Chapter 882 Taobao purchasing agent, the warehouse is full! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Yes, it was Catherine that Du Yu was able to persuade the upper echelons of the Sudan to use coercive orders to pull the Sudanese from Saiwu.

Shinra is broadcasting live, so even if Lampard is afraid of difficulties, Richelieu will be stern, demanding to enter heaven and not allowed to withdraw.

As for Sudan, Du Yu used the same idea.

Incentives are no good, so what about coercion?

I can't threaten it, so what about your boss's threat?

As Shinra's regent queen, Catherine naturally had many communication channels with Sultan Saladin the Great.

Through a few suggestive eyes of Du Yu, Catherine understood what was going on.

This prevention is obviously a lack of cannon fodder, and the teams must be forced to enter the field.

Regardless of whether it is fragrant or stinky, as long as it is an individual, it will be pulled into the fourth act and attack together.

Catherine covered her mouth and smiled.

Others don't know why Du Yu gave Tian Yulang and Dongfang Unbeaten points, but Catherine knows it all.

He wants to continue to use these two strong players, and when dealing with Diablo in the fourth act, he will also squeeze the value of these masters.

Speaking of entering the world, the three inner city powerhouses who opposed Du Yu, the flower demon was used by Du Yu to die when he was a butcher, will Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang also face the same fate?
After receiving Du Yu's request, Catherine just made an international long-distance call with the rulers of the four countries, teased the Sudanese's cowardly performance in the world competitive team battle, and hinted that Empress Dowager Tracy and the Holy See, How much he longed for the Dark Soul Stone, so he hung up the phone.

This is enough to stimulate Saladin the Great.

Although the emperor had a lot of time to manage, it was impossible to take into account a mere team battle, but when he heard that the dark soul stone was about to fall into the hands of the Shenluo people, he paid great attention to it.

I can't get it, but I can't let the enemy get it!
This is the emperor's oral order that Sai Yiwu received.

If it is absolutely necessary, Sai Yiwu thought, destroy the soul stone!

Yes, it is difficult to snatch the soul stone, but is it always easier to destroy the soul stone?

If none of you can get the spirit stone, won't you just complete the task?
So, he also followed Lampard, saying that he would enter together.

Datang 85 people.Shinra 45 people.The Sultanate has 37 people.All will enter the highest heaven.

All eyes are on the parliamentary country.

Du Yu was also helpless.

Other countries can use high pressure from the top to settle these timid adventurers, but the parliamentary country is an exception.This country is composed of a loose parliamentary alliance, and no one can talk about the right to rule, so it is in chaos.

Xiao Hei, Latin Americans, Ah San, how to persuade them to join the war?

Du Yu was silent for a while, and said to Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang: "The only hope for you now is to follow me and continue to fight. After killing Diablo, you will naturally be free. I can take you to the first place. Four Acts, I have the confidence to take you out."

What he said was swearing, but to be honest, in the face of Diablo, who is absolutely sure?

The adventurers of the Tang Dynasty finally calmed down.

Du Yu's move was very cruel, it created a fait accompli and blocked everyone's retreat.

Adventurers in the Tang Dynasty have only two paths to follow.

Either take revenge on Du Yu frantically and besiege him, which may not be able to beat him.

Or continue to take an adventurous journey under the leadership of Du Yu.

The first one is relieved, but irrational.Du Yu's leadership ability has long been deeply rooted, and along with the various benefits of the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty, it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Then you can only choose the second one.

But how can Dongfang Bubai, Tian Yulang, Tina and others be reconciled?
Du Yu smiled indifferently: "Well, I'll take out 10000 points from the team and distribute them to everyone. Everyone can go to the goblin shop to buy some powerful equipment. How about I compensate everyone for their losses?"

With a solution and a step down, if you still refuse to bow your head and be obedient, and honestly give Du Yu a hard time, don't blame Du Yu for being ruthless.

The adventurer of Datang was finally convinced.

Du Yu played both soft and hard ways, so he had no choice but to follow.

Du Yu pursed his lips and smiled: "Okay then, let's go to the Goblin store first, have a good shopping, and arm ourselves first."

After entering the goblin shop, everyone's eyes immediately became straight.

Although there is a goblin shop setting between the two scenes, who has seen so many treasures sold publicly with points as currency, except for the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty?

A green suit costs 3000-10000 points.

A set of green suit blueprints, asking price ranging from 2000-5000.

Even the sky-defying existence of the bright five-star (Radiant Star) is also for sale, asking for [-] points!
As long as you have points, there is nothing you can't do.

Legendary equipment, rare materials, golden equipment, and magic potions are all available.

Everything is all about points.

After arriving here, the adventurers no longer have the desire to return to the bloody city, but their eyes glow with gold, longing for points!
To them, the accumulation of points in the past is just a numerical concept, and the biggest use is not to be obliterated.

But at this time, everyone has an intuitive understanding of the hard currency of points.

It can be exchanged for a variety of powerful equipment and jewelry!

As long as there are only 2000 points, plus various precious materials, it is possible to come up with a green suit that would never be possible to get together.

Points, points.

Adventurers are everywhere looking for someone to borrow points from.

All kinds of exchanges, all kinds of secret negotiations.

Each team, all kinds of big purchases.

Points were squandered.Even odds were bought out.

At this time, the shrewd Myra Xue once again used the intelligence and wisdom of a qualified quartermaster—she chose to do the purchasing business!

Do you know Taobao?Do you know why Taobao can become the largest sales website?

Because Taobao stores can find cheaper sources of goods than ordinary consumers.

The source of goods is cheaper, more stable, and faster, but the core is always lower prices.

The wolf pupil team is Elizabeth, who is known as the "Zhou Ba Pi Buster"!

A legendary woman who can forcibly sell a 7% discount in front of an iron-mouthed copper-toothed goblin merchant!

Is there a stronger bargainer than this?

As a result, Michelle publicly played the banner of 9% off purchasing agent.

The corners of the goblin merchant's mouth twitched, and it naturally recognized how Du Yu and the black-hearted ghosts bargained so viciously that it collapsed.

But the power of money is supreme.

Although there is only a 9% discount, compared to the tens of thousands of total consumption of the adventurer team, this 10% discount is also what the adventurers of each team must pursue.

They tried everything, but to no avail.Wang Xiaorong, who had always been proud of her charm and bargaining power, was even publicly mocked by the rude and vulgar green-skinned dwarf.

The adventurers came to a conclusion.

This is a system store, no discounts possible.

But Michelle told them with practical actions, yes!

After seeing that Michelle could indeed get a discount, the adventurers moved.

As a result, the total consumption of more than 24 points was entrusted to Maishela for purchasing.

And we know that the income of Taobao shopkeepers is very high.Because they can get a lower discount.

Michelle, Elizabeth, and the goblin merchant, spitting stars and flying around, bargaining.

The goblin merchant found sadly that the woman, Elizabeth, seemed to be even more ferocious at this time. Her three-inch tongue was so brilliant that it made her speechless every time.

【The Hypocrisy of the King of Lies】!
Du Yu, with a bowl of water, upgraded Houhou to level 5 and gave Elizabeth a lot of support. He spent a huge amount of villain points to upgrade this A-level skill to level 7. (A-level skill upgrade costs are lower than S-level skills, so the upgrade is higher)
The level 7 skill of the king of lies, combined with Elizabeth's true diplomacy, is enough to impress the goblin merchant.

And the terrifying total purchase of more than 20 points made Elizabeth even more confident.

After being stunned in the end, the Goblin merchant humiliated and signed an ultra-low price of 6% off.

Really diving cabbage price.

And the profit space that the wolf pupil team can get from it is 3%.

24% of the 3 survival points is more than 8 survival points.Even if the wolf pupil team's own points are excluded, the benefits earned are 5 survival points.

Michela had an idea, and the benefits she earned for the Wolf Eyes team were far greater than fighting the world in one scene.

After a handover, the points controlled by the wolf pupil team have a full 11 survival points.

Crazy spending begins.

Green suits, rare equipment, perfect gems, precious materials, and all kinds of good things were sent to the wolf pupil team's warehouse like a sweep.

Of course, everyone has not forgotten to stock up enough supplies for the fourth act of the highest heaven.Michelle generously took 300 potions, enough for the fourth act.

And the link for the next wave of wolf pupils to make a fortune lies with Shan Wanjing.

After a wave of large consumption, the equipment of each team was shotgun and a large number of equipment was replaced.There are also many people who exchanged equipment blueprints.

Then what do they do?
Give the unused equipment to blacksmith Shan Wanjing to break it down into materials, and then buy or exchange some materials to order more powerful equipment.

This time, Shan Wanjing could be busy walking around.

More than 200 adventurers threw out more than 400 pieces of equipment, all of which had to be disassembled.

The wolf pupil team's charge for decomposition is 25% of the decomposition materials.

Another astronomical profit.

Du Yu and Mai Shela looked at the hundreds of rare materials that Shan Wanjing decomposed and threw into the team space, piled up like a mountain, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Are we being too black-hearted?" Du Yu couldn't help but complain.

"No one thinks that they have a lot of food surplus at home." Maishela revealed the nature of a profiteer, and said with a smile: "These materials are enough for Shan Wanjing to create more than a dozen sets of suits according to the green blueprints. After our wolf pupil team's world adventure this time, , the strength will be greatly increased!"

Du Yu nodded.

This is not bad.

Although a few people of the wolf pupil team were unfortunately killed in this perilous adventure, compared with the losses, the huge gains in the world this time will allow the wolf pupil team to become the real overlord of the outer city of Datang after they return!
Steady overlord.

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(End of this chapter)

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