Chapter 884 God Raises?The Holy See's next move? - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
"There are no random tasks in this act."

"The supreme heaven, has it been destroyed like this?"

With a sad tone, Tyrell stepped into heaven step by step.

The blue holy flame sword in his hand, which was repaired by Kane, has recovered all its divine power, and in the hands of the archangel, it emits an unstoppable sacred light.

"Why is our heaven destroyed so far?" Tyrell burst into anger on his resolute face: "Angel of Courage Imprius, Angel of Destiny Israel, Angel of Hope Oliel, Angel of Wisdom Marthael, these What are members of the Angelis Committee doing? Could it be that a Diablo who rushed in couldn't be stopped?"

Tyrell was furious.

But he quickly regained his composure: "Judging from the fierceness of the battle, this Diablo is not fighting alone. It seems that it has already gathered a powerful army to invade heaven. Heroes, let's start the conquest without further delay. The goal is Crystal pillars, Diablo must not be allowed to succeed."

Du Yu nodded.Lampard even leaned closer, muttering something to Tyrell.

Shan Wanjing and Shen Laotan, as a supply team, also appeared at the Diamond Gate of the Supreme Heaven, forming a simple supply point.

Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop has been upgraded to level 8, which can be called the highest level of Diablo, but I don't know if the plot world can be improved to a higher level.This is the fourth act of hell difficulty, killing monsters has a high chance of dropping the forging page.There is a good chance that blacksmiths can further improve their skills.

Covetous Shen greeted Du Yu with a smile on his face. There was no way he could do it. Du Yu was the only client he had—this guy used all kinds of cunning methods to monopolize all the gems of adventurers from the four countries.Covetous Shen can only accept his deal.

The Sudanese looked coldly at Lampard and Anakin who kept chatting beside Angel of Courage.

When it comes to the right time and place, there is no doubt that Shinra is the most proud.

The angels here are all in the same group as them.When my family sees my family, everything is pleasing to the eye.

No, I don’t know what to say, but Tyrell, the angel of courage, actually handed Lampard a glow.The blue fluorescence couldn't see clearly what was inside, but from Lampard's grinning expression from ear to ear, it can be concluded that it must be something good.

Could this be the backhand of the Shinra people?
Du Yu was also watching with cold eyes.

Lampard walked back swaggeringly, coughed and said, "That's right, I got the Order of Courage from the Angelis Committee from Tyrell, the Angel of Courage!"

"This blue light?" Myshea asked.

Anakin smiled, looking down on the world and pointing out the country: "You probably don't know that in the highest heaven, it is the Angelis Committee that issues orders. This committee is fixedly composed of five high-ranking and highly prestigious grandmasters. Composed of angels. Every important decision of the high heaven is made by the committee. At this time, Diablo invaded massively, and the high heaven was caught off guard. Although Tyrael was expelled by Imprius. But the fact that Diablo invaded proved that pride The arrogant Imprius is not suitable to lead the heavens, and there should be many angels who are dissatisfied with him. With this order of courage, we can collect angels along the way and use them for me!"

This time, everyone was shocked.

Can Shinra people command angels?
Is this too overbearing?

It's not scientific at all.

Any angel, pulling it out is not to be underestimated.

On the contrary, Lampard glared at Anakin, and said calmly: "It's not as exaggerated as he said. After Tyrell was expelled from heaven, his influence has been greatly reduced. How many angels are willing to accept him?" The order is really doubtful. We can only say that this is a good thing, let's wait and see."

He took the lead and walked to the front hall of the Holy Light.

Although Lampard's manner is humble and restrained, the domineering spirit of the Shinra people has been revealed at this time.

Our Eastern City in the second act and the top of Arreat in the third act are indeed down and out, but in the highest heaven, this is our territory!

They are like masters, guiding the team of adventurers along the way.

Michelle said to Du Yu: "These guys from the Western Church, when they come to the Supreme Heaven, it's like entering their own home. I think Lampard and the others are determined to make trouble."

Du Yu nodded.He considered the benefit of the Supreme Heaven to Shinra, but he didn't expect that Lampard would remain calm and his relationship with Tyrell would progress to this point.

The order of courage can almost change the strength evaluation of a team.

The door of the front hall of the Holy Light was opened, and the Shinra people formed a dense formation and charged in.

What I saw head-on was not a group of powerful monsters, but the angel of fate, Yseril, who was also a member of the Angris Committee.He is responsible for recording past and future events in scrolls of fate.

After seeing the adventurers rushing in, the angel of fate, Iserrael, said: "Heroes, my prediction is that the highest heaven, this fall will be stopped by no one, but your names are not in the scroll of fate! Say, your fate is unknown."

The Angel of Destiny Yizrael continued: "I see hope in you, and I have a task for you. Please rescue my brother, Angel of Hope Aurier. He is in the hands of Lakanos, the King of Despair. Up, imprisoned in the Fate Library."

The first main mission was triggered.

The Angel of Destiny has been shrouded in a large burqa, and his face cannot be seen clearly, but Du Yu feels that this Angel of Destiny does not seem to value the life and death of heaven, hell, and the world.He is only interested in fate. He is a loyal bystander and recorder, but he will not easily get involved in battles.

For example, now, big brother, your hometown has been invaded by the demon army, killing blood into rivers, why are you still here, watching and recording the scroll of fate with cold eyes?
The adventurers complained wildly in their hearts.

But the angel of fate refused to speak again, and everyone had to move on.

The way forward.

On the way, he constantly encountered various powerful demons and attacked them one after another.

This time, those who followed Diablo and entered the highest heaven were all the elites of the Burning Hell.Pink monsters are normal here, and golden monsters abound.

But what Du Yu pays most attention to is still within the team.

He hadn't forgotten that the team composition in the fourth act was quite different from the previous ones.

In the past, everyone came here for the points, the purpose was pure, and there were not many conflicts. It was nothing more than a distribution problem of who has more and who has less.

But at this time, Shinra and Sultan were all tricked in by him, and their goals were highly conflicting with Du Yu—they were all dark soul stones.

This means that the basis for cooperation between several parties is very fragile.Once one side is too powerful, it will definitely abandon other allies and swallow the dark soul stone alone.Even if everyone can cooperate to the end, after defeating Diablo, they will inevitably fight each other because of the dark soul stone.

After Lampard got the Order of Courage, he was actually very hateful.Both Sudan and Datang were worried about him.The parliamentary state was also terrified.

Michelle looked around, saw Lampard leading the way ahead, and then at the Sudanese and parliamentarians on the right, feeling emotional.

These allies who joined forces all the way, will eventually be killed to the point of bloodshed?
Although these foreign adventurers can't be called brothers, they are still acquaintances. It is impossible for them to take risks all the way without socializing.

For a dark soul stone, is it really worth it?

She looked at Du Yu.

Du Yu's face, under the gloomy light of the Supreme Heaven, looked a little blurry.

But presumably his mind is running at high speed, calculating how to use and repel competitors such as Shinra and Sultan, and finally dominate the Dark Soul Stone, right?
Mai Shela sighed, she was really not suitable to be the captain, and the specific job of the vice captain was more suitable for her.The key problem is that I am not ruthless enough.

The number and quality of demons encountered on the road have been greatly improved.The line of defense that once hit Di Shenluo and the wolf pupil team was in jeopardy.

However, the quality and equipment of the adventurers who can reach the fourth act are completely different from those in the past. After a short period of discomfort, they immediately adjusted their formation, increased support, piled up blood bottles, strengthened detours and long-distance, and soon The adventurers adapted to the difficulty of the high heaven.

Du Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

What he is most afraid of is that the number of adventurers is too small, and the defense and output are not enough.

Fortunately, after all kinds of tricks and abductions, the main force of adventurers followed him into the highest heaven. Although they seem to be in harmony with each other and have different aspirations, they have a complete lineup and strong firepower after all.

After a period of running-in, at least in the case of encountering a large number of monsters, the adventurers can resist and fight back firmly.

Although the high-level legendary monsters and elite monsters kept tearing through the line of defense, causing serious injuries or even dying to the adventurers, with the support of the whole team, they survived without any danger.The seriously injured adventurers were sent to the rear to receive care and rescue from the medical teams.

As long as it works, adventurers can continue to grow.

During the fierce battle in the front hall of the Holy Light, you can also see many angels, relying on the geographical advantages of heaven, to fight fiercely with the invading demons.

The order of courage in Lampard's hands has indeed aroused the exclamation and attention of many angels.

But that's about it.

After Tyrell and Imprius had a head-on conflict over how to treat humans, Tyrell himself gave up his identity as an angel and was willing to fall into the world to help humans.He has been removed from Prius.

Therefore, the effectiveness of the Order of Courage is not as ideal as everyone estimated.Many angels in the fierce battle automatically chose to ignore.

The Sudanese began to chuckle.

But Lampard decisively tore open a dark golden scroll.

A strong holy light emanated from him.

Now, among the angels in the fierce battle, someone finally moved.

An angel wearing holy armor flapped its wings and flew over, majestically speaking in a magnetic baritone voice: "Knight, it is obvious. You are a servant of God. I am willing to join you and guide you to victory."

Lampard winked at Anakin and smiled.

Everyone was shocked.

"Is this the trick the Holy See of Shinra left for their adventurers?" Michelle's eyelids twitched.

(End of this chapter)

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