought by Du Yu has never experienced Get over this painful feeling.

Li Tang snorted coldly: "I believe in my captain, even if he wants to hunt down Diablo and go to Burning Hell, I will follow!"

"Very good!" A loud laugh sounded from the side, and the No. [-] captain strode over with his shield on his shoulders. His shield was also replaced by a shotgun, and he got a legendary shield [Westmarch's Guard].This ancient shield adorned with the emblem of the wolf has been scarred and scarred by thousands of battles.King Kirsk gave it to the first commander of the Wesmarch cavalry as the first canon after his coronation.Since then, this shield has accompanied countless elites of the cavalry regiment from birth to death, and successive holders have also regarded it as a medal that symbolizes the highest honor.

The biggest feature of [Westmarch's Guard] is that in addition to its solid defense, every time it encounters an attack, there is a certain chance that it can activate a Wesmarch wolf that can charge, biting the enemy and causing 400% weapon damage.

As the two goalkeepers of the wolf pupil team, Li Tang and the No. [-] captain have become the oblique objects of the team's equipment. Having two legendary shields also makes this guy full of confidence.

"We have six brothers, and we also entered the highest heaven with the boss." Captain No. [-] said triumphantly: "How can you not call me for such a good thing?"

Tina murmured, "You're all crazy."

"Let's add one more of us." A steady voice sounded.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Lampard with all the Shinra adventurers.

The Shinra people also looked helpless.

But there is no way, at this time, I have to bite the bullet and go.

Since it is definitely going to enter the fourth act, the more people who go there, the better.

Seeing internal strife in Datang because of Du Yu's choice, Lampard came out in time to support Du Yu and give everyone a shot in the arm.

"We Shinra people are willing to continue to fight under the leadership of Captain Du Yu."

Not to mention being depressed, Lampard was righteous at this time, like a paladin going out, and gave Du Yu a standard knight's salute.

Tina murmured: "Why are they all vying to die?"

The strong joining of the Shinra people was unexpected by everyone, but it was also extremely impactful.

Sultan Sai Yiwu, who has been watching with cold eyes, smiled slightly.

He had already made up his mind that no matter what, he would not go there.

But at this time, there are more and more teams that are clearly going.

The 85 members of the Datang team, whether they like it or not, can only enter the fourth act even if they kill Du Yu.

The 45 people of Shinra and Captain No. [-] will also enter.

That's 130 people.

The parliamentary state seems to be a little tempted.

But the Sultan would never do anything stupid.

He stood up coldly and was about to leave.

At this moment, suddenly, an electric message came to him.

Even when facing Diablo, he was not so frightened.

Because, the person who sent the message was his mentor, Hussein, the number one expert in the inner city of the council!
Hussein is a middle-aged man with whiskers and a hooked nose. There is a hint of melancholy in his falcon-like deep eyes, which makes him full of personal charm.

"God is above."

"Praise the true God."

Hussein and Sai Yiwu exchanged greetings, and immediately turned to the topic.

"I have received an unquestionable order. You must lead the Sudanese team, and you will not hesitate to enter the highest heaven together to seize the Dark Soul Stone."

"Master, I want to confess to you, I didn't do it well, but it's really difficult here. The first three acts"

"This order comes from Saladin the Great himself." There was a trace of helplessness in Hussein's eagle eyes.

He also knew that his apprentice had worked hard, and Sudan suffered a great loss. Two-thirds of Xingyue Warrior would never come back.

Sai Yiwu's body froze.

If it was the meaning of his teacher Hussein, then he could still argue with reason. In addition, even if he and Yakun obeyed Hussein's order, other people in the Sultanate might not listen, so they could use this as a reason to refuse.

But if it is Saladin's words, it is estimated that in Sudan, no one would dare not listen.

Because he is the supreme ruler of the Sultanate!
Supreme Great Sultan!

The Supreme Being, who gave such an order, is indeed an "unquestionable order" as Master Hussein said.

That means, only compliance.

He stood up, smiled wryly, and walked towards the noisy wolf pupil team.

"Everyone," Sai Yiwu said with a blank expression, "Entering the highest heaven will also count as our share."

The scene quiets down.

Tina and others couldn't believe it. After Shinra, did Sudan come to join in the fun?
What is rhythm?
Now, Dongfang Bubai, Tian Yulang and others also had to think about it.

As Du Yu said, this is the end of the matter and cannot be changed.

The bastard "slipped his hand" and clicked to agree.

To exit, there is no other way except to kill Diablo, or be obliterated.

If there was no hope, Dongfang Bubai, Tian Yulang and others killed Du Yu in order to vent their anger.Fight to the death.

But at this time, Shinra and Sudan successively announced that they would join, which confused everyone who was very dissatisfied with Du Yu.

Du Yu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Sai Yiwu's words, and said to himself, "Catherine, you are the best."

(End of this chapter)

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