Chapter 883 Final Chapter!High heaven! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
So far in this world, the overall income of the wolf pupil team has exceeded 5 pieces of legendary equipment, 20 sets of green suits, and more than [-] pieces of golden equipment!
Intensive and arduous battles allow everyone to become more proficient and upgrade their skills.

This is progress.

Du Yu maximized the use of various resources and advantages, integrated the strength of adventurers from the four countries, and while advancing towards the Dark Soul Stone, he quietly trained his team and retained his strength.

After a series of renovations, the teams are assembled again.

Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang still stared at Du Yu with cold faces.

If they didn't know by now that they were cheated by Du Yu, then they would really have wronged the two inner city powerhouses.

But so what?
They wanted to kill Du Yu, but they couldn't do it now.

If you want to turn your head and walk away, you must also be wary of space obliteration.

Is it just like this being used by Du Yu?

Du Yu walked towards the two with a smile, and said leisurely, "You two masters, I know you want to kill me, but this is the end, why don't you all cooperate and go to heaven together, how about killing Diablo?" ?”

"Isn't it you who get the most benefits?" Dongfang Bubai said coldly.

Tian Yulang said sharply: "Don't think I don't know, what you want is the dark soul stone!"

Du Yu shrugged: "Since you guessed it, I have nothing to hide. Yes, what I want is the Dark Soul Stone. In fact, what the Shinra people and the Sudanese want is also this thing. And this thing is very important to you. The two inner-city powerhouses are also very attractive, right?"

Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang looked at each other.

More than attractive?

Like Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang, two dark-type powerhouses, the attraction of this dark soul stone is really extraordinary.

Especially Tian Yulang, as a swordsman who has absorbed the magic energy from the monsters in the underworld and has grown up to this day, the powerful dark power in this dark soul stone makes him addicted to power simply unable to stop, and has been secretly spying and coveting this good thing.

But Du Yu has always guarded him closely and never had a chance to get the phone. Now, Adria pierced his forehead and brought him to the highest heaven.

Get this thing, you may directly break through the inner city!
This is the result of Tian Yulang's assessment.

And Dongfang Bubai didn't have anything to do with the dark soul stone, but since so many big shots wanted it, he didn't mind grabbing it.

Du Yu grinned and said, "Why don't we all cooperate, and who will win in the end? It all depends on strength, how about it?"

He reached out to shake hands with both of them.

Dongfang Bubai snorted coldly, Tian Yulang exchanged a cold look with Du Yu, turned his head and walked away at the same time.

"Boy, let's wait and see."

Du Yu raised his eyebrows.

The two finally agreed to work together temporarily.

Speaking of which, the cooperation foundation of this alliance is really fragile compared with the mandatory plots in the first three acts.Shenluo and the Sudanese all have different aspirations, while Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang covet the treasure. Can Du Yu snatch the Dark Soul Stone?

Du Yu smiled calmly and walked towards the team.

He never doubted himself.

As long as these guys are willing to cooperate, Du Yu is not afraid that they can take advantage of him.

Although Caesar and other program apes eventually ran out of energy due to several shots and were unable to help themselves, but when it comes to intellectual warfare, Du Yu is very confident.

Let's see, who can play well?

Indra walked up to Du Yu and said with a wry smile, "My good friend, our cooperation can only go so far. We don't intend to enter the fourth act."

Du Yu knew that Indra's character was cautious, and she couldn't be fooled easily, so he nodded and hugged Indra.

Speaking of which, the two are destined to each other. After several cooperations, everyone has a good friendship.

Before Du Yu showed regret, he saw Zulu and Toledo approaching.

In the goblin store, the two exchanged the rich points of the parliamentary country for a whole body of new powerful equipment. At this time, the golden light is shining, and it looks all kinds of tall.

"But his decision can only represent the three of you." Zulu said carelessly: "Fearless African fighters will not be frightened by Diablo."

Toledo had a sinister smile on his face: "Wealth and wealth are in danger. You can get so many good things here, how can you let them go so easily?"

Indra shook her head.Since the two of them cooperated with Du Yu, their losses have been greatly reduced. At this moment, under Du Yu's intentional or unconscious guidance, they rushed into the store to spend a lot. They just saw the dazzling array of good things and bought a whole body of top-quality products. This is the time when their greed is at its peak. .

You only saw thieves eating meat, why didn't you see thieves being beaten?

Who was the one who cried out in agony when dealing with several great demon gods and swore to the death to get out of this ghostly place as soon as possible?

But as a strong parliamentary team, Indra will naturally not remind these two potential competitors how insidious Du Yu is.

He actually thought to himself that it would be best if Du Yu wiped out these two guys.He can dominate the foreign city of the parliament.

In this way, although the parliamentary country has gone one-third of the way, there are still more than 20 adventurers left to fight side by side with Du Yu.

So far, Du Yu has used various means to cheat, coerce and lure, leaving 202 of the 190 adventurers, voluntarily or forced to enter the fourth act with him.

But Du Yu couldn't help it.

Hell difficulty has already been seen, it is really not a difficulty that adventurers in the outer city can bear.

If the number of adventurers is too small, do you want to kill Diablo?Just the little soldiers and the little boss in front are enough to beat him to his knees.

Fortunately, Du Yu still has 190 adventurers. This hole card seems to be less than the lineup of 400 adventurers who just came up, but the combat power is only strong but not weak!
Because these are the elites who have survived a hundred battles, and through fighting and inheritance, they have accumulated amazing wealth, and their bodies are covered with gold-based top-grade equipment!

And after a long period of running-in, these adventurers are more cooperative and intimate, and can fully adapt to the difficulty of hell.

And Du Yu has another important hole card - the beauty team that has never suffered a major loss.

A flash of light flashed, and 190 adventurers were teleported to the last scene.

High heaven.

When everyone opened their eyes, the scene they saw was shocking.

"This is the highest heaven?" The adventurer of the Holy See of Shinra looked surprised.

This is an astonishingly magnificent building, resplendent and resplendent, full of snow-white marble, clear crystal, circular carved arch columns, golden domes, angel sculptures, clear fountains, beautiful fragrance in the air, and faint chant

Everything is as beautiful as a fairy tale.

But there's just one problem.

That is, all the good things are trampled by people!

There are traces of devastated battles everywhere.

Marbles cracked, crystals shattered, arches collapsed, domes were pierced, angel statues were shattered, and fountains gurgled and overturned.

What's more, there are shocking broken corpses.

Angel's corpse.

Fluorescent snow-white wings, soaked in the angel's golden blood, weakly covered the frail body.

Most of these angels died with indelible horror expressions on their faces, as if they were suddenly attacked by someone and saw a frightening picture.

Urum walked along the shiny marble floor to a collapsed stone pillar, kicked the corpse of a female angel, turned his head and smiled contemptuously: "This is what you rely on? Lampard?"

His uncontrollable anger suddenly burst out: "You told me that in the highest heaven, there are angels who are inclined to our Shinra, so I came here with you. What is there now? Some are angels! But they are all dead !"

This furious black man couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, and a series of cursing has already blurted out.

Shinra's Lampard's face sank like water. Obviously, even though he knew the plot, he didn't expect Heaven to be breached so soon. Such a tragic scene shocked the people of Shinra.

Unexpectedly, after being kicked by the black man, the female angel woke up with a groan of pain.

It turned out to be a dying angel.

Everyone was shocked and rushed to ask.

Lampard performed a healing technique on the female angel, but found it was useless.

When the female angel saw the crusader badge on Lampard and the others, a trace of relief flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she trembled, "It's useless, knight. I'm dying. We were attacked by Diablo! Everything There was no sign, he seemed to jump out of the void and start killing in the highest heaven."

"Where is she now?" Lampard asked eagerly.

"Go straight to the crystal arch!" The female angel returned to the light and pointed to the highest point of the highest heaven.

The Supreme Paradise is a group of floating islands floating in the clouds.There are a large number of resplendent and magnificent buildings on each floating island.

The crystal arch, just like the meaning of the World Stone to human beings, is the symbol of the plane of the highest heaven. Once this arch is destroyed, the highest heaven will lose its place of dependence, drifting disorderly in the turbulence of space, and can no longer threaten to the burning hell.

Everyone looked up at the highest point of the highest heaven, right there, the roar of heaven and the light of fierce battle were constantly heard.

"It's our leader, the angel of courage Imprius." The female angel struggled to get up: "Still in the crystal arch, fighting the invading Diablo. We must help him"

As she spoke, she had lost consciousness and fell into a pool of golden blood.

"Welcome to the fourth act." The space prompt sounded coldly.

"Adventurers, with great courage, you overcame the fatigue of three consecutive conquests and the fear brought by Diablo, and came to this place of final battle. The space will not disappoint your courage, it will definitely Give corresponding compensation. But the premise is that you must defeat Diablo." The space prompt sounded again.

"The main task of the fourth act is: [The Fall of the Supreme Heaven], kill the demon general Iscartu, and his minions for 24500 points, [Light of Hope] Hope Garden finds the library of destiny, kill the demon general Laka North, 16000 bonus points, find the entrance of the crystal arch, 20000 bonus points, [Under the Spire], save the brave angel Imprius, 18000 bonus points. [The Root of All Evil], kill the fallen angel Izual, and get 20000 bonus points 50000, kill Diablo, reward points [-]."

(End of this chapter)

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